Coursera Courses

Manejo de bases de datos con Python (Coursera)

Este curso te permitirá conocer qué son las bases de datos relacionales y aprender a trabajar con ellas. El lenguaje SQL que es utilizado en las bases de datos relacionales para trabajar en la definición de los datos y en la manipulación de los mismos será uno de los temas que abordarás. Luego, emprenderás el trabajo con base de datos y cómo hacerlo desde Python. En primer lugar utilizando la librería sqlite3, que forma parte de la biblioteca estándar de Python. Esta librería se conecta directam

Manejo de Crisis Epilépticas y Promoción de la Inclusión Social (Coursera)

La epilepsia es una enfermedad crónica, y que en términos clínicos ha sido muy estudiada, sin embargo, las mayores complicaciones que enfrentan las personas que la presentan están fuertemente vinculadas a la percepción del entorno, a mitos y creencias que dificultan sus oportunidades de participación. El propósito de este MOOC es generar un espacio de diálogo a través del abordaje de temáticas claves para comprender y desmitificar la epilepsia con tal de ampliar la mirada y generar espacios de

Manejo del estrés en los colaboradores (Coursera)

El bienestar laboral se ha convertido en una prioridad en las organizaciones y para los líderes, el reto está en gestionar el estrés de los colaboradores. Es probable que 7 de cada 10 de tus colaboradores estén padeciendo los síntomas típicos de cuadros de estrés, como tensión muscular, dolor de cabeza, gastritis, problemas para dormir, irritabilidad y aislamiento. Hasta ahora posiblemente habías permanecido incrédulo ante el estrés que tus colaboradores presentan en el trabajo, y suponías que t

Manejo moderno de la caries dental (Coursera)

Se trata de un curso básico sobre el tratamiento de la caries dental para controlar su progresión. Existen diversas posturas sobre el tratamiento de esta enfermedad. En este curso, se revisa una aproximación al tratamiento no invasivo de este problema. La caries dental es examinada no sólo como la destrucción parcial o total del diente, sino como una enfermedad que presenta diferentes fases. Asimismo, se analizan principios y elementos para controlar la caries dental, antes de que se presenten c

Manufacturing Process with Autodesk Fusion 360 (Coursera)

Designing a product is only part of the process. Now, can that product be manufactured? A CNC machinist works with computer numeric controlled (CNC) machines from generating the machine code to machine setup and run. Understanding both CAD and CAM is essential to this portion of a design. Even if you are not the end user who programs a machine, it is invaluable to know how it’s done. This knowledge translates directly to part design by helping make intelligent design decisions with manufacturing

Mapas conceituais para aprender e colaborar (Coursera)

VALORIZE O SEU CONHECIMENTO Aprenda a fazer mapas conceituais para representar, organizar e compartilhar o seu conhecimento. Fazendo o nosso curso você será capaz de: [1] transformar o pensamento discursivo em proposições, [2] elaborar mapas conceituais com papel e lápis e com o programa CmapTools (gratuito), [3] avaliar um mapa conceitual, considerando a forma da sua rede e o conteúdo que ele apresenta, [4] usar mapas conceituais para facilitar a comunicação durante processos colaborativos, e

Marchés financiers (Coursera)

Présentation des idées, des méthodes et des institutions qui permettent à la société humaine de gérer les risques et d'encourager l'esprit d'entreprise. Les compétences en matière de leadership financier sont ici mises en avant. Description des pratiques actuelles et analyse des perspectives d'avenir. Présentation de la gestion des risques et des principes de la finance comportementale pour comprendre le fonctionnement réel des secteurs des titres, des assurances et des banques. Dans ce cours,

Marine Biology (Coursera)

This course is about life in the oceans, from the sunlit surface to the inky depths, from microscopic phytoplankton to the great blue whale. The ocean is among the world’s most inhospitable environments for scientific research, which is why we know as much about the surface of the moon as we do the bottom of the sea. This course uncovers the evolutionary history of marine organisms, adaptations to life in water, the behavior and functional morphology of sea animals, interactions between species,

Market and Competition in Pricing Strategy (Coursera)

If you haven’t considered what the competition is charging, you may not be maximizing your revenue. Spend time analyzing the market and you can influence price and improve margins. In this course, we'll show you how to implement competitive pricing and avoid common legal pitfalls of market-based pricing. You will also learn how to predict, influence and respond to competitors’ pricing moves. Developed at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia, and led by top-ranked Darden fa

Market Research and Consumer Behavior (Coursera)

Your marketing quest begins here! The first course in this specialization lays the neccessary groundwork for an overall successful marketing strategy. It is separated into two sections: Market Research and Consumer Behavior. Gain the tools and techniques to translate a decision problem into a research question in the Market Research module. Learn how to design a research plan, analyze the data gathered and accurately interpret and communicate survey reports, translating the results into practica

Market Risk Management: Frameworks & Strategies (Coursera)

This course provides the foundation for understanding the frameworks used to develop market risk management strategies. You will identify the market risks associated with each type of financial instrument. You will be introduced to techniques for estimating the risk associated with each class of investments. By the end of the course, you will be able to select the most effective derivatives for managing risk of a single asset and a portfolio of assets, develop asset selection strategies for mana

Marketing Analytics Capstone Project (Coursera)

This capstone project will give you an opportunity to apply what we have covered in the Foundations of Marketing Analytics specialization. By the end of this capstone project, you will have conducted exploratory data analysis, examined pairwise relationships among different variables, and developed and tested a predictive model to solve a marketing analytics problem. It is highly recommended that you complete all courses within the Foundations of Marketing Analytics specialization before starti

Marketing Analytics Foundation (Coursera)

This course lays the foundation of marketing analytics. You’ll learn the basic principles of marketing, the role data analysis plays in digital marketing and how data is collected and managed. By the end of this course you will be able to: • Describe how marketers use data to inform campaign decisions • Describe the basic principles of marketing • Identify why data analysis matters in digital marketing • Implement the Meta pixel to capture data used to track visitor activity on a website • Ex

Marketing analytics: Know your customers (Coursera)

Are your customers at the centre of your organisation’s strategy? An understanding of marketing analytics, the core component of this course, is crucial to serving your customers well. Through structured learning activities (video lectures, quizzes, discussion prompts, industry interviews and written assessments) this course will teach you what to measure – and how – in order to maximise customer value. Rapid advancements in technology mean more powerful data and analytics can inform marketing d

Marketing Channel Benefits (Coursera)

This course is ideal for individuals who currently work in or are targeting opportunities in consulting and strategy, industrial sales and buying, marketing management, entrepreneurship, and business development. This course will introduce you to the concept of channel benefits, which focuses on HOW customers want to buy. This is a critical first step and represents the demand side of designing routes to markets. You will learn which channel benefits are most commonly desired by customers. F

Marketing Channel Functions (Coursera)

This course is ideal for individuals who currently work in or are targeting opportunities in consulting and strategy, industrial sales and buying, marketing management, entrepreneurship and business development. This course will cover the concept of channel functions, or the supply side of designing routes to markets. Channel functions are the necessary activities that channel members must provide in order to create the channel benefits that customers desire. You will learn a framework that q

Marketing Digital en Acción (Coursera)

Este curso busca entregar los principales pilares en los cuales se debe sustentar toda campaña de difusión de marketing digital, ilustrando los principales conceptos así como las herramientas más importantes.

Marketing digital para E-commerce (Coursera)

El curso de Digital Marketing for E-commerce te permitirá conocer las claves principales para desarrollar una estrategia de marketing digital aplicada a tu proyecto online. De esta forma podrás generar mayor visibilidad a tu propuesta y conseguir mejores resultados. El objetivo del curso es brindarte las nociones básicas para armar una estrategia digital que puedas aplicar a tu proyecto, para hacerlo crecer y se pueda mantener en el tiempo. Luego de aprobado el curso tendrás una noción más clara

Marketing e vendas B2B: Fechando novos negócios (Coursera)

Aprenda a aumentar as vendas em negócios B2B com técnicas e estratégias de Marketing. Este curso introdutório oferece conteúdos teóricos e práticos dados pelos profissionais das maiores startups brasileiras, como Lean Survey, looqbox, Colaboradores, entre outras. Neste curso serão abordados os seguintes temas: Princípios básicos de Marketing Interação entre Marketing e vendas Como entender o seu cliente Leads Etapas de conversão Inbound Novas práticas em Outbound Métricas e Metas Como vender C

Marketing en Redes Sociales Proyecto Final (Coursera)

Por medio de este proyecto podrás poner en práctica los conocimientos adquiridos durante la realización de los 4 cursos complementarios al programa de la especialidad. Estos conocimientos te llevarán a realizar una estrategia de mercado por medio de las redes sociales, esto con un enfoque comercial B2B. Durante el desarrollo del proyecto contarás con el apoyo de expertos, así como el apoyo de los alumnos inscritos al curso, este trabajo colaborativo te ayudará a cumplir con éxito los requisito

Marketing estratégico: claves para competir con éxito (Coursera)

El papel del marketing difiere entre empresas y sectores. Además, la visión que los profesionales tienen del mismo depende del nivel jerárquico dentro de la organización, así como del bagaje profesional de cada uno. Quizá por ello, a menudo es mal entendido y reducido a un nivel táctico exclusivamente de comunicación. El marketing trata de identificar y satisfacer de manera rentable necesidades humanas y de la sociedad en general. Por ello, como disciplina, tiene permanentemente puesto el foco

Marketing Gerencial (Coursera)

Este Programa entrega elementos básicos para la creación de una estrategia de marketing al nivel de los negocios o de las unidades de negocios. El objetivo global del programa es desarrollar las habilidades de pensar estratégicamente los problemas de marketing y sus posibles soluciones. El foco del Programa está en los clientes, explicando que el valor de una empresa está en crear y desarrollar Clientes y no en sus Productos.

Marketing in a Digital World (Coursera)

This course examines how new digital tools, such as the Internet, smartphones, and 3D printing, are revolutionizing the world of marketing by changing the roles and practices of both firms and consumers. Marketing in a Digital World is one of the most popular courses on Coursera with over 500,000 learners and is rated by Class Central as one of the Top 50 MOOCs of All Time ( You will be able to: • Understand how digital tools are changing the na

Marketing Internacional en Asia (Coursera)

Este curso ha sido desarrollado especialmente para gerentes y estudiantes que desean tener éxito como especialistas de marketing en la región asiática. Asia ha experimentado la mayor cantidad de crecimiento en la economía global en los últimos años. Aunque muchas compañías de otras regiones se han beneficiado de entrar al mercado asiático, en un sentido comparativo, esto ha sido menos cierto para las empresas latinoamericanas. Al ofrecer un curso dedicado a gerentes y estudiantes de América Lati

Marketing Mix Fundamentals (Coursera)

Marketing Mix Fundamentals prepares you for arguably the most important stage of bring your product to market - how and where are you going to market it? It sets out a detailed introduction to the four P’s of Marketing (Product, Pricing, Place and Promotion), this course forces you to strategically analyze your product and/or service. The Product session is designed to provide you with the knowledge to understand and manage the strategic role of brands and products in generating business result

Marketing Mix Implementation Capstone (Coursera)

After completing the four courses, you will be able to take part in the Capstone Project where you will have the opportunity to put into practice what you have learned in this specialization by running a real product through the marketing mix. Your analysis will focus on Tesla Motor's and the launch of their Model X automobile. After making decisions regarding each of the four P's in peer graded exercises, you will prepare a final presentation for the launch of the car.

Marketing Strategy Capstone Project (Coursera)

The Capstone Project will require you to take the knowledge you’ve acquired throughout this specialization and put it into practice. Each week is divided into the different components of the Marketing Strategy: Market Analysis, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Mix Implementation and Expected Results. Review each week’s theory and concrete the takeaways with quizzes aimed at reinforcement of the concepts. After reviewing the material learned you will be asked to analyse the case study: ¨Hotel Ipsum

Marketing Strategy for Entrepreneurs (Coursera)

You live a hands-on life, and you intend to continue doing so! That is why I guess you already have checked where the QR-code (the logo) for this course leads to, right? And it is in this kind of setting that you prefer hands-on learning. Things you can do, already today are something you value. You actually did not start this course when enrolling in it. You started it long ago, either as a customer somewhere, or just maybe thinking about marketing for some time. Or maybe you are already work

Marketing Verde (Coursera)

Al finalizar este curso serás capaz de diseñar y ejecutar campañas para productos, servicios o iniciativas relacionadas con algún tema ambiental, así como también de crear propuestas de valor para cualquier producto o servicio con criterios de sostenibilidad ambiental, es decir, generando el mayor valor para la marca y el menor impacto posible en el entorno. El curso de Marketing Verde te ofrece la oportunidad de tener mayores elementos de competitividad en tu gestión profesional, ya que es un

Marketing: Customer Needs and Wants (Coursera)

Understanding who your customers are and what they need and want is at the heart of successful marketing strategies. In this course you will explore how to identify and classify customers and the different methods that marketing professionals use to shed light on how they make purchase decisions. The course will cover the following: 1. Marketing Fundamentals 2. Product, Pricing and Channel Decisions 3. Building Strong Brands 4. Communication Strategy

Más que química (Coursera)

El objeto de la química, como disciplina científica, se enfoca en el estudio de la materia y de los cambios que ésta experimenta. En tanto disciplina científica, a la que se le atribuye la reputación de ser una ciencia complicada y aburrida. Esta reputación, bastante inmerecida, obedece al poco conocimiento que se tiene sobre ella y sobre sus enormes posibilidades de aplicación en el mundo científico, en diferentes campos de la industria y la producción, así como en la vida cotidiana. Así, si se

Master Class for Corporate Entrepreneurs (Coursera)

The Master Class experience is designed to serve as the final project experience for the Corporate Entrepreneurship Specialization. Alternatively, professionals with experience in opportunity analysis, business modeling, and corporate finance are invited to complete the Master Class experience without the preliminary courses. With maturing technologies and aging product portfolios requiring established companies to create, develop, and sustain innovative new businesses, graduates of the Master

Mastering Ansible Automation (Coursera)

Learn the essentials to quickly master automation with Ansible! While this course is designed for learners with limited coding experience, it is helpful (though not required!) to have familiarity with Linux or Unix-like operating systems, the command line interface, and the basics of shell scripting. To allow for a truly hands-on, self-paced learning experience, this course is video-free. Assignments contain short explanations with images and runnable code examples with suggested edits to expl

Mastering bitumen for better roads and innovative applications (Coursera)

During the four coming weeks, best experts in bitumen will bring you their knowledge and experience to build a strong understanding of today’s realities and new perspectives on the future of bitumen. Total is the European leader on bitumen markets. Innovation has always been the key to sustainability and durability in the products they develop. Their main objective here is to share technical knowledge and experience to insure bitumen are being used in the most effective and efficient ways for t

Mastering Data Analysis in Excel (Coursera)

Important: The focus of this course is on math - specifically, data-analysis concepts and methods - not on Excel for its own sake. We use Excel to do our calculations, and all math formulas are given as Excel Spreadsheets, but we do not attempt to cover Excel Macros, Visual Basic, Pivot Tables, or other intermediate-to-advanced Excel functionality. This course will prepare you to design and implement realistic predictive models based on data. In the Final Project (module 6) you will assume the

Mastering Digital Twins (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn about Digital Twins fundamentals, how they represent a concept of integration for product-related data. The concept of digital twins is a response to the increasing digitalisation of product development, production, and products themselves. Today's products are complex systems which are not only fulfilling their intended functions and quality but are also communicating via communication networks with other components, products, clouds, and services. We are talking

Mastering Excel Essentials to Enhance Business Value (Coursera)

This course is designed to cater to a diverse audience, particularly those with an interest in working in dynamic environments that place a strong emphasis on data-driven, quantitative analysis. Whether you are an experienced professional seeking to enhance your skills or someone looking to pivot into a cutting-edge industry, this course provides valuable insights and knowledge to thrive in today's data-centric and rapidly evolving landscape. This course is part of the Performance Based Admiss

Mastering Final Cut Pro (Coursera)

This course unravels the post-production world for editors. Students will dive into the key features of Apple’s Final Cut Pro software for Video and Audio Editing and learn elements for creating professional videos with the use of transitions and effects, titles and motion graphics, color correction, 360 Video and Media Management. This self-paced course prepares students to pass the Final Cut Pro X certification exam. Learn at your own pace, retake the lessons as needed, and practice alongside

Mastering Programming with MATLAB (Coursera)

The course builds on the foundation laid by the first course of the Specialization called “Introduction to Programming with MATLAB.” It covers more advanced programming concepts such as recursion, vectorization, function handles, algorithm efficiency and others. At the same time, it presents many features that make MATLAB a powerful programming environment for engineering and scientific computing, such as its support for object oriented programming, the new user interface design environment and

Mastering Remote Work and Online Study in U.S. in the post-COVID Era (Coursera)

Are you ready for the new, COVID-forced, online learning paradigm? This competency-based, skill-building course will help non-U.S. students, first-generation immigrants, and foreign-born professionals better understand and master American online learning, as well as other U.S. virtual environments, for college and career success. In the post-COVID era, the course can also be very instrumental in assisting U.S.-based institutions in organizing remote learning activities for their current or prosp

Mastering Software Development in R Capstone (Coursera)

R Programming Capstone

Mastering Statics (Coursera)

Course Overview: Statics is the most fundamental course in Mechanics. In this course, you will learn the conditions under which an object or a structure subjected to time-invariant (static) forces is in equilibrium - i.e. the conditions under which it remains stationary or moves with a constant velocity-. You will also learn how to calculate the reaction forces as well as the internal forces experienced throughout the structure so that later you c

Mastering the Software Engineering Interview (Coursera)

You’ve hit a major milestone as a computer scientist and are becoming a capable programmer. You now know how to solve problems, write algorithms, and analyze solutions; and you have a wealth of tools (like data structures) at your disposal. You may now be ready for an internship or (possibly) an entry-level software engineering job. But can you land the internship/job? It depends in part on how well you can solve new technical problems and communicate during interviews. How can you get bette

Matemáticas financieras (Coursera)

En el curso matemáticas financieras se explica la relación que tiene el dinero y su valor a través del tiempo. Se abordan los temas de interés simple, interés compuesto, anualidades, perpetuidades, amortizaciones, valor presente y valor futuro, todos ellos elementos básicos que el administrador financiero deberá aplicar en los análisis de opciones de inversión o financiamiento.

Material Behavior (Coursera)

Have you ever wondered why ceramics are hard and brittle while metals tend to be ductile? Why some materials conduct heat or electricity while others are insulators? Why adding just a small amount of carbon to iron results in an alloy that is so much stronger than the base metal? In this course, you will learn how a material’s properties are determined by the microstructure of the material, which is in turn determined by composition and the processing that the material has undergone. This is

Material Processing (Coursera)

Have you ever wondered why ceramics are hard and brittle while metals tend to be ductile? Why some materials conduct heat or electricity while others are insulators? Why adding just a small amount of carbon to iron results in an alloy that is so much stronger than the base metal? In this course, you will learn how a material’s properties are determined by the microstructure of the material, which is in turn determined by composition and the processing that the material has undergone. This is

Materials Data Sciences and Informatics (Coursera)

This course aims to provide a succinct overview of the emerging discipline of Materials Informatics at the intersection of materials science, computational science, and information science. Attention is drawn to specific opportunities afforded by this new field in accelerating materials development and deployment efforts. A particular emphasis is placed on materials exhibiting hierarchical internal structures spanning multiple length/structure scales and the impediments involved in establishing

Materials in Oral Health (Coursera)

The drive for development of new and novel oral biomaterials has never been more important with many people using oral biomaterials today and seeing their benefits in restoring and improving their oral health for a more enjoyable lifestyle. The unique properties of biomaterials such as titanium (Ti), zirconia (ZrO2) and various polymeric materials have made them materials of choice in oral health: dental implants, oral and maxillofacial surgery, and even regenerative medicine. Oral biomaterials

Materials Science: 10 Things Every Engineer Should Know (Coursera)

We explore “10 things” that range from the menu of materials available to engineers in their profession to the many mechanical and electrical properties of materials important to their use in various engineering fields. We also discuss the principles behind the manufacturing of those materials. By the end of the course, you will be able to: * Recognize the important aspects of the materials used in modern engineering applications, * Explain the underlying principle of materials science: “struct

Math behind Moneyball (Coursera)

Learn how probability, math, and statistics can be used to help baseball, football and basketball teams improve, player and lineup selection as well as in game strategy.