Coursera Courses

Physics 102 - Electric Charges and Fields (Coursera)

This first course serves as an introduction to the physics of electricity and magnetism. Upon completion, learners will understand how mathematical laws and conservation principles describe fields and how these fields are related to electrical circuits. Learners will gain experience in solving physics problems with tools such as graphical analysis, algebra, vector analysis, and calculus. This first course covers Charge, Electric Forces, and Electric Fields. Each of the three modules contains

Physics 102 - Electric Potential and DC Circuits (Coursera)

This second course serves as an introduction to the physics of electricity and magnetism. Upon completion, learners will understand how mathematical laws and conservation principles describe fields and how these fields are related to electrical circuits. Learners will gain experience in solving physics problems with tools such as graphical analysis, algebra, vector analysis, and calculus. This second course covers Electric Potential, Capacitance, Current, Resistors, and DC Circuits. Each of t

Physique des particules - une introduction (Coursera)

Ce cours vous introduit à la physique subatomique, c'est à dire à la physique du noyau et à celle des particules élémentaires. Plus spécifiquement les questions adressées sont les suivantes : - Quels sont les concepts de la physique des particules et comment sont-ils implémentés? - Quelles sont les propriétés du noyau atomique et comment peut on les utiliser? - Comment accélérer et détecter des particules et mesurer leurs propriétés? - Qu’est-ce qu’on apprend à partir des réactions de particul

Pilares de Marketing Digital (Coursera)

El Marketing Digital ha revolucionado la forma de hacer negocios, y ninguna corporación, empresa, emprendedor o profesional puede desconocer su importancia vital para lograr el éxito. Este curso proporciona al alumno el dominio de los criterios estratégicos, técnicas y herramientas propias de la disciplina. Objetivos: - Comprender el ecosistema completo del Marketing Digital - Desarrollar las mejores estrategias para conseguir los objetivos - Identificar las principales herramientas para ejecuta

Pixel Art for Video Games (Coursera)

This course is aimed to give you the tools and knowledge you need to start creating simple art for video games made in the Unity game engine. Through the aesthetic of pixel art we will explore artistic principals like shape language, color theory, and composition as well as show you a step by step workflow for creating assets that you can use to make your own games. The course is broken into 4 main modules, props, environments, characters, and animation. Each of these courses will have a series

Plagues, Witches, and War: The Worlds of Historical Fiction (Coursera)

A unique and exciting introduction to the genre and craft of historical fiction, for curious students, aspiring authors--anyone with a passion for the past. Read classics of the genre, encounter bestselling writers of historical fiction, and discover your own historical archive while interacting with a global community of interested readers.

Plan a Successful Freelancing Business (Coursera)

The first course in the Building Your Freelancing Career specialization is focused on freelancers looking to define and solidify their philosophy, values and goals within their future business. Coursework will discuss the importance of understanding their competition and market position in a competitive business landscape, help them define what their unique value is, and how that relates to possible business approaches. CalArtians who do not see a "Sponsored by CalArts" notice when enrolling ar

Plan de Negocios (Coursera)

¿Cómo construir el escenario futuro en un mundo volátil, incierto, complejo y ambiguo en el cual se desarrollará un proyecto? ¿Cómo elaborar un plan estratégico para lograr los objetivos de un proyecto? ¿Cómo investigar las oportunidades que brinda el mercado y diseñar una propuesta de valor que sea apreciada por los destinatarios? ¿Cómo diseñar una organización adecuada para lograr los objetivos, medir sus impactos y sus riesgos? Estos son algunos de los interrogantes sobre los que trabajaremos

Planejamento de projetos: Como reunir tudo (Coursera)

Esse é o segundo curso do programa Certificado de Gerenciamento de Projetos do Google. Neste curso, você vai ver como mapear um projeto na segunda fase do ciclo de vida do projeto: a fase de planejamento. Você examinará os principais componentes de um plano de projeto, como fazer estimativas de tempo precisas e como definir marcos. A seguir, você vai aprender como criar e gerenciar um orçamento e como funcionam os processos de venda. Em seguida, você descobrirá ferramentas que podem ajudar a ide

Planet Earth...and You! (Coursera)

Earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain building, ice ages, landslides, floods, life evolution, plate motions—all of these phenomena have interacted over the vast expanses of deep time to sculpt the dynamic planet that we live on today. Planet Earth presents an overview of several aspects of our home, from a geological perspective. We begin with earthquakes—what they are, what causes them, what effects they have, and what we can do about them. We will emphasize that plate tectonics—the grand unifying

Planificación del proyecto: reunir todos los elementos (Coursera)

Este es el tercer curso del programa Certificado en Gestión de proyectos de Google. Este curso explorará la segunda fase del ciclo de vida del proyecto: la fase de planificación. Examinarás los componentes clave de un plan de proyecto, cómo hacer estimaciones de tiempo precisas y cómo establecer hitos. Luego, aprenderás a elaborar y gestionar un presupuesto, y cómo funcionan los procesos de adquisición. Después, descubrirás herramientas que pueden ayudarte a identificar y gestionar diferentes ti

Planificación y gestión estratégica para Pymes (Coursera)

Este curso fue diseñado para apoyar a empresarios de distintas regiones y países, a que logren desarrollar e implementar estrategias adecuadas que les permitan alcanzar sus objetivos y cumplir su misión. El curso permite profundizar sobre el proceso de formulación de una estrategia, entregando conceptos y algunas herramientas para crear y capturar valor con una estrategia empresarial exitosa. Asimismo, se espera cubrir ciertas falencias que tienen los empresarios pyme en cuanto a la definición

Planification de projet : Tout mettre en place (Coursera)

Il s'agit du troisième cours du programme Google Project Management Certificate (certificat de gestion de projet Google). Ce cours explorera comment élaborer un projet dans la deuxième phase du cycle de vie du projet : la phase de planification. Vous examinerez les éléments clés d'un plan de projet, comment faire des estimations de temps précises et comment définir des jalons. Ensuite, vous apprendrez comment établir et gérer un budget et comment fonctionnent les processus d'approvisionnement. P

Planification des mobilités (Coursera)

"Planification des mobilités" est un cours conçu autour des enjeux environnementaux, économiques, territoriaux et sociaux qui sont liés à la mobilité. Au-delà du transport, la mobilité englobe une multitude de phénomènes et de réalités qui changent et interagissent en permanence. Cela implique des choix politiques qui s’inscrivent dans le temps et qui sont au cœur de l'exercice de la planification. Ainsi, au cours de 5 semaines et avec la participation de nombreux intervenants, le cours met à

Planification et Design de Systèmes et Technologies d’Assainissement (Coursera)

Désirez-vous apprendre à mettre en œuvre des solutions d’assainissement abordables et adaptées à différents contextes ? Voulez-vous connaître les derniers développement dans le domaine de la planification de l’assainissement urbain ? Êtes-vous intéressés par des exemples de systèmes d’assainissement urbain qui fonctionnent dans les pays à faible et moyen revenu ? Si oui, alors ce cours est pour vous ! Le cours débute par une introduction à la planification intégrée de l’assainissement et adres

Planned Giving (Coursera)

In this comprehensive overview of planned giving, you’ll gain an introduction to the basic terminology and concepts in the field as well as an overview of each planned giving vehicle. Learn to identify and assess prospective donors, recognize planned giving benefits to your donors, match a donor’s interests and needs with the appropriate planned giving options, and structure a successful solicitation. You’ll understand the importance of administration of planned gifts to ensure compliance with p

Planning & Design of Sanitation Systems and Technologies (Coursera)

Do you want to learn how to plan affordable and context-specific sanitation solutions? Be up-to-date on the newest developments in urban sanitation planning and programming? Get to know best practice examples of urban sanitation systems in low- and middle-income countries? If yes, this course is for you! This course provides you with an introduction to integrated sanitation planning, both on a citywide scale and for specific contexts such as informal settlements. You will become familiar with

Planning a Patient Safety or Quality Improvement Project (Patient Safety III) (Coursera)

This course provides students with a set of tools and methodologies to plan and initiate a Problem Solving or Quality Improvement project. The first module presents methods for selecting, scoping and structuring a project before it is even initiated. It also introduces the project classifications of implementation and discovery. The second module describes the A3 problem solving methodology and the tool itself. Further in that same module, the student is shown tools to identify problems in flow

Planning for a Google Workspace Deployment (Coursera)

Planning for a Google Workspace Deployment is the final course in the Google Workspace Administration series. In this course, you will be introduced to Google's deployment methodology and best practices. You will follow Katelyn and Marcus as they plan for a Google Workspace deployment at Cymbal. They'll focus on the core technical project areas of provisioning, mail flow, data migration, and coexistence, and will consider the best deployment strategy for each area. You will also be introduced

Planning for Climate Change in African Cities (Coursera)

Climate change poses a threat to economic growth and long-term prosperity of many countries around the world. Africa is not an exception, considering the actual and potential impacts of climate change and climate variability that will threaten its vulnerable sectors and human populations. African countries are projected to experience changing rainfall patterns, rising sea levels, and higher temperatures that will affect food security, agricultural production, water availability, and public healt

Planning with Climate Change in Mind (Coursera)

This course focuses on the climate impacts occurring and expected to occur across the United States. Our approach will be regional and sectoral, with consideration of impacts on water resources, transportation, energy, agriculture, forests, health, and coastal/marine resources. We will also look at how you can apply information about climate risks to motivate climate action in your household, in your community, or in your workplace.

Planning your Client's Wealth over a 5-year Horizon (Coursera)

In this Capstone project, you will have to choose between three different characters (each with a unique set of financial constraints and objectives) and design an appropriate wealth plan for them over the next 5 years. You will have to use the knowledge you gained in each of the four preceding courses to reach that objective. Indeed, you will need to know which assets to consider and how to manage them depending on changes in the economic outlook (Course 1), how to evaluate and deal with your

Planning, Auditing and Maintaining Enterprise Systems (Coursera)

Good system management not only requires managing the systems themselves, but requires careful planning to make systems interact with each other, auditing of the systems once the systems are built, and proactive maintenance of all systems. Organizations also rely on organizational policies, such as Acceptable Use Policies to bolster the technical aspect of system management. This course explores many of the behind the scenes requirements of good system management. The first half of the cours

Planning: Principled, Proposing, Proofing, and Practicing to a Success Plan (Coursera)

According to Steven Blank a business startup, or any new venture startup is essentially a proto-type. Thus the startup process essentially becomes a learning process to refine that business proto-type into a scalable, replicable finished 'product'. At the end of this course learners will be able to: -complete a business model summarizing assumptions about what value they will offer to whom, and how they will make money. - systematically test and validate these assumptions within the

Plant Bioinformatics (Coursera)

The past 15 years have been exciting ones in plant biology. Hundreds of plant genomes have been sequenced, RNA-seq has enabled transcriptome-wide expression profiling, and a proliferation of "-seq"-based methods has permitted protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions to be determined cheaply and in a high-throughput manner. These data sets in turn allow us to generate hypotheses at the click of a mouse. For instance, knowing where and when a gene is expressed can help us narrow down the pheno

Plant Bioinformatics Capstone (Coursera)

The past 15 years have been exciting ones in plant biology. Hundreds of plant genomes have been sequenced, RNA-seq has enabled transcriptome-wide expression profiling, and a proliferation of "-seq"-based methods has permitted protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions to be determined cheaply and in a high-throughput manner. These data sets in turn allow us to generate hypotheses at the click of a mouse or tap of a finger. In Plant Bioinformatics on, we covered 33 plant-specific

Plant-Based Diets (Coursera)

In today's world, there are many eating patterns available to choose from. They can range across a dietary spectrum from a totally carnivorous diet (meat-eating) to an entirely herbivorous diet (plant-eating). Plant-based diets are diets that rely primarily or entirely on plant-based foods. This course has been designed to help those navigate the various available plant-based diet options, their associated health benefits, and the common myths surrounding these dietary lifestyles. With over 30

PlanU: escoge la mejor carrera y universidad para ti (Coursera)

Este curso fue diseñado para que el participante desarrolle herramientas para tomar decisiones de carrera y universidad de una manera segura y sistemática. Durante las próximas semanas, nuestros estudiantes, recorrerán un camino con variadas y divertidas oportunidades de aprendizaje a través de las cuales conocerán y cuestionarán diferentes aspectos del proceso de esta elección. Simultáneamente, construirán las habilidades para descubrir sus propias respuestas y elaborar planes de acción coheren

Plastic electronics (Coursera)

Plastic electronics is a concept that emerged forty years ago, with the discovery of electrically conductive polymers. Ten years later, the first electronic devices using organic solids in place of the ubiquitous inorganic semiconductors were realised. The best achievement of plastic electronics is constituted by Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) that equip the display of many smartphones, and even TV sets. The objective of this course is to provide a comprehensive overview of the physics o

Platform Thinking: designing a Platform (Coursera)

Platforms changed the way we live and we do business. This module of the “Platform Thinking” series aims to help innovators in designing and building platforms. At first sight, it may seem that platforms "simply" connect different kinds of users, as Airbnb links travelers and hosts or as Uber links drivers and riders. Well, this is true: platforms link different kinds of users. Nevertheless, this is just the enabling factor to have a platform, definitely not enough to describe the wide range of

Platform Thinking: exploiting data through platforms (Coursera)

(Digital) data are often considered the new oil. Companies often exploit them building platforms, involving different sets of users that generate data – for example, enjoying a digital service through a mobile app – and other organizations that see value in those data and wish to leverage them. This module of the “Platform Thinking” series aims to assess the role of data in digital platforms. We are talking about companies – like social networks – that exploit data to offer personalized advertis

Platform Thinking: what’s beyond Uber? (Coursera)

Over the last two decades, platforms have transformed the way, we search for information (e.g., Google), buy goods (e.g., Amazon), consume news and media (e.g., Facebook and Twitter) and travel and move around (e.g., Airbnb,, Uber and TripAdvisor). This phenomenon is known as 'the power of platforms', defined as an innovative business model that relies on digital technologies to assemble people, knowledge and companies in an interactive ecosystem where value can be created, captured

Play It Safe: Manage Security Risks (Coursera)

This is the second course in the Google Cybersecurity Certificate. These courses will equip you with the skills you need to apply for an entry-level cybersecurity job. You’ll build on your understanding of the topics that were introduced in the first Google Cybersecurity Certificate course. In this course, you will take a deeper dive into concepts introduced in the first course, with an emphasis on how cybersecurity professionals use frameworks and controls to protect business operations. In pa

Pluralidades em Português Brasileiro (Coursera)

Pluralidades em Português Brasileiro is a five-week long online self-access course whose aim is to expand intercultural awareness and develop upper intermediate/advanced reading and listening comprehension skills regarding Brazilian Portuguese as a foreign language. An extra week was added to expand the topics of the course. From a pluralist perspective, the course aims at exploring cultural topics and linguistic diversity. The course activities are based on contextualized use of Brazilian Portu

Point of Care Testing for Sexually Transmitted Infections (Coursera)

What are sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and why do we care? What is point of care testing (POCT)? What do clinicians and patients want and need from the POCT for STIs? Point of care testing, or medical diagnostic testing done at the time of patient care, is an important tool for the treatment of sexually transmitted infections. This course looks at point of care testing for sexually transmitted infections from the perspective of the clinician, the patient, and the regulatory environme

Pointers, Arrays, and Recursion (Coursera)

The third course in the specialization Introduction to Programming in C introduces the programming constructs pointers, arrays, and recursion. Pointers provide control and flexibility when programming in C by giving you a way to refer to the location of other data. Arrays provide a way to bundle data by guaranteeing sequences of data are grouped together. Finally, recursive functions—functions that call themselves—provide an alternative to iteration that are very useful for implementing certain

Political Economy of Institutions and Development (Coursera)

This course is part of the SDG initiative addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals, specifically for the following SDGs [1, 8, 10 and 16]. We hope you will join in our efforts to reach the SDG’s in small but measurable and actionable ways, cooperating with Development Done Differently. Expand your impact. You can create a better world. In today’s world, politics and economics are interconnected, but what is the nature of this connectivity? What are the pow

Politics and Economics of International Energy (Coursera)

Energy issues have always been important in international relations, but in recent years may have become even more important than in the past due to the widespread awareness of existing limits to energy sources and negative climate impacts. The course discusses global trends in energy consumption and production, various available scenarios for potential developments in the coming decades, the availability of oil reserves and the evolution of the oil industry. It then discusses natural gas and hi

Ponlo en práctica: Prepárate para los trabajos en ciberseguridad (Coursera)

En este octavo y último curso del Certificado de Ciberseguridad de Google, te centrarás en la toma de decisiones y el proceso de notificar incidentes a las partes interesadas. Desarrollarás las habilidades de comunicación y colaboración necesarias para informar e influir en estas dentro de una organización. Además, aprenderás a operar éticamente como profesional de la ciberseguridad, al tiempo que explorarás los trabajos en dicho campo y completarás entrevistas de práctica. Tendrás la oportunida

Population Health: Alternative Payment Models (Coursera)

The way we currently pay our care providers lead to suboptimal outcomes and unnecessary spending. Consequently, we fail to maximize the value of our health care services. We need to change provider payment models in order to keep health care systems financial sustainability. Doing nothing is not an option. But the question is, how do we do it? During this course, we will discuss the rationale for payment reforms and dive into the key design elements of Alternative Payment Models (APMs) and how

Population Health: Fundamentals of Population Health Management (Coursera)

What are the principles of Population Health Management as a pro-active management approach to improve health and to tackle health disparities? In this course we will discuss the basic principles of Population Health Management that will help you as (future) health care professional or policymaker to analyse current healthcare challenges and to design possible solutions using the Population Health Management Approach. During this course you discuss the rationale for the current value transforma

Population Health: Governance (Coursera)

How can we organise care in such a way that we optimize experience, quality and costs? What type of governance is needed? And how should healthcare organisations collaborate? These are central questions in this course. In answering them, we depart from a recognition of the impact of three crucial global shifts in health care governance: 1) the change in focus from cure to population health, 2) the increased attention to social determinants of health, and 3) the stronger involvement of non-gove

Population Health: Health & Health Behaviour (Coursera)

In this introduction course on Health and Health Behaviour you will learn about the fundamentals of health psychology. What role does our behaviour, our cognitions and emotions, and our environment play in our health status? We’ll start with unraveling health behavior, and quite quickly put this knowledge in the perspective of health care and dealing with illness. We’ll look at what is needed for people to cope with a disease and to keep up their quality of life as good as possible. How people

Population Health: Panel Management Next Level (Coursera)

How can you, as a healthcare professional, identify patients that share the same risk of an adverse event? How do you transform your healthcare practice in such a way that you are not only able to provide proactive care but you are also able to improve the health of populations at risk? In this course you will learn how to apply the panel management approach to tackle these questions in order to change from reactive to proactive care. You will learn how to empanel (patient)groups that share th

Population Health: Predictive Analytics (Coursera)

Predictive analytics has a longstanding tradition in medicine. Developing better prediction models is a critical step in the pursuit of improved health care: we need these tools to guide our decision-making on preventive measures, and individualized treatments. In order to effectively use and develop these models, we must understand them better. In this course, you will learn how to make accurate prediction tools, and how to assess their validity. First, we will discuss the role of predictive an

Population Health: Responsible Data Analysis (Coursera)

In most areas of health, data is being used to make important decisions. As a health population manager, you will have the opportunity to use data to answer interesting questions. In this course, we will discuss data analysis from a responsible perspective, which will help you to extract useful information from data and enlarge your knowledge about specific aspects of interest of the population. First, you will learn how to obtain, safely gather, clean and explore data. Then, we will discuss

Population Health: Study Design (Coursera)

Health care professionals increasingly have to make clinical decisions in aging and diverse populations. Also, they have to deal with rising health care costs, fragmented health care supply and advancing medical technologies and IT systems. These developments go beyond every day practice and will require new skills. In this course we will walk you through key steps in designing a research study, from formulating the research question to common pitfalls you might encounter when interpreting your

Population, Food, and Soil (Coursera)

This course explores the population-environment relationship. In this course, you will learn about the human population and the ways in which changes in the population affect the environment. Agriculture, soils, and the environmental implications of eating meat, vegetables, local, organic, sustainable, industrial, and other types of food are discussed too. We explore questions such as: 1. How many people live on Earth right now? 2. What is the carrying capacity of Earth? 3. What is the relation

Portfolio and Risk Management (Coursera)

In this course, you will gain an understanding of the theory underlying optimal portfolio construction, the different ways portfolios are actually built in practice and how to measure and manage the risk of such portfolios. You will start by studying how imperfect correlation between assets leads to diversified and optimal portfolios as well as the consequences in terms of asset pricing. Then, you will learn how to shape an investor's profile and build an adequate portfolio by combining strateg

Portfolio Selection and Risk Management (Coursera)

When an investor is faced with a portfolio choice problem, the number of possible assets and the various combinations and proportions in which each can be held can seem overwhelming. In this course, you’ll learn the basic principles underlying optimal portfolio construction, diversification, and risk management. You’ll start by acquiring the tools to characterize an investor’s risk and return trade-off. You will next analyze how a portfolio choice problem can be structured and learn how to solve