Coursera Courses |
Poser des questions pour prendre des décisions basées sur les données (Coursera) Il s’agit du deuxième cours du Google Data Analytics Certificate. Ces cours vous permettront d’acquérir les compétences dont vous avez besoin pour postuler à des emplois d’analyste de données de niveau junior. Vous vous appuierez sur votre compréhension des sujets qui ont été introduits dans le premier cours du Google Data Analytics Certificate. Le matériel vous aidera à apprendre à poser des questions efficaces pour prendre des décisions basées sur les données, tout en vous connectant aux besoi |
Posicionamiento: La base del éxito en la estrategia de marketing (Coursera) Pensar en el posicionamiento del producto o servicio es una tarea fundamental para desarrollar una estrategia de marketing exitosa. El posicionamiento es el corazón de cualquier estrategia de marketing, el núcleo que debes hacer bien. No importa si comienzas con una audiencia claramente definida o con una propuesta de valor diferencial, debes terminar con un posicionamiento claro sobre el que construiremos nuestro plan de marketing. El posicionamiento es el resultado de empezar con una propuest |
Positioning: What you need for a successful Marketing Strategy (Coursera) Positioning is the heart of any Marketing Strategy, the core that you must get right. It does not matter whether you start with a clearly defined target group or with a differential value proposition: you will need end up with a clear segment or segments upon which we build our Marketing Plan. In this course - the second in our Marketing Strategy Specialization - IE professor Ignacio Gafo will guide you through the essential stages of this key marketing process, starting with the basic elements |
Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health (Coursera) In today’s world, mental illness and distress are common and these account for a significant burden of disability within our community. At the same time, there is a growing interest in understanding and enhancing positive mental health and wellbeing; particularly from developments in the fields of positive psychology and mental health promotion. Positive Psychiatry is a new term (Jeste et al 2016) that describes a dual approach to mental health, where we build strengths, supports and healthy l |
Positive Psychology Specialization Project: Design Your Life for Well-being (Coursera) You are encouraged to take the first four courses of the Foundations of Positive Psychology Specialization before starting this course and completing the Specialization Project. This course, taught by Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman brings all the key concepts from the first four courses to practice as you develop and test a new positive intervention for an audience of your choice. You identify opportunities in your daily life to increase the wellbeing by using knowledge you developed in the first four |
Positive Psychology: Applications and Interventions (Coursera) Positive interventions are one of the building blocks for the application of positive psychology in our day-to-day lives. In this course taught by Dr. James Pawelski, we explore positive interventions through theory, research and practice. We provide learners the basic tools for using and measuring positive psychology in professional or personal contexts. Suggested prerequisite: Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science. |
Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science (Coursera) Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman—renowned worldwide as the “father of Positive Psychology”—has led visionary leaps in the scientific research, empirical data and personal understandings of human flourishing. This course explores the past, present and future of positive psychology as a journey through the key scientific leaps led by Dr. Seligman and his colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania's Positive Psychology Center and Master of Applied Positive Psychology program. There are no prerequisite |
Positive Psychology: Resilience Skills (Coursera) Learn how to incorporate resilience interventions into your personal and professional life with Dr. Karen Reivich. In this course, you are exposed to the foundational research in resilience, including protective factors such as mental agility and optimism. Several types of resilience interventions are explored including cognitive strategies; strategies to manage anxiety and increase positive emotions such as gratitude; and a critical relationship enhancement skill. Throughout the course, you wil |
Potenciando mi aprendizaje en el primer año de Universidad (Coursera) El propósito del curso es acompañar a los estudiantes de primer año a potenciar sus aprendizajes, con la finalidad de fomentar una buena experiencia en la universidad. Lo anterior se realiza a través de un auto- diagnóstico y de la familiarización con distintas estrategias de estudio, de gestión del tiempo y del abordaje de evaluaciones. Esto le permitirá al estudiante auto-conocerse y tomar conciencia de sus formas de estudiar, implementar estrategias que le permitan potenciar su aprendizaje y |
Poverty & Population: How Demographics Shape Policy (Coursera) This course has four modules, or foci. The first is to understand the categories of social welfare—populations, income, earnings, and assets— and some related concepts that play a very large role in shaping policy decisions: unemployment, inflation, and the minimum wage. The second deals with the central institution of social welfare—the labor market, which largely determines how many resources a person has. The labor market also establishes hierarchy, both through meritocracy and through cat |
Power and Sample Size for Multilevel and Longitudinal Study Designs (Coursera) Power and Sample Size for Longitudinal and Multilevel Study Designs, a five-week, fully online course covers innovative, research-based power and sample size methods, and software for multilevel and longitudinal studies. The power and sample size methods and software taught in this course can be used for any health-related, or more generally, social science-related (e.g., educational research) application. All examples in the course videos are from real-world studies on behavioral and social s | Power Onboarding provides practical, easy-to-use tools to guide an individual who is transitioning to a new job. Students will prepare an actionable personal onboarding plan that will set them up for success in their new role. Research has shown that an actively followed power onboarding plan will allow an individual to reach proficiency in a new position up to 30% faster than the typical transitioning manager. In this course, students will develop their own onboarding plan, allowing them to c |
Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Digital Storytelling (Coursera) Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Digital Storytelling introduces educators to digital storytelling and explores ways to use digital stories to enhance students’ learning experiences. The course is designed to be comprehensive yet fundamental. By comprehensive we mean that the course provides a solid foundation for all of the components of a digital story and illustrates these components with tutorials, example stories, and links to additional readings. The course also provides a hands-o |
Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Web 2.0 Tools (Coursera) In this course you will learn about a wide variety of Web 2.0 tools to use in your teaching and learning. Web 2.0 tools provide innovative ways to communicate, present content, and collaborate with others in creative ways. Web 2.0 tools are easy to learn, use, and implement, and many are free. This course will not only introduce you to popular Web 2.0 tools like Edmodo, Twitter, Voicethread, and Skype in K-16 instruction, but you will also learn how to effectively integrate these technologies in |
Practical Decision-Making Using No-code ML on AWS (Coursera) In this course, you will discover how to solve business problems with machine learning, no coding required. You will explore Amazon SageMaker Canvas, a visual point-and-click interface that allows you to generate accurate ML predictions without requiring any machine learning experience or having to write a single line of code. At the end of the course, you will walk away understanding how to make better business decisions using no-code machine learning. |
Practical Guide to Navigating Professional Relationships (Coursera) This is Course 5 in the Salesforce Sales Development Representative Professional Certificate. In order to successfully complete the course, please ensure you have taken Course 1: Groundwork for Success in Sales Development, Course 2: Foundations for Interviewing with Confidence, 3: Conversational Selling Playbook for SDRs, and 4: Boosting Productivity through the Tech Stack. In this course, you’ll develop ‘power’ skills that are often overlooked but can actually determine success in your role. |
Practical Machine Learning (Coursera) One of the most common tasks performed by data scientists and data analysts are prediction and machine learning. This course will cover the basic components of building and applying prediction functions with an emphasis on practical applications. The course will provide basic grounding in concepts such as training and tests sets, overfitting, and error rates. The course will also introduce a range of model based and algorithmic machine learning methods including regression, classification trees, |
Practical Machine Learning on H2O (Coursera) In this course, we will learn all the core techniques needed to make effective use of H2O. Even if you have no prior experience of machine learning, even if your math is weak, by the end of this course you will be able to make machine learning models using a variety of algorithms. We will be using linear models, random forest, GBMs and of course deep learning, as well as some unsupervised learning algorithms. You will also be able to evaluate your models and choose the best model to suit not jus |
Practical Predictive Analytics: Models and Methods (Coursera) Statistical experiment design and analytics are at the heart of data science. In this course you will design statistical experiments and analyze the results using modern methods. You will also explore the common pitfalls in interpreting statistical arguments, especially those associated with big data. Collectively, this course will help you internalize a core set of practical and effective machine learning methods and concepts, and apply them to solve some real world problems. Learning Go |
Practical Python for AI Coding 1 (Coursera) Introduction video: This course is for a complete novice of Python coding, so no prior knowledge or experience in software coding is required. This course selects, introduces, and explains Python syntaxes, functions, and libraries that were frequently used in AI coding. In addition, this course introduces vital syntaxes, and functions often used in AI coding and explains the complementary relationship among NumPy, Pandas, and TensorFlow, so this course is helpful f |
Practical Python for AI Coding 2 (Coursera) Introduction video : This course is for a complete novice of Python coding, so no prior knowledge or experience in software coding is required. This course selects, introduces and explains Python syntaxes, functions and libraries that were frequently used in AI coding. In addition, this course introduces vital syntaxes, and functions often used in AI coding and explains the complementary relationship among NumPy, Pandas and TensorFlow, so this course is helpful for |
Practical SAS Programming and Certification Review (Coursera) In this course you have the opportunity to use the skills you acquired in the two SAS programming courses to solve realistic problems. This course is also designed to give you a thorough review of SAS programming concepts so you are prepared to take the SAS Certified Specialist: Base Programming Using SAS 9.4 Exam. |
Practical Time Series Analysis (Coursera) Welcome to Practical Time Series Analysis! Many of us are "accidental" data analysts. We trained in the sciences, business, or engineering and then found ourselves confronted with data for which we have no formal analytic training. This course is designed for people with some technical competencies who would like more than a "cookbook" approach, but who still need to concentrate on the routine sorts of presentation and analysis that deepen the understanding of our professional topics. In pra |
Practice Exam for CAPM Certification (Coursera) Are you ready to ace the CAPM Exam and take a leap in your project management career? In this course you will learn about the Certified Associate Project Manager (CAPM) certification offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI) and have the opportunity to take our carefully designed practice exam. Preparing for the CAPM Exam can be overwhelming, but this course provides you with in-depth insight into the exam format, duration, coverage, and objectives. You'll gain a clear understanding o |
Practice Exam for Certified Scrum Master (CSM) Certification (Coursera) This course provides an overview of the Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Master (CSM) certification. We will share the process required to qualify for the exam, specific education requirements, and exam specifics. We will wrap up the course with a 50-question mock exam designed to prepare you for the CSM certification test. Becoming a CSM is the beginning of your Agile journey and the first step along a path of continual learning. Passing the CSM examination can open many doors, and this course w |
Practice Exam for CompTIA ITF+ Certification (Coursera) This short course from IBM will test your readiness for the CompTIA ITF+ Certification exam. Success in the CompTIA ITF+ exam certifies candidates’ readiness to embark on a career as an IT practitioner, for example, an IT Support Specialist. In this course, you will become familiar with the eligibility requirements, sign-up process, testing methods, and the knowledge and skills related to IT fundamentals that are assessed in this examination. You will also complete a mock exam that contains the |
Practicing for the SAS Programming Certification Exam (Coursera) In this course you have the opportunity to use the skills you acquired in the two SAS programming courses to solve realistic problems. This course is also designed to give you a thorough review of SAS programming concepts so you are prepared to take the SAS Certified Specialist: Base Programming Using SAS 9.4 Exam. |
Pre-MBA Quantitative Skills: Finance (Coursera) This short course surveys all the major topics covered in a full semester MBA level finance course, but with a more intuitive approach on a very high conceptual level. The goal here is give you a roadmap and framework for how financial professional make decisions. We will cover the basics of financial valuation, the time value of money, compounding returns, and discounting the future. You will understand discounted cash flow (DCF) valuation and how it compares to other methods. We also ste | Welcome to the Pre-MBA Statistics course! By the end of this course, you will be able to describe how statistics can be used to summarize, analyze, and interpret data. This course introduces you to some aspects of descriptive and inferential statistics. You will learn to distinguish between various data types and describe the operations that you can execute with each type of data and the right tools to use. The course also discusses the concepts of probability, which form the backbone of statist |
Precalculus: Mathematical Modeling (Coursera) This course helps to build the foundational material to use mathematics as a tool to model, understand, and interpret the world around us. This is done through studying functions, their properties, and applications to data analysis. Concepts of precalculus provide the set of tools for the beginning student to begin their scientific career, preparing them for future science and calculus courses. This course is designed for all students, not just those interested in further mathematics courses. |
Precalculus: Periodic Functions (Coursera) This course helps to build the foundational material to use mathematics as a tool to model, understand, and interpret the world around us. This is done through studying functions, their properties, and applications to data analysis. Concepts of precalculus provide the set of tools for the beginning student to begin their scientific career, preparing them for future science and calculus courses. This course is designed for all students, not just those interested in further mathematics courses. |
Precalculus: Relations and Functions (Coursera) This course helps to build the foundational material to use mathematics as a tool to model, understand, and interpret the world around us. This is done through studying functions, their properties, and applications to data analysis. Concepts of precalculus provide the set of tools for the beginning student to begin their scientific career, preparing them for future science and calculus courses. This course is designed for all students, not just those interested in further mathematics courses. | This course will provide you with the key knowledge and tools to understand the fundamentals and practical implications of precision medicine, its opportunities and challenges. It will address precision-medicine era diagnostics, treatment selection, genetic counseling, public health interventions, and biomedical research. It will also deal with data science and ethical issues. From genomic analysis and genetic counseling to cancer biomarkers, from risk assessment of chronic diseases to the unde |
Prediction and Control with Function Approximation (Coursera) In this course, you will learn how to solve problems with large, high-dimensional, and potentially infinite state spaces. You will see that estimating value functions can be cast as a supervised learning problem---function approximation---allowing you to build agents that carefully balance generalization and discrimination in order to maximize reward. We will begin this journey by investigating how our policy evaluation or prediction methods like Monte Carlo and TD can be extended to the functio |
Prediction Models with Sports Data (Coursera) In this course the learner will be shown how to generate forecasts of game results in professional sports using Python. The main emphasis of the course is on teaching the method of logistic regression as a way of modeling game results, using data on team expenditures. The learner is taken through the process of modeling past results, and then using the model to forecast the outcome games not yet played. The course will show the learner how to evaluate the reliability of a model using data on bet |
Predictive Modeling and Analytics (Coursera) Welcome to the second course in the Data Analytics for Business specialization! This course will introduce you to some of the most widely used predictive modeling techniques and their core principles. By taking this course, you will form a solid foundation of predictive analytics, which refers to tools and techniques for building statistical or machine learning models to make predictions based on data. You will learn how to carry out exploratory data analysis to gain insights and prepare data |
Predictive Modeling and Machine Learning with MATLAB (Coursera) In this course, you will build on the skills learned in Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLAB and Data Processing and Feature Engineering with MATLAB to increase your ability to harness the power of MATLAB to analyze data relevant to the work you do. These skills are valuable for those who have domain knowledge and some exposure to computational tools, but no programming background. To be successful in this course, you should have some background in basic statistics (histograms, averages, stand |
Predictive Modeling with Logistic Regression using SAS (Coursera) This course covers predictive modeling using SAS/STAT software with emphasis on the LOGISTIC procedure. This course also discusses selecting variables and interactions, recoding categorical variables based on the smooth weight of evidence, assessing models, treating missing values, and using efficiency techniques for massive data sets. You learn to use logistic regression to model an individual's behavior as a function of known inputs, create effect plots and odds ratio plots, handle missing dat |
Predictive Modeling, Model Fitting, and Regression Analysis (Coursera) Welcome to Predictive Modeling, Model Fitting, and Regression Analysis. In this course, we will explore different approaches in predictive modeling, and discuss how a model can be either supervised or unsupervised. We will review how a model can be fitted, trained and scored to apply to both historical and future data in an effort to address business objectives. Finally, this course includes a hands-on activity to develop a linear regression model. |
Preparar datos para la exploración (Coursera) Este es el tercer curso del Certificado de análisis computacional de datos de Google. En estos cursos obtendrás las habilidades necesarias para solicitar empleos de analista de datos de nivel introductorio. A medida que continúes con tu comprensión de los temas de los dos primeros cursos, también se te presentarán nuevos temas que te ayudarán a obtener habilidades prácticas de análisis computacional de datos. Aprenderás a utilizar herramientas como hojas de cálculo y SQL para extraer y utilizar |
Preparar os Dados para Exploração (Coursera) Este é o primeiro curso do Certificado do Google Data Analytics Estes cursos darão a você as habilidades necessárias para se candidatar a cargos empregos de analista de dados de nível introdutório. Conforme você continua a desenvolver sua compreensão dos tópicos dos dois primeiros cursos, também será apresentado a novos tópicos que o ajudarão a adquirir habilidades práticas de análise de dados. Você aprenderá como usar ferramentas como planilhas e SQL para extrair e fazer uso dos dados certos pa |
Prepare Data for Exploration (Coursera) This is the third course in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. As you continue to build on your understanding of the topics from the first two courses, you’ll be introduced to new topics that will help you gain practical data analytics skills. You’ll learn how to use tools like spreadsheets and SQL to extract and make use of the right data for your objectives, and how to organize and protect your data. Current Google data analysts will continue to instruct and provide you with hands-on ways |
Prepare for AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure (Coursera) Microsoft certifications give you a professional advantage by providing globally recognized and industry-endorsed evidence of mastering skills in digital and cloud businesses. In this course, you will prepare to take the Exam AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure. In this course, you will refresh your knowledge of hall phases of cloud development from requirements, definition, and design; to development, deployment, and maintenance; to performance tuning and monitoring. You will t |
Prepare for DP-100: Data Science on Microsoft Azure Exam (Coursera) Microsoft certifications give you a professional advantage by providing globally recognized and industry-endorsed evidence of mastering skills in digital and cloud businesses. In this course, you will prepare to take the DP-100 Azure Data Scientist Associate certification exam. You will refresh your knowledge of how to plan and create a suitable working environment for data science workloads on Azure, run data experiments, and train predictive models. In addition, you will recap on how to ma |
Prepare for the EMT Certification Test (Coursera) Welcome to your final course in Become and EMT! Prepare for the National Registry exam. The title for this course is a little bit misleading. We do hope that at the completion of this course that you feel more prepared to take the skills portion as well as the written portion of the national registry exam. More than anything else, however, our greatest hope is that we have given you the knowledge and tools to provide high quality patient care once you are certified as an EMT or once you achi |
Préparer les données pour l'exploration (Coursera) Il s'agit du troisième cours du Google Data Analytics Certificate. Ces cours vous permettront d’acquérir les compétences dont vous avez besoin pour postuler à des emplois d’analyste de données de niveau junior. Au fur et à mesure que vous approfondissez votre compréhension des sujets des deux premiers cours, vous découvrirez de nouveaux sujets qui vous aideront à acquérir des compétences pratiques en analytique des données. Vous apprendrez à utiliser des outils tels que des feuilles de calcul et |
Preparing Data for Analysis with Microsoft Excel (Coursera) This course forms part of the Microsoft Power BI Analyst Professional Certificate. This Professional Certificate consists of a series of courses that offers a good starting point for a career in data analysis using Microsoft Power BI. No prior skills are needed to be successful in this course. In this course, you’ll learn how to make use of Excel in business scenarios for data analysis. You’ll also learn how to utilize formulas and functions for data analysis. Specifically, this course will |
Preparing for AI-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals exam (Coursera) Microsoft certifications give you a professional advantage by providing globally recognized and industry-endorsed evidence of mastering skills in digital and cloud businesses. In this course, you will prepare to take the AI-900 Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals certification exam. You will refresh your knowledge of fundamental principles of machine learning on Microsoft Azure. You will go back over the main consideration of AI workloads and the features of computer vision, Natural Language Pro |
Preparing for and Passing Technical Certifications (Coursera) Technology provides you with great opportunities for professional advancement, and technical certifications prove your knowledge, expertise, and hands-on experience to prospective employers or clients. It is extremely important to organizations like AWS, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, ITIL, PMI, and many others that their certifications prove technical expertise; otherwise, their certifications are of no value. That is why the exams are so hard. This course is intended to help you formulate an effec |
Preparing for DP-900: Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Exam (Coursera) Microsoft certifications give you a professional advantage by providing globally recognized and industry-endorsed evidence of mastering skills in digital and cloud businesses. In this course, you will prepare to take the DP-900 Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals certification exam. You will refresh your knowledge of the fundamentals of database concepts in a cloud environment, the basic skilling in cloud data services, and foundational knowledge of cloud data services within Microsoft Azure. |