Coursera Courses |
Representaciones culturales de las sexualidades (Coursera) ¿Queer? ¿Género? ¿transgénero? Desde los estudios de género, los estudios queer y los estudios culturales, este curso quiere familiarizaros con las representaciones culturales de las sexualidades no normativas en la cultura contemporánea. Planteamos diversos marcos teóricos y ejemplos prácticos a partir de los cuales reflexionar sobre las construcciones corporales e identitarias de las personas lesbianas, gays, transgénero, transexuales, queer, heterosexuales, etc. en diversos soportes culturale |
Reproducible Research (Coursera) This course focuses on the concepts and tools behind reporting modern data analyses in a reproducible manner. Reproducible research is the idea that data analyses, and more generally, scientific claims, are published with their data and software code so that others may verify the findings and build upon them. The need for reproducibility is increasing dramatically as data analyses become more complex, involving larger datasets and more sophisticated computations. Reproducibility allows for peop |
Reproducible Templates for Analysis and Dissemination (Coursera) This course will assist you with recreating work that a previous coworker completed, revisiting a project you abandoned some time ago, or simply reproducing a document with a consistent format and workflow. Incomplete information about how the work was done, where the files are, and which is the most recent version can give rise to many complications. This course focuses on the proper documentation creation process, allowing you and your colleagues to easily reproduce the components of your wor |
Requerimientos, planeación, ejecución y medición de estrategias para redes sociales (Coursera) ¿Te has preguntado cómo se manejan las campañas a través de las redes sociales? ¿Cómo es el proceso que se realiza? ¿Cómo puedo sacar provecho de ellas para posicionar mi producto o mi servicio? Éstas y muchas más preguntas nos hacemos al ser parte de los consumidores que adquirimos un producto o servicio y que el medio por el cual nos enganchamos a él, fue una red social, pero también y principalmente como proveedor, nos interesa cómo sacar provecho de ellas para favorecer nuestro negocio. E |
Requirements Elicitation: Artifact and Stakeholder Analysis (Coursera) In Elicitation: Artifact and Stakeholder Driven Analysis, you will learn to use both recorded and presently unrecorded knowledge in your elicitation techniques. As you get started in finding out about the new product, you must first learn about the product that was (if there was one) and then learn about the system to be. Oftentimes, you'll find yourself in an environment you know nothing about! This course will help you find ways to learn about the domain, the system that was, and the system |
Requirements Gathering for Secure Software Development (Coursera) In Software Requirements Elicitation for Secure Software Development, we're going to discuss the overall software requirements process as it applies in waterfall, spiral, and agile models. You'll learn about each of these processes and your goals as a software requirements analyst. This is not an easy task! Who do you talk to, when, and what kind of knowledge are you trying to obtain, in any software life cycle? How do you handle obstacles as you go? These are the questions we will focus on a |
Requirements Specifications: Goals and Conflict Analysis (Coursera) In Requirements Goal Development and Language Analysis, we move from the spoken word to precise writing. A first step in this is writing goals. We will talk about goals used in requirements engineering and, from this, writing use cases from what we learn. Use cases can be in diagram and written form. Then- the villains enter- misuse cases and abuse cases are discussed in how we can deal with them in a Requirements environment. In gathering requirements, you'll have many questions remaining. |
Requirements Writing (Coursera) Welcome to "Requirements Writing". As the title indicates, over the next four weeks, we will be looking at the important task of writing of text-based requirement statements. The course takes you step by step through the rules for writing requirements statements in accordance with the "Guide for Writing Requirements" published by the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE). This course welcomes anyone who wants to find out how to write requirements. It is relevant to anyone in pr |
Research Data Management and Sharing (Coursera) This course will provide learners with an introduction to research data management and sharing. After completing this course, learners will understand the diversity of data and their management needs across the research data lifecycle, be able to identify the components of good data management plans, and be familiar with best practices for working with data including the organization, documentation, and storage and security of data. Learners will also understand the impetus and importance of arc |
Research Design: Inquiry and Discovery (Coursera) The main purpose of this course is to focus on good questions and how to answer them. This is essential to making considered decisions as a leader in any organization or in your life overall. Topics will include the basis of human curiosity, development of questions, connections between questions and approaches to information gathering design , variable measurement, sampling, the differences between experimental and non-experimental designs, data analysis, reporting and the ethics of inquiry pr |
Research for Impact (Coursera) This course is about the Research for Impact approach - a set of principles and practices that will help you to make your research more impactful. Traditionally, the goals and outcomes of research projects were to contribute knowledge and communicate this knowledge through academic publications and journal articles. But If we truly want our research to have an impact, we need to do research differently. Research that influences change in policy, practice, behaviour, and attitudes. On this six- | The research kitchen is a unique format that we have developed extra for you: curious learners interested in competitive strategy and organization design yearning for a first glimpse into the world of research. It is voluntary and "just for fun" - so please, go on and have a look! Different to other courses of our specialization Competitive Strategy and Organization Design it is comprised of brief paper sessions rather than modules. For a change, you will experience the instructor Tobias Krets |
Research Methodologies (Coursera) This course focuses on research methodologies. In this vein, the focus will be placed on qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, sampling approaches, and primary and secondary data collection. The course begins with a discussion on qualitative research approaches, looking at focus groups, personal interviews, ethnography, case studies and action research. We will also discuss quantitative research methods with a focus on experimental research design and survey methodology. There wil |
Research Proposal: Initiating Research (Coursera) Market Research is a growing and important field that is used in many industries around the world. Given all the data that is collected whether by organizations, industries, social media, governments, etc., it’s important that someone can review and sift through all the noise to provide valuable insights. And that’s where you come in as a market researcher. This course will only scratch the surface and provide you a foundational understanding of this field. In this course, you will be able to d |
Research Report: Delivering Insights (Coursera) You have completed all the hard work of conducting your internal, secondary, and primary research. You have analyzed all the data and are able to formulate insights and recommendations based on your research proposal. But what is the best way to present your findings and be able to make a decision? In this course, you will discuss how to incorporate a story in your marketing presentation to help you capture the attention and gain support of stakeholders and business leaders. You will choose th |
Researcher Management and Leadership Training (Coursera) This course is for early career researchers and mentors who believe that modern scientific careers require management skills and want to be research leaders. This curriculum gives you skills to effectively implement funded projects, thereby enhancing your career success. Research leaders take on a number of new roles, rights, and responsibilities--as scientific leaders, financial administrators, managers, and mentors. In this course, we explain how to optimize the people, teams, projects, and fi |
Réseaux neuronaux et Deep Learning (Coursera) Vous souhaitez vous lancer dans l’IA de pointe ? Ce cours est là pour vous y aider. Les ingénieurs en Deep Learning sont très convoités et la maîtrise de ce domaine vous ouvrira de nombreuses opportunités professionnelles. Le Deep Learning est également un nouveau « superpouvoir » qui vous permettra de développer des systèmes d’IA qui n’étaient même pas envisageables il y a encore quelques années. Vous découvrirez dans ce cours les bases du Deep Learning. Une fois que vous l’aurez terminé, vous |
Resilience in Children Exposed to Trauma, Disaster and War: Global Perspectives (Coursera) How do children overcome hazardous experiences to succeed in life? What can be done to protect young people at risk from trauma, war, disasters, and other adversities? Learn about the importance of fostering resilience in children at risk. During this course, participants will: learn how trauma can affect children and the systems they depend on, gain insight into core concepts, research methods and lessons learned in last 50 years of resilience research, learn how research is being applied in |
Resilient Teaching Through Times of Crisis and Change (Coursera) Resilient teaching is the ability to facilitate learning experiences that are designed to be adaptable to fluctuating conditions and disruptions. This teaching ability can be seen as an outcome of a design approach that attends to the relationship between learning goals and activities, and the environments they are situated in. Resilient teaching approaches take into account how a dynamic learning context may require new forms of interactions between teachers, students, content, and tools. Addit |
Resolución de problemas por búsqueda (Coursera) El curso trata de resolución automática de problemas por medio de algoritmos de búsqueda. Aprenderás a abstraer un problema como un grafo de estados-acciones y a dimensionar su complejidad por medio de la identificación de parámetros. Además, te mostraremos cómo analizar el consumo de recursos computacionales de los algoritmos para seleccionar o adaptar el más apropiado al problema. Nos interesa que puedas aplicar los algoritmos a problemas concretos. Te acompañaremos en la implementación de los |
Response Surfaces, Mixtures, and Model Building (Coursera) Factorial experiments are often used in factor screening.; that is, identify the subset of factors in a process or system that are of primary important to the response. Once the set of important factors are identified interest then usually turns to optimization; that is, what levels of the important factors produce the best values of the response. This course provides design and optimization tools to answer that questions using the response surface framework. Other related topics include desig |
Responsible AI in the Generative AI Era (Coursera) This one-week microlearning course provides an introduction to the Principles of Responsible AI and how those principles align with the Generative AI or GenAI space. It also informs the learners about the various challenges that Generative AI brings. You will explore the fundamental principles of responsible AI, and understand the need for developing Generative AI tools responsibly. By the end of this course, you will be able to discuss the challenges posed by Generative AI and the principle |
Responsive Web Design (Coursera) In this course you will learn how to apply concepts from interaction design and human computer interaction in order to design and build an interactive, professional looking website. You will learn how to make your web page designs adapt to different screen sizes using responsive grid layouts. You will learn how to add navigation and other design elements, and you will learn how to separate data and display using JavaScript objects and templates. At the end of the course, you will be able to: 1 |
Responsive Website Basics: Code with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (Coursera) In this course you will learn three key website programming and design languages: HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You will create a web page using basic elements to control layout and style. Additionally, your web page will support interactivity. At the end of the course, you will be able to: 1. Define the purpose of HTML, CSS and JavaScript 2. Make a simple web page using HTML 3. Use CSS to control text styles and layout 4. Use CSS libraries such as Bootstrap to create responsive layouts 5. Use J |
Responsive Website Development and Design Capstone (Coursera) For your Responsive Website Development and Design Specialization Capstone Project, you will create a complete, responsive, multi-user, data-driven website which aims to solve a particular problem. We encourage you to create a website addressing a problem that you are interested in! However, if you don’t have an idea of your own, we have several that we will suggest in the course. In the capstone project, you will: 1. Develop a complete website using the full range of skills learned during t |
Responsive Website Tutorial and Examples (Coursera) In this course, we will show you exciting examples of collaborative, interactive web applications that use various types of media including sound, images and big data. We will show you how to build sites that provide precisely this functionality, using Meteor. We will also provide fully working example application code that you can use for your own commercial web projects. The course also provides a range of advice and suggestions about how to develop bespoke web applications which match the |
RESTful Web Services with JAX-RS (Coursera) This course introduces the roles of Web Services in Enterprise Applications. Best Practices, Web JEE Architectures, Exception Handling. It will then take a hands on approach wit the development of RESTful Web Services using JAX-RS Resource Classes, Interceptors and Filters along with key design principals. |
Retail Digital Supply Chain (Coursera) In this course, you will focus on understanding the main challenges and opportunities that the Retailer’s supply chains are seeing today. You will start by revisiting the supply chain fundamentals, concentrating on the impact that the digital transformation is having on these fundamentals. You'll then learn how meaningful retail analytics can generate value for retailers and their supply chains. By the end of this course, you will be able to identify what traditional retailers are doing to succe |
Retail Marketing Strategy (Coursera) Covid-19 has accelerated radical changes that will revolutionize retailing in every way. Shoppers' expectations are being ratcheted up, making winning (and keeping) those consumers all the more challenging. In this course, Professor Barbara Kahn will explain what it means to switch from a product-focused approach to a customer-focused approach and create marketing strategy to deliver real customer value. Learning from companies that have been most successful during this wave of change, this cour |
Réussir le Changement (Coursera) L'accélération de l'environnement socio-économique conduit les entreprises à multiplier les projets de changement (nouveaux produits, applications digitales, optimisation des coûts, nouvelles organisationnelles, etc.). Le changement n'est plus un phénomène conjoncturel mais permanent. Le changement est devenu un objet gestionnaire avec des méthodologies, des outils et des compétences. La compétence en conduite du changement se développe dans les cabinets de conseil et en interne dans les entrepr |
Réussir une négociation : Stratégies et compétences clés (Coursera) Nous négocions tous au quotidien. À titre personnel, nous négocions avec des amis, notre famille, des propriétaires, des vendeurs de voitures et des employeurs, entre autres. La négociation est également la clé de la réussite en affaires. Aucune entreprise ne peut survivre sans affaires rentables. Au sein d’une entreprise, des compétences en négociation peuvent vous permettre d’évoluer. J'espère que vous rejoindrez les centaines de milliers d'apprenants qui ont fait de « Réussir une négociatio |
Reviews & Metrics for Software Improvements (Coursera) This course covers techniques for monitoring your projects in order to align client needs, project plans, and software production. It focuses on metrics and reviews to track and improve project progress and software quality. |
Revisão Sistemática e Meta-análise (Coursera) Este curso introduz um tipo de estudo conhecido por revisão sistemática. Vamos aprender sobre como a revisão sistemática se distingue das demais. Para isso esmiuçaremos cada uma de suas etapas: estruturar perguntas factíveis, organizar buscas por evidências científicas, selecionar artigos de maneira confiável, coletar dados dos artigos selecionados, avaliar a qualidade da evidência disponível, sintetizar o conjunto de evidências, atribuir confiança na síntese e divulgar no ambiente científico. O |
Revolutionary Ideas: Borders, Elections, Constitutions, Prisons (Coursera) What is the purpose of government? Why should we have a State? What kind of State should we have? Even within a political community, there may be sharp disagreements about the role and purpose of government. Some want an active, involved government, seeing legal and political institutions as the means to solve our most pressing problems, and to help bring about peace, equality, justice, happiness, and to protect individual liberty. Others want a more minimal government, motivated, perhaps, |
Revolutionary Ideas: Utility, Justice, Equality, Freedom (Coursera) What is the purpose of government? Why should we have a State? What kind of State should we have? Even within a political community, there may be sharp disagreements about the role and purpose of government. Some want an active, involved government, seeing legal and political institutions as the means to solve our most pressing problems, and to help bring about peace, equality, justice, happiness, and to protect individual liberty. Others want a more minimal government, motivated, perhaps, |
RF and millimeter-Wave Circuit Design (Coursera) This unique Master-level course offered by the Center for Wireless Technology Eindhoven (CWT/e) of the Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, provides students with in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience on RF and mmWave circuit design. The course covers the topics on how to derive the RF wireless systems specifications, and how to design the main building blocks of a transceiver, i.e., low noise amplifier, power amplifier, RF mixers, oscillators, and PLL frequency synthesizers |
Richard Schechner's Introduction to Performance Studies (Coursera) Performance Studies: An Introduction explores the wide world of performance--from theatre, dance, and music to ritual, play, political campaigns, social media, and the performances of everyday life. Performance studies also ranges across cultures--Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, Europe, the Americas. And it spans historical periods from the art of the paleolithic caves to YouTube and the avantgarde. This course is devised by Richard Schechner, one of the pioneers of performance studies, in dialogue |
Riesgos y oportunidades empresariales en una economía globalizada (Coursera) Oportunidades y riesgos empresariales en un mundo globalizado» es el tercer y último curso de la especialización «Globalización, crecimiento económico y estabilidad» impartido por la profesora de IE Business School Gayle Allard. En este curso, los alumnos aprovecharán los conocimientos y la teoría de sus dos cursos anteriores y los aplicarán a los eventos que actualmente suceden en el mundo. Además, puede funcionar como curso independiente para quienes quieran saber cómo afectan los factores mac |
Rigid Body Dynamics (Coursera) This course teaches dynamics, one of the basic mechanics subjects of Mechanical Engineering. Students would be able to organize their knowledge about force and motion, work-energy, impulse-momentum in view of Newton's 2nd law and its integration over time and displacement. The Engineering Dynamics consists of two parts: particle dynamics and rigid body dynamics. This is the second part of the dynamics: rigid body dynamics The class will consist of lecture videos, which are about 15 min length (o |
Risk governance: Manage the risks (Coursera) All organisations must grapple with fundamental issues at the heart of governance: who are our stakeholders? What are their objectives? How can we ensure these objectives are met as effectively as possible? How can we ensure all legitimate stakeholders are treated fairly? Via structured learning activities (video lectures, quizzes, discussion prompts and written assessments) this course will teach you how to address these questions and how a sound governance structure and comprehensive risk mana |
Risk in Modern Society (Coursera) Risk has become one of the defining features of modern society. Almost daily, we are preoccupied with assessing, discussing, or preventing a wide variety of risks. It is a cornerstone notion for businesses and organizations, but also for nation states and their many levels of government. And even for individuals, risk and the avoidance or embracing thereof, is a key theme. The course Risk in Modern Society sheds light on the broad concept of risk. In five distinctive weeks, this course closely |
Risk Management in Personal Finance (Coursera) This course is primarily aimed at those who want to understand more about how they can protect their finances from unexpected events. Taught by a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional, this course covers the role insurance plays into your financial plan, including what kinds of insurance to explore, how to determine how much insurance you need, and how different kinds of insurance works. The course includes life insurance, health insurance, disability insurance, homeowners insurance, renters |
Risk Management: Use of Access Controls to Protect Assets (Coursera) Course 2: Understanding Risk Management Options and the Use of Access Controls to Protect Assets In this course, we will focus on understanding risk management options and the use of access controls to protect assets. We will start by examining the basic steps that must be in place to develop a security culture within the organization and impacting policies. We will also look into how to write and use them to enforce security requirements. Then we will move on to the actual business of control |
Road to the CISO – Culminating Project Course (Coursera) The ultimate destination for a security manager is the Chief Information Security Officer (or Chief Security Officer) a senior executive role responsible for all cybersecurity operations in the organization. But how do you get from entry-level IT or security employee to the CISO’s office and what do you need to know when you get there? This course examines the career path and requirements to be an effective CISO, as well as the roles and responsibilities of the position. In this course, a learn |
Roadmap to Success in Digital Manufacturing & Design (Coursera) Learners will create a roadmap to achieve their own personal goals related to the digital manufacturing and design (DM&D) profession, which will help them leverage relevant opportunities. The culminating project provides a tangible element to include in their professional portfolios that showcases their knowledge of Industry 4.0. This project is part of the Digital Manufacturing and Design Technology specialization that explores the many facets of manufacturing’s “Fourth Revolution,” aka Indus | ¿Te gustaría construir un robot y controlarlo a través de tu celular? ¡Estás en el curso indicado! Aquí podrás armar y animar un robot además de controlarlo con tu teléfono móvil, aún cuando te encuentres lejos de éste. ¿No sabes acerca de mecánica, electrónica o programación? ¡No te preocupes! Éste es un curso en el que aplicarás los conocimientos básicos sobre mecánica, electricidad, electrónica y programación para construir y controlar tu robot. Parece complicado, pero no te preocupes, ya |
Robotics: Aerial Robotics (Coursera) How can we create agile micro aerial vehicles that are able to operate autonomously in cluttered indoor and outdoor environments? You will gain an introduction to the mechanics of flight and the design of quadrotor flying robots and will be able to develop dynamic models, derive controllers, and synthesize planners for operating in three dimensional environments. You will be exposed to the challenges of using noisy sensors for localization and maneuvering in complex, three-dimensional environm | In our 6 week Robotics Capstone, we will give you a chance to implement a solution for a real world problem based on the content you learnt from the courses in your robotics specialization. It will also give you a chance to use mathematical and programming methods that researchers use in robotics labs. You will choose from two tracks - In the simulation track, you will use Matlab to simulate a mobile inverted pendulum or MIP. The material required for this capstone track is based on courses |
Robotics: Computational Motion Planning (Coursera) Robotic systems typically include three components: a mechanism which is capable of exerting forces and torques on the environment, a perception system for sensing the world and a decision and control system which modulates the robot's behavior to achieve the desired ends. In this course we will consider the problem of how a robot decides what to do to achieve its goals. This problem is often referred to as Motion Planning and it has been formulated in various ways to model different situations |
Robotics: Estimation and Learning (Coursera) How can robots determine their state and properties of the surrounding environment from noisy sensor measurements in time? In this module you will learn how to get robots to incorporate uncertainty into estimating and learning from a dynamic and changing world. Specific topics that will be covered include probabilistic generative models, Bayesian filtering for localization and mapping. |