Coursera Courses

Particle Dynamics (Coursera)

This course teaches dynamics, one of the basic mechanics subjects of Mechanical Engineering. Students would be able to organize their knowledge about force and motion, work-energy, impulse-momentum in view of Newton's 2nd law and its integration over time and displacement. The Engineering Dynamics consists of two parts: particle dynamics and rigid body dynamics. This is the first part of the dynamics: Particle dynamics class will consist of lecture videos, which are about 15 min length (or a bit

Particle Physics: an Introduction (Coursera)

This course introduces you to subatomic physics, i.e. the physics of nuclei and particles. More specifically, the following questions are addressed: - What are the concepts of particle physics and how are they implemented? - What are the properties of atomic nuclei and how can one use them? - How does one accelerate and detect particles and measure their properties? - What does one learn from particle reactions at high energies and particle decays? - How do electromagnetic interactions work an

Patent Law (Coursera)

In our modern technologically-based economy, the creation and enforcement of patent rights can make or break a business. With record numbers of patents being issued every year, the stakes for inventors (and, indeed, their lawyers) continue to rise, even as the patent law and its administration faces growing criticism. This course begins with an examination of the fundamental justifications for and creation of U.S. patent rights as well as the relationship between patent law and other “intellec

Patentes: un recorrido desde su significado hasta su búsqueda (Coursera)

Las patentes son títulos legales que otorgan protección a una invención y son concedidas por una oficina nacional. Contienen información esencial sobre diversos tipos de invenciones, incluyendo datos técnicos, científicos y hasta comerciales relacionados con dispositivos e innovaciones. El valor de esta fuente de información radica en su contribución a los procesos de investigación, desarrollo e innovación. Por esta razón, las patentes son una herramienta valiosa en la realización de ejercicios

Patenting in Biotechnology (Coursera)

Far too often, researchers are misinformed about the role and the possibilities arising around patents and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). In this course we will teach you what IPR are - with a special focus on patents. Also this course will look at the importance of patents in the world of biotechnology - and what you actually can patent. Should your research be protected? Can your research even be protected? There are a lot of misunderstandings about patents, so first step is to know wha

Patient Safety and Quality Improvement: Developing a Systems View (Patient Safety I) (Coursera)

In this course, you will be able develop a systems view for patient safety and quality improvement in healthcare. By then end of this course, you will be able to: 1) Describe a minimum of four key events in the history of patient safety and quality improvement, 2) define the key characteristics of high reliability organizations, and 3) explain the benefits of having strategies for both proactive and reactive systems thinking.

Patrick Henry: Forgotten Founder (Coursera)

“Give me liberty, or give me death:” Remembering Patrick Henry, the Forgotten Founder Patrick Henry was enormously popular during the American Revolution. Even Thomas Jefferson, who over time developed a deep loathing of Henry (some would say jealousy), had to admit that “it is not now easy to say what we should have done without Patrick Henry.” Edmund Randolph, a patriot leader in his own right, explained that “It was Patrick Henry … awakening the genius of his country, and binding a band of

Patrocinio Deportivo (Coursera)

¿Te interesa el patrocinio deportivo? ¿Quieres entender qué actores participan en el patrocinio deportivo? ¿Quieres saber qué tendencias y propuestas innovadoras están surgiendo en el mundo del patrocinio deportivo? ¿Te interesa aprender y conectar con sport lovers/estudiantes de todo el mundo? La Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona y Johan Cruyff Institute imparten este curso introductorio en patrocinio deportivo para todos aquellos interesados en conocer cómo crear una propuesta de patrocinio p

Pattern Discovery in Data Mining (Coursera)

Learn the general concepts of data mining along with basic methodologies and applications. Then dive into one subfield in data mining: pattern discovery. Learn in-depth concepts, methods, and applications of pattern discovery in data mining. We will also introduce methods for data-driven phrase mining and some interesting applications of pattern discovery. This course provides you the opportunity to learn skills and content to practice and engage in scalable pattern discovery methods on massive

Payroll and Tax Fundamentals (Coursera)

Using the pay statement as our roadmap, this course covers the basics of payroll that everyone who receives a paycheck should know. Starting with your classification as an employee, you'll learn why certain new hire forms are required; how to calculate various payroll amounts, including gross and taxable wages, deductions, and certain taxes; how pretax deductions and benefits impact your taxes; and how your pay statement year-to-dates are used to generate a W-2. All this so you can make sure you

Peer-to-Peer Protocols and Local Area Networks (Coursera)

In this course, we discuss peer-to-peer protocols and local area networks. Part one in this course is to answer the question of how does a peer-to-peer protocol deliver reliable data transfer service across unreliable transmission lines or networks. We focus on several medium access control protocols and their performance analysis. In the second part, we discuss how medium access control protocols coordinate the access to the communication channel so that information gets through from a source

Pelaksanaan Proyek: Menjalankan Proyek (Coursera)

Ini adalah materi keempat dalam program Google Project Management Certificate (Sertifikat Manajemen Proyek Google). Materi ini akan mempelajari fase-fase pelaksanaan dan penutupan dari siklus hidup proyek. Anda akan mempelajari aspek apa dari suatu proyek untuk dilacak dan bagaimana melacaknya. Anda juga akan belajar bagaimana mengelola dan mengomunikasikan perubahan, ketergantungan, dan risiko secara efektif. Saat Anda menjelajahi manajemen kualitas, Anda akan belajar bagaimana mengukur kepuasa

Penetration Testing, Incident Response and Forensics (Coursera)

This course gives you the background needed to gain Cybersecurity skills as part of the Cybersecurity Security Analyst Professional Certificate program. You will learn about the different phases of penetration testing, how to gather data for your penetration test and popular penetration testing tools. Furthermore, you will learn the phases of an incident response, important documentation to collect, and the components of an incident response policy and team. Finally, you will learn key steps

Pensamento Crítico, Lógica e Argumentação (Coursera)

Depois de concluir este curso, o aluno estará equipado com ferramentas para analisar a validade e a força de todos os tipos de declarações e argumentos, de propaganda a artigos de opinião na política e na mídia, veredictos de tribunais e debate geral. Os alunos serão mais persuasivos na redação de ensaios argumentativos, debates, apresentações orais e até mesmo na compreensão de ideias filosóficas. Você, o aluno, também estará mais bem armado para distinguir a verdade de “fatos alternativos” e

Pensamiento científico (Coursera)

¿El pensamiento científico es sólo para científicos? Su utilidad va mucho más allá, ayudando a las personas a tomar mejores decisiones todos los días. El objetivo de este curso es fomentar en pensamiento científico en los alumnos para ayudarles a tomar mejores decisiones profesionales, personales y sociales. Para lograr este objetivo, el curso destila conceptos de ciencias y filosofía a un nivel accesible al público general, ilustrándolos con ejemplos actuales de diversas áreas.

Pensamiento crítico: toma de decisiones razonadas (Coursera)

Tomar decisiones en el mundo de hoy, un mundo en creciente complejidad, con amplios cambios e incertidumbre, crea la necesidad de contar con aproximaciones que nos permitan discernir los verdaderos problemas y las causas que los originan. Identificar cuáles son estos problemas, requiere en la mayoría de los casos, retar las suposiciones en las que basamos nuestros juicios, respecto al mundo y sus realidades. Podríamos definir el pensamiento crítico, como “ese modo de pensar- sobre cualquier tem

Pensamiento de diseño para la innovación (Coursera)

Hoy en día la innovación es el negocio de todos. Ya sea un gerente en una corporación global, un emprendedor que está comenzando, que esté en un puesto gubernamental o un maestro en una escuela primaria, se espera que todos se vuelvan austeros, para hacerlo mejor con menos. Y ese es el motivo por el que todos necesitamos el pensamiento de diseño. A cualquier nivel en todo tipo de organización, el pensamiento de diseño brinda las herramientas que usted necesita para transformarse en un pensador i

Pensamiento sistémico (Coursera)

Este curso general tiene el propósito de promover el uso del pensamiento sistémico para nuestro beneficio y de quienes nos rodean.

People Analytics (Coursera)

People analytics is a data-driven approach to managing people at work. For the first time in history, business leaders can make decisions about their people based on deep analysis of data rather than the traditional methods of personal relationships, decision making based on experience, and risk avoidance. In this brand new course, three of Wharton’s top professors, all pioneers in the field of people analytics, will explore the state-of-the-art techniques used to recruit and retain great people

People and Soft Skills Assessment (Coursera)

Knowledge of people and soft skills are increasingly coming into focus and being recognized as critical for success – we can also call them "Success Skills" or "Power Skills". These skills and behaviours include: creating & delivering presentations; using the agile approach for working professionally to deliver quality work & experiences to clients; effectively collaborating with teams; effective impactful communications; dealing with challenges in a controlled & focused manner; and problem so

People, Technology and the Future of Mobility (Coursera)

Welcome to the People, Technology, and the Future of Mobility course! This course provides a lay-person’s introduction to some of the major technological innovations currently underway in the mobility space and asks learners to apply a variety of social science concepts to understand the likely social impacts of these technologies. The course is appropriate for learners from all backgrounds and does not require prior training in engineering or social science. The content presented in this cours

Perencanaan Proyek: Menyatukan Semuanya (Coursera)

Ini adalah materi kedua dalam program Sertifikat Manajemen Proyek Google. Materi ini akan mengeksplorasi cara memetakan proyek di fase kedua siklus hidup proyek: fase perencanaan proyek. Anda akan memeriksa komponen penting rencana proyek, bagaimana membuat perkiraan waktu yang akurat, dan bagaimana mengatur milestone. Selanjutnya, Anda akan belajar bagaimana membangun dan mengelola anggaran serta bagaimana proses pengadaan berjalan. Kemudian, Anda akan menemukan alat yang dapat membantu Anda me

Perfect Tenses and Modals (Coursera)

This is the first course in the Learn English: Intermediate Grammar specialization. In this course, you will learn about important intermediate verb tenses, including present perfect, present perfect progressive, past perfect, and past perfect progressive. You will also learn about common modal verbs used in English. This course is designed for learners who have a basic understanding of English grammar but who want to learn more and improve their skills for everyday speaking or writing, as well

Perform data science with Azure Databricks (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn how to harness the power of Apache Spark and powerful clusters running on the Azure Databricks platform to run data science workloads in the cloud. This is the fourth course in a five-course program that prepares you to take the DP-100: Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution on Azurec ertification exam. The certification exam is an opportunity to prove knowledge and expertise operate machine learning solutions at a cloud-scale using Azure Machine Lear

Performance Assessment in the Virtual Classroom (Coursera)

Welcome to Performance Assessment in the Virtual Classroom! This course will help you effectively assess student performance virtually, including compliance issues, feedback models, online grade book functions, and data analysis. We will discuss why effective measures of performance and assessment are a crucial component of any virtual program, and the importance of teachers and administrators understanding both the myths and challenges of assessing performance virtually, administering standardi

Performing Network, Path, and Text Analyses in SAS Visual Analytics (Coursera)

In this course, you learn about the data structure needed for network, path, and text analytics and how to create network analysis, path analysis, and text analytics in SAS Visual Analytics.

Periodismo digital y combate a las fake news (Coursera)

Este curso es resultado de la participación de destacados académicos, periodistas y servidores públicos especializados en temas de periodismo y combate a las noticias falsas y tiene como finalidad proporcionar las herramientas básicas para ejercer el periodismo digital con compromiso y responsabilidad.

Personal & Family Financial Planning (Coursera)

Personal and Family Financial Planning will address many critical personal financial management topics in order to help you learn prudent habits both while in school and throughout your lifetime.

Personal Leadership Development Planning and Leading High Performing Teams (Coursera)

An actionable leadership improvement plan enables you to leverage strengths and close the gaps on weaknesses. In this course, you will build your own plan that you can put into practice immediately and realize goals within the next two years. It lays the foundation for an evergreen process of selection and prioritization of skills, and action planning for sustained leadership development.

Personal Productivity, Time Management and Prioritization (Coursera)

The "Personal Productivity & Time Management" course offers a comprehensive guide to enhance learners' productivity and time management skills. Emphasizing the crucial role of organization, the course covers various aspects, including workspace arrangements, task management, and time prioritization, enabling learners to strike a balance between daily responsibilities and long-term goals. The course begins by focusing on workspace organization and its impact on concentration and efficiency. It t

Personalised Medicine from a Nordic Perspective (Coursera)

The technical revolution has generated large amounts of data in healthcare and research, and a rapidly increasing knowledge about factors of importance for the individual’s health. This holds great potential to support a change from the one-size-fits-all paradigm to personalised or precision medicine, to guide and thereby improve each health decision of expected benefit for the patient. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has contributed to a great public and political awareness of the importance of person

Personality Types at Work (Coursera)

Knowing yourself, your team, your manager, and your organization are keys to personal and business success. What were once labeled soft skills are now modern requirements in today's workplace - especially if you are trying to get in the door or are already leading a team. This course is specifically designed for the: -Job Seeker: You will create a usable cover letter with feedback from your peers as well as develop exceptional responses to some of the most common, yet challenging intervi

Personnel & Third-Party Security (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn all about the process of implementing effective education, training, and awareness programs. You will also study the role personnel security plays in protecting an organization’s assets, intellectual property, and physical assets. You will also be introduced to the steps required for effective Vendor Risk Management (VRM), including: due diligence, contracting, monitoring & accessing, and termination. Throughout the course, you will engage with current case studies

Perspectivas en Salud Pública: Ampliando la visión en salud (Coursera)

Los cambios de los últimos años, fruto de la globalización y la irrupción de nuevas enfermedades, así como de la pandemia de Covid, han dejado en evidencia la importancia que tiene la promoción de la salud pública. Cuando los cuidados de salud descansan en una perspectiva de cuidado individual, la evidencia empírica muestra que los sistemas de salud tienden al colapso. Por lo mismo, es fundamental aprehender el concepto sanitario desde una perspectiva colectiva. El curso está dirigido a cualqu

Perspectivas en Transformación Digital: Agronegocios (Coursera)

En este curso podrás aprender cómo aplicar las buenas prácticas que han sido probadas por empresas globales y así sacar el mejor provecho de las potencialidades de la transformación digital y su aplicación a tu negocio. Descubre cual es el nivel de madurez digital de tu organización a partir de la identificación de tendencias actuales en transformación digital, el uso de tecnologías y el impacto para la sostenibilidad en el sector de los agronegocios en América Latina. Inscríbete para conocer

Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Innovations (Coursera)

This course in the Healthcare Marketplace specialization gives the learner an in-depth view of the intellectual property creation that is vital to creating breakthrough technologies. Included is an understanding of the strategy deployed for pricing drugs and new technologies as well as the market sizing exercise to identify where future research and development investments should be made.

Phase Diagrams (Coursera)

This course will explore higher-level details about phase diagrams, including the Fe-Fe3C phase diagram. We will use the Fe-Fe3C phase diagram to predict the possible phases and microstructures of a steel alloy based on its composition.

Philosophy and the Sciences: Introduction to the Philosophy of Cognitive Sciences (Coursera)

Course Description What is our role in the universe as human agents capable of knowledge? What makes us intelligent cognitive agents seemingly endowed with consciousness? This is the second part of the course 'Philosophy and the Sciences', dedicated to Philosophy of the Cognitive Sciences. Scientific research across the cognitive sciences has raised pressing questions for philosophers. The goal of this course is to introduce you to some of the main areas and topics at the key juncture between

Philosophy and the Sciences: Introduction to the Philosophy of Physical Sciences (Coursera)

What is the origin of our universe? What are dark matter and dark energy? This is the first part of the course 'Philosophy and the Sciences', dedicated to Philosophy of the Physical Sciences. Scientific research across the physical sciences has raised pressing questions for philosophers. The goal of this course is to introduce you to some of the main areas and topics at the key juncture between philosophy and the physical sciences. Each week we will introduce you to some of these important ques

Philosophy of Science (Coursera)

For the last four centuries, scientists have aimed to provide us with an understanding of the world around us. By all appearances, science has made substantial progress during this time. But is this progress real or illusory? And if it is real, how has this progress been made? This four-week course will consider these important questions. Specific topics will include how scientists generate knowledge through observations, experiments, and simulations; scientific objectivity and failures of scien

Philosophy, Science and Religion: Philosophy and Religion (Coursera)

Philosophy, Science and Religion mark three of the most fundamental modes of thinking about the world and our place in it. Are these modes incompatible? Put another way: is the intellectually responsible thing to do to ‘pick sides’ and identify with one of these approaches at the exclusion of others? Or, are they complementary or mutually supportive? As is typical of questions of such magnitude, the devil is in the details. For example, it is important to work out what is really distinctive abou

Philosophy, Science and Religion: Religion and Science (Coursera)

Philosophy, Science and Religion mark three of the most fundamental modes of thinking about the world and our place in it. Are these modes incompatible? Put another way: is the intellectually responsible thing to do to ‘pick sides’ and identify with one of these approaches at the exclusion of others? Or, are they complementary or mutually supportive? As is typical of questions of such magnitude, the devil is in the details. For example, it is important to work out what is really distinctive abou

Philosophy, Science and Religion: Science and Philosophy (Coursera)

Philosophy, Science and Religion mark three of the most fundamental modes of thinking about the world and our place in it. Are these modes incompatible? Put another way: is the intellectually responsible thing to do to ‘pick sides’ and identify with one of these approaches at the exclusion of others? Or, are they complementary or mutually supportive? As is typical of questions of such magnitude, the devil is in the details. For example, it is important to work out what is really distinctive abou

Photography Capstone Project (Coursera)

The Capstone Project is your opportunity to take advantage of the knowledge you have gained through our journey in learning about photography, to develop a meaningful project of 10 well formed photographs based in your passion for artistic expression, or a subject for documentary exploration, insightful portraiture, imaging for work-related subjects, or some other aspect of photography. We are confident that it will be a project that you will be excited to share with fellow Learners. You shoul

Photography Techniques: Light, Content, and Sharing (Coursera)

Welcome to Course FOUR! In Modules 1-4 you will cover the final elements of the Specialization necessary to round out this introduction to the fundamentals of Photography, and prepare you for creating your own exciting project in the Capstone! You have come a long way since the beginning of this journey from Smartphone Basics to DSLR and Beyond. Just think of all the information you have absorbed and put to use in your assignments and quizzes, and the confidence you have gained that you CAN

Photovoltaic Systems (Coursera)

This course offers you advanced knowledge within the field of photovoltaic system technology. We'll learn about the solar resource and how photovoltaic energy conversion is used to produce electric power. From this fundamental starting point we'll cover the design and fabrication of different solar cell and module technologies, the various photovoltaic system components, how to design a photovoltaic plant and carry out energy yield simulations, essentials in energy economics, O&M and reliability

Physics 101 - Energy and Momentum (Coursera)

This second course serves as an introduction to the physics of mechanical energy and momentum. Upon completion, learners will understand how mathematical laws and conservation principles describe the motions and interactions of objects around us. Learners will gain experience in solving physics problems with tools such as graphical analysis, algebra, vector analysis, and calculus. This first course covers Energy, Translational Momentum, Collisions, Statics, and Elasticity. Each of the three m

Physics 101 - Forces and Kinematics (Coursera)

This first course serves as an introduction to the physics of force and motion. Upon completion, learners will understand how mathematical laws and conservation principles describe the motions and interactions of objects around us. Learners will gain experience in solving physics problems with tools such as graphical analysis, algebra, vector analysis, and calculus. This first course covers 1D Kinematics, 2D Kinematics, and Newton's Laws. Each of the three modules contains reading links to a

Physics 101 - Rotational Motion and Gravitation (Coursera)

This third course serves as an introduction to the physics of rotational motion and gravitation. Upon completion, learners will understand how mathematical laws and conservation principles describe the motions and interactions of objects around us. Learners will gain experience in solving physics problems with tools such as graphical analysis, algebra, vector analysis, and calculus. This third course covers Rotational motion, Angular Momentum, and Gravitation. Each of the three modules conta

Physics 102 - AC Circuits and Maxwell's Equations (Coursera)

This fourth course serves as an introduction to the physics of electricity and magnetism. Upon completion, learners will understand how mathematical laws and conservation principles describe fields and how these fields are related to electrical circuits. Learners will gain experience in solving physics problems with tools such as graphical analysis, algebra, vector analysis, and calculus. This fourth course covers AC circuits, Impedance, and Magnetism. Each of the two modules contains reading