Coursera Courses

Faire preuve de prudence : gestion des risques de sécurité (Coursera)

Voici le deuxième cours de la Certification en cybersécurité de Google. Ces cours vous permettront d'acquérir les compétences dont vous avez besoin pour postuler à un emploi de niveau débutant dans le domaine de la cybersécurité. Vous vous appuierez sur votre compréhension des sujets qui ont été introduits dans le premier cours de la Certification en cybersécurité de Google. Dans ce cours, vous approfondirez les concepts présentés dans le premier cours, en mettant l'accent sur la façon dont les

Fandom, Social Media, and Authenticity in the Digital Age (Coursera)

"Fandom, Social Media, and Authenticity in the Digital Age" focuses your attention on the interconnected dynamics of identity, representation, interpretation, and self-reflection. It asks the question: how, where, and with whom do we inhabit the worlds of fandom and popular culture in the digital age? We will explore the role of digital media in the production of celebrity and fandom, using social media tools and platforms as a running case study. More broadly, the course is about what media st

Farmacología para odontólogos (Coursera)

La farmacología es fundamental en la atención de un paciente en odontología, ya que el control del dolor, las patologías causadas por microorganismos y las de carácter sistémico son del quehacer diario del odontólogo. En este curso, aprenderás sobre los medicamentos más usados en odontología, así como sus indicaciones, contraindicaciones e interacciones medicamentosas.

Farmacovigilancia ocular (Coursera)

En este curso, el participante identificará entre una reacción adversa al medicamento, un evento temporalmente asociado a vacunas y las consecuencias adversas de las tecnologías médicas. Se busca la mejora de la seguridad del paciente al disminuir el riesgo de pérdida de la visión o afecciones oculares secundarias a través de la valoración del caso y la aplicación de técnicas diagnósticas oculares. La farmacovigilancia ocular es una actividad que puede realizar cualquier profesional de la salud,

Fase final de Marketing en redes sociales de Meta (Coursera)

En este curso final, practicarás la creación de una presentación sobre la campaña de marketing que has desarrollado durante el programa con un proyecto donde adquirirás experiencia práctica en la comunicación de resultados y la formulación de recomendaciones en función de los resultados de una campaña de marketing en redes sociales. Asimismo, te registrarás en el examen de certificación de Asociado de marketing digital de Facebook, lo realizarás y recibirás tu certificado de Asociado de marketin

Fashion as Design (Coursera)

Among all objects of design, our clothes are the most universal and intimate. Like other kinds of design, fashion thrives on productive tensions between form and function, automation and craftsmanship, standardization and customization, universality and self-expression, and pragmatism and utopian vision. It exists in the service of others, and it can have profound consequences—social, political, cultural, economic, and environmental. Fashion as Design focuses on a selection of more than 70 garm

Fashion Design (Coursera)

Released in June 2021, Fashion Design is about looking to the future to innovate for today, but it is important to understand the foundation of the design process. In this course, you will learn about technological developments in fashion design, 3D and digital printing, and artisanal design and craftsmanship. You’ll explore building your brand through design aesthetics, materials, silhouettes and fit. You’ll discover the importance of collaboration with other designers and how new modes of thin

Fashion Retail Transformation (Coursera)

In Fashion Retail Transformation, released in June 2021, faculty and industry experts dive deep into the transformation of fashion retail. You’ll explore the fusion of retail and entertainment and the increasing importance of omnichannel client relationships. Through an examination of disruptive retail innovations, such as on-demand delivery and virtual reality, you’ll learn how industry leaders are keeping up with customer expectations. You’ll look at e-commerce strategies through the lens of l

Fashion Systems (Coursera)

Released in June 2021, Fashion Systems look at how the fashion business has grown from the storied Parisian houses of the early 20th century into a global phenomenon. It is highly complex, multi-faceted, and undergoing reinvention. In this course, you will learn about long-standing factors that impact the existing fashion system such as consumption, inclusion, and labor. You’ll explore the “slow fashion” movement, look at holistic and human-centric product development strategies, and build a bra

Faster Together, Enhancing the Recruitment of Marginalized Communities in Clinical Trials (Coursera)

This course aims to teach people how to enhance the recruitment of racial and ethnic minorities in clinical trials. Key topics include the importance of diversity in clinical trials, barriers and facilitators to participation in clinical research, community engagement, effective communication, educating about clinical trials, provider outreach, effective prescreening and enrollment, person-centered consent, and retention. Anyone with the potential to recruit can benefit from this course, wheth

Fazer perguntas para tomar decisões com base em dados (Coursera)

Este é o segundo curso do Certificado de Análise de Dados do Google. Estes cursos darão a você as habilidades necessárias para se candidatar a cargos empregos de analista de dados de nível introdutório. Você aprenderá sobre os tópicos que foram introduzidos no primeiro curso de Certificado de Análise de Dados do Google. O material ajudará você a aprender como fazer perguntas eficazes para tomar decisões baseadas nos dados, enquanto se conecta com as necessidades das partes interessadas. Os anali

Feature Engineering (Coursera)

This course explores the benefits of using Vertex AI Feature Store, how to improve the accuracy of ML models, and how to find which data columns make the most useful features. This course also includes content and labs on feature engineering using BigQuery ML, Keras, and TensorFlow.

Feature Engineering em Português Brasileiro (Coursera)

Quer saber mais sobre o Feature Store da Vertex AI, como melhorar a acurácia dos seus modelos de machine learning e quais colunas de dados contêm os atributos mais úteis? No curso "Feature Engineering", falamos sobre atributos bons e ruins, além de mostrar como fazer o pré-processamento e a transformação deles para otimizar seus modelos. Esse curso tem conteúdo teórico e prático sobre a engenharia de atributos usando o BigQuery ML, Keras e TensorFlow.

Feature Engineering en Español (Coursera)

¿Desea saber sobre Vertex AI Feature Store? ¿Desea saber cómo mejorar la exactitud de los modelos de AA o averiguar qué columnas de datos crean los atributos más útiles? Le damos la bienvenida a Feature Engineering, donde analizaremos los atributos buenos y malos, y cómo se los puede procesar previamente y transformar para aprovecharlos al máximo en sus modelos. El curso incluye contenido y labs sobre la ingeniería de atributos en los que se usan BigQuery ML, Keras y TensorFlow.

Feature Engineering 日本語版 (Coursera)

Vertex AI Feature Store について学びたいとお考えですか? ML モデルの精度を向上させる方法や、最も有効な特徴を抽出するためのデータ列の見極め方を知りたいとお考えですか?このコースでは、良い特徴と悪い特徴について説明し、それらをモデルで最大限に活用できるように前処理して変換する方法を解説します。また、BigQuery ML、Keras、TensorFlow を使用した特徴量エンジニアリングに関するコンテンツとラボも含まれています。

Features and Boundaries (Coursera)

This course focuses on the detection of features and boundaries in images. Feature and boundary detection is a critical preprocessing step for a variety of vision tasks including object detection, object recognition and metrology – the measurement of the physical dimensions and other properties of objects. The course presents a variety of methods for detecting features and boundaries and shows how features extracted from an image can be used to solve important vision tasks. We begin with the de

Federal Taxation I: Individuals, Employees, and Sole Proprietors (Coursera)

This course is the first course in a five-course US Federal Tax Specialization. It covers and focuses on the U.S. federal tax system as it relates to individuals, employees, and sole proprietors. Key concepts covered include gross income and items that are statutorily included or excluded in it, personal and business expenses that qualify as tax deductions, and the differing tax treatments for employees versus self-employed taxpayers. Unlike many other introductory courses in tax and as part of

Federal Taxation II: Property Transactions of Business Owners and Shareholders (Coursera)

This course examines the U.S. federal tax system as it relates to property transactions of business owners and shareholders. Topics include cost recovery, such as depreciation, amortization, and depletion; calculation of realized versus recognized gains and losses; evaluation of the potential tax effects of nontaxable exchanges; and the combining, or netting, gains and losses that are different in nature. Assignments facilitate self-discovery of knowledge and development of a variety of professi

Feeding the World (Coursera)

This course will explore the concepts driving current food production science (population growth, urbanization, emerging affluence, resource constraints, and underlying biological limits) with the main focus on livestock production. Each of the major food animal species (dairy, swine, beef, and poultry) will be covered in terms of their universal life cycles, constraints to production and emerging societal issues. Throughout the course, we will tackle some difficult and important questions: Wh

Feminism and Social Justice (Coursera)

"Feminism and Social Justice" is an adaptation of Distinguished Professor Bettina Aptheker's long-running course at UC Santa Cruz. In the course, Professor Aptheker presents a broad definition of feminism that serves to frame three significant events in the history of feminism and social justice: the Empire Zinc strike of 1951, the 1971-1972 trial of Angela Davis, and the #metoo Movement.

Ferrous Technology I (Coursera)

Steel, ever-evolving material, has been the most preeminent of all materials since it can provide wide range of properties that can meet ever-changing requirements. In this course, we explore both fundamental and technical issues related to steels, including iron and steelmaking, microstructure and phase transformation, and their properties and applications.

Ferrous Technology II (Coursera)

Steel, ever-evolving material, has been the most preeminent of all materials since it can provide wide range of properties that can meet ever-changing requirements. In this course, we explore both fundamental and technical issues related to steels, including iron and steelmaking, microstructure and phase transformation, and their properties and applications.

Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (Coursera)

Learn the mathematics behind the Fibonacci numbers, the golden ratio, and their relationship to each other. These topics may not be taught as part of a typical math curriculum, but they contain many fascinating results that are still accessible to an advanced high school student. The course culminates in an exploration of the Fibonacci numbers appearing unexpectedly in nature, such as the number of spirals in the head of a sunflower. Download the lecture notes from the link https://www.math.

Film, Images & Historical Interpretation in the 20th Century: The Camera Never Lies (Coursera)

This course is a short taster on the topic of the use of Images, Film, and their use in historical interpretation in the 20th century. It is primarily provided for those who have a general interest in history that draws on photojournalism as primary evidence, and films based on historical events. Once you have completed this course we hope you will be equipped to: Appreciate the significance of photographs as historical evidence in the twentieth century. Understand the limitations of the me

Finanças Orientada a Dados (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Finanças Orientada a Dados. Neste curso, você aprenderá que os dados se tornaram o principal ativo de negócios nos dias de hoje. Com o aumento do Big Data e criação de novas tecnologias, as organizações em todo o mercado financeiro estão sempre inovando e descobrindo novas formas para analisar o potencial dos dados à sua disposição, o que ajuda no crescimento, na lucratividade, no direcionamento das operações gerais e no aumento da satisfação do cliente. Mas para q

Finance for Everyone Capstone Project (Coursera)

Each course in F4E offers key insights and knowledge you will be able to apply in real-life situations. You’ll test drive those insights through activities and assessments that will influence your key money Decisions, your participation in financial Markets, your experience in preserving or creating Value, and in managing Debt. These activities are designed to immerse you in financial thinking by giving you a safe environment for buying and selling and for making, creating, simulating, writing,

Finance for Everyone: Debt (Coursera)

In Debt, we take on one of the most challenging financial questions that remains unresolved: How much to borrow? We start by demonstrating why using debt has always been and continues to be a great temptation, particularly when borrowing costs are historically low. We identify conditions for selecting the optimal amount of debt for a corporation looking to maximize its value. You’ll become fluent in related concepts like norms and benchmarks. You will explore these and other factors that influe

Finance for Everyone: Decisions (Coursera)

Finance for Everyone: Decisions will introduce you to the workings of the free markets and the foundations of finance. You will learn how free markets and their “creative destruction” provide the architecture for the global economy and how those same markets move money in ways that create and destroy wealth. Your financial toolkit will include timeless concepts like compounding, discounting, annuities, effective interest rates, and more. You will also learn how to simplify important financia

Finance for Everyone: Markets (Coursera)

Markets begins with one of the most common and important elements of the financial system – interest rates. You will learn why interest rates have always been a key barometer in determining the value of everything. You will explore the changing influence of interest rates; the impact of interest rates on consumption, investment and economic growth; and the bizarre realities of negative interest rates. Markets explains how interest rates change the value of all financial instruments, highlighti

Finance For Everyone: Value (Coursera)

In Value, you will explore the most powerful generator of value in the world – ideas. Ideas are the engines of productivity, both in the private and public sectors. You will learn about the universal frameworks that determine how ideas and money interact, leading to the allocation of financial resources. We will identify components of cash flow for any project, business or venture as the most essential ingredients of value. We also assess the investment techniques used to give life to some id

Finance for Managers (Coursera)

When it comes to numbers, there is always more than meets the eye. In operational finance, you will learn how to read the “story” that the balance sheet and income statement tells about the company’s operations. The insights you gain from this “financial story” will then become a tool for short-term decision-making at the top management level relating to current assets, current liabilities and the management of working capital. Finally, by the end of the course you will understand the financial

Finance for Non-Finance Professionals (Coursera)

This short course surveys all the major topics covered in a full semester MBA level finance course, but with a more intuitive approach on a very high conceptual level. The goal here is give you a roadmap and framework for how financial professional make decisions. We will cover the basics of financial valuation, the time value of money, compounding returns, and discounting the future. You will understand discounted cash flow (DCF) valuation and how it compares to other methods. We also ste

Finance for Non-Financial Managers (Coursera)

Finance is for “Non-financial Managers” who want to understand key financial principles and apply them in a real-world context. Over the course of the program window, you will work your way through a series of nine modules that move from understanding basic financial principles to applying financial analysis and ratios to drive decisions. In addition, each module is capped with an ending self-evaluation to ensure that you have absorbed the following key learning objectives: + Understand the lan

Finance for Non-Financial Professionals (Coursera)

Impact your financial decisions and learn how to affect the performance of your unit's profitability and of your organization. In this course gain a basic understanding of finance and accounting concepts to drive your organization's growth. Upon completion of this course, you will have gained general financial knowledge and an in-depth understanding of the impact of your decisions outside your functional area. Content of the course includes selected aspects of finance from a non-financial specia

Finance for Startups (Coursera)

Finance is one of the key ingredients for successful startups. Many entrepreneurs, however, lack knowledge of finance. This course teaches basic financial knowledge needed in starting and operating startups to entrepreneurs or would-be entrepreneurs who did not major in finance. Students of this course will learn to read and understand financial statements such as balance sheets, income statements and cash flow statements. They will also practice simple financial planning of a startup. This cour

Finance of Mergers and Acquisitions: Designing an M&A Deal (Coursera)

This course focuses on the theory and practice of mergers and acquisitions (M&A), with a focus on the Finance. The Finance of M&A uses tools from different areas of Finance to help managers and investment bankers design successful M&A deals. In particular, we will learn to value and price M&A deals and how to choose the optimal financing mix for an M&A deal. The course focuses on all the major types of M&A deals including strategic M&A, private equity leveraged buyouts (LBOs), and restructuring

Finance of Mergers and Acquisitions: Valuation and Pricing (Coursera)

This course teaches how to value and price M&A deals and to choose the optimal financing mix for an M&A deal. The course focuses on all the major types of M&A deals including strategic M&A, private equity leveraged buyouts (LBOs), and restructuring deals such as spinoffs and asset transfers.

Financial Accounting Fundamentals (Coursera)

This course, developed at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia and taught by top-ranked faculty, will teach you the tools you'll need to understand the fundamentals of financial accounting. Concise videos, the financial records of a small business, and "your turn" activities guide you through the three most commonly used financial statements: the Balance Sheet, the Income Statement, and the Statement of Cash Flows. Beyond recording transactions, you'll learn how to prepare

Financial Accounting: Advanced Topics (Coursera)

In this course, you will explore advanced topics in financial accounting. You will start your journey with accounting for assets with more than one-year life. You will learn in detail how firms account for fixed assets. You will then move to financing of assets and discuss accounting for liabilities. The course will continue with an in-depth exploration of shareholders’ equity. Finally, you will critically evaluate preparation, components, and analysis of cash flows statement. Upon successful

Financial Accounting: Foundations (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn foundations of financial accounting information. You will start your journey with a general overview of what financial accounting information is and the main financial statements. You will then learn how to code financial transactions in financial accounting language. In the meantime, you will learn about the most important concept in contemporary financial accounting: accrual accounting. You will then critically analyze how firms recognize revenues. Finally, you w

Financial Acumen for Non-Financial Managers (Coursera)

In this course, you’ll explore how financial statement data and non-financial metrics can be linked to financial performance. Professors Rick Lambert and Chris Ittner of the Wharton School have designed this course to help you gain a practical understanding of how data is used to assess what drives financial performance and forecast future financial scenarios. You’ll learn more about the frameworks of financial reporting, income statements, and cash reporting, and apply different approaches to a

Financial Analysis of Organizations (Coursera)

This course focuses on adopting and implementing a financially analytic mindset when analyzing organizational activities, position and performance. This course begins with an overview of an organization’s financial statements, including the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, as well as the transactions that comprise these statements. You will learn about tools and ratios that help analyze these financial statements and transactions. Financial statement analysis will help you

Financial Analysis of Scenarios and Decisions (Coursera)

This course focuses on adopting and implementing a financially analytic mindset when engaged in organizational decision-making and scenario analysis. The course begins with an overview of the "internal" perspective of the organization, in which you will learn fundamental concepts, including the importance of how cost information is organized for different decision scenarios. You will then learn about scenario analysis, including cost-volume-profit analysis and other fundamental concepts that h

Financial Forecasting and Reporting (Coursera)

This course discusses how public projects are evaluated using cost-benefit analysis. Learners discover how interest rates and prices for stocks and bonds are determined. Techniques are presented on how to create departmental budgets for engineering cost centers and pro forma statements for profit centers. Learners then work with corporate financial statements to assess a company’s financial health, including recent measures of environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG). This course c

Financial Management Capstone (Coursera)

The Financial Management capstone will provide a learning experience that integrates across all the courses within this specialization. You will analyze a situation taking the vantage point of a company and develop a financial management plan (for instance, a global company working in a specific geography chosen by students’ region or country of residence, or other consideration). You will design a deliverable to create value from the perspective of potential employers while achieving pedagogica

Financial Management for Product Leaders (Coursera)

This course is for aspiring or active product leaders who wants to understand how to secure and manage funding for their activities. We will demystify key accounting and financing concepts to give product leaders a guide to developing the business case for their ideas, and securing funding to translate ideas into reality. This course focuses on four key areas: • Learning the fundamentals and how to create financial statements for new ventures within the corporate environment; • Examining valu

Financial Markets (Coursera)

An overview of the ideas, methods, and institutions that permit human society to manage risks and foster enterprise. Emphasis on financially-savvy leadership skills. Description of practices today and analysis of prospects for the future. Introduction to risk management and behavioral finance principles to understand the real-world functioning of securities, insurance, and banking industries. The ultimate goal of this course is using such industries effectively and towards a better society.

Financial Planning for Young Adults (Coursera)

Financial Planning for Young Adults (FPYA), developed in partnership with the CFP Board, is designed to provide an introduction to basic financial planning concepts for young adults. The FPYA course is organized across eight separate modules within a 4-week window. Topics covered include financial goal setting, saving and investing, budgeting, financial risk, borrowing and credit. Because financial planning is such a personal topic, you will be encouraged to define your own financial goals and o

Financial Regulation in Emerging Markets and the Rise of Fintech Companies (Coursera)

This course explores the developments that have fueled the emergence of fintech companies around the world. Following the changing regulatory environment, especially since the 1997 Asian and 2008 global financial crisis, governments have enacted far-reaching new financial regulations for safeguarding financial stability. However, banks and financial institutions have found it increasingly difficult to be profitable in these new regulatory environments. Technology is taking leaps forward in arti

Financial Reporting Capstone (Coursera)

The Capstone is the culminating project in the Financial Reporting Specialization. You will have the opportunity to combine the concepts and techniques obtained through all the courses in this specialization (Accounting Analysis I: The Role of Accounting as an Information System, Accounting Analysis I: Measurement and Disclosure of Assets, Accounting Analysis II: Measurement and Disclosure of Liabilities, and Accounting Analysis II: Accounting for Liabilities and Equity) and apply them to a real