Primeros pasos en el proceso de diseño de UX: Empatizar, definir e idear (Coursera) Primeros pasos en el proceso de diseño de UX: Empatizar, definir, idear es el segundo curso de un programa de certificación que te dará las habilidades que necesitas para postularte a trabajos de nivel básico en el campo del diseño de la experiencia del usuario (UX). En este curso, darás los primeros pasos en el proceso de diseño de un proyecto que podrás incluir en tu portfolio profesional. Aprenderás cómo empatizar con los usuarios y comprender sus dificultades, definir las necesidades de los |
Principes de base du soutien technique (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/principes-de-base-du-soutien-technique Ce cours est le premier d’une série qui vise à vous préparer à un rôle de spécialiste du soutien des TI de niveau débutant. Dans ce cours, on vous initiera au monde des technologies de l’information, ou TI. Vous découvrirez les différentes facettes des technologies de l’information, comme le matériel, Internet, les logiciels, le dépannage et le service à la clientèle. Ce cours couvre une grande variété de sujets en TI qui sont conçus pour vous donner un aperçu de ce que contient ce programme de |
Principes de base du support technique (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/principes-de-base-du-support-technique Ce cours est le premier d’une série qui vise à vous préparer à un rôle de Spécialiste du Support Informatique débutant. Dans ce cours, vous serez initié au monde des technologies de l’information, ou IT (Information Technology). Vous découvrirez les différentes facettes des technologies de l’information, comme le matériel informatique, Internet, les logiciels informatiques, le dépannage et le service à la clientèle. Ce cours couvre une grande variété de sujets en informatique qui sont conçus pou |
Princípios básicos de apoio técnico (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/technical-support-fundamentals-pt-pt Este curso é o primeiro de uma série que visa a sua preparação para uma função de especialista de apoio técnico de TI de nível básico. Neste curso, ser-lhe-á apresentado o mundo das TI (Tecnologias de Informação). Vai descobrir as diferentes facetas das Tecnologias de Informação, como o hardware informático, a Internet, o software informático, a resolução de problemas e o serviço de apoio ao cliente. Vamos analisar como é que pode ser realizada uma entrevista técnica e fornecer sugestões sobre a |
Proceso de datos sucios a datos limpios (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/proceso-de-datos-sucios-a-datos-limpios Este es el cuarto curso del certificado de análisis computacional de datos de Google. En estos cursos obtendrás las habilidades necesarias para solicitar empleos de analista de datos de nivel introductorio. En este curso seguirás aprendiendo sobre el análisis de datos y los conceptos y las herramientas con los que trabajan los analistas de datos. Aprenderás cómo controlar y limpiar datos utilizando hojas de cálculo y SQL, y cómo verificar e informar los resultados de tu limpieza de datos. Los an |
Process Data from Dirty to Clean (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/process-data This is the fourth course in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. In this course, you’ll continue to build your understanding of data analytics and the concepts and tools that data analysts use in their work. You’ll learn how to check and clean your data using spreadsheets and SQL, as well as how to verify and report your data cleaning results. Current Google data analysts will continue to instruct and provide you with hands-on ways to accomplish common data analyst tasks with the best tools a |
Processar os dados para limpá-los (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/processar-os-dados-para-limpa-los Este é o quarto curso do Certificado de Data Analytics do Google. Estes cursos darão a você as habilidades necessárias para se candidatar a cargos empregos de analista de dados de nível inicial. Neste curso, você continuará a ampliar seu conhecimento sobre Data Analytics e os conceitos e ferramentas que os analistas de dados usam no trabalho. Você aprenderá como checar e limpar os dados usando planilhas e SQL, além de verificar e gerar relatórios dos resultados da limpeza de dados. Os analistas |
Proje Planlaması: Her Şeyi Bir Araya Getirmek (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/proje-planlamasi-her-seyi-bir-araya-getirmek Google Proje Yönetimi Sertifika Programı’nın üçüncü kursundasınız. Bu kursta, proje yaşam döngüsünün ikinci aşaması olan proje planlama aşamasında projeyi bütün ayrıntılarıyla ortaya koymayı öğreneceksiniz. Proje planının temel bileşenlerini, takvimi belirlerken doğru tahminlerde bulunmayı ve ara hedeflerin nasıl belirleneceğini inceleyeceksiniz. Daha sonra, bütçenin nasıl oluşturulacağını ve yönetileceğini ve satın alma süreçlerinin nasıl işlediğini öğreneceksiniz. Ardından, farklı risk türleri |
Proje Yönetiminin Temelleri (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/proje-yonetiminin-temelleri Bu kurs, sizi, proje yönetiminde giriş seviyesindeki pozisyonlara başvurmanız için gereken becerileri kazandırmaya yönelik altı kursluk serinin ilkidir. Proje yöneticileri, çalıştıkları kurumların başarılı olmasına yardımcı olmak için kritik projelerin yönetilmesinde, planlanmasında ve uygulanmasında kilit rol oynar. Bu kursta, temel proje yönetimi terminolojisini keşfedecek ve bir proje yöneticisinin görev ve sorumluluklarını derinlemesine kavrayacaksınız. Ayrıca, bu programı tamamladıktan sonr |
Project Execution: Running the Project (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/project-execution-google This is the fourth course in the Google Project Management Certificate program. This course will delve into the execution and closing phases of the project life cycle. You will learn what aspects of a project to track and how to track them. You will also learn how to effectively manage and communicate changes, dependencies, and risks. As you explore quality management, you will learn how to measure customer satisfaction and implement continuous improvement and process improvement techniques. Nex |
Project Initiation: Starting a Successful Project (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/project-initiation-google This is the second course in the Google Project Management Certificate program. This course will show you how to set a project up for success in the first phase of the project life cycle: the project initiation phase. In exploring the key components of this phase, you’ll learn how to define and manage project goals, deliverables, scope, and success criteria. You’ll discover how to use tools and templates like stakeholder analysis grids and project charters to help you set project expectations an |
Project Planning: Putting It All Together (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/project-planning-google This is the third course in the Google Project Management Certificate program. This course will explore how to map out a project in the second phase of the project life cycle: the project planning phase. You will examine the key components of a project plan, how to make accurate time estimates, and how to set milestones. Next, you will learn how to build and manage a budget and how the procurement processes work. Then, you will discover tools that can help you identify and manage different types |
https://www.coursera.org/learn/projet-capstone-du-certificat-danalytique-des-donnees-de-google Ce cours est le huitième du Google Data Analytics Certificate. Vous aurez la possibilité de mener une étude de cas facultative, qui vous aidera à vous préparer à la recherche d'un emploi en analytique des données. Les études de cas sont couramment utilisées par les employeurs afin d’évaluer les compétences analytiques. Pour votre étude de cas, vous choisirez un scénario basé sur des analyses. Vous poserez ensuite des questions, préparerez, traiterez, analyserez, visualiserez et utiliserez les do |
Projeto final de Data Analytics do Google: conclua um estudo de caso (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/projeto-final-conclua-um-estudo-de-caso Este é o oitavo curso do Certificado de Data Analytics do Google. Você terá a oportunidade de completar um estudo de caso opcional, que ajudará você a se preparar para a busca de emprego em Data Analytics. Os estudos de caso normalmente são usados pelos empregadores para avaliar as habilidades analíticas. Para o seu estudo de caso, escolha um cenário baseado em análises. Depois, faça perguntas, prepare, processe, analise, visualize e aja de acordo com os dados desse cenário. Você também aprender |
Projeto final: Aplicação do gerenciamento de projetos no mundo real (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/projeto-final-aplicacao-do-gerenciamento Neste curso de projeto final do Certificado de Gerenciamento de Projetos do Google, você praticará aplicar os conhecimentos e habilidades de gerenciamento de projetos que você aprendeu até agora. Incentivamos os alunos a concluírem os cursos 1 a 5 antes de começar o curso final, já que eles dão as bases necessárias para realizar as atividades deste curso. Conforme você avança neste curso, você “observará” um gerente de projeto em um cenário real e fará dezenas de atividades práticas. Você deve |
Projeyi Başlatma: Projeye Başarıyla Adım Atma (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/projeyi-baslatma-projeye-basariyla-adim-atma Google Proje Yönetimi Sertifika Programı’nın ikinci kursundasınız. Bu kursta, proje yaşam döngüsünün ilk aşaması olan projeyi başlatma aşamasında projenizi başarıya ulaştıracak adımlar atmayı öğreneceksiniz. Bu aşamanın temel bileşenlerini keşfederken proje hedeflerini, teslimatları, kapsamı ve başarı kriterlerini tanımlamayı ve yönetmeyi öğreneceksiniz. Paydaş analizi çizelgeleri ve proje başlatma belgeleri gibi hem proje beklentilerini belirlemenize hem de rolleri ve sorumlulukları paylaştırma |
Projeyi Yürütme: Projeyi Hayata Geçirme (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/projeyi-yurutme-projeyi-hayata-gecirme Google Proje Yönetimi Sertifika Programı’nın dördüncü kursundasınız. Bu kurs proje yaşam döngüsünün yürütme ve kapanış aşamalarını ele alıyor. Projenin hangi boyutlarını takip etmeniz gerektiğini ve bunu nasıl yapabileceğinizi öğreneceksiniz. Ayrıca değişiklikleri, bağımlılıkları ve riskleri etkili bir şekilde yönetmeyi ve ilgili kişilere iletmeyi öğreneceksiniz. Kalite yönetimini keşfederken ayrıca müşteri memnuniyetini nasıl ölçeceğinizi ve sürekli iyileştirme ile süreç iyileştirme tekniklerin |
Proyecto final: Aplicación de la gestión de proyectos en el mundo real (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/proyecto-final-la-gestion-de-proyectos-en-el-mundo-real En este curso final del Certificado en gestión de proyectos de Google, pondrás en práctica tu conocimiento sobre gestión de proyectos y las habilidades que aprendiste hasta el momento. Animamos a los estudiantes a realizar del curso 1 al 5 antes de empezar este curso final porque, en ellos, se explican los conceptos básicos que necesitarán para realizar las actividades de este curso. A medida que progreses en este curso, “observarás” a un gerente de proyectos en un escenario del mundo real y r |
Proyek Akhir Analitis Data Google: Selesaikan Sebuah Studi Kasus (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/proyek-akhir-analitis-data-google-selesaikan-sebuah-studi-kasus Ini adalah materi kedelapan dalam program Google Data Analytics Certificate (Sertifikat Analisis Data Google). Anda akan berkesempatan untuk menyelesaikan studi kasus yang sifatnya opsional, yang akan membantu mempersiapkan diri Anda dalam mencari pekerjaan di bidang analitis data. Studi kasus biasanya digunakan oleh pemberi kerja untuk menilai keterampilan analitis. Di studi kasus ini, Anda akan memilih sebuah skenario berbasis analitis. Anda kemudian akan mengajukan pertanyaan, mempersiapkan, |
Put It to Work: Prepare for Cybersecurity Jobs (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/prepare-for-cybersecurity-jobs This is the eighth and final course in the Google Cybersecurity Certificate. Together, these eight courses will equip you with the skills you need to apply for an entry-level cybersecurity job. In this course, you will focus on making decisions and escalating incidents to stakeholders. You'll develop the communication and collaboration skills needed to inform and influence stakeholders within an organization. In addition, you'll explore how to ethically operate as a cybersecurity professional. |
Regression Analysis: Simplify Complex Data Relationships (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/regression-analysis-simplify-complex-data-relationships This is the fifth of seven courses in the Google Advanced Data Analytics Certificate. Data professionals use regression analysis to discover the relationships between different variables in a dataset and identify key factors that affect business performance. In this course, you’ll practice modeling variable relationships. You'll learn about different methods of data modeling and how to use them to approach business problems. You’ll also explore methods such as linear regression, analysis of vari |
Satisfacción garantizada: desarrolla estrategias de fidelización de clientes en línea (Coursera) ¡Lo lograste! “Satisfacción garantizada: desarrolla estrategias de fidelización de clientes en línea” es el séptimo y último curso del Certificado de Carrera de Google en Marketing Digital y Comercio Electrónico. Aquí, incorporarás habilidades para desarrollar estrategias que te permitirán fidelizar a los/las clientes en el comercio electrónico. También, aprenderás a utilizar herramientas específicas para comunicarte y reforzar los vínculos con tu audiencia. Al final del curso, trabajarás en un |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Develop Customer Loyalty Online (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/satisfaction-guaranteed You made it! Satisfaction Guaranteed: Develop Customer Loyalty Online is the seventh and final course in the Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Certificate. In this course, you’ll explore strategies for building customer loyalty in e-commerce. You’ll also explore specific tools to develop and maintain client relationships. At the end of the course you’ll work through a scenario that demonstrates your ability to deliver a successful e-commerce strategy. Finally, you’ll wrap up the course by bu |
Sécurité des TI : Défense contre les pratiques sombres du numérique (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/securite-des-ti-defense-contre-les-pratiques-sombres-du-numerique Ce cours couvre une grande variété de concepts, d’outils et de meilleures pratiques en matière de sécurité informatique. Il présente les menaces et les attaques et les nombreuses façons dont elles peuvent se manifester. Nous allons vous présenter les algorithmes de cryptage et la manière dont ils sont utilisés pour protéger les données. Ensuite, nous nous plongerons dans les trois A de la sécurité de l’information : authentification, autorisation et comptabilité. Nous aborderons également les so |
Sécurité informatique et dangers du numérique (Coursera) Ce cours couvre une grande variété de concepts, d’outils et de meilleures pratiques en matière de sécurité informatique. Il présente les menaces et les attaques et les nombreuses façons dont elles peuvent se manifester. Nous allons vous présenter les algorithmes de cryptage et la manière dont ils sont utilisés pour protéger les données. Ensuite, nous nous plongerons dans les trois A de la sécurité de l’information : authentification, autorisation et comptabilité. Nous aborderons également les so |
Segurança de TI: defesa contra as artes negras digitais (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/it-security-pt Este curso abrange uma grande variedade de conceitos, ferramentas e práticas recomendadas ao nível da segurança de TI. Aborda ameaças e ataques e as várias formas através das quais podem surgir. Vamos fornecer-lhe algumas informações gerais sobre o que são os algoritmos de encriptação e como são utilizados para salvaguardar dados. Em seguida, vamos analisar detalhadamente os três aspetos mais importantes da segurança das informações: autenticação, autorização e contabilidade. Também vamos aborda |
Segurança de TI: Defesa Contra as Artes Obscuras do Mundo Digital (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/seguranca-de-it Este curso aborda uma série de conceitos, ferramentas e práticas recomendadas de segurança de TI. Nele, temos uma introdução às ameaças e ataques e suas muitas formas de se manifestar. Daremos a você uma base de conhecimento sobre algoritmos de criptografia e como eles são usados para proteger dados. Depois, vamos estudar a fundo os três tipos de segurança da informação: autenticação, autorização e registro. Além disso, vamos abordar soluções de segurança de rede, de firewalls a opções de cripto |
Seguridad informática: defensa contra las artes oscuras digitales (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/seguridad-informatica Este curso cubre una amplia variedad de conceptos, herramientas y mejores prácticas de seguridad de TI. Introduce amenazas y ataques, y las muchas formas en que pueden aparecer. Te daremos algunos antecedentes de algoritmos de cifrado y cómo se utilizan para salvaguardar los datos. Luego, nos sumergiremos en los tres sistemas de seguridad de la información: autenticación, autorización y contabilidad. También cubriremos soluciones de seguridad de red, que van desde Firewalls hasta opciones de enc |
Seluk Beluk Jaringan Komputer (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/seluk-beluk-jaringan-komputer Materi ini dirancang untuk memberikan gambaran lengkap tentang jaringan komputer. Kami akan membahas semua mulai dari dasar-dasar teknologi dan protokol jaringan modern kemudian gambaran umum cloud hingga aplikasi praktis dan pemecahan masalah jaringan. Pada akhir materi ini, Anda akan dapat: ● menggambarkan jaringan komputer dalam bentuk model lima lapis ● memahami semua protokol standar yang terlibat dengan komunikasi TCP/IP ● menguasai alat dan teknik pemecahan masalah yang tepat ● mempelaj |
Serviços de infraestruturas e administração de sistemas (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/system-administration-it-infrastructure-services-pt4 Este curso vai fazer a transição do trabalho num único computador para uma frota inteira. A administração de sistemas é o campo das TI responsável por manter sistemas de computadores fiáveis num ambiente multiutilizador. Neste curso, vai saber mais sobre os serviços de infraestruturas que mantêm todas as entidades, sejam grandes ou pequenas, a funcionar. Vamos analisar detalhadamente a nuvem para que compreenda tudo, desde configurações de infraestruturas na nuvem habituais até saber como gerir |
Share Data Through the Art of Visualization (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/visualize-data This is the sixth course in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. You’ll learn how to visualize and present your data findings as you complete the data analysis process. This course will show you how data visualizations, such as visual dashboards, can help bring your data to life. You’ll also explore Tableau, a data visualization platform that will help you create effective visualizations for your presentations. Current Google data analysts will continue to instruct and provide you with hands-o |
Sistem Operasi dan Anda: Menjadi Pengguna yang Berdaya (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/sistem-operasi-dan-anda-menjadi-pengguna-yang-berdaya Dalam materi ini — melalui kombinasi pembelajaran melalui video, demonstrasi, dan praktik langsung — Anda akan belajar tentang komponen utama sistem operasi dan cara melakukan sejumlah tugas penting seperti mengelola perangkat lunak dan pengguna, serta mengonfigurasi perangkat keras. Pada akhir materi ini, Anda akan mampu : ● menavigasi sistem file Windows dan Linux menggunakan graphical user interface dan command line interpreter ● menyiapkan pengguna, kelompok, dan izin untuk akses akun ● me |
Sistemas Operacionais e Você: Tornando-se um Usuário Avançado (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/sistemas-operacionais Neste curso – com uma combinação de palestras em vídeo, demonstrações e atividades práticas – você conhecerá os principais componentes de um sistema operacional e verá como executar tarefas críticas, como gerenciamento de software e usuários, e configuração de hardware. Vamos terminar com um exemplo de como esse conteúdo pode acabar surgindo em uma entrevista. Até o fim deste curso, você conseguirá: ● navegar pelos sistemas de arquivos do Windows e do Linux usando uma interface gráfica do usuár |
Sistemas operativos y tú: Convertirse en un usuario avanzado (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/sistemas-operativos En este curso, a través de una combinación de conferencias de video, demostraciones y prácticas, aprenderás acerca de los componentes principales de un sistema operativo y cómo realizar tareas críticas tales como administrar software y usuarios, y configurar hardware. Vamos a terminar con un ejemplo de cómo puede aparecer este contenido en una entrevista. Al final de este curso, podrás: ● navegar por los sistemas de archivos de Windows y Linux utilizando una interfaz gráfica de usuario y un int |
Soporte de Tecnologías de la Información de Google (CourseraSpecs) https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/soporte-de-tecnologias-de-informacion-google Offered by Google. |
Sound the Alarm: Detection and Response (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/detection-and-response This is the sixth course in the Google Cybersecurity Certificate. These courses will equip you with the skills you need to apply for an entry-level cybersecurity job. You’ll build on your understanding of the topics that were introduced in the fifth Google Cybersecurity Certificate course. In this course, you will focus on incident detection and response. You'll define a security incident and explain the incident response lifecycle, including the roles and responsibilities of incident response |
Soutien des TI de Google (CourseraSpecs) https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/soutien-des-ti-de-google Offered by Google. Voici votre parcours vers une carrière en TI. Ce programme vous permettra d’acquérir des compétences très recherchées, ... |
Start the UX Design Process: Empathize, Define, and Ideate (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/start-ux-design-process Start the UX Design Process: Empathize, Define, Ideate is the second course in a certificate program that will equip you with the skills needed to apply to entry-level jobs in user experience (UX) design. In this course, you’ll complete the first phases of the design process for a project that you’ll be able to include in your portfolio. You will learn how to empathize with users and understand their pain points, define user needs using problem statements, and come up with lots of ideas for solu |
Suporte em TI do Google (CourseraSpecs) https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/suporte-em-ti-do-google Offered by Google. |
Systemverwaltung und IT-Infrastrukturdienste (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/system-administration-it-infrastructure-services-de In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie, wie Sie eine ganze Flotte von Rechnern verwalten können. Als Systemadministrator sorgen Sie dafür, dass die Computersysteme in Anwendungsumgebungen mit mehreren Nutzern zuverlässig funktionieren. In diesem Kurs lernen Sie die Infrastrukturdienste kennen, die alle Unternehmen, egal ob groß oder klein, für den Betrieb benötigen. Wir werden dabei näher auf das Thema Cloud eingehen, damit Sie verstehen, wie der typische Aufbau von Cloud-Infrastruktur aussieht und wie sic |
Technical Support Fundamentals (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/technical-support-fundamentals This course is the first of a series that aims to prepare you for a role as an entry-level IT Support Specialist. In this course, you’ll be introduced to the world of Information Technology, or IT. You’ll learn about the different facets of Information Technology, like computer hardware, the Internet, computer software, troubleshooting, and customer service. This course covers a wide variety of topics in IT that are designed to give you an overview of what’s to come in this certificate program. |
The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/computer-networking This course is designed to provide a full overview of computer networking. We’ll cover everything from the fundamentals of modern networking technologies and protocols to an overview of the cloud to practical applications and network troubleshooting. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: ● describe computer networks in terms of a five-layer model ● understand all of the standard protocols involved with TCP/IP communications ● grasp powerful network troubleshooting tools and techniques |
The Nuts and Bolts of Machine Learning (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/the-nuts-and-bolts-of-machine-learning This is the sixth of seven courses in the Google Advanced Data Analytics Certificate. In this course, you’ll learn about machine learning, which uses algorithms and statistics to teach computer systems to discover patterns in data. Data professionals use machine learning to help analyze large amounts of data, solve complex problems, and make accurate predictions. You’ll focus on the two main types of machine learning: supervised and unsupervised. You'll learn how to apply different machine learn |
The Path to Insights: Data Models and Pipelines (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/the-path-to-insights-data-models-and-pipelines This is the second of three courses in the Google Business Intelligence Certificate. In this course, you'll explore data modeling and how databases are designed. Then you’ll learn about extract, transform, load (ETL) processes that extract data from source systems, transform it into formats that enable analysis, and drive business processes and goals. Google employees who currently work in BI will guide you through this course by providing hands-on activities that simulate job tasks, sharing ex |
The Power of Statistics (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/the-power-of-statistics This is the fourth of seven courses in the Google Advanced Data Analytics Certificate. In this course, you’ll discover how data professionals use statistics to analyze data and gain important insights. You'll explore key concepts such as descriptive and inferential statistics, probability, sampling, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing. You'll also learn how to use Python for statistical analysis and practice communicating your findings like a data professional. Google employees who cu |
Think Outside the Inbox: Email Marketing (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/think-outside-the-inbox Think Outside the Inbox: Email Marketing is the fourth of seven courses in the Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Certificate. This course will explore how to execute a successful email marketing campaign. Email marketing is one of the oldest and most proven digital marketing channels, and it is an essential component of an overall digital marketing strategy. Email is a primary channel for many businesses in reaching existing customers, encouraging interaction with the business, driving purch |
Tools of the Trade: Linux and SQL (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/linux-and-sql This is the fourth course in the Google Cybersecurity Certificate. These courses will equip you with the skills you need to apply for an entry-level cybersecurity job. You’ll build on your understanding of the topics that were introduced in the third Google Cybersecurity Certificate course. In this course, you will explore computing skills that you’ll use on-the-job as a cybersecurity analyst. First, you'll practice using Linux, an operating system commonly used by cybersecurity professionals. |
Troubleshooting and Debugging Techniques (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/troubleshooting-debugging-techniques In this course, we'll give you the tools to quickly identify and solve real-world problems that you might come across in your IT role. We'll look at a bunch of different strategies and approaches for tackling the most common pitfalls of your code and IT infrastructure. You'll learn strategies for approaching almost any technical problem and then see how those apply to solving different real-world scenarios. We picked examples that include general system issues, issues with software that someone |
Using Python to Interact with the Operating System (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/python-operating-system By the end of this course, you’ll be able to manipulate files and processes on your computer’s operating system. You’ll also have learned about regular expressions -- a very powerful tool for processing text files -- and you’ll get practice using the Linux command line on a virtual machine. And, this might feel like a stretch right now, but you’ll also write a program that processes a bunch of errors in an actual log file and then generates a summary file. That’s a super useful skill for IT Spec |
Ve a lo seguro: Gestiona los riesgos de seguridad (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/ve-a-lo-seguro-gestiona-los-riesgos-de-seguridad En este segundo curso del Certificado de Ciberseguridad de Google profundizarás sobre los conceptos que presentamos en el primer curso, con especial énfasis en cómo las/los profesionales de la ciberseguridad utilizan los marcos y controles para proteger las operaciones comerciales. En particular, identificarás los pasos de la gestión de riesgos y conocerás las amenazas, riesgos y vulnerabilidades más comunes. También explorarás los datos de gestión de eventos e información de seguridad (SIEM) y |