Coursera Courses

Influencing People (Coursera)

This course will improve your ability to influence people in situations where you cannot use formal authority. You will learn about effective ways to build, develop, and sustain a power base in your organization. You will also learn influence tactics that enable you to be more persuasive and influential in working with your superiors, peers, and even subordinates. In addition, you will learn how to build and maintain high-quality relationships to further maximize your informal power and ability

Influir en las personas (Coursera)

Este curso mejorará su capacidad para influir en las personas en situaciones en las que no puede usar autoridad formal. Aprenderá formas efectivas de construir, desarrollar y mantener una base de poder en su organización. También aprenderá tácticas de influencia que le permitirán ser más persuasivo e influyente al trabajar con sus superiores, compañeros e incluso subordinados. Además, aprenderá cómo construir y mantener relaciones de alta calidad para maximizar aún más su poder informal y su cap

Infonomics I: Business Information Economics and Data Monetization (Coursera)

Thriving in the Information Age compels organizations to deploy information as an actual business asset, not as an IT asset or merely as a business byproduct. This demands creativity in conceiving and implementing new ways to generate economic benefits from the wide array of information assets available to an organization. Unfortunately, information too frequently is underappreciated and therefore underutilized. This first course in the two-part Infonomics series provides a non-technical per

Infonomics II: Business Information Management and Measurement (Coursera)

Even decades into the Information Age, accounting practices yet fail to recognize the financial value of information. Moreover, traditional asset management practices fail to recognize information as an asset to be managed with earnest discipline. This has led to a business culture of complacence, and the inability for most organizations to fully leverage available information assets. This second course in the two-part Infonomics series explores how and why to adapt well-honed asset management

Information & Digital Literacy for University Success (Coursera)

This Specialization is aimed at preparing students for undergraduate study in an English-speaking university. The course equips you for full participation and engagement with your studies by building awareness and understanding of the core values and expectations of academic culture, and providing you with practical strategies to apply to your studies. In this course, you will learn how to develop your Information & Digital Literacy Skills to help you achieve success in your university studies.

Information Design (Coursera)

A blank canvas is full of possibility. If you have an idea for a user experience, how do you turn it into a beautiful and effective user interface? This covers covers principles of visual design so that you can effectively organize and present information with your interfaces. You'll learn concrete strategies to create user interfaces, including key lessons in typography, information architecture, layout, color, and more. You’ll learn particular issues that arise in new device contexts, such as

Information Systems Auditing, Controls and Assurance (Coursera)

The course is awarded The Best Free Online Courses of All Time, and Best Online Courses of the Year (2021 Edition) by Class Central ( --- Information systems (IS) are important assets to business organizations and are ubiquitous in our daily lives. With the latest IS technologies emerging, such as Big Data, FinTech, Virtual Banks, there are more concerns from the public on how organizations maintain systems’ integrity, such as data privacy, information security, th

Information Technology (IT) Fundamentals for Everyone (Coursera)

This course will guide you through fundamental concepts and skills to confidently navigate various aspects of IT and the digital world. You will be introduced to the vast field of IT, covering a wide range of topics to build your IT knowledge. You will delve into hardware, operating systems technology, software, programming, databases, networking, storage, cybersecurity, cloud computing, and support and operations. Designed to summarize the IT Fundamentals and Cloud specialization courses, this

Information Theory (Coursera)

The lectures of this course are based on the first 11 chapters of Prof. Raymond Yeung’s textbook entitled Information Theory and Network Coding (Springer 2008). This book and its predecessor, A First Course in Information Theory (Kluwer 2002, essentially the first edition of the 2008 book), have been adopted by over 60 universities around the world as either a textbook or reference text. At the completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1) Demonstrate knowledge and understanding

Information Visualization: Advanced Techniques (Coursera)

This course aims to introduce learners to advanced visualization techniques beyond the basic charts covered in Information Visualization: Fundamentals. These techniques are organized around data types to cover advance methods for: temporal and spatial data, networks and trees and textual data. In this module we also teach learners how to develop innovative techniques in D3.js. Learning Goals Goal: Analyze the design space of visualization solutions for various kinds of data visualization proble

Information Visualization: Applied Perception (Coursera)

This module aims at introducing fundamental concepts of visual perception applied to information visualization. These concepts help the student ideate and evaluate visualization designs in terms of how well they leverage the capabilities of the human perceptual machinery.

Information Visualization: Foundations (Coursera)

The main goal of this specialization is to provide the knowledge and practical skills necessary to develop a strong foundation on information visualization and to design and develop advanced applications for visual data analysis. This course aims at introducing fundamental knowledge for information visualization. The main goal is to provide the students with the necessary “vocabulary” to describe visualizations in a way that helps them reason about what designs are appropriate for a given probl

Information Visualization: Programming with D3.js (Coursera)

In this course you will learn how to use D3.js to create powerful visualizations for web. Learning D3.js will enable you to create many different types of visualization and to visualize many different data types. It will give you the freedom to create something as simple as a bar chart as well your own new revolutionary technique. In this course we will cover the basics of creating visualizations with D3 as well as how to deal with tabular data, geography and networks. By the end of this cours

Ingeniería de Tráfico (Coursera)

El curso presenta en primer lugar las principales relaciones que caracterizan la circulación de vehículos y que dan pie a la teoría de circulación de vehículos sobre redes de transporte. Posteriormente se discutirán aspectos relativos al control de tráfico en intersecciones, sean estas de prioridad o semaforizadas. Finalmente, discutiremos sobre las características que presentan algunos modelos dinámicos de tráfico bastante utilizados en la actualidad.

Inglés Empresarial: el márketing y ventas (Coursera)

If you work in marketing, sales, or advertising, you already know that effective communication is a requirement. This can be even more difficult when expressing your ideas in a persuasive manner in English. In this course, you will learn to use English more efficiently while joining successful global professionals around the world. Develop your skills along with authentic characters that work in marketing and also work hard to improve their communication skills. Learn from your successes and fa

Inglés Empresarial: Finanzas y Economía (Coursera)

Do you work in finance or interact with finance professionals? Is it necessary to speak, write or understand English in your career? Follow the authentic characters in this course as they work through common business situations in finance and economics. Learn from your successes and failure, and think critically about your own communication options. After taking this course, you will be able to read and create efficient e-mails, reports, and impactful presentations with words and phrases commonl

Inglés Empresarial: Gestión y Liderazgo (Coursera)

Are you a business executive or a manager who uses English in your career? Then you know that good business communication in English requires focus, vocabulary, and specific linguistic structures. In this course, you will follow along a recently promoted manager as she builds and leads her team to success. Together, you will practice the language and styles of communication needed in English for: • Recruiting and training a professional team to work together with integrity and respect • Managi

Inglés Empresarial: Proyecto Final (Coursera)

A common necessity among business professionals who are new to an international work environment is the ability to create a plan of action to launch a new product. In this task, one has to communicate with many different departments within a company including finance and marketing. In this capstone project, you will create a plan of action to launch a new product. This plan will include: · A project status report · A copy of the marketing campaign · A basic budget analysis for the

Inheritance and Data Structures in Java (Coursera)

This course provides a comprehensive look at Java inheritance, including access modifiers and overriding methods. Students are introduced to abstract classes, and will learn how to read and write to files, use regular expressions for parsing text, and how to leverage complex data structures like collections and maps. Additionally, this course offers strategies for catching errors and debugging code, including an overview of Eclipse’s debugging tool.

Iniciação e Planejamento de Projetos (Coursera)

Informações sobre o curso: O Programa de Cursos Integrados de Introdução aos Princípio se Práticas ae Gestão de Projetos é uma produção em parceria com a UC Irvine. Projetos bem-sucedidos exigem um planejamento cuidadoso. Neste curso, você aprenderá os principais papéis e responsabilidades do gestor de projeto e da equipe do projeto. Você também aprenderá a responder algumas questões chave para atingir os objetivos do projeto: o que este projeto realizará? Por que esse projeto é importante? Que

Iniciación a los jeroglíficos egipcios (Coursera)

¿Te apasiona la historia y la cultura del antiguo Egipto? ¿Sientes fascinación por las lenguas y los sistemas de escritura de las civilizaciones de la Antigüedad? ¿Te atrae la idea de adentrarte en el secreto de los jeroglíficos egipcios y comprender las claves de su lectura e interpretación? ¡Si es así, este es tu curso! Nuestro objetivo es el de iniciarte en la escritura jeroglífica, en sus signos y su funcionamiento, así como en la gramática de la lengua egipcia clásica (la lengua de Sinuhé),

Iniciación del proyecto: Cómo iniciar un proyecto exitoso (Coursera)

Este es el segundo curso del programa Certificado en gestión de proyectos de Google. Este curso te mostrará cómo configurar un proyecto para que tenga éxito en la primera fase del ciclo de vida del proyecto: la fase de iniciación del proyecto. Al explorar los componentes clave de esta fase, aprenderás a definir y administrar los objetivos, los entregables, el alcance y los criterios de éxito del proyecto. Descubrirás cómo usar herramientas y plantillas, como cuadrículas de análisis de interesado

Iniciación y Planificación de Proyectos (Coursera)

En este curso, aprenderás los principios fundamentales de la gestión de proyecto en las etapas de iniciación y planificación, lo cual incluye la identificación y mapeo de los interesados e involucrados clave en el proyecto, la definición de los alcances del proyecto y la construcción de la estructura desglosada del trabajo. Se ha comprobado que los proyectos exitosos requieren de una cuidadosa planificación por adelantado. Por tanto, en este curso aprenderás las principales funciones y responsa

Iniciando e planejando projetos (Coursera)

Os cursos de Introdução aos Princípios de Gerenciamento de Projetos e Especialização em Práticas são um precursor recomendado para o Certificado de Gerenciamento de Projetos Aplicado da UCI. Os projetos bem-sucedidos requerem um planejamento inicial cuidadoso. Neste curso, você aprenderá as principais funções e responsabilidades do gerente de projeto e da equipe do projeto. Você também aprenderá a responder a algumas perguntas importantes com antecedência para ajudá-lo a cumprir os objetivos d

Iniciándome en la Química (Coursera)

En este curso aprenderás los conocimientos básicos de química general que te permitirán tener una mejor comprensión del estudio de la química, así como de la naturaleza. A lo largo del curso aprenderás la clasificación de la materia y sus propiedades, las teorías atómicas, la clasificación periódica, los tipos de enlaces y nomenclatura inorgánica. Este curso está basado en el curso de química de la UAM, unidades Lerma y Cuajimalpa, la cual está dentro de las 5 mejores universidades de México seg

Iniciar o processo de design de UX: criar empatia, definir e idealizar (Coursera)

“Iniciar o processo de design de UX: criar empatia, definir e idealizar” é o segundo curso de um programa de certificação que vai fornecer a você as habilidades necessárias para se candidatar a empregos de nível básico em design de experiência do usuário (UX, na sigla em inglês). Neste curso, você completará as primeiras fases do processo de design de um projeto que poderá ser incluído no seu portfólio. Você aprenderá a ter empatia com os usuários e compreender os pontos problemáticos deles, a d

Início do projeto: Como começar um projeto bem-sucedido (Coursera)

Esse é o segundo curso do programa Certificado de Gerenciamento de Projetos do Google. Este curso mostrará como preparar um projeto para o sucesso na primeira fase do ciclo de vida do projeto, a fase de início do projeto. Ao explorar os componentes-chave dessa fase, você aprenderá como definir e gerenciar metas de projeto, entregas, escopo e critérios para o sucesso. Você descobrirá como usar ferramentas e modelos como organograma de análise de partes interessadas e termos de abertura do projeto

Inicio y planificación de proyectos (Coursera)

Los cursos del programa de especialización “Introducción a los principios y las prácticas de la gestión de proyectos” se recomiendan como formación previa de la “Certificación en gestión de proyectos aplicada” de la Universidad de California en Irvine (University of California Irvine, UCI). Los proyectos exitosos requieren una minuciosa planificación inicial. En este curso, aprenderás las funciones y responsabilidades claves del equipo y el gestor de proyectos. También aprenderás a responder a

Inisiasi Proyek: Memulai Proyek yang Sukses (Coursera)

Ini adalah materi kedua dalam program Google Project Management Certificate (Sertifikat Manajemen Proyek Google). Materi ini akan menunjukkan kepada Anda cara menyiapkan proyek agar sukses pada fase pertama siklus hidup proyek: fase inisiasi proyek. Sewaktu mengeksplorasi komponen-komponen utama fase ini, Anda akan belajar cara menentukan dan mengelola tujuan proyek, hasil kerja, ruang lingkup, dan kriteria keberhasilan. Anda akan menemukan cara menggunakan alat bantu dan templat seperti stakeho

Initiating and Planning Projects (Coursera)

The courses in the Introduction to Project Management Principles and Practices Specialization are a recommended precursor to UCI's Applied Project Management Certificate. Successful projects require careful upfront planning. In this course, you’ll learn the key roles and responsibilities of the project manager and project team. You’ll also learn to answer some key questions upfront to help you meet project objectives: What will this project accomplish? Why is this project important? Who benefi

Initiation à la programmation (en C++) (Coursera)

Ce cours initie aux bases de la programmation en utilisant le langage C++ : variables, boucles, fonctions, ... Il ne présuppose pas de connaissance préalable. Les aspects plus avancés (programmation orientée objet) sont donnés dans un cours suivant, «Introduction à la programmation orientée objet (en C++)». Il s'appuie sur de nombreux éléments pédagogiques : vidéos sous-titrées, quizz dans et hors vidéos, exercices, devoirs notés automatiquement, notes de cours.

Initiation à la programmation (en Java) (Coursera)

Ce cours initie aux bases de la programmation en utilisant le langage Java : variables, boucles, fonctions, ... Il ne présuppose pas de connaissance préalable. Les aspects plus avancés (programmation orientée objet) sont donnés dans un cours suivant, «Introduction à la programmation orientée objet (en Java)». Il s'appuie sur de nombreux éléments pédagogiques : vidéos sous-titrées, quizz dans et hors vidéos, exercices, devoirs notés automatiquement, notes de cours.

Initiation à la théorie des distributions (Coursera)

Une fonction discontinue peut-elle être solution d'une équation différentielle? Comment définir rigoureusement la masse de Dirac (une "fonction" d'intégrale un, nulle partout sauf en un point) et ses dérivées? Peut-on définir une notion de "dérivée d'ordre fractionnaire"? Cette initiation aux distributions répond à ces questions - et à bien d'autres.

Initiation au projet : Démarrer un projet réussi (Coursera)

Il s'agit du deuxième cours du programme Google Project Management Certificate (certificat de gestion de projet Google). Ce cours vous montrera comment préparer un projet à la réussite dans la première phase du cycle de vie des projets : la phase d'initiation du projet. En explorant les composants clés de cette phase, vous apprendrez à définir et à gérer les objectifs, les produits livrables, le périmètre et les critères de réussite du projet. Vous découvrirez comment utiliser des outils et des

Initier et planifier des projets (Coursera)

Il est recommandé de suivre les cours de la formation de spécialisation Introduction aux principes et pratiques de gestion de projet avant le Certificat en gestion de projet appliquée de l’UCI. La réussite des projets nécessite une planification initiale minutieuse. Dans cette formation, vous découvrirez les principaux rôles et responsabilités du chef de projet et de l’équipe projet. Vous apprendrez également à répondre à certaines questions essentielles dès le départ afin de vous aider à atte

Innovación Educativa (Coursera)

El curso de Innovación Educativa tiene como intención que el estudiante conozca y aplique los conceptos de tendencias e innovación educativa. En él conocerá tendencias en educación como flipped classroom, gamificación, educación basada en competencias, etc.; así como la metodología de design thingking para llevar a cabo una innovación partiendo de una necesidad del usuario. Además, se adentrará en temas de competencias digitales, tecnologías emergentes abarcando sus ventajas y desventajas, así c

Innovación en el mundo corporativo (Coursera)

Implementar procesos de innovación corporativa hace que las organizaciones consigan enfrentar más fácilmente los desafíos del mercado y respondan de forma ágil y estructurada a las necesidades de sus usuarios, obteniendo así resultados diferentes, valiosos y transformadores, que logran dinamizarlas y darles sostenibilidad. Si bien estos procesos son necesarios en todas las empresas, solo algunas consigue implementarlos de forma estratégica, utilizando el enfoque y las herramientas apropiadas, s

Innovación y creatividad organizacional (Coursera)

Este curso de administración se enfoca en el proceso de innovación al presentar a los estudiantes metodologías para la resolución de problemas e innovación que requieren investigación, persistencia y agilidad. Se alentará a los estudiantes a: Sintetizar las ideas, imágenes, conceptos y conjuntos de habilidades existentes de manera original Abrazar la ambigüedad Apoyar el pensamiento divergente y la toma de riesgos Este curso te ayudará a convertirte en un líder de equipo de innovación eficaz, a

Innovar (Coursera)

La innovación ha cobrado una importancia significativa en las corporaciones de hoy, y con frecuencia es vista como un motor importante de crecimiento y éxito en una organización. En este curso introductorio, usted aprenderá sobre el significado, la importancia, el proceso e impacto de la innovación. Aunque la palabra innovación se describe más comúnmente como el proceso de convertir las ideas en productos o servicios que aportan valor al público, la palabra innovación tiene múltiples definicion

Innovar tu enseñanza con design thinking (Coursera)

¿Quieres conocer nuevas formas de enseñar y no sabes por dónde empezar? La mayoría de nosotros estamos conscientes de que innovar en educación es necesario e importante para que las instituciones educativas respondan a una sociedad en constante cambio. Sin embargo, no existe un consenso sobre qué cambios se requieren ni sobre cómo llevarlos a cabo. En este curso te acercarás a la discusión actual sobre innovación educativa y conocerás el pensamiento de diseño, una metodología para proponer i

Innovating with the Business Model Canvas (Coursera)

Have you ever gotten really excited about reading or writing a business plan? You might have started out excited, but I’m going to bet you didn’t stay that way. Let’s be honest- business plans are boring and mostly ignored. The beauty of the one-page Business Model Canvas is that it drives meaningful focus. It helps us organize our ideas and have better discussions by forcing specificity and bringing linkages between key business drivers to the foreground. Innovation requires one hand being ve

Innovation & Entrepreneurship - From Basics to Open Innovation (Coursera)

This Innovation and Entrepreneurship course focuses on the interconnection between entrepreneurial thinking and innovation. Specifically, we look at models used in Silicon Valley to grow both start-up companies as well as innovation inside large organizations. Bringing together top Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley faculty, this course addresses critical areas for successful growth, including design thinking, open innovation, business models, product-market fit, and financing. This course w

Innovation & Entrepreneurship - From Design Thinking to Funding (Coursera)

This Innovation and Entrepreneurship course focuses on the interconnection between entrepreneurial thinking and innovation. Specifically, we look at models used in Silicon Valley to grow both start-up companies as well as innovation inside large organizations. Bringing together top Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley faculty, this course addresses critical areas for successful growth, including design thinking, open innovation, business models, product-market fit, and financing. This course w

Innovation and emerging technology: Be disruptive (Coursera)

‘Disruption’ has become a buzz word in the business world. But what is a disruptive change-maker? In this course you will learn how to deploy disruptive strategic thinking to develop or protect your organisation’s competitive advantage. The most innovative and successful companies have all fundamentally disrupted and reshaped existing industries, or created completely new ones. But which strategies and technologies can you use to be disruptive and take the next step for your organisation? Via st

Innovation Career Lessons from a Master (Coursera)

This course, which is Part Three in the series of Startup Entrepreneurship specialization, offers Life Lessons from a Master Innovator, with proven achievements. During this course you will listen to conversations and interviews with Mr. David (Dadi) Perlmutter, who until recently was Executive VP of Intel corporate. Dadi will talk about 10 life lessons, based on his 34 years as a rebel innovator and entrepreneur. We will share with you the following lessons: Love and Knowledge are infinite:

Innovation for Entrepreneurs: From Idea to Marketplace (Coursera)

Develop insights on navigating the innovation process from idea generation to commercialization. Build knowledge on how to create strategies to bring innovations to market. Develop an innovation portfolio and business model canvas for your venture. We establish a framework for examining the innovation process, and quickly transition into exploring how to successfully bring innovations to market. Key questions answered within the course include: * What are the key indicators of innovation oppo

Innovation for Impact (i4i) The Carlson-Polizzotto Method of Value Creation (Coursera)

Welcome! Partnering with Tech industry giants Curtis Carlson and Len Polizzotto, Northeastern University brings you “Value Creation: The Carlson-Polizzotto Method” a short-form course experience like no other. Building careers by solving for the value proposition - Curt and Len are responsible for driving the integration of the software technology behind Apple’s voice command intelligent assistant and creating the standard for high definition television - now known to billions today as Siri a

Innovation Management (Coursera)

What is innovation management? How do firms bring in new business models and get new products and services to the market? Go on a nine-week journey through innovation management concepts, theories of idea generation, selection, strategy formulation and implementation in this MOOC in Innovation Management. In it, you will also learn the tools for implementing innovation projects yourself. Guided by world-class academics, you will develop an innovative mindset and expertise in how firms successf

Innovation publique et pensée design, l'innovation sociale au service des territoires (Coursera)

Les collectivités territoriales et les services de l'Etat sont confrontés à de multiples enjeux : crise des finances publiques, augmentation des dépenses sociales, défiance croissante des administrés, concurrence des solutions proposées par des communautés numériques très agiles. La bonne nouvelle, c'est que des solutions existent pour faire mieux avec moins ! L'innovation publique, c'est possible grâce aux apports de ce que l'on appelle la pensée design, qui permet de repenser le service offert

Innovation Strategy with Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women (Coursera)

This elective course is a practical guide to help you in the development and launch of a new product or service. This course supplements the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women course collection, designed for entrepreneurs ready to take their business to the next level. In this elective course, you will examine how to turn a well-defined business idea into a new product or service ready for launch. You will explore all the product development stages, starting with how to use market research to help y