Coursera Courses |
Preparing for Graduate Study in the U.S.: A course for international students (Coursera) Preparing for graduate school in the United States can be nerve-wracking. Many international students have questions about what the programs are like and what resources they can use to excel in their studies. This course allows potential and incoming international students to practice their communication skills, identify tools that support academic success, and gain confidence as they prepare for their advanced degrees. Alongside advancing your English skills, get the chance to hear from inter |
Preparing for the AP Physics 1 Exam (Coursera) This course is designed for high school students preparing to take the AP* Physics 1 Exam. * AP Physics 1 is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product. |
Preparing for the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Exam (Coursera) Microsoft certifications give you a professional advantage by providing globally recognized and industry-endorsed evidence of mastering skills in digital and cloud businesses. In this course, you will prepare for the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam. You will refresh your knowledge of cloud concepts, Microsoft Azure services, Microsoft Azure workloads, security and privacy in Microsoft Azure, as well as Microsoft Azure pricing and support. in short, you will recap all the core concep |
Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect Exam em Português Brasileiro (Coursera) Trecho extraído do curso: "A melhor maneira de se preparar para o exame é ter competência nas habilidades que o trabalho exige." Este curso usa uma abordagem de cima para baixo com o objetivo de revelar as habilidades e o conhecimento que você já tem e apontar as áreas que precisam melhorar. Use este curso para criar seu próprio plano de estudo personalizado. Ele ajudará você a se preparar melhor e a desenvolver e praticar as habilidades necessárias para realizar este trabalho. O curso segue a |
Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect Exam 日本語版 (Coursera) コースより抜粋: 「最善の試験対策は職務に必要なスキルを身に付けることである」 このコースではトップダウン アプローチを用いて既知の知識とスキルを把握し、情報とスキルが不十分な分野を特定します。本コースを受講することにより、独自の対策計画を立てることができます。わかっていることとわからないことを明確にし、この職務の担当者に必要なスキルの習得と向上にお役立てください。 本コースでは試験ガイドの概要に沿って、受講者が特定の分野と関連する概念を十分に理解しているか、またはさらなる学習が必要かを判断できるように、「判断基準」となる概念を提示します。また、ケース分析、技術的に注意すべきポイントの特定、提案ソリューションの開発などの認知スキルを含む主要な職務スキルについて学び、実践する機会も用意されています。これらは職務スキルであると同時に試験スキルでもあります。また、アクティビティ トラッキング チャレンジラボを使って基礎能力もテストします。試験問題と同じような例題と解答も多数用意されており、コースの最後には採点式ではない模擬試験問題と、受験を想定した採点式の模擬試験問題が含まれて |
Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam 日本語版 (Coursera) このコースは、受験資格のある受験者が自信を持って試験を受けられるように支援する情報、およびまだ受験資格のない方が試験対策を進める際に役立つ情報を提供します。 |
Preparing for the SAS Programming Certification Exam (Coursera) In this course you have the opportunity to use the skills you acquired in the two SAS programming courses to solve realistic problems. This course is also designed to give you a thorough review of SAS programming concepts so you are prepared to take the SAS Certified Specialist: Base Programming Using SAS 9.4 Exam. |
Preparing for Your Associate Cloud Engineer Journey (Coursera) This course helps you structure your preparation for the Associate Cloud Engineer exam. You will learn about the Google Cloud domains covered by the exam and how to create a study plan to improve your domain knowledge. |
Preparing for Your CertNexus Certification Exam (Coursera) What is a certification? How is it different than a certificate or credential? This mini-course will answer these questions and provide learners direction on how to prepare for a certification exam from CertNexus or an other certification vendor. It includes tips and tricks to succeed in your journey towards certification, as well as step by step instructions how to schedule and take your exam, whether in person or online. In addition we will provide next steps after your certification, includin |
Preparing for your Professional Cloud Architect Journey (Coursera) This course helps learners create a study plan for the PCA (Professional Cloud Architect) certification exam. Learners explore the breadth and scope of the domains covered in the exam. Learners assess their exam readiness and create their individual study plan. |
Preparing for Your Professional Cloud Security Engineer Journey (Coursera) This course helps learners prepare for the Professional Cloud Security Engineer (PCSE) Certification exam. Learners will be exposed to and engage with exam topics through a series of lectures, diagnostic questions, and knowledge checks. After completing this course, learners will have a personalized workbook that will guide them through the rest of their certification readiness journey. |
Preparing Google Associate Cloud Engineer Exam em Português (Coursera) Este curso ajuda você a se preparar para o exame Associate Cloud Engineer. Você vai aprender sobre os domínios do Google Cloud abordados no exame e como criar um plano de estudos para melhorar seu conhecimento sobre o assunto. |
Preparing to Manage Human Resources (Coursera) One way or another, all employees are managed. But approaches to managing employees varying from employee-to-employee, job-to-job, manager-to-manager, organization-to-organization, and country-to-country. This course provides a foundation for developing your own approach to skillfully managing employees by illustrating alternative human resource management (HRM) strategies, introducing the importance of the legal context, and thinking about what motivates employees. This will then give you the f |
PrEParing: PrEP for Providers and Patients (Coursera) Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) using the antiretroviral medication emtricitibine/tenofovir approved in countries around the world is a highly effective means of reducing transmission of HIV through sexual encounters and needle sharing. This Johns Hopkins University course PrEPares you with essential information, concepts and practical advice regarding PrEP from leaders in the field. A first of its kind learning opportunity, both providers and patients learn from the same experts through conte |
Present with Purpose: Create/Deliver Effective Presentations (Coursera) Knowing how to create a presentation is a powerful tool when it comes to communication. Presentations are a key part of every office or business related job and you need to have the skills to deliver a presentation that leaves an impact on viewers. This short course is designed to equip you with those exact skills that you will need in order to be successful in this field. Throughout this course you will learn how to create and deliver a presentation that will leave your audience well informe |
Presentations: Speaking so that People Listen (Coursera) Do you have to give presentations in school or at your work? Is it nerve-racking? Then you've come to the right place. Everyone gets a little nervous when they think about having to stand in front of other people and speak intelligently. This course will give you helpful tips for making effective speeches and delivering them well in typical American settings. You'll learn how to organize a presentation, how to make it memorable, and how to communicate clearly. In the course, you'll have several |
Pressure, Force, Motion, and Humidity Sensors (Coursera) "Pressure, Force, Motion, and Humidity Sensors" can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5342, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree. This is our third course in our specialization on Embedding Sensor and Motors. To get the most out of this course, you should first take our first course entitled Sensors and Sensor Circuits. Our first course gives you a tutorial on how to use the hardware and software development kit we have chosen for the lab exercises. Th |
Preventative Healthcare for the Newborn Baby (Coursera) In this course, you will learn some medical interventions and skills to keep newborns healthy in the days and weeks after they have been born. We’ll tell you about medicines like Vitamin K and erythromycin and how they can prevent serious illnesses. We’ll also introduce screening tests like hearing screening and newborn blood screening that help to make sure that babies are set up for success right from the start. But we will start off by talking about jaundice, looking at the simple ways to |
Preventing Chronic Pain: A Human Systems Approach (Coursera) Chronic pain is at epidemic levels and has become the highest-cost condition in health care. This course uses evidence-based science with creative and experiential learning to better understand chronic pain conditions and how they can be prevented through self-management in our cognitive, behavioral, physical, emotional, spiritual, social, and environmental realms. The goal of this course is to blend creative, experiential, and evidence-based teaching strategies to help participants understand |
Previous OWASP Risks (Coursera) In this course, we will examine three very relevant security risks that were merged into larger topics in the OWASP Top Ten 2021 list. It’s still important to know the details of how these risks work. We will explore XML External Entities (XXE), Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Insecure Deserialization. |
Pricing Options with Mathematical Models (Coursera) This is an introductory course on options and other financial derivatives, and their applications to risk management. We will start with defining derivatives and options, continue with discrete-time, binomial tree models, and then develop continuous-time, Brownian Motion models. A basic introduction to Stochastic, Ito Calculus will be given. The benchmark model will be the Black-Scholes-Merton pricing model, but we will also discuss more general models, such as stochastic volatility models. We w | Pricing is one of the most important but least understood marketing decisions. Learn and practice concepts, techniques, and get to grips with the latest thinking on assessing and formulating pricing strategies. Analyze how firms attempt to capture value, as well as profits, in the revenues they earn. Along this course, you will learn pricing strategy key concepts such as pricing psychology, price discrimination, willingness to pay of customers, optimal price and price elasticity. This course h |
Pricing Strategy in Practice (Coursera) In this project-centered course, Darden's Ron Wilcox and BCG's Thomas Kohler will walk you through a real-world case, from problem statement to detailed analyses. You'll use all three lenses (cost, customer value, and competition) to recommend an optimal price—and then adjust to market disruptions. Utilizing the concepts, tools and techniques taught in previous Specialization courses—from basic techniques of economics to knowledge of customer segments, willingness to pay, and customer decision m |
Primary and Secondary Batteries (Coursera) Primary and Secondary Batteries: This course will focus on fundamentals and basic operating principles of batteries; battery electrode active materials, performance, and life cycle evaluation; commercialization outlook of smart energy systems. |
Primate Conservation (Coursera) We are presently facing a potential extinction crisis for the order Primates (and many other life forms). In this course we will learn about threats to primate conservation globally. We will be using the, “Primates in Peril: The World’s 25 Most Endangered Primates 2018-2020” by Schwitzer et al. (2019) as a basis for the discussion of global primate populations. We will investigate conservation status, threats to conservations, success and failures within protecting our closest evolutionary cousi |
Primeros Auxilios Psicológicos (PAP) (Coursera) Este curso, impartido en castellano por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona y el Centro de Crisis de Barcelona, está destinado a entrenar en la aplicación de primeros auxilios psicológicos (PAP) a personas afectadas por situaciones altamente estresantes, abarcando tanto emergencias cotidianas (incidentes críticos estadísticamente frecuentes que afectan de manera muy intensa: un accidente de tráfico, una hospitalización, una agresión o la muerte traumática o repentina de una persona, etc.) como |
Primeros Auxilios Psicológicos (PAP). Edición especial COVID-19 (Coursera) Bienvenidos a esta edición especial, simplificada y sin certificación de seguimiento, del curso sobre Primeros Auxilios Psicológicos, impartido en castellano por la Unidad de Crisis de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) desde el año 2015. Ante la actual pandemia causada por el COVID 19, desde la UAB, en colaboración con la plataforma Coursera, hemos considerado que una selección de los materiales correspondientes al curso completo puede ayudar tanto a las familias como a los profesiona |
Primeros pasos en el proceso de diseño de UX: Empatizar, definir e idear (Coursera) Primeros pasos en el proceso de diseño de UX: Empatizar, definir, idear es el segundo curso de un programa de certificación que te dará las habilidades que necesitas para postularte a trabajos de nivel básico en el campo del diseño de la experiencia del usuario (UX). En este curso, darás los primeros pasos en el proceso de diseño de un proyecto que podrás incluir en tu portfolio profesional. Aprenderás cómo empatizar con los usuarios y comprender sus dificultades, definir las necesidades de los |
Principes de base du soutien technique (Coursera) Ce cours est le premier d’une série qui vise à vous préparer à un rôle de spécialiste du soutien des TI de niveau débutant. Dans ce cours, on vous initiera au monde des technologies de l’information, ou TI. Vous découvrirez les différentes facettes des technologies de l’information, comme le matériel, Internet, les logiciels, le dépannage et le service à la clientèle. Ce cours couvre une grande variété de sujets en TI qui sont conçus pour vous donner un aperçu de ce que contient ce programme de |
Principes de base du support technique (Coursera) Ce cours est le premier d’une série qui vise à vous préparer à un rôle de Spécialiste du Support Informatique débutant. Dans ce cours, vous serez initié au monde des technologies de l’information, ou IT (Information Technology). Vous découvrirez les différentes facettes des technologies de l’information, comme le matériel informatique, Internet, les logiciels informatiques, le dépannage et le service à la clientèle. Ce cours couvre une grande variété de sujets en informatique qui sont conçus pou |
Princípios básicos de apoio técnico (Coursera) Este curso é o primeiro de uma série que visa a sua preparação para uma função de especialista de apoio técnico de TI de nível básico. Neste curso, ser-lhe-á apresentado o mundo das TI (Tecnologias de Informação). Vai descobrir as diferentes facetas das Tecnologias de Informação, como o hardware informático, a Internet, o software informático, a resolução de problemas e o serviço de apoio ao cliente. Vamos analisar como é que pode ser realizada uma entrevista técnica e fornecer sugestões sobre a |
Princípios de Desenvolvimento Ágil de Software (Coursera) Neste curso, assumimos que você já sabe projetar e desenvolver programas mais complexos em Java, graças às boas práticas e princípios orientados a objetos, TDD e conceitos avançados de Java aplicados à Web e banco de dados exercitados nos cursos anteriores; mas você talvez não se sinta ainda confortável em planejar e gerenciar o desenvolvimento das aplicações com base em modernas práticas de modelagem ágil. O objetivo deste curso é expor você às principais técnicas e princípios de desenvolvimen |
Principios de Psicología (Coursera) En este primer curso se proporcionará una visión integral del estudio científico del pensamiento y del comportamiento humano, donde se van a explorar temas como la sensopercepción, cognición, el aprendizaje y la memoria, así como la personalidad y la socialización. Además, podremos conocer con mayor detalle los fundamentos teóricos y los principales hallazgos en la Psicología. También se comprenderá la psicología cognitiva, cómo percibimos el mundo y cómo funciona nuestra memoria. Es relevante m |
Principios esenciales de diseño en Tableau (Coursera) En este curso, analizarás y aplicarás principios de diseño esenciales para tus visualizaciones en Tableau. Este curso asume que comprendes las herramientas dentro de Tableau y tienes algún conocimiento de los conceptos fundamentales de visualización de datos. Definirás y examinarás las similitudes y diferencias del análisis exploratorio y estudio, así como comenzarás a hacerte las preguntas correctas sobre lo que se necesita en una visualización. Evaluarás cómo trabajan juntos los datos y el dis |
PRINCÍPIOS GERAIS DA TÉCNICA DO VIOLINO E DA VIOLA DE ARCO (Coursera) Esse curso visa fornecer informações sobre aspectos básicos da técnica do violino e da viola de arco. Ao longo de 18 aulas, com duração média de 7 minutos cada, serão abordados temas como posicionamento do instrumento, maneiras de posicionar a mão esquerda, como segurar o arco, como executar os principais golpes de arco, como estudar mudanças de posição, etapas para desenvolvimento do vibrato e sugestões para a organização do estudo diário do instrumento |
Principios y Regulaciones de Seguridad de la Información (Coursera) El curso de Principios y Regulaciones de Seguridad de la Información busca que identifiques los fundamentos de la seguridad de la información incluyendo conceptos de confidencialidad, integridad y disponibilidad, fundamentos de criptografía y de análisis de riesgos. Además, que conozcas los conceptos fundamentales de construcción de políticas de seguridad y uso de estándares. Finalmente, que conozcas aspectos regulatorios internacionales para manejo de datos personales y cibercrimen. Estos temas |
Principles of Accounts Payable and Receivable Management (Coursera) This course is for those interested in starting a career in bookkeeping. The course builds on the knowledge and skills covered in the first course in this professional certificate, Fundamentals of Accounting and Reporting, and dives deeper into accounts payable and receivable management. You will not only learn concepts related to accounts payable and receivable, but also demonstrate the basic concepts of computerized accounting using Tally. Tally is a revolutionary product which has been cre |
Principles of Computing (Part 1) (Coursera) This two-part course builds upon the programming skills that you learned in our Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python course. We will augment those skills with both important programming practices and critical mathematical problem solving skills. These skills underlie larger scale computational problem solving and programming. The main focus of the class will be programming weekly mini-projects in Python that build upon the mathematical and programming principles that are taught in |
Principles of Computing (Part 2) (Coursera) This two-part course introduces the basic mathematical and programming principles that underlie much of Computer Science. Understanding these principles is crucial to the process of creating efficient and well-structured solutions for computational problems. To get hands-on experience working with these concepts, we will use the Python programming language. The main focus of the class will be weekly mini-projects that build upon the mathematical and programming principles that are taught in the |
Principles of fMRI 1 (Coursera) Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is the most widely used technique for investigating the living, functioning human brain as people perform tasks and experience mental states. It is a convergence point for multidisciplinary work from many disciplines. Psychologists, statisticians, physicists, computer scientists, neuroscientists, medical researchers, behavioral scientists, engineers, public health researchers, biologists, and others are coming together to advance our understanding of |
Principles of fMRI 2 (Coursera) Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is the most widely used technique for investigating the living, functioning human brain as people perform tasks and experience mental states. It is a convergence point for multidisciplinary work from many disciplines. Psychologists, statisticians, physicists, computer scientists, neuroscientists, medical researchers, behavioral scientists, engineers, public health researchers, biologists, and others are coming together to advance our understanding of |
Principles of Management (Coursera) Team leads, managers, and entrepreneurs must juggle team citizenship and leadership, ethics, strategy, and projects with their work in their area of expertise. While an individual contributor’s success may depend on their own direct input -- the sweat of their own brow – managers’ success depends on their ability to enlist the active involvement of others: direct reports, other managers, other team members, other department employees, and those above them on the organizational chart -- sometime |
Principles of Photo Composition and Digital Image Post-Production (Coursera) Welcome to Course THREE! In the first two Modules you will gain a more professional-level understanding of the Design Elements that artists have used throughout history to create successful compositions. Arranging the Elements in ways that lead viewers through their compositions is an essential craft for photographers no matter whether their subject matter is pure documentary or vividly exotic personal expression. In Modules 3 & 4 we survey the essential elements of post-photography image man |
Principles of Public Relations (Coursera) In this course, learners are exposed to an overview of public relations principles and theories relevant to practice. You will explore the field, including the origin and trends affecting the future of the industry as well as how to land a job in public relations. This course provides a broad overview of working in public relations and how different tenets of persuasion are used in practice. The course also addresses ethical implications of public relations. |
Principles of Secure Coding (Coursera) This course introduces you to the principles of secure programming. It begins by discussing the philosophy and principles of secure programming, and then presenting robust programming and the relationship between it and secure programming. We'll go through a detailed example of writing robust code and we'll see many common programming problems and show their connection to writing robust, secure programs in general. We’ll examine eight design principles that govern secure coding and how to apply |
Principles of Sustainable Finance (Coursera) Finance is widely seen as an obstacle to a better world. Principles of Sustainable Finance explains how the financial sector can be mobilized to counter this. Using finance as a means to achieve social goals we can divert the planet and its economy from its current path to a world that is sustainable for all. Throughout this course, you will learn about the UN Sustainable Development Goals, how social and environmental factors should not be regarded as externalities, you will learn more about |
Principles of UX/UI Design (Coursera) Learn the fundamentals of User Experience (UX) research and design. Become immersed in the UX process of identifying problems and iterating and testing designs to find appropriate solutions. You’ll learn how to empathize with users through best-practice research approaches, and create common UX artifacts such as user personas. And you’ll use UX insights to make appropriate design decisions. By utilizing the User Interface (UI) design process, you will be able to create wireframes for features |
Print and Digital Elements of Design: Branding and User Experience (Coursera) Graphic design projects can be delivered in either a printed format or a digital format, or both. This course will look at how to work with creative professionals to get the ideal usage out of a design to use in print medium such as logos, brochures and larger printed projects that will also carry over as seamlessly as possible into the digital realm of websites and social media. We will also cover the user experience and how to keep the end result in mind when working on creative endeavors. | Explore the intricacies of European privacy law in this focused course, designed as a follow-up to "Privacy in the Western World." This course places a strong focus on the European legal framework, which bases its privacy protection on seminal human rights treaties such as the UN Declaration on Human Rights. You'll gain insights into the historical context that shaped Europe's approach to privacy, beginning with economic cooperation initiatives set up to prevent another conflict after the devas |
Privacy in the Western World (Coursera) Welcome to this course about privacy, We are thrilled to see that you are interested and will provide you with a comprehensive study of this intriguiging subject. We hope this course will enthuse you to look further into privacy and personal data regulation. Especially in the light of recent events it becomes more important to know about your (alleged!?) rights and freedoms. After showing you a number of interesting examples of privacy in recent events, this course continues to provide you w |