Coursera Courses |
Mejores Decisiones con Business Analytics (Coursera) Con este curso de: Mejores decisiones con Business Analytics, lograremos identificar su importancia, tipos y aplicaciones en el desarrollo actual de los negocios. Con este objetivo en mente, veremos los conceptos generales de Business Analytics y su evolución. También profundizaremos en la analítica descriptiva y su aplicabilidad. Conoceremos conceptos esenciales como el Data Aggregation, data Mining y la visualización de datos, entre muchos otros contenidos y herramientas esenciales para tomar |
Melakukan Riset UX dan Uji coba Konsep Awal (Coursera) Melakukan Riset UX dan Uji coba Konsep Awal adalah materi keempat dalam program sertifikat ini yang akan membekali Anda dengan keterampilan yang perlu Anda terapkan pada pekerjaan desain pengalaman pengguna (UX) tingkat pemula. Dalam materi ini, Anda akan belajar bagaimana merencanakan dan melakukan studi kegunaan untuk mendapatkan masukan tentang desain. Kemudian, Anda akan memodifikasi desain low-fidelity Anda berdasarkan wawasan dari penelitian tersebut. Desainer dan peneliti UX dari Google |
Membuat Desain dan Purwarupa High-Fidelity di Figma (Coursera) Membuat Wireframe dan Purwarupa High-Fidelity adalah materi kelima dalam program sertifikat ini yang akan membekali Anda dengan keterampilan yang perlu Anda terapkan pada pekerjaan desain pengalaman pengguna (UX) tingkat pemula. Dalam materi ini, Anda akan mengikuti tutorial langkah demi langkah untuk mempelajari cara membuat desain high-fidelity, yang disebut maket atau mockup, di Figma, sebuah alat desain yang populer. Kemudian, Anda akan mengubah desain tersebut menjadi purwarupa interaktif y |
Membuat Wireframe dan Purwarupa Low-Fidelity (Coursera) Membuat Wireframe dan Purwarupa Low-Fidelity adalah materi ketiga dalam program sertifikat ini yang akan membekali Anda dengan keterampilan yang perlu Anda terapkan pada pekerjaan desain pengalaman pengguna (UX) tingkat pemula. Dalam materi ini, Anda akan melanjutkan perancangan aplikasi seluler untuk portofolio UX profesional Anda. Anda akan mulai dengan membuat storyboard dan membiasakan diri dengan dasar-dasar menggambar. Kemudian, Anda akan membuat wireframe kertas dan wireframe digital meng |
Memoir and Personal Essay: Managing Your Relationship with the Reader (Coursera) The blank page can be the most daunting obstacle in writing. In this course, aspiring writers will assemble a “starter kit” for approaching the blank page by developing constructive ways to think about the writing process as a whole. While subsequent courses in this series will focus on the mechanics of good writing, this course offers ways to think about the writer’s relationship to her material, and ultimately develop a writing style that is uniquely her own. |
Mempersiapkan Data untuk Eksplorasi (Coursera) Ini adalah materi ketiga dalam program Sertifikat Analitik Data Google (Google Data Analytics Certificate). Materi ini akan membekali Anda dengan keterampilan yang Anda butuhkan untuk melamar pekerjaan analis data tingkat pemula. Selagi Anda terus membangun pemahaman tentang topik-topik pada dua materi pertama, Anda juga akan diperkenalkan dengan topik baru yang akan membantu Anda mendapatkan keterampilan praktis analitik data. Anda akan mempelajari cara menggunakan alat seperti spreadsheet dan |
Memproses Data dari Kotor ke Bersih (Coursera) Ini adalah materi pertama dalam program Sertifikat Analitik Data Google. Materi ini akan membekali Anda dengan keterampilan yang Anda butuhkan untuk melamar pekerjaan analis data tingkat pemula. Dalam materi ini, Anda akan terus meningkatkan pemahaman tentang analitis data dan konsep dan peralatan yang digunakan para analis data dalam pekerjaan mereka. Anda akan mempelajari cara memeriksa dan membersihkan data menggunakan spreadsheet dan SQL serta cara memverifikasi dan melaporkan hasil pembersi |
Mendesain Pengalaman Pengguna untuk Kebaikan Sosial & Bersiap untuk Pekerjaan (Coursera) Merancang Pengalaman Pengguna untuk Kebaikan Sosial dan Bersiap untuk Pekerjaan adalah materi ketujuh dan terakhir dalam program yang akan membekali Anda dengan keterampilan yang Anda butuhkan untuk menjadi desainer UX tingkat pemula. Dalam materi ini, Anda akan merancang aplikasi berbasis seluler dan situs web responsif yang berfokus pada kebaikan sosial. Anda akan menampilkan semua hal yang telah Anda pelajari selama program sertifikat ini untuk menyelesaikan proses desain dari awal hingga akh |
Mendesain Web yang Responsif di Adobe XD (Coursera) Mendesain Web yang Responsif di Adobe XD adalah materi keenam dalam program yang akan membekali Anda dengan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk melamar pekerjaan tingkat pemula dalam desain pengalaman pengguna (UX). Dalam materi ini, Anda akan merancang situs web responsif menggunakan Adobe XD, sebuah alat desain yang populer. Anda akan menyelesaikan proses desain dari awal hingga akhir: berempati kepada pengguna, menentukan titik kesulitan/masalah pengguna, menghasilkan ide untuk solusi desain, |
Menganalisis Data untuk Menjawab Pertanyaan (Coursera) Ini adalah materi kelima dalam program Google Data Analytics Certificate. Materi ini akan membekali Anda dengan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk melamar pekerjaan analis data tingkat pemula. Dalam pelatihan ini, Anda akan menjelajahi fase "analisis" dari proses analisis data. Terapkan apa yang telah dipelajari sejauh ini pada analisis Anda untuk memahami data yang telah Anda kumpulkan. Anda akan belajar cara mengatur dan memformat data menggunakan spreadsheet dan SQL untuk membantu melihat dan |
Mental Health and Resilience for Healthcare Workers (Coursera) This course will help institutions and individuals better manage the mental health challenges of being a healthcare worker. Healthcare providers such as the University Health Network (UHN) address the mental health needs of their staff through several initiatives intended to help build resilience and to provide respite from the demands of their work. This was critical during the pandemic but, of course, healthcare workers encounter high levels of stress even without a pandemic. The primary pur |
Mentalidad Emprendedora (Coursera) En un mundo Volátil, Incierto, Complejo, Hiperconectado y Ambiguo (VUCHA), los ciclos de negocios e innovación se están reduciendo como nunca antes. El ciclo de vida de las empresas se ha reducido a menos de un tercio en los últimos 30 años. La democratización de la innovación ha abierto posibilidades infinitas para muchas personas, empresas y regiones en todo el mundo. En particular, los emprendedores y las startups están aprovechando las oportunidades generadas por la transformación que se es |
Mentaliser : de la théorie à l’intervention clinique (Coursera) Que signifie « Mentaliser » ? Comment cette faculté se développe-t-elle ? En quoi cette notion est incontournable pour comprendre les interactions humaines ? Qu’apporte-t-elle aux pratiques en santé mentale ? Toutes ces questions seront abordées dans notre MOOC « Mentaliser : de la théorie à l’intervention clinique ». Dans ce cours gratuit et en ligne, nous vous proposons de découvrir et étudier le concept de mentalisation notamment grâce à des mises en situations, des exercices illustratifs |
Mercados financeiros (Coursera) Uma visão geral das ideias, métodos e instituições que permitem que a sociedade humana gerencie riscos e estimule o empreendimento. Ênfase nas habilidades de liderança com experiência financeira. Descrição das práticas hoje e análise de perspectivas para o futuro. Introdução aos princípios de gestão de risco e finanças comportamentais para compreender o funcionamento do mundo real dos setores de títulos, seguros e bancos. O objetivo final deste curso é usar essas indústrias de forma eficaz e p |
Mercados financieros (Coursera) Una síntesis de las ideas, métodos e instituciones que permiten que la sociedad humana pueda gestionar los riesgos y promover la actividad empresarial. Un énfasis en las habilidades de liderazgo con conocimientos financieros profundos. Descripción de las prácticas actuales y el análisis de prospectos a futuro. Introducción a los principios de gestión de riesgos y de las finanzas conductuales para comprender el funcionamiento en el mundo real de las industrias de valores, seguros y el sector ban |
Mercadotecnia en un mundo digital (Coursera) Este curso examina cómo las herramientas digitales, como Internet, los teléfonos inteligentes y la impresión 3D, están revolucionando el mundo de la mercadotecnia al cambiar las funciones y las prácticas de las empresas y de los consumidores. Mercadotecnia en un mundo digital es uno de los cursos más populares en Coursera con más de 250 000 estudiantes y ha recibido la calificación de uno de los Principales 50 MOOC de todos los tiempos de Class Central ( |
Meta Marketing Science Certification Exam (Coursera) This course helps you prepare for the Meta Marketing Science Certification exam. You’ll be guided through scheduling and taking the exam through Meta Blueprint. You’ll get access to the study guide and other resources to help you prepare for the exam. This course is only accessible to learners who have successfully completed Course 1: Marketing Analytics Foundation, Course 2: Introduction to Data Analytics, Course 3: Data Analysis with Spreadsheets and SQL, Course 4: Python Data Analytics, Cou | With people around the world obsessing over metabolism and weight loss, there remains great interest in discovering hacks and shortcuts that boost metabolism and accelerate weight loss. Apart from a basic understanding that metabolism translates to expended calories, how much is understood about the complexities of human metabolism? This course explores key concepts in metabolism and how they relate to weight management, discusses how to accurately measure metabolism, and introduces a variety |
Metagenomics applied to surveillance of pathogens and antimicrobial resistance (Coursera) The field of metagenomics and whole community sequencing is a promising area to unravel the content of microbial communities and their relationship to disease and antimicrobial resistance in the human population. Bioinformatic tools are extremely important for making sense out of metagenomics data, by estimating the presence of pathogens and antimicrobial resistance determinants in complex samples. Combined with relevant explanatory data, metagenomics is a powerful tool for surveillance. In t |
Metaliteracy: Empowering Yourself in a Connected World (Coursera) This course prepares you to effectively participate in a connected world. Metaliteracy advances reflective and empowered learning in collaborative communities. You will learn how to creatively and ethically produce and share information. As a metaliterate learner, you will see yourself as an informed content creator and a responsible contributor to information environments. Metaliteracy is empowering because it encourages individuals to be reflective and to take charge of their learning. This |
Methods and Statistics in Social Science - Final Research Project (Coursera) The Final Research Project consists of a research study that you will perform in collaboration with fellow learners. Together you will formulate a research hypothesis and design, come up with operationalizations, create manipulation and measurement instruments, collect data, perform statistical analyses and document the results. In this course you will go through the entire research process and will be able to help determine what research question we will investigate and how we design and perf |
Methods for Quantitative Research in Psychology (Coursera) This is primarily aimed at first- and second-year undergraduates interested in psychology, data analysis, and quantitative research methods along with high school students and professionals with similar interests. |
Methods for Solving Problems (Coursera) In this course, we will explore different types of problems, the boundaries of what makes a problem solvable, and the different algorithms, rules, and heuristics we can implement to solve these problems. |
Mi nueva empresa: los siguientes pasos (Coursera) Este curso ha sido diseñado para ser el último del programa en Desarrollo de nuevas empresas (, y se espera que cuando lo inicies ya hayas hecho el ajuste entre tu producto y el consumidor (se trabaja en el curso ¿Cómo convertir mi idea en empresa?), la composición del modelo de negocio de tu emprendimiento (se trabaja en el curso ¿Cómo construir mi modelo de negocio?) y hayas definido las cifras de tu empresa (se trabaja en el |
Mi Primer Empleo (MPE) (Coursera) ¿Qué debo tener en cuenta en mi primer empleo? El curso "Mi Primer Empleo" (MPE) te ayudará a enfrentar con éxito el tránsito entre tu formación profesional y el mundo del trabajo. Los objetivos de aprendizaje de este curso son: • Identificar las expectativas laborales personales actuales y futuras. • Preparar el curriculum vitae y la entrevista de trabajo. • Gestionar la huella digital. El MPE abordará los siguientes tópicos: • MI PROYECTO LABORAL: lo que puedo hoy y lo que deseo para el fut |
Michigan Sport-Related Concussion Training Certification (Coursera) Welcome to the Michigan Sport-Related Concussion Training Certification. In this course, you will learn about five key components of sport-related concussions: identify medical emergencies, debrief the Michigan Youth Concussion Legislature, review rest and rehabilitation principles after a concussion occurs, understand the return to learn and return to school progressions, and finally become knowledgeable of the potential long-term consequences of head impact exposure on brain health. This cou |
Microeconomics Principles (Coursera) Most people make the incorrect assumption that economics is ONLY the study of money. My primary goal in this course is to shatter this belief. During this course, we will be addressing the above questions as well as many more relating to: -the environment -love and marriage -crime -labor markets -education -politics -sports -business My main goal is to show you the way economists think and how to use this analytical system to answer questions related not only to these and other important human |
Microeconomics: The Power of Markets (Coursera) We make economics decisions every day: what to buy, whether to work or play, what to study. We respond to markets all the time: prices influence our decisions, markets signal where to put effort, they direct firms to produce certain goods over others. Economics is all around us. This course is an introduction to the microeconomic theory of markets: why we have them, how they work, what they accomplish. We will start with the concept of scarcity and how specialization according to comparative a |
Microeconomics: When Markets Fail (Coursera) Perfect markets achieve efficiency: maximizing total surplus generated. But real markets are imperfect. In this course we will explore a set of market imperfections to understand why they fail and to explore possible remedies including as antitrust policy, regulation, government intervention. Examples are taken from everyday life, from goods and services that we all purchase and use. We will apply the theory to current events and policy debates through weekly exercises. These will empower you to |
Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB (Coursera) In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of database concepts in a cloud environment, get basic skilling in cloud data services, and build your foundational knowledge of cloud data services within Microsoft Azure. You will explore non-relational data offerings, provisioning and deploying non-relational databases, and non-relational data stores with Microsoft Azure. This is the third course in a program of five courses to help prepare you to take the Exam DP-900: Microsoft Azure Data Fund |
Microsoft Azure Databricks for Data Engineering (Coursera) In this course, you will learn how to harness the power of Apache Spark and powerful clusters running on the Azure Databricks platform to run large data engineering workloads in the cloud. You will discover the capabilities of Azure Databricks and the Apache Spark notebook for processing huge files. You will come to understand the Azure Databricks platform and identify the types of tasks well-suited for Apache Spark. You will also be introduced to the architecture of an Azure Databricks Spark C |
Microsoft Azure Machine Learning (Coursera) Machine learning is at the core of artificial intelligence, and many modern applications and services depend on predictive machine learning models. Training a machine learning model is an iterative process that requires time and compute resources. Automated machine learning can help make it easier. In this course, you will learn how to use Azure Machine Learning to create and publish models without writing code. This course will help you prepare for Exam AI-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals. |
Microsoft Azure Machine Learning for Data Scientists (Coursera) Machine learning is at the core of artificial intelligence, and many modern applications and services depend on predictive machine learning models. Training a machine learning model is an iterative process that requires time and compute resources. Automated machine learning can help make it easier. In this course, you will learn how to use Azure Machine Learning to create and publish models without writing code. This is the second course in a five-course program that prepares you to take the DP |
Microsoft Azure Management Tools and Security Solutions (Coursera) Microsoft Azure offers a wide range of services to deploy your applications. To keep control of your environment and to make deployments easier, it also offers a wide array of management tools and services. In this course, you will be introduced to these tools and services and you will be asked to help choose the best one for a given business scenario. Some modules cover software development processes and services. You will learn about cloud monitoring solutions for your applications and infra |
Microsoft Azure Services and Lifecycles (Coursera) In this course, you will learn how Microsoft Azure can help you secure access to cloud resources, what it means to build a cloud governance strategy, and how Microsoft Azure adheres to common regulatory and compliance standards. With the rise of remote work, bring your own device (BYOD), mobile applications, and cloud applications, the primary security boundary has shifted from firewalls and physical access controls to identity. Understanding who is using your systems and what they have permis |
Microsoft Azure SQL (Coursera) In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of database concepts in a cloud environment, get basic skilling in cloud data services, and build your foundational knowledge of cloud data services within Microsoft Azure. You will explore relational data offerings, provisioning and deploying relational databases, and querying relational data through cloud data solutions with Microsoft Azure. You will learn about SQL, how it's used to query and maintain data in a database, and the different dialec |
Microsoft PL-300 Exam Preparation and Practice (Coursera) This course forms part of the Microsoft Power BI Analyst Professional Certificate. This Professional Certificate consists of a series of courses that offer a good starting point for a career in data analysis using Microsoft Power BI. This course will help you prepare for the Microsoft PL-300 exam. In this course, you’ll refresh your knowledge of all the key areas assessed in the Microsoft-certified Exam PL-300: Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst. In addition, you will prepare for the certifica |
Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals (Coursera) In this course, you will learn the business value and product capabilities of Power Platform. You will create simple Power Apps, connect data with Microsoft Dataverse, build a Power BI Dashboard, automate a process with Power Automate, and build a chatbot with Power Virtual Agents. By the end of this course, you will be able to: • Describe the business value of Power Platform • Identify the core components of Power Platform • Demonstrate the capabilities of Power BI • Describe the capabil |
Microwave engineering and antennas (Coursera) This unique Master-level course provides you with in-depth know-how of microwave engineering and antennas. The course combines both passive and active microwave circuits as well as antenna systems. Future applications, like millimeter-wave 5G/beyond-5G wireless communications or automotive radar, require experts that can co-design highly integrated antenna systems that include both antennas and microwave electronics. We will provide you with the required theoretical foundation as well as hands-o |
Migrating to the AWS Cloud (Coursera) This introductory course is for anyone who wants a deeper dive into AWS migration. Whether you want to understand what services are helpful, need to plan a migration for your organization, or are helping other groups with their own migration, you will find valuable information throughout this course. The course sessions structure cloud migration through the three-phase migration process from AWS: assess, mobilize, and migrate and modernize. This process is designed to help your organization appr |
Migrations internationales : un enjeu mondial (Coursera) Description du cours Le monde bouge, mais les opinions et les gouvernements ne sont pas tous prêts à accepter cette réalité mal connue. La question affecte à la fois les Etats, mais aussi la planète, dans un processus de mondialisation et de régionalisation des migrations, et pose de nouvelles questions aux relations internationales, en y incluant le sud. Ce cours cherche à la fois à parfaire la connaissance sur le sujet, à traiter les thèmes essentiels induits par les migrations internationale |
Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19 (Coursera) Never in the history of humanity have so many people been feeling intense anxiety related to COVID-19 and the world it will leave in its wake. The intent of this course is to give you a deeper understanding of the anxiety reaction as it relates to various aspects of our current life, ranging from our consumption of news to the way we talk to our children about this. I will also give you clear strategies for managing and, in fact, turning off the anxiety response at least for short periods. My |
Mind of the Universe - Genetic Privacy: should we be concerned? (Coursera) Should all our genetic information be made public in order to eradicate genetic diseases from this world? Who owns your genetic data once it becomes publicly accessible? What is your responsibility to family members when you know more about genetic diseases than they do? Who decides what kind of genetic information is relevant to a person? And what does genetic privacy mean to you? In this challenge with Robert Zwijnenberg (Professor in Art and Science Interactions) you will critically reflect |
Mind of the Universe: Science in Progress (Coursera) From William Harvey discovering the circulation of blood to Albert Einstein developing the theory of relativity: almost all scientific research starts from something odd and unexpected that hasn't been explained yet, and, subsequently, the scientist creatively imagining possible explanations for it, formulating hypotheses. However, the problem with formulating hypotheses is the "theory-ladenness of observation": ones expectations and background theories curtail and determine what one observes. |
Mindfulness and Well-being: Foundations (Coursera) This course provides a broad overview of the fundamental concepts, principles, and practices of mindfulness. With interactive exercises to help students explore their own attitudes, mental habits and behaviors, Foundations of Mindfulness offers a pathway for living with more freedom, authenticity and ease. Featured components of the course include experiential exercises, guided meditations, personal reflection and interactive discussions. |
Mindfulness and Well-being: Living with Balance and Ease (Coursera) This is the sequel course to Foundations of Mindfulness that will continue to provide a broad overview of the fundamental concepts, principles, and practices of mindfulness. With interactive exercises to help students explore their own attitudes, mental habits and behaviors, Foundations of Mindfulness series offers a pathway for living with more freedom, authenticity and ease. Featured components of the course include experiential exercises, guided meditations, personal reflection and interactiv |
Mindfulness and Well-being: Peace in, Peace Out (Coursera) The purpose of this course is to introduce mindfulness as a robust tool for spiritual development. Highlighting its rich traditional roots, the course explores the capacity of mindfulness to expand understanding about the nature of human consciousness and facilitate certain transcendent emotional experiences, including awe, wonder and flow. Designed for practical application, the course includes a variety of meditations, reflective exercises and activities to help make the material personally me |
Mindfulness in Integrative Healthcare (Coursera) By the end of this course, you will be able to assess when mindfulness may be helpful for your patients or clients, educate them about its potential benefits, and refer them to mindfulness programs and resources. To begin, you will explore what mindfulness is (and is not) through presentations and direct experience. You will also learn about the research supporting the benefits (and risks) of mindfulness for various conditions, as well as how to identify contraindications. Finally, you will lear |
Mindfulness para ser más efectivo (Coursera) La consciencia cobra vital importancia en la creación de estados de bienestar, armonía y paz, permitiendo disminuir los niveles de estrés, ansiedad y depresión que causa pensar en el pasado, presente o futuro. Así, este curso te brinda herramientas del mindfulness para que puedas centrar tu atención y energía en el aquí y el ahora, disfrutando y viviendo el momento presente. El Mindfulness es una filosofía basada en ejercicios de meditación, ajena a dogmas religiosos y espirituales, que te ayud |
Mindfulness: An Approach to Stress Reduction (Coursera) The course focuses on developing mindfulness skills and techniques, enhancing self-regulation and self-awareness, and improving body awareness, with a strong emphasis on stress management and attentional skills. It may include a variety of practices and activities such as meditation, breathing exercises, and body scans to promote relaxation, emotional regulation, and mental clarity. Participants may also learn practical tools to incorporate mindfulness into daily routines, set intentions for min |