Go to Course: https://www.coursera.org/learn/aplicaciones-android
### Course Review and Recommendation: Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Avanzadas con Android As the mobile app development landscape continues to evolve, it’s essential for developers to stay updated with advanced techniques and tools. “Desarrollo de aplicaciones avanzadas con Android” on Coursera is an excellent choice for those who have a basic understanding of Android development and are looking to enhance their skills. This course thoroughly builds on previous learning and dives into practical applications that are relevant in today's tech-savvy world. #### Course Overview “Desarrollo de aplicaciones avanzadas con Android” offers a comprehensive curriculum that focuses on extending your knowledge in Android application development. Students will explore how to incorporate advanced features into their mobile apps, including the integration of Google Maps, multitasking capabilities, 2D animations, and the design of applications for wearable devices such as smartwatches and TVs. The course is designed not just to teach theory but also to enable students to apply their skills in real-world projects. At the end of the course, participants will have the capability to publish their applications on the Google Play Store, making their work visible to a global audience. #### Syllabus Breakdown 1. **Bienvenida**: The course kicks off with a warm welcome and provides an overview of the structure and methodology used throughout the modules. This soft launch sets the tone for the exciting journey ahead. 2. **Web Services**: In this module, learners explore API consumption, specifically focusing on a RESTful API. This is particularly beneficial for integrating social media features, allowing students to work with data from platforms like Instagram and learn about JSON serialization and deserialization. 3. **API Google Maps**: This crucial module teaches how to implement the Google Maps API into Android applications. With step-by-step guidance, students will create functionalities that let users share their locations and discover nearby places, enhancing user engagement and interactivity. 4. **Push Notifications**: This section covers the design and implementation of push notifications. Students will learn not only how to trigger notifications from their applications but also how to set up the communications between their app and Google Cloud Messaging, providing a vital element for real-time user interaction. 5. **Wearables Android Wear**: As wearable technology gains popularity, this module focuses on designing apps that are compatible with wearable devices. Students will learn to create user experiences tailored specifically for smartwatches, emphasizing the importance of adaptability in today’s app development. 6. **Transiciones Material Design**: In the final module, learners will integrate Material Design into their applications, focusing on creating aesthetic transitions and animations. This is key for developers seeking to enhance user experience through visually engaging and responsive interfaces. #### Why You Should Enroll 1. **Practical Application**: This course is highly practical, giving students the tools to directly implement features that are in demand in the current job market. 2. **Expert Instruction**: Coursera partners with leading institutions and industry experts to deliver comprehensive and industry-relevant content. 3. **Flexible Learning**: Being an online course, it allows you to learn at your own pace, fitting around your schedule. 4. **Networking Opportunities**: By joining this course, you become part of a broader community of learners and experts, providing excellent networking opportunities. 5. **Career Advancement**: Gaining advanced skills in Android development can significantly improve your career prospects in a highly competitive field. In conclusion, if you’re looking to elevate your Android development skills and create applications that stand out in the marketplace, “Desarrollo de aplicaciones avanzadas con Android” is a highly recommended course. It offers a thorough grounding in advanced concepts and hands-on applications, ensuring that you not only learn but also gain the confidence to publish your work to the world. Don't miss the opportunity to enhance your skill set and expand your horizons in mobile app development!
Bienvenido al curso y a este primer módulo del curso Desarrollo de aplicaciones avanzadas con Android. En este primer módulo, te damos la bienvenida y podrás ver de qué forma se trabajara en este curso.
Web ServicesEn este módulo, aprenderás a consumir un API Rest para generar persistencia en tus aplicaciones móviles consumiendo datos de Instagram, serializando y deserializando datos JSON.
API Google MapsEs momento de integrar API Google Maps a tus aplicaciones. Al hacerlo, permitirás que tus usuarios compartan su ubicación y/ encontrar lugares, personas y servicios cercanos. Implementa mapas en tus aplicaciones y genera punteros personalizados.
Push NotificationsDiseñarás notificaciones que se disparen desde una aplicación y se muestren en la barra de notificaciones de tu celular. Configuraremos nuestro servidor para que se comunique con Google Cloud Messagin y envíe notificaciones push hasta tu celular.
Wereables Android WearHoy en día, tus aplicaciones deben estar disponibles, no sólo en dispositivos móviles como celulares o tabletas, también en Wereables. Para ello, debemos tener diseños específicos, notificaciones específicas y conectar un smartphone con un emulador. Prepárate para diseñar un wereable en este módulo.
Transiciones Material DesignLas aplicaciones que desarrolles, no sólo tienes que ser funcionales y únicas, sino que también, pueden ser bonitas, con estilo propio y efectos personalizados. Para ello, emplearás Material Design que te permitirá crear animaciones y transiciones en Android para brindar una mejor experiencia a tus usuarios.
En este curso se retoman los temas vistos en cursos anteriores. Se complementan con aspectos prácticos como la forma de implementar mapas en tus proyectos con el API de Google Maps. También, muestra cómo aprovechar el multitask de Android y hacer animaciones en 2D para llevar tus aplicaciones a más dispositivos como weareables, televisiones y autos. Después de este curso, podrás subir tu aplicación a Google Play Store y hacerte visible para el mundo entero.
Muy buen curso, felicidades, aun que no puedo pasar al curso 5. :(
Mejor curso no hay, este curso no se encuentra en otras partes. es UNICO
Excelente curso, bien explicado y con temas de interes.
De los mejores cursos gratuitos que he visto hasta ahora
Buen curso y calidad del material, pero es necesario llevar los cursos anteriores para entender algunos conceptos.