Coursera Courses

Sequences, Time Series and Prediction (Coursera)

If you are a software developer who wants to build scalable AI-powered algorithms, you need to understand how to use the tools to build them. This Specialization will teach you best practices for using TensorFlow, a popular open-source framework for machine learning. In this fourth course, you will learn how to build time series models in TensorFlow. You’ll first implement best practices to prepare time series data. You’ll also explore how RNNs and 1D ConvNets can be used for prediction. Finall

Ser más creativos (Coursera)

¡Claro que todos podemos potenciar nuestra creatividad a través de procedimientos, rutinas y protocolos sencillos! En este curso UNAM, el participante desarrollará su talento creativo para aportar soluciones originales y generar ideas y productos en el ámbito en que se desenvuelve y en la vida cotidiana.

Serious Gaming (Coursera)

Have you ever wondered how playing games can help us to train people, deal with societal challenges or raise awareness of contemporary social issues? In this MOOC you will learn the ins and outs of games that are designed with exactly those purposes in mind: serious games. We will define serious games and discuss the different types that have been developed. We will explain why people like to play them and what impact they may have. State of the art theories from game studies, philosophy an

Server side JavaScript with Node.js (Coursera)

Have you ever wondered how you are able to do net banking or book a ticket online? Which technology is adopted for applications used in different businesses? Backend technology acts as a backbone to every web application. It typically includes all services, data interfaces and their core business logic. This course will introduce you to the Node.js environment and help you design and develop backend or server-side of the application. It also provides you with hands on coding exercises and will

Serverless Data Analysis with Google BigQuery and Cloud Dataflow em Português Brasileiro (Coursera)

Este curso rápido sob demanda tem uma semana de duração e é baseado no Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals. Por meio de apresentações com instrutores, demonstrações e laboratórios práticos, os alunos aprenderão a executar armazenamento de dados, análise e processamento de pipeline em um ambiente autônomo. Pré-requisitos: • Noções básicas de Big Data e Machine Learning do Google Cloud Platform • Experiência no uso de uma linguagem de consulta semelhante a SQL par

Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines (Coursera)

In this second installment of the Dataflow course series, we are going to be diving deeper on developing pipelines using the Beam SDK. We start with a review of Apache Beam concepts. Next, we discuss processing streaming data using windows, watermarks and triggers. We then cover options for sources and sinks in your pipelines, schemas to express your structured data, and how to do stateful transformations using State and Timer APIs. We move onto reviewing best practices that help maximize your p

Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations (Coursera)

This course is part 1 of a 3-course series on Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow. In this first course, we start with a refresher of what Apache Beam is and its relationship with Dataflow. Next, we talk about the Apache Beam vision and the benefits of the Beam Portability framework. The Beam Portability framework achieves the vision that a developer can use their favorite programming language with their preferred execution backend. We then show you how Dataflow allows you to separate compu

Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Operations (Coursera)

In the last installment of the Dataflow course series, we will introduce the components of the Dataflow operational model. We will examine tools and techniques for troubleshooting and optimizing pipeline performance. We will then review testing, deployment, and reliability best practices for Dataflow pipelines. We will conclude with a review of Templates, which makes it easy to scale Dataflow pipelines to organizations with hundreds of users. These lessons will help ensure that your data platfor

Serverless Machine Learning with Tensorflow on Google Cloud em Português Brasileiro (Coursera)

Este curso intensivo sob demanda de quatro dias oferece aos participantes uma introdução sobre como projetar e criar sistemas de machine learning no Google Cloud Platform. Por meio de apresentações, demonstrações e laboratórios práticos, os participantes aprenderão os conceitos de machine learning (ML) e do TensorFlow, além de habilidades de desenvolvimento, avaliação e produção de modelos de ML. OBJETIVOS Neste curso, os participantes aprenderão as seguintes habilidades: ● Identificar

Service Transformed: Lessons in U.S. Veteran Centered Care (Coursera)

Improving health care for veterans has become a matter of national attention and has gained increasing attention from the medical community. With the current surge of veterans reintegrating into civilian society it is critical to improve the training of the next cadre of providers who will provide care for our veterans. It is widely known that veterans receive care in all aspects of the health system, thus providers in veteran focused care facilities, military health serves and civilian local

Service-Oriented Architecture (Coursera)

Based on an understanding of architectural styles, you will review architectures for web applications, then explore the basics of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) in two approaches: Web Services (WS*) and Representational State Transfer (REST) architecture. In the Capstone Project you will connect a Java-based Android application with Elasticsearch, a web service with a REST application programmer interface (API). After completing this course, you will be able to: • Describe SOA (Service-

Serviços de infraestruturas e administração de sistemas (Coursera)

Este curso vai fazer a transição do trabalho num único computador para uma frota inteira. A administração de sistemas é o campo das TI responsável por manter sistemas de computadores fiáveis num ambiente multiutilizador. Neste curso, vai saber mais sobre os serviços de infraestruturas que mantêm todas as entidades, sejam grandes ou pequenas, a funcionar. Vamos analisar detalhadamente a nuvem para que compreenda tudo, desde configurações de infraestruturas na nuvem habituais até saber como gerir

Sesenta años de inteligencia artificial (Coursera)

En este curso, ofrecido por la UNAM, cubriremos el pasado, presente y futuro de la inteligencia artificial. También mencionaremos los conceptos más importantes que serán útiles en el resto del programa especializado. Discutiremos las implicaciones sociales, éticas y filosóficas de los desarrollos en inteligencia artificial.

Setting Expectations & Assessing Performance Issues (Coursera)

If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there. One of the most important roles of a manager is to ensure everyone knows the destination. The most effective managers set expectations and assess their employees’ performance against those expectations, and take a coaching approach to helping them get to the destination. That’s exactly what you’ll learn to do in this course! You will explore how to collaboratively develop expectations with those you lead. When you encounter ex

Setting the Stage for Success: An Eye on Safety Culture and Teamwork (Patient Safety II) (Coursera)

Safety culture is a facet of organizational culture that captures attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, and values about safety. A culture of safety is essential in high reliability organizations and is a critical mechanism for the delivery of safe and high-quality care. It requires a strong commitment from leadership and staff. In this course, a safe culture is promoted through the use of identifying and reporting patient safety hazards, accountability and transparency, involvement with patients

Severe to Profound Intellectual Disability: Circles of Care and Education (Coursera)

This course is about caring for and educating children (and youth) with severe to profound intellectual disability. We use the idea of 'circles' to position the child at the center of the many levels of support needed. Around the child are circles of care and education - such as the parents, family, friends, caregivers, educators, health care workers, and others such as neighbors, business owners, and community members. Each one has an important role to play in the life of a person with an intel

Sexing the Canvas: Art and Gender (Coursera)

What do paintings tell us about sex? How is art gendered? In this course we will study some of the world’s most beloved pictures guided by expert curators and art historians who step outside of the square, bringing a gendered reading to the masterpieces contained in the magnificent collections that we have been lucky enough to bring to the Coursera platform. In this course you will learn how: * Gender and sexuality is an integral part of the production and reception of works of art * To incre

Sexualidad y educación (Coursera)

La mayor parte de las personas tenemos inquietudes sobre cómo, cuándo y para qué educar a niñas, niños, jóvenes y adultos acerca de la sexualidad. Ya sea como madres, padres, cuidadores, profesores, profesionales de la salud, interesados en los medios de comunicación o en el tema de la sexualidad, con frecuencia nos planteamos preguntas como las siguientes: ¿Para qué educar sobre sexualidad, si existe abundante información al respecto? ¿La educación de la sexualidad debería brindarla la familia

Sexualidad...mucho más que sexo (Coursera)

La mayoría de las personas, en algún momento de la vida, hemos experimentado inseguridad para hablar acerca de sexualidad con niñas, niños, estudiantes, pareja o colegas. Al finalizar este curso serás capaz de hablar de la sexualidad de manera clara, directa, usando información actualizada y sin sentimientos de vergüenza. Además, podrás diferenciar la sexualidad de los conceptos de sexo, género, orientación sexual y genitalidad. También describirás con seguridad los procesos biológicos, psicoló

Shaping Urban Futures (Coursera)

If we are to make sense of the future of humanity, we must understand the future of the city. For some scholars the 21st century globe will see the most significant change of human history - the move of most of the world to live in cities - a planetary urbanism that has changed the way we live globally, the way we organise ourselves economically and the impact humanity has on our environment in an age that we consequently now describe as the Anthropocene. Most of the urban growth on the planet

Shaping Your Professional Brand (Coursera)

You've thought about who you are and how you want your career to be. You have some soft skills to deal with situations that could cause problems. What about the team around you? How do you build functional and constructive professional relationships? How can you add value? What do employers look for when they are promoting? Skill-building in this course will include asking questions, listening, developing likeability (you’d better be stellar if you’re difficult), identifying cognitive bias, apo

Share Data Through the Art of Visualization (Coursera)

This is the sixth course in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. You’ll learn how to visualize and present your data findings as you complete the data analysis process. This course will show you how data visualizations, such as visual dashboards, can help bring your data to life. You’ll also explore Tableau, a data visualization platform that will help you create effective visualizations for your presentations. Current Google data analysts will continue to instruct and provide you with hands-o

Sharpened Visions: A Poetry Workshop (Coursera)

Why just write poems when you can write better ones? This course is built on the notion that the most exciting writing begins after the first draft. It is specifically for folks who believe that writing poems just to express oneself is like using the Internet just for email. After all, poetry can change the way you and your readers think of the world and its inhabitants; it can break new ground for language; turn a blank sheet of paper into a teeming concert of voices and music. Though any of u

Shortest Paths Revisited, NP-Complete Problems and What To Do About Them (Coursera)

The primary topics in this part of the specialization are: shortest paths (Bellman-Ford, Floyd-Warshall, Johnson), NP-completeness and what it means for the algorithm designer, and strategies for coping with computationally intractable problems (analysis of heuristics, local search).

Silicon Thin Film Solar Cells (Coursera)

This course consists of a general presentation of solar cells based on silicon thin films. It is the third MOOC of the photovoltaic series of Ecole polytechnique on Coursera. The general aspects of the photovoltaic field are treated in "Photovoltaic Solar Energy". And the detailed description of the crystalline silicon solar cells can be found in "Physics of Silicon Solar Cells". After a brief presentation of solar cells operation, thin film semiconductors are described here. The general prop

Simple Past Tense (Coursera)

In this course, “Simple Past Tense,” you will learn how to form and use the simple past. You will see that there are a lot of irregular verbs in the simple past, but there are some patterns you can use to help you remember. You will learn about spelling changes when you add an “-ed” ending, as well as how to form negatives and questions in the past. You will also learn about object pronouns and some other forms of adjectives to describe and make comparisons.

Simple Regression Analysis in Public Health (Coursera)

Biostatistics is the application of statistical reasoning to the life sciences, and it's the key to unlocking the data gathered by researchers and the evidence presented in the scientific public health literature. In this course, we'll focus on the use of simple regression methods to determine the relationship between an outcome of interest and a single predictor via a linear equation. Along the way, you'll be introduced to a variety of methods, and you'll practice interpreting data and performi

Simulación en ciencias de la salud (Coursera)

En este curso aprenderás a diseñar actividades por simulación en el contexto de la salud para desarrollar y evaluar habilidades psicomotrices para el diagnóstico, tratamiento y prevención en el manejo integral del paciente. Aprenderás como tomar decisiones y plantear la solución de problemas clínicos.

Simulation Analysis for Mechanical Engineers with Autodesk Fusion 360 (Coursera)

The foundation of engineering design is often coupled with validation. Simulation is a great tool that allows engineers to test, validate, and modify designs before they become a physical prototype. When used early in the process for simulation driven design and throughout the development process, simulation can help drive the design, make informed design decisions, speed up time to production, and most importantly, identify and eliminate costly design mistakes. Like any other tool though, it

Simulation and modeling of natural processes (Coursera)

This course gives you an introduction to modeling methods and simulation tools for a wide range of natural phenomena. The different methodologies that will be presented here can be applied to very wide range of topics such as fluid motion, stellar dynamics, population evolution, ... This course does not intend to go deeply into any numerical method or process and does not provide any recipe for the resolution of a particular problem. It is rather a basic guideline towards different methodologies

Simulation Models for Decision Making (Coursera)

This course is primarily aimed at third- and fourth-year undergraduate students or graduate students interested in learning simulation techniques to solve business problems. The course will introduce you to take everyday and complex business problems that have no one correct answer due to uncertainties that exist in business environments. Simulation modeling allows us to explore various outcomes and protect personal or business interests against unwanted outcomes. We can model uncertainties

Simulation Skills: This is Your Brain on the Future (Coursera)

Do you want to learn how to simulate the future more creatively and more effectively? This course is for you. Humans are the only living creatures with the ability to think about and make plans for the long- term future. Even so, our brains don’t always make it easy. Over the past decade, scientists have discovered a number of neurological “road blocks” to effective futures thinking. These glitches in the brain make it harder for us to accurately predict how we’ll feel and what we’re likely to

Simulation, Algorithm Analysis, and Pointers (Coursera)

This course is the fourth and final course in the specialization exploring both computational thinking and beginning C programming. Rather than trying to define computational thinking, we’ll just say it’s a problem-solving process that includes lots of different components. Most people have a better understanding of what beginning C programming means! This course assumes you have the prerequisite knowledge from the previous three courses in the specialization. You should make sure you have that

Singing Popular Music (Coursera)

You've been studying the greats, working on improving your vocal skills, and building vocal technique. Now it's time to take the next step in your singing career to shine as a vocalist. Singing Popular Music provides you with the essential skills to define your own unique vocal style and sing healthfully. The course begins with devices to support and alter your sound including vowel quality, tone production, and breathing techniques. From there, you will learn how to use techniques like mix voic

Single Page Web Applications with AngularJS (Coursera)

Do you want to write powerful, maintainable, and testable front end applications faster and with less code? Then consider joining this course to gain skills in one of the most popular Single Page Application (SPA) frameworks today, AngularJS. Developed and backed by Google, AngularJS is a very marketable skill to acquire. In this course, we will explore the core design of AngularJS 1.x (latest version of AngularJS 1), its components and code organization techniques. We will enhance the function

Single Variable Calculus (Coursera)

Calculus is one of the grandest achievements of human thought, explaining everything from planetary orbits to the optimal size of a city to the periodicity of a heartbeat. This brisk course covers the core ideas of single-variable Calculus with emphases on conceptual understanding and applications. The course is ideal for students beginning in the engineering, physical, and social sciences. Distinguishing features of the course include: 1) the introduction and use of Taylor series and approximat

Sistem Operasi dan Anda: Menjadi Pengguna yang Berdaya (Coursera)

Dalam materi ini — melalui kombinasi pembelajaran melalui video, demonstrasi, dan praktik langsung — Anda akan belajar tentang komponen utama sistem operasi dan cara melakukan sejumlah tugas penting seperti mengelola perangkat lunak dan pengguna, serta mengonfigurasi perangkat keras. Pada akhir materi ini, Anda akan mampu : ● menavigasi sistem file Windows dan Linux menggunakan graphical user interface dan command line interpreter ● menyiapkan pengguna, kelompok, dan izin untuk akses akun ● me

Sistemas difusos (Coursera)

Los sistemas difusos permiten efectuar cálculos cuando hay información con incertidumbre, o cuando se debe combinar información tanto cuantitativa como cualitativa. Se trata de una aproximación matemática para modelar esas situaciones. Este curso está diseñado para ayudar a entender y explicar cómo funcionan dichos sistemas. El curso tiene una aproximación teórica y práctica. Los principios matemáticos son de un nivel bajo y están al alcance de un público muy amplio. El curso cuenta con varios

Sistemas Digitales: De las puertas lógicas al procesador (Coursera)

En este curso aprenderemos los fundamentos del diseño de los circuitos digitales actuales, siguiendo una orientación eminentemente práctica. A diferencia de otros cursos más "clásicos" de Circuitos Digitales, nuestro interés se centrará más en el Sistema que en la Electrónica que lo sustenta. Este enfoque nos permitirá sentar las bases del diseño de Sistemas Digitales complejos. Se trata de un curso muy adecuado para estudiantes de primeros cursos de carreras de Ingenierías cercanas a las TIC

Sistemas Operacionais e Você: Tornando-se um Usuário Avançado (Coursera)

Neste curso – com uma combinação de palestras em vídeo, demonstrações e atividades práticas – você conhecerá os principais componentes de um sistema operacional e verá como executar tarefas críticas, como gerenciamento de software e usuários, e configuração de hardware. Vamos terminar com um exemplo de como esse conteúdo pode acabar surgindo em uma entrevista. Até o fim deste curso, você conseguirá: ● navegar pelos sistemas de arquivos do Windows e do Linux usando uma interface gráfica do usuár

Sistemas operativos y tú: Convertirse en un usuario avanzado (Coursera)

En este curso, a través de una combinación de conferencias de video, demostraciones y prácticas, aprenderás acerca de los componentes principales de un sistema operativo y cómo realizar tareas críticas tales como administrar software y usuarios, y configurar hardware. Vamos a terminar con un ejemplo de cómo puede aparecer este contenido en una entrevista. Al final de este curso, podrás: ● navegar por los sistemas de archivos de Windows y Linux utilizando una interfaz gráfica de usuario y un int

Sistemática de Comércio Exterior (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Sistemática de Comércio Exterior. Este curso tem o objetivo de apresentar os as etapas de um embarque e suas características essenciais. O participante terá a compreensão dos aspectos que deverão ser negociados e monitorados ao longo de cada etapa, seja de importação ou exportação. Objetiva-se orientar e inspirar novos negócios no âmbito internacional. É composto por quatro módulos, disponibilizados em semanas de aprendizagem. Cada módulo é composto por vídeos, leit

Sit Less, Get Active (Coursera)

Physical inactivity and sedentariness are “silent killers”. Do you feel like you spend too much time sitting? Do you feel like you would like to be more active? Are you unsure about how to incorporate physical activity into your daily life? We are here to help. Join us on a journey to learn about how to sit less and become more active. Use this FREE course to learn how to monitor your own activity and set physical activity goals. We will feature various examples of how physical activity coul

Site Reliability Engineering: Measuring and Managing Reliability (Coursera)

Service level indicators (SLIs) and service level objectives (SLOs) are fundamental tools for measuring and managing reliability. In this course, students learn approaches for devising appropriate SLIs and SLOs and managing reliability through the use of an error budget.

Six Sigma Advanced Analyze Phase (Coursera)

This course is for you if you are looking to dive deeper into Six Sigma or strengthen and expand your knowledge of the basic components of green belt level of Six Sigma and Lean. Six Sigma skills are widely sought by employers both nationally and internationally. These skills have been proven to help improve business processes and performance. This course will take you deeper into the principles and tools associated with the "Analyze" phase of the DMAIC structure of Six Sigma. It is highly reco

Six Sigma Advanced Define and Measure Phases (Coursera)

This course is for you if you are looking to dive deeper into Six Sigma or strengthen and expand your knowledge of the basic components of green belt level of Six Sigma and Lean. Six Sigma skills are widely sought by employers both nationally and internationally. These skills have been proven to help improve business processes and performance. This course will take you deeper into the principles and tools associated with the "Define" and "Measure" phases of the DMAIC structure of Six Sigma. It

Six Sigma Advanced Improve and Control Phases (Coursera)

This course is for you if you are looking to dive deeper into Six Sigma or strengthen and expand your knowledge of the basic components of green belt level of Six Sigma and Lean. Six Sigma skills are widely sought by employers both nationally and internationally. These skills have been proven to help improve business processes and performance. This course will take you deeper into the principles and tools associated with the "Improve" and "Control" phases of the DMAIC structure of Six Sigma. It

Six Sigma and the Organization (Advanced) (Coursera)

This course is for you if you are looking to dive deeper into Six Sigma or strengthen and expand your knowledge of the basic components of green belt level of Six Sigma and Lean. Six Sigma skills are widely sought by employers both nationally and internationally. These skills have been proven to help improve business processes and performance. This course will introduce you to the purpose of Six Sigma and its value to an organization. You will learn about the basic principles of Six Sigma and Le

Six Sigma Principles (Coursera)

This course is for you if you are looking to learn more about Six Sigma or refresh your knowledge of the basic components of Six Sigma and Lean. Six Sigma skills are widely sought by employers both nationally and internationally. These skills have been proven to help improve business processes and performance. This course will introduce you to the purpose of Six Sigma and its value to an organization. You will learn about the basic principles of Six Sigma and Lean. Your instructors will introduc

Six Sigma Tools for Analyze (Coursera)

This course will cover the Measure phase and portions of the Analyze phase of the Six Sigma DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) process. You will learn about lean tools for process analysis, failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), measurement system analysis (MSA) and gauge repeatability and reproducibility (GR&R), and you will be introduced to basic statistics. This course will outline useful measure and analysis phase tools and will give you an overview of statistics as th