Coursera Courses

Estrategias y estilos de negociación       (Coursera)

El dilema del negociador es un fenómeno derivado de la tensión que surge cuando se tiene que discernir sobre la estrategia óptima de negociación ante una situación específica. El término fue popularizado por los precursores de la teoría estratégica en la negociación, los profesores David Lax y James Sebenius de Harvard Business School para ilustrar el predicamento entre cooperar o competir en una negociación. En este curso en línea analizamos primero la estructura de la Matriz Dual que caracter

Estratégicos empresariales: Proyecto final (Coursera)

En este curso realizarás un plan de negocio en donde incluirás la filosofía empresarial de tu empresa o idea de negocio; asimismo, identificarás qué factores pueden alterar el curso de tu empresa. Para una mejor toma de decisiones desarrollarás un plan financiero que te permitirá conocer el estatus financiero de tu empresa o idea de negocio. También implementarás un mix de mercadotecnia para diseñar estrategias que te permitan el punto óptimo de ventas de tu producto y/o servicio y llegar a ni

Estructura de capital y política de dividendos (Coursera)

En el curso estructura de capital y política de dividendos se analizará la forma en la que una empresa financia sus activos a través de métodos internos o externos, estructurando así su pasivo y capital. Dichas fuentes de financiamiento se ven reflejadas en el costo de capital promedio ponderado (Weighted Average Cost of Capital- WACC). De la mano de la determinación de dicho costo de financiamiento y de la estructura del capital, el administrador financiero deberá determinar la política de div

Estructuras de datos de Python (Coursera)

Este curso presentará las estructuras de datos básicas del lenguaje de programación Python. Veremos los conceptos básicos de la programación de procedimientos y exploraremos cómo podemos usar las estructuras de datos integrados de Python, como listas, diccionarios y tuplas, para realizar análisis de datos cada vez más complejos. Este curso abarcará los capítulos 6 a 10 del libro de texto “Python para todos”. Este curso cubre Python 3.

Estructuras de datos en Python (Coursera)

Este curso te dará ágil acceso a las estructuras de datos principales del lenguaje de programación Python en su versión 3.0. Una vez que termines este curso tendrás un conocimiento general de Python, que te permitirá realizar programas que trabajen con muchos datos tomados desde archivos de la computadora. Aquí podrás conocer cómo utilizar las estructuras de datos integradas en Python, como las listas, los diccionarios y las tuplas. Además entenderás cómo trabajar con archivos y el manejo de e

Estrutura e Funcionamento das Redes de Computadores (Coursera)

Este curso foi desenvolvido para apresentar uma visão geral completa das redes de computadores. Falaremos sobre vários aspectos, desde os fundamentos das modernas tecnologias e protocolos de rede, passando por uma visão geral da nuvem, até as aplicações práticas e soluções para problemas de rede. Encerraremos discutindo como essas informações podem aparecer em uma entrevista de emprego e apresentando dicas para solução de problemas práticos. Até o fim deste curso, você conseguirá: ● descrever

Ethical Hacking Essentials (EHE) (Coursera)

Ethical Hacking Essentials is an introductory cybersecurity course that covers ethical hacking and penetration testing fundamentals and prepares learners for a career in cybersecurity. This course will introduce learners to computer and network security concepts such as threats and vulnerabilities, password cracking, web application attacks, IoT and OT attacks, cloud computing, pentesting fundamentals, and more. This course provides hands-on practical experience to learners thus giving them the

Ethical Issues in Data Science (Coursera)

Computing applications involving large amounts of data – the domain of data science – impact the lives of most people in the U.S. and the world. These impacts include recommendations made to us by internet-based systems, information that is available about us online, techniques that are used for security and surveillance, data that is used in health care, and many more. In many cases, they are affected by techniques in artificial intelligence and machine learning. This course examines some of

Ethical Leadership Through Giving Voice to Values (Coursera)

This course offers an action-oriented introduction to Giving Voice to Values (or GVV), an exciting new approach to values-driven leadership development in the workplace, in business education and in life. GVV is not about persuading people to be more ethical, but instead it starts from the premise that most of us already want to act on our values, but that we also want to feel that we have a reasonable chance of doing so effectively. Through positive, real life examples, pre-scripting, rehears

Ethical Social Media (Coursera)

Social media connects us across space and time, allowing us to find like-minded communities and participate creatively in public life as never before. We may often use social media without thinking much about the possible consequences. But there is a shadow side associated with social media use, which takes the form of hate speech, increased surveillance, lack of anonymity and questionable use of our data. What do we need to know to use social media spaces effectively, in a way that is safe a

Ethics in Engineering (Coursera)

Explore unique case studies in engineering ethics. In this four-week course, you’ll examine different historical case studies and understand how they led to classic engineering failures. Though each case is unique and has a distinct context, they all share common themes; a backstory, a disastrous event, a post-event with ramifications, and outcomes. For each case, you’ll watch and hear video lectures and explore foundational literature. You’ll also have the opportunity to discuss the case in d

Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (Coursera)

This course deals with the problems created, aggravated or transformed by AI. It is intended to give students a chance to reflect on the ethical, social, and cultural impact of AI by focusing on the issues faced by and brought about by professionals in AI but also by citizens, institutions and societies. The course addresses these topics by means of case studies and examples analyzed in the light of the main ethical frameworks.

Ethics, Culture, and Global Perspectives (Coursera)

In this course, you will acquire a deep understanding of the importance and role of ethics within and beyond the organization as well as realize the benefits and challenges of a diverse culture and various – and changing – global perspectives. The professional business skills related to ethics, culture, and global perspectives gained through this course will help you to succeed working in any organization.

Ethics, Technology and Engineering (Coursera)

There is an increasing attention to ethics in engineering practice. Engineers are supposed not only to carry out their work competently and skilfully, but also to be aware of the broader ethical and social implications of engineering and to be able to reflect on these. According to the Engineering Criteria 2000 of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) in the US, engineers must have “an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility” and should "understand the i

Ética y Gobierno Corporativo (Coursera)

En este curso de Ética y Gobierno Corporativo estudiaremos y analizaremos la importancia desde lo estratégico, pero también desde lo reputacional, que tiene trabajar para ser una empresa ética y responsable con todos los ámbitos del negocio. Los objetivos de este curso se orientan a comprender las diferentes miradas que hubo y hay sobre el tema, sus consecuencias y beneficios. Vivimos en un tiempo de cambios acelerados, en un tiempo que requiere transformar los negocios y este viaje te invita a

Etkili Konuşma (Effective Speaking) (Coursera)

Bu ders konuşmayı daha etkili hale getirecek temel özellikleri geliştirmeyi amaçlar. Doğru nefes, sesin iyi ve etkili kullanılması, doğru vurgu ve tonlamanın inceliklerinin fark edilmesi için gerekli bilgiler verilir, uygulamalar önerilir ve yapılır.

Etkili Konuşmada Retorik (Rhetoric in Effective Speaking) (Coursera)

Dört hafta sürecek bu ders etkili konuşmanın temel prensiplerini düşünceyle ve yöntemle desteklemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Metafor ve doğaçlamalardan faydalanılacaktır. Ünite bitimlerinde katılımcılardan doğaçlama uygulamaları beklenmektedir.

ETL and Data Pipelines with Shell, Airflow and Kafka (Coursera)

Delve into the two different approaches to converting raw data into analytics-ready data. One approach is the Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) process. The other contrasting approach is the Extract, Load, and Transform (ELT) process. ETL processes apply to data warehouses and data marts. ELT processes apply to data lakes, where the data is transformed on demand by the requesting/calling application. In this course, you will learn about the different tools and techniques that are used with ETL a

Étudier en France: French Intermediate course B1-B2 (Coursera)

Ce cours de français de niveau intermédiaire B1/B2, conforme aux exigences du Cadre européen de Référence pour les Langues, s’inscrit dans le double dispositif “former avec le numérique”et “langue et interculturalité” mis en place par l’Université Paris Saclay. Il s’adresse à tous les étudiants souhaitant poursuivre leurs études supérieures en France. Il leur permettra non seulement d’avoir le niveau requis en français pour suivre des cours dans le système supérieur français en termes de compéte

EU policy and implementation: making Europe work! (Coursera)

People have become more critical of EU policy and often seem to prefer local policy solutions in response to globalisation problems. How do you experience EU policy? Does it help? And if not, how can we change this? In this course, we learn how the European Union prepares and decides on policy, and how policy is transferred to member states and implemented by various authorities, including regional and local governments. We discuss the challenges of the European multi-level governance structure

European Business Law: Competing in Europe (Coursera)

About this Course This six-week course titled Competing in Europe is the third in a series of three exploring some of the main business aspects of European Union law. Besides providing learners with a sound knowledge base of European laws and regulations, the series explores business considerations within a broader perspective by including inputs from leading law practitioners in the field. More specifically, the third course discusses how to compete on the internal market and protect your bran

European Business Law: Doing Business in Europe (Coursera)

This six-week course titled Doing Business in Europe is the second in a series of three exploring some of the main business aspects of European Union law. Besides providing learners with a sound knowledge base of European laws and regulations relevant to establishing and managing a company within the European Union, the course also explores business considerations within a broader perspective by including inputs from leading law practitioners in the field. More specifically, the course discusses

European Business Law: Understanding the Fundamentals (Coursera)

The European Union is one of the world’s largest and most important economies. This six week course is the first in a series of three that will provide students with an insight into European Business Law. The series ranges from considering the basic structures and principles of the European Union to focusing on various specialized areas of law. Each course will give the students an understanding of the laws and policies that regulate the internal market of European Union, as well as relevant cas

European Citizenship – Development, Scope, and Challenges (Coursera)

All citizens in the EU are granted a European Citizenship on top of their national citizenship. Which rights and opportunities does this supra- and transnational citizenship provide? And what are the challenges and dilemmas of the two-level citizenship – for individuals, for the member states and for the union? This course examines the development, the scope and the challenges of European Citizenship. The course has a threefold aim: to explore the development, application and current challenges

Evaluación auténtica (Coursera)

En este curso, diseñarás tu experiencia de aprendizaje a partir de la actividad de evaluación auténtica que cada estudiante va desarrollando. Dicha evaluación evidencia los conocimientos, habilidades, actitudes y valores que la experiencia promovió y constituye una contribución a la comunidad o proyecto en que se inserta, al trabajar con datos, problemáticas o fenómenos reales. Durante cuatro semanas, desarrollarás una base de conocimiento basada en evidencia sobre el concepto, procesos, venta

Evaluación de inversiones en Bienes de Capital (Coursera)

En el curso presupuesto de largo plazo o de bienes de capital el administrador financiero aplicarás los elementos del valor del dinero a través del tiempo, para poder proyectar los estados financieros a una fecha futura, considerando las variables económicas que pueden afectar un proyecto de inversión. De igual forma serás capaz de calcular el valor presente neto, la tasa interna de rendimiento como elementos primordiales para la evaluación de los proyectos de inversión en bienes de capital de u

Evaluación de peligros y riesgos por fenómenos naturales (Coursera)

Reconocer el conocimiento básico sobre los factores físicos y sociales que condicionan el riesgo de una sociedad por fenómenos extremos de origen natural (sismos, huracanes, etc.) y promover las acciones necesarias para reducir el impacto de los desastres en una comunidad.

Evaluación de Proyectos de Inversión (Coursera)

Este curso analiza los principales conceptos vigentes de finanzas para tasar proyectos que involucran decisiones irreversible de inversión, incorporando elementos estratégicos y de análisis de incertidumbre.

Evaluación del Aprendizaje en Escenarios Clínicos (Coursera)

En el siguiente curso aprenderás cómo se desarrolla la enseñanza en diversos escenarios clínicos, desde el punto de vista del alumno y del docente. Comenzando primeramente con una visión general de la enseñanza médica tradicional y cómo ha ido evolucionando a través del tiempo, tomando en cuenta los factores que se evalúan. De este modo, podrás analizar qué elementos son importantes a considerar en la evaluación de los aprendizajes que vayas adquiriendo durante tu carrera médica (en caso de qu

Evaluación del y para el aprendizaje en educación universitaria (Coursera)

La visión contemporánea del aprendizaje como un proceso activo, constructivo y flexible, además de la diversidad de experiencias de aprendizaje y contextos donde estas se desarrollan, exige al profesorado el diseño de instrumentos de prácticas de evaluación que correspondan a estas necesidades. Identificar los conocimientos que adquieren los alumnos y considerar las estrategias más adecuadas para evaluarlos, ayudará a que los profesores implementen mejores prácticas de evaluación, sustentadas en

Evaluación del y para el aprendizaje: enfoque cualitativo (Coursera)

La formación en educación media superior y superior implica no solamente el aprendizaje de conocimientos, sino también el desarrollo de habilidades y la formación de actitudes y valores, para lo cual es fundamental contar con instrumentos, estrategias y técnicas que le permitan al profesor obtener información sobre el progreso de sus estudiantes y así contribuir a la toma de decisiones para alcanzar el logro de los aprendizajes esperados, para ello el uso sistemático de instrumentos de evaluació

Evaluación del y para el aprendizaje: enfoque cuantitativo (Coursera)

La perspectiva contemporánea de la educación ha considerado que dentro del proceso educativo es indispensable la evaluación como una parte esencial de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. Realizar este proceso de manera adecuada requiere de una formación especializada que nos permita conocer tanto el proceso en sí mismo, así como los elementos involucrados en él y la pertinencia de hacer uso de las técnicas e instrumentos más adecuados y necesarios para cada tipo de evaluación. El conocimiento de l

Evaluar para el éxito: Analítica y medición de marketing (Coursera)

Este es el quinto de los siete cursos del Certificado de Carrera de Google en Marketing Digital y Comercio Electrónico. Aquí explorarás las prácticas y herramientas de analítica de marketing, que te ayudarán a analizar datos de diversas fuentes (como páginas web, canales de marketing digital y sitios de comercio electrónico) para obtener información sobre los y las clientes. Aprenderás a crear planes de medios y a establecer objetivos de rendimiento, además de medir, administrar y analizar dato

Evaluating Designs with Users (Coursera)

When designing systems that work for users, there is no substitute for watching them try to use the system to see what works and what doesn’t. In this UX course, you will learn how to design and conduct tests with users that will tell you how effective your design is for helping users do what they need to do, and how they feel about using your system. This course is part of the User Experience (UX) Research and Design specialization offered on Coursera. What you'll learn: Identify differ

Evaluating Problems (Coursera)

The second course of the specialization EVALUATING PROBLEMS will show you how humans think and how to utilize different disciplinary approaches to tackle problems more effectively. It advances your knowledge of your own field by teaching you to look at it in new ways. EVALUATING PROBLEMS is constructed in the following way: Week I. “Thinking about Thinking” – How problem solving evolved in nature, how the mechanics of our brains work, and the psychological biases that can emerge when we think

Evaluating the Quality of Healthcare Delivery (Coursera)

In this course, you will have the opportunity to learn about the great progress that has been made in measuring and evaluating quality of care. We will discuss key concepts and methods. You will also learn about how to use websites for comparing the quality of healthcare providers. The course content is intended for a wide range of participants – for example, people who have a general interest in quality of care, consumers seeking information about how to choose a provider for themselves or f

Evaluating User Interfaces (Coursera)

In this course you will learn and practice several techniques for user interface evaluation. First we start with techniques that can be applied alone or in a design team, including action analysis, walkthroughs, and heuristic evaluation. Then we move on to user testing, including learning from a series of usability tests carried out in a real usability lab, and techniques to carry out your own tests even without a lab. Finally, we wrap up the discussion of evaluation--and of UI Design in the

Évaluation & Mesure d'Impact Social (Coursera)

Pourquoi et comment mesurer son impact social ? Quels outils choisir, comment les mettre en oeuvre, comment en exploiter les résultats ? Ces questions sont désormais cruciales pour toutes les structures oeuvrant pour l’intérêt général, associations comme entreprises sociales. Pour vous aider à y répondre nous avons donné la parole à des entrepreneurs sociaux comme Main Forte, Recyclivre, les Talents d’Alphonse, mais aussi à des financeurs comme Véolia, la BNP, Investir et +, PHI Trust, à des ex

Evaluation of Digital Health Interventions (Coursera)

This course focuses on data, evaluation methods and the economic evaluation of digital health interventions. This module focuses on key data considerations for digital health including data management, data visualisation and methods for evaluating digital health interventions. The key focus is on experimental and quasi-experimental design approaches that can be applied to evaluating digital health interventions and key considerations for the economic evaluation of digital health interventions.

Evaluations of AI Applications in Healthcare (Coursera)

With artificial intelligence applications proliferating throughout the healthcare system, stakeholders are faced with both opportunities and challenges of these evolving technologies. This course explores the principles of AI deployment in healthcare and the framework used to evaluate downstream effects of AI healthcare solutions. In support of improving patient care, Stanford Medicine is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation

Everyday Chinese Medicine (Coursera)

This course aims to serve as an education platform on Chinese medicine (CM) for the general public. Our primary goal is to empower healthcare choices by promoting awareness and practical application on CM diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, as well as regulation on CM services and herbal products using international examples. In the first part of this course, learners will develop skills in applying basic theory of Chinese medicine (CM) for understanding health and illnesses, and be able to

Everyday Chinese Medicine 2 (Coursera)

This course, Everyday Chinese Medicine II offered by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, aims to show to the public, as well as the healthcare professionals about the basic principles of Chinese medicine. Our primary goal is to empower healthcare choices by promoting awareness and practical application on Chinese medicine diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, and to facilitate interprofessional education between Chinese and conventional clinicians. Learners will develop skills in applying the

Everyday Excel, Part 1 (Coursera)

"Everyday Excel, Part 1" is aimed at learners who are seeking to learn Excel from the ground up. No experience with Excel is necessary. While this course is meant for beginners of Excel, advanced users will undoubtedly pick up new skills and tools. This course is the first part of a three-part series and Specialization that focuses on teaching introductory through very advanced techniques and tools in Excel. In this course (Part 1), you will: 1) learn how to effectively navigate around the E

Everyday Excel, Part 2 (Coursera)

"Everyday Excel, Part 2" is a continuation of the popular "Everyday Excel, Part 1". Building on concepts learned in the first course, you will continue to expand your knowledge of applications in Excel. This course is aimed at intermediate users, but even advanced users will pick up new skills and tools in Excel. By the end of this course, you will have the skills and tools to take on the project-based "Everyday Excel, Part 3 (Projects)". This course is the second part of a three-part series

Everyday Excel, Part 3 (Projects) (Coursera)

"Everyday Excel, Part 3 (Projects)" is a continuation of "Everyday Excel, Parts 1 and 2". It is a capstone, projects-based course in which you will apply what you've learned previously to more complex, somewhat open-ended projects (open-ended with respect to the fact that they can be solved in multiple ways). Each learner must complete 3"warm-up" projects (chosen from 3), 3 intermediate projects (chosen from 6), and 3 main (more difficult) projects (chosen from 5). The projects have been crea

Everyday Parenting: The ABCs of Child Rearing (Coursera)

Everyday Parenting gives you access to a toolkit of behavior-change techniques that will make your typical day in the home easier as you develop the behaviors you would like to see in your child. The lessons provide step-by-step instructions and demonstrations to improve your course of action with both children and adolescents. Among many techniques, you will learn how even simple modifications to tone of voice and phrasing can lead to more compliance. The course will also shed light on many p

Evidence-based Toxicology (Coursera)

Welcome to the Evidence-based Toxicology (EBT) course. In medicine and healthcare, evidence-based medicine has revolutionized the way that information is evaluated transparently and objectively. Over the past ten years, a movement in North America and Europe has attempted to translate this revolution to the field of toxicology. The Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT) within the department of Environmental Health and Engineering at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Evolution Today (Coursera)

In this course you will learn how evolution works. You will develop an understanding of evolutionary processes and their formative power. You will see how evolution has shaped biodiversity, and continuously influences our daily life. Evolution impacts human endeavors as varied as medicine, agriculture, psychology, economy, and culture. It is the major unifying principle for biology and a fundamental natural law. In five weeks we will make evolution accessible for you and help you to recognize ev

Evolution: A Course for Educators (Coursera)

How are all of the species living on Earth today related? How does understanding evolutionary science contribute to our well-being? In this course, participants will learn about evolutionary relationships, population genetics, and natural and artificial selection. Participants will explore evolutionary science and learn how to integrate it into their classrooms.

Exam Prep: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Foundations (Coursera)

This new foundational-level course from Amazon Web Services (AWS), is designed to help you to assess your preparedness for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification exam. You will learn how to prepare for the exam by exploring the exam’s topic areas and how they map to both AWS Cloud practitioner roles and to specific areas of study. You will review sample certification questions in each domain, practice skills with hands-on exercises, test your knowledge with practice question sets, a