Coursera Courses |
Escalamiento exitoso e Innovación en los Negocios (Coursera) Este curso fue diseñado para apoyar a emprendedores y empresarios que se encuentran en la etapa de escalamiento de sus negocios, con el fin de prepararlos para enfrentar los desafíos de esta etapa y tomar las decisiones estratégicas adecuadas que conlleva. El curso permite profundizar en las áreas de estrategia, administración, personas, finanzas y marketing, entregando conceptos y herramientas que permitan a los empresarios ampliar su visión estratégica de negocios y su capacidad para generar |
Escola 4.0 Educação e Cultura Maker no Contexto da Nova BNCC (Coursera) Este curso é para professores, diretores, coordenadores e entusiastas do ensino com tecnologia, da cultura Maker e do Aprendizado Baseado em Projetos. Nosso conteúdo foi pensado para o ensino fundamental 2 e médio. |
Escritura académica. Estilos de citación y referenciación. (Coursera) Escribir un artículo puede convertirse en un gran reto, no solo por comunicar una idea, sino que también, demanda cumplir unos requerimientos mínimos de derechos de autor y de estilos bibliográficos para la selección de las ideas que no son propias. Si es su caso, este curso le brinda herramientas para escribir informes de investigación y demás documentos académicos, aplicar adecuadamente los estilos bibliográficos APA, IEEE y Vancouver en el registro de las citas y en las referencias bibliogr |
ESG and Climate Change (Coursera) In this course, you will focus on understanding climate change and the risks and opportunities that it creates for businesses in the 21st century. You will analyze the current impacts of climate change on a global scale, and the investment shifts that are required to achieve a net-zero economy. Next, you will analyze the role of climate disclosures and their importance in ESG. You will also review private environmental governance, the active role that private companies are playing in combating |
ESG and Social Activism (Coursera) In this course, you will get an overview of the impact of contemporary ESG ratings and how a company balances ESG issues against its financial performance. You will evaluate the effectiveness of corporate authenticity and the impacts of politics when building corporate ESG policy. You will also learn about social activism’s ability to disrupt markets, and the roles that stakeholders play when dealing with financial markets. Next, you will learn about corporate Boards, and the importance of cre |
ESG Data & Accountability (Coursera) In this course, we’ll introduce students with basic knowledge of traditional financial products to data-driven resources they can use to complement their fundamental analysis. We’ll also highlight certain deceptive marketing practices that can paint a rosier picture of addressing ESG-related concerns than may actually be the case. Moreover, many corporations appear to be growing increasingly aware of the values of the millennial generation, who, according to some industry surveys, appear to acc |
ESG Impact: Investor Perspective (Coursera) In this course, you will analyze the importance of assessing stakeholder interest or salience in different ESG factors and industry variances. You will also evaluate the importance of ESG factors in your investment decisions, including how you can use them to create socially responsible portfolios with better-than-average returns. You will also examine the risks associated with ESG investing and how they can affect the corporation’s profitability. Next, you will review the concepts of positive |
ESG Investing: Industry Impacts & Transformations (Coursera) Through this ESG Investing: Industry Impacts & Transformations course, students with basic knowledge of traditional financial products can explore how certain financial market sectors have been transforming, amid a heightened focus on risk factors that underpin the three pillars of ESG. For example, what led age-old, iconic companies such as Borden and Dean Foods to file for bankruptcy? How are traditional oil giants BP and Exxon Mobil managing the energy transition? And what steps are firms su |
ESG Investing: Setting Standards & Conducting Analysis (Coursera) The ESG Investing: Setting Standards & Conducting Analysis course provides students with basic knowledge of traditional financial products with some fundamental concepts to help better define what ESG is, including the rationale behind its inception, and how it has developed. Through the series of video, webinar, and reading modules in this course, you’ll learn how to identify and describe the basic principles underpinning the “E”, “S” and “G” in ESG, as well as obtain a brief background of ESG’ |
ESG Risks and Opportunities (Coursera) In this course, you will explore the foundations upon which modern-day ESG was built, how market forces react to ESG, and ways to create and maintain value using ESG investment strategies. You will also learn about the five pathways of materiality, and how those interplay with or against ESG performance. You will examine the many challenges that corporations face when it comes to leveraging ESG investing into their portfolios, and how the changing landscape of ESG is making this an area of unta |
ESG-focused Financial Products (Coursera) As ESG investing continues to evolve, so do the funding mechanisms many companies, organizations, and governments use to finance their stated goals. Indeed, ESG-focused financial products, or ‘green assets’, have been growing in volume – as well as by type. In the fixed income space alone, instruments available to investors include green bonds, social bonds, sustainability-linked bonds, climate awareness bonds, gender bonds, and others – not to mention a growing list of ESG-themed exchange-trad |
Esports Management Capstone Project (Coursera) We will analyze the pros and cons of creating a single or multiple Esport organization and recommend an effective branding strategy for a hypothetical Esport organization based on current Esport branding considerations. You will develop a plan for recruiting funding resources for a hypothetical Esports organization and choose an Esport organization role of interest, other than Owner, and describe your reasoning. |
Esports Teams and Professional Players (Coursera) This course will be focusing on the competitive Esport team and individual professional players. Whether you are playing on a team or competing as an individual, you will find that being a professional Esports player is more complex and nuanced than most people realize. We will be talking a lot about the support staff surrounding players, the intricacy of navigating contracts, and the hardships of committing yourself to professional play. We will also be talking about the Esports media. Similar |
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services dalam bahasa Indonesia (Coursera) Kursus akselerasi sesuai permintaan ini memperkenalkan peserta pada infrastruktur dan layanan platform yang komprehensif dan fleksibel yang disediakan oleh Google Cloud, dengan fokus pada Compute Engine. Melalui kombinasi video materi edukasi, demo, dan lab praktis, peserta akan mengeksplorasi dan men-deploy berbagai elemen solusi, termasuk komponen infrastruktur seperti jaringan, sistem, dan layanan aplikasi. Kursus ini juga membahas cara men-deploy solusi praktis termasuk kunci enkripsi yang d |
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services em Português Brasileiro (Coursera) Neste curso intensivo sob demanda, os participantes vão conhecer os serviços abrangentes e flexíveis de infraestrutura e plataforma fornecidos pelo Google Cloud, com foco no Compute Engine. Com o auxílio de videoaulas, demonstrações e laboratórios práticos, os participantes têm a chance de conhecer e implantar elementos da solução, incluindo componentes de infraestrutura, como redes, sistemas e serviços de aplicativos. O curso também aborda a implantação de soluções práticas, como chaves de crip |
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services en Español (Coursera) En este curso acelerado a pedido, se presentan los servicios flexibles y completos de infraestructura y plataforma que proporciona Google Cloud, con un enfoque en Compute Engine. Mediante una serie de clases por video, demostraciones y labs prácticos, los participantes pueden explorar y, también, implementar elementos de soluciones, incluidos componentes de infraestructura, como redes, sistemas y servicios de aplicaciones. En este curso, también se aborda la implementación de soluciones práctica |
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services 日本語版 (Coursera) このオンデマンド速習コースでは、Google Cloud で提供される包括的かつ柔軟なインフラストラクチャとプラットフォームのサービスについて、Compute Engine を中心に紹介します。受講者は、動画講義、デモ、ハンズオンラボを通してソリューションの各要素について学習し、演習を行います。これらの要素には、ネットワーク、システム、アプリケーション サービスなどのインフラストラクチャ コンポーネントが含まれます。また、実践的なソリューションの実装も取り上げ、顧客指定の暗号鍵、セキュリティとアクセス管理、割り当てと課金、リソース モニタリングなどについても学習します。 |
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation - Bahasa Indonesia (Coursera) Kursus akselerasi sesuai permintaan ini memperkenalkan peserta pada infrastruktur dan layanan platform yang komprehensif dan fleksibel yang disediakan oleh Google Cloud, dengan fokus pada Compute Engine. Melalui kombinasi video materi edukasi, demo, dan lab interaktif, peserta akan mengeksplorasi dan men-deploy berbagai elemen solusi, termasuk komponen infrastruktur seperti jaringan, virtual machine, dan layanan aplikasi. Anda akan mempelajari cara menggunakan Google Cloud melalui konsol dan Clo |
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation - Español (Coursera) En este curso acelerado on demand, se presentan los servicios flexibles y completos de infraestructura y plataforma que proporciona Google Cloud, con un enfoque en Compute Engine. Mediante una serie de clases por video, demostraciones y labs prácticos, los participantes pueden explorar y, también, implementar elementos de soluciones, incluidos componentes de infraestructura, como redes, máquinas virtuales y servicios de aplicaciones. Aprenderás a usar Google Cloud mediante la consola y Cloud She |
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation - Français (Coursera) Ce cours accéléré à la demande présente aux participants les services complets et flexibles d'infrastructure et de plate-forme offerts par Google Cloud, en s'intéressant plus particulièrement à Compute Engine. À travers un ensemble de cours vidéo, de démonstrations et d'ateliers pratiques, les participants découvrent et déploient des éléments de solution, y compris des composants d'infrastructure tels que des réseaux, des machines virtuelles et des services d'applications. Vous découvrirez comme |
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation - Português Brasileiro (Coursera) Neste curso intensivo sob demanda, os participantes vão conhecer os serviços abrangentes e flexíveis de infraestrutura e plataforma fornecidos pelo Google Cloud, com foco no Compute Engine. Com o auxílio de videoaulas, demonstrações e laboratórios práticos, os participantes têm chance de conhecer e implantar elementos da solução, incluindo componentes de infraestrutura, como redes, máquinas virtuais e serviços de aplicativos. Você vai aprender a usar o Google Cloud no Console e no Cloud Shell. A |
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation - 日本語版 (Coursera) このオンデマンド速習コースでは、Google Cloud で提供される包括的かつ柔軟なインフラストラクチャとプラットフォームのサービスについて、Compute Engine を中心に紹介します。受講者は、動画講義、デモ、ハンズオンラボを通してさまざまなソリューションの各要素について学習し、実際のデプロイを演習します。これらの要素には、ネットワークや仮想マシン、アプリケーション サービスなどのインフラストラクチャ コンポーネントが含まれます。コンソールと Cloud Shell を使用して Google Cloud を運用する方法についても学習します。また、クラウド アーキテクトの役割、インフラストラクチャ設計の方法、Virtual Private Cloud(VPC)を使用した仮想ネットワークの構成、プロジェクト、ネットワーク、サブネットワーク、IP アドレス、ルート、ファイアウォール ルールについても学習します。 |
Essential Design Principles for Tableau (Coursera) In this course, you will analyze and apply essential design principles to your Tableau visualizations. This course assumes you understand the tools within Tableau and have some knowledge of the fundamental concepts of data visualization. You will define and examine the similarities and differences of exploratory and explanatory analysis as well as begin to ask the right questions about what’s needed in a visualization. You will assess how data and design work together, including how to choose th |
Essential Epidemiologic Tools for Public Health Practice (Coursera) In order to make a difference in the health and well-being of a population, we must understand the burden of all problems and conditions that affect the population, as well as how well our efforts to mitigate these problems are actually working. This course provides you with some essential skills and tools that will enhance your ability to describe and understand the health of your community. The tools that epidemiologists use are in fact useful for all public health practitioners, including dat |
Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services (Coursera) This accelerated on-demand course introduces participants to the comprehensive and flexible infrastructure and platform services provided by Google Cloud with a focus on Compute Engine. Through a combination of video lectures, demos, and hands-on labs, participants explore and deploy solution elements, including infrastructure components such as networks, systems and applications services. This course also covers deploying practical solutions including customer-supplied encryption keys, security |
Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation (Coursera) This accelerated on-demand course introduces participants to the comprehensive and flexible infrastructure and platform services provided by Google Cloud with a focus on Compute Engine. Through a combination of video lectures, demos, and hands-on labs, participants explore and deploy solution elements, including infrastructure components such as networks, virtual machines and applications services. You will learn how to use the Google Cloud through the console and Cloud Shell. You'll also learn |
Essential Linear Algebra for Data Science (Coursera) Are you interested in Data Science but lack the math background for it? Has math always been a tough subject that you tend to avoid? This course will teach you the most fundamental Linear Algebra that you will need for a career in Data Science without a ton of unnecessary proofs and concepts that you may never use. Consider this an expressway to Data Science with approachable methods and friendly concepts that will guide you to truly understanding the most important ideas in Linear Algebra. Thi |
Essential Skills for Your Career Development (Coursera) Explore professional career development methods to get your career on track and achieve success. This course will help you learn skills for life that would enable you to take your career to the next level. Using planning tools, you’ll identify the right career path for you, establish achievable goals and learn how to achieve them. You’ll learn how to navigate the process of applying for jobs and interviews by getting practical advice from like-minded individuals who propelled their careers f |
Essential Tools For Application Development (Coursera) In Essential Tools, we will look at two important classes of tools for developers: Version Control Systems and Built Automation Tools. We will look why we use such tools, discuss common concepts for those categories of tools, and then look at a specific and common example of each: Apache® Subversion® for version control, and Apache® Maven™ for build automation. |
Essentials for English Speeches and Presentations 英语演讲与演示 (Coursera) Students must learn essential knowledge and skills to deliver an impressive English speech or presentation for academic purposes, job hunting, and business occasions. Global perspectives and inter-cultural communication skills are taught here to facilitate most Chinese English learners. 学习在学术交流、求职、海外留学与商务场景下进行英文演讲与演示所必备的知识与技能,强化中国学生的全球化视角与跨文化沟通技巧。 |
Essentials in Clinical Simulations Across the Health Professions (Coursera) This 7-week course provides you with key strategies to help understand the foundation of Clinical Simulations. During each module, you will learn about 7 key components of Clinical Simulation Across the Health Professions and its' impact in your current position as a healthcare professional. Please utilize all of the Resources provided by each of the modules to support and enhance your understanding of each concept. You will learn about the following topics in this course: Module 1: Getting |
Essentials of Corporate Finance Capstone (Coursera) The Capstone Project is the final part of the Essentials of Corporate Financial Analysis and Decision-Making MOOC Specialization. The Capstone is designed to allow students to bring together the skills acquired and knowledge gained over the preceding four courses of the Specialization by taking on the role of a financial analyst tasked with advising a wealthy private client on a significant strategic investment in a large listed firm operating across the globe. View the MOOC promotional video |
Essentials of Entrepreneurship: Thinking & Action (Coursera) Success in business can be greatly enhanced with an understanding of key entrepreneurial characteristics and competencies solutions. This interactive course provides potential entrepreneurs with the knowledge of succeeding in an entrepreneurial opportunity. Topics include: how creativity, opportunity and feasibility are best evaluated; business strategies for new businesses; importance of a business plan; achieving success in a new business. At the end of the course students will have the ski |
Essentials of Global Health (Coursera) Essentials of Global Health is a comprehensive introduction to global health. It is meant to introduce you to this topic in well-structured, clear and easy to understand ways. Much of the course will focus on five questions: What do people get sick, disabled and die from; Why do they suffer from these conditions? Which people are most affected? Why should we care about such concerns? What can be done to address key health issues, hopefully at least cost, as fast as possible, and in sustainable w |
Essentials of Management and Strategic Planning (Coursera) Essentials of Management and Strategic Planning introduces learners to the basics of running a business and strategies for improving an organization’s growth and profitability. Learners will gain a better understanding of management and leadership, along with how the two are different, and how strong leadership plays a role in developing people. Learners will also explore what strategy is and how key strategies can push an organization ahead of its competitors. Other topics to be covered include |
Essentials of Palliative Care (Coursera) This course starts you on your journey of integrating primary palliative care into your daily lives. You will learn what palliative care is, how to communicate with patients, show empathy, and practice difficult conversations. You will learn how to screen for distress and provide psychosocial support. You will learn about goals of care and advance care planning and how to improve your success with having these conversations with patients. Finally, you will explore important cultural considerat |
Establishing a Professional ‘Self’ through Effective Intercultural Communication (Coursera) In the course ‘Establishing a professional ‘self’ through effective intercultural communication’, you will learn how to communicate effectively to establish relationships with colleagues in a culturally and linguistically diverse community and workplace. As language reflects cultures, we begin the course by highlighting the need to take into considerations cultural values when we communicate in a multicultural community and workplace. We then move on to discuss some effective communication ski |
Establishing Command-and-Control and Finding Credentials (Coursera) This course demonstrates the use of Python to establish command-and-control channels between a target environment and the attackers infrastructure. This course also demonstrates the use of Python to collect information on a system, including both user credentials and other sensitive data. |
Establishing Product-Market Fit (Coursera) Entrepreneur and investor Marc Andreessen coined the term product-market fit in 2007 when he said, “Product-market fit means being in a good market with a product that can satisfy that market.” While there are ample articles that mention the term, detailed guidance on how to actually achieve product-market fit is scarce. Through our course we will explore an actionable model that defines product-market fit using five key components. From bottom to top, we will examine the layers of product-mark |
Estadística aplicada a los negocios (Coursera) La toma de decisiones está en la esencia de los negocios. Gerenciar es tomar decisiones, muchas veces bajo presión, con información desordenada y en un contexto de incertidumbre. Un aspecto básico es entender y analizar la información, organizar los datos de forma de facilitar su posterior uso y la toma de decisiones. Si bien hay muchas otras dimensiones que entran en juego, el primer paso es formular bien el problema, estructurarlo y procesar la información. En este sentido, el principal objeti |
Estadística y probabilidad (Coursera) En este curso podrás apoyar tu formación en temas de estadística y probabilidad Más allá de que encuentres aquí un apoyo para lograr una calificación, el curso busca ayudarte a que adquieras los aprendizajes que comprenden temas de estadística descriptiva, datos bivariados y probabilidad, los cuales te serán de utilidad en tu paso por la licenciatura y en tu vida profesional. |
Estatística não-paramétrica para a tomada de decisão (Coursera) Os testes estatísticos não-paramétricos são métodos que têm maior relevância nas ciências sociais aplicadas, pois permitem trabalhar com pequenas amostras ou amostras das quais não se tenha certeza de que sejam provenientes de população com distribuição normal, assumindo poucas hipóteses sobre a distribuição de probabilidade da população. Estes testes são adequados para apoiar a tomada de decisão dentro das organizações em situações nas quais não seja atendido algum dos requisitos para a aplicaç |
Estilos de Liderazgo: opciones para avanzar en desafíos complejos (Coursera) Liderazgo es una palabra que se usa para muchas cosas diferentes y a veces opuestas. Cuando la gente intenta concertar una definición, hay una tendencia general a recurrir al modelo heroico del liderazgo, de un hombre con características especiales y en un puesto directivo que convence a otros de seguirlo hacia su visión. Este modelo es atractivo, pero limitado y obsoleto para la mayoría de los desafíos que nos importan hoy en día. El “modelo heroico” suele ser muy útil para solucionar problemas |
Estimación de la línea base de tiempos y costos (Coursera) Bienvenido al curso Estimación de la línea base de tiempos y costos. Este es el tercer curso que forma parte del programa especializado en Gerencia de proyectos complejos de ingeniería, ofertado por la Universidad de los Andes, disponible en la plataforma de Coursera. Soy Andrés Felipe Gómez y te estaré acompañando las siguientes 8 semanas en donde me voy a centrar en el último gran paso dentro del proceso de planeación: establecer las líneas base del tiempo y de los costos. Este es un paso mu |
Estrategia de precios (Coursera) La fijación de precios es una de las decisiones de marketing más importantes pero menos comprendidas. Aprenda y practique conceptos y técnicas, y familiarícese con las últimas ideas sobre evaluación y formulación de estrategias de fijación de precios. Analice cómo las empresas intentan captar valor, además de beneficios, en los ingresos que obtienen. A lo largo de este curso, aprenderá conceptos clave de la estrategia de fijación de precios, como la psicología de la fijación de precios, la dis |
Estrategia Empresarial (Coursera) El curso te da las herramientas básicas para identificar los desafíos estratégicos de una organización, evaluar la importancia de estos desafíos, y armar el plan de prioridades de modo de hacer frente exitosamente a esos desafíos. Dentro de todas las empresas que existen, el curso se focaliza en aquellas cuyo producto o servicio tiene algún grado de diferenciación con respecto a los competidores de la industria en la que se desenvuelve. El curso tiene un enfoque único, mezclando modelos conceptu |
Estrategia y Planificación de Marketing (Coursera) El marketing se caracteriza por la naturaleza multidimensional de sus funciones, así como por el creciente rol de liderazgo interno que ha adquirido en todo tipo de organizaciones. La incesante complejización de los mercados conlleva a la necesidad de anticipar los cambios y construir una posición competitiva sólida y defendible. Para lograrlo, el profesional de marketing debe ser capaz de instrumentar los diversos frameworks conceptuales que le permitirán diagnosticar acertadamente el contexto, |
Estrategias de Redes Sociales (Coursera) En este curso, podrás adquirir los conocimientos y criterios iniciales para crear los objetivos, estrategias y tácticas para las redes sociales de tu plan de marketing digital. Conocerás en detalle los códigos y técnicas de Facebook, Twitter, Instagram y LinkedIn; incluyendo estrategias de contenido, anuncios y estadísticas. |
Estrategias de Emprendimiento (Coursera) Este curso busca ayudar al emprendedor a ser capaz de desarrollar un plan de operación y expansión, basado en la generación de objetivos de estabilización y crecimiento para su negocio, a partir de sus fortalezas y oportunidades detectadas, así como de un análisis de su situación actual, aprovechando así las oportunidades del entorno y adecuando su Modelo de Negocio y sus estrategias financieras, mismas que plasmará en un Pitch para presentar su plan a todos los Stakeholders actuales y futuros. |
Estrategias para ganar. Meteorología en la vuelta al mundo (Coursera) Tanto si eres o no aficionado a la navegación, en este curso aprenderás cuáles son los principales motores del tiempo en la Tierra y lo que los navegantes deben saber de ellos. Conocerás cuáles son las bases de la meteorología oceánica, cómo se generan los archivos digitales a partir de los modelos de predicción y cómo los navegantes los reciben a bordo, vía satélite, para integrarlos al software de alta competición. Este curso enfoca la meteorología y climatología oceánicas desde la perspectiv |