Coursera Courses |
BIM Fundamentals for Engineers (Coursera) The course is designed for students to learn the essential concepts of BIM, and the basic technical skills to create and manipulate a BIM model. Those skills include how to retrieve information from a BIM model and how to use common modeling tools. |
Biochemical Principles of Energy Metabolism (Coursera) Everyone knows that energy is essential for sustaining life. How can you define energy in life? Have ever thought about ways of how carbohydrates like glucose from your diet can be used for extracting energy? A scientific field that focuses on energy production and flow though living cells and organisms is called bioenergetics. Energy metabolism covers various biochemical ways of energy transformation and regulatory mechanisms of over thousands chemical reactions. Without fine control of those m |
Bioconductor for Genomic Data Science (Coursera) Learn to use tools from the Bioconductor project to perform analysis of genomic data. This is the fifth course in the Genomic Big Data Specialization from Johns Hopkins University. |
Biohacking Your Brain's Health (Coursera) With deteriorating health, particularly brain health, occurring at a global level, this course introduces you to methods for maximizing your brain's fitness through nutrition, exercise, meditation, and sleep. We'll debunk popular myths about prescribed practices for overall health and then uncover studies from the last few decades revealing practical routines and interventions that are proven to help improve the brain. You'll also get a glimpse at the brain's structure and common brain functions |
Bioinformatic Methods I (Coursera) Large-scale biology projects such as the sequencing of the human genome and gene expression surveys using RNA-seq, microarrays and other technologies have created a wealth of data for biologists. However, the challenge facing scientists is analyzing and even accessing these data to extract useful information pertaining to the system being studied. This course focuses on employing existing bioinformatic resources – mainly web-based programs and databases – to access the wealth of data to answer q |
Bioinformatic Methods II (Coursera) Large-scale biology projects such as the sequencing of the human genome and gene expression surveys using RNA-seq, microarrays and other technologies have created a wealth of data for biologists. However, the challenge facing scientists is analyzing and even accessing these data to extract useful information pertaining to the system being studied. This course focuses on employing existing bioinformatic resources – mainly web-based programs and databases – to access the wealth of data to answer q |
Bioinformatics Capstone: Big Data in Biology (Coursera) In this course, you will learn how to use the BaseSpace cloud platform developed by Illumina (our industry partner) to apply several standard bioinformatics software approaches to real biological data. In particular, in a series of Application Challenges will see how genome assembly can be used to track the source of a food poisoning outbreak, how RNA-Sequencing can help us analyze gene expression data on the tissue level, and compare the pros and cons of whole genome vs. whole exome sequencing |
Bioinformatics: Introduction and Methods 生物信息学: 导论与方法 (Coursera) A big welcome to “Bioinformatics: Introduction and Methods” from Peking University! In this MOOC you will become familiar with the concepts and computational methods in the exciting interdisciplinary field of bioinformatics and their applications in biology, the knowledge and skills in bioinformatics you acquired will help you in your future study and research. Course materials are available under the CC BY-NC-SA License. | Durante las últimas décadas el área de las ciencias odontológicas ha visto una transición en la visión del desarrollo y función de la cavidad bucal y su relación con otros órganos y sistemas, al pasar hacia un enfoque que toma en conjunto el conocimiento desde una perspectiva de biología celular, molecular y bioquímica. Esto tiene un impacto profundo desde el diagnóstico y tratamientos actualmente utilizados hasta la emergencia de nuevas terapias que tienen como objetivo desde realizar diagnósti |
Biology Everywhere Foundations (Coursera) In this course, we will explore the nature of science and biology. We will discuss what the “biology everywhere” philosophy means and the history of the “biology everywhere” project. We will also discuss what science (and biology) are as a discipline of inquiry and how chemistry is foundational to understanding biology. |
Biology Meets Programming: Bioinformatics for Beginners (Coursera) Are you interested in learning how to program (in Python) within a scientific setting? This course will cover algorithms for solving various biological problems along with a handful of programming challenges helping you implement these algorithms in Python. It offers a gently-paced introduction to our Bioinformatics Specialization (, preparing learners to take the first course in the Specialization, "Finding Hidden Messages in DNA" (https |
Biomedical Visualisation (Coursera) Visualisation is a rapidly progressive specialty in academia, research and industry, and becoming the future of science. With the advancement of digital technologies and their applications, biomedical visualisation is an evolving and popular field. With new techniques and technologies to image, process and analyse data related to the human body, and its biological processes, it is at the forefront of the digital revolution. Why not view our course trailer video. Copy and paste this link into you |
Biosphere 2 Science for the Future of Our Planet (Coursera) Are you ready to take an incredible journey around Planet Earth and beyond? In this course, you will delve into a world of innovative science and learn from a team of Biosphere 2 and University of Arizona researchers. From plants and soils, to oceans and rainforests, the Moon, Mars, and more, this course is an exciting opportunity for anyone interested in science and Earth stewardship. Learn how a unique research station in the Arizona desert is used to investigate big ideas, such as how Earth |
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies (Coursera) To really understand what is special about Bitcoin, we need to understand how it works at a technical level. We’ll address the important questions about Bitcoin, such as: How does Bitcoin work? What makes Bitcoin different? How secure are your Bitcoins? How anonymous are Bitcoin users? What determines the price of Bitcoins? Can cryptocurrencies be regulated? What might the future hold? After this course, you’ll know everything you need to be able to separate fact from fiction when reading clai |
Bitirme Projesi: Proje Yönetimini Gerçek Dünyada Uygulamak (Coursera) Google Proje Yönetimi Sertifika Programı'nın bitirme kursunda proje yönetimine dair şimdiye kadar edindiğiniz tüm bilgi ve becerileri uygulama fırsatı bulacaksınız. Öğrencilerin son kursa başlamadan evvel önceki beş kursu tamamlamalarını öneririz çünkü bu kursta yer alan etkinlikleri tamamlamak için gereken temel bilgiler önceki kurslarda işleniyor. Kursun ilerleyen aşamalarında, gerçek dünyayı yansıtan bir senaryoyu inceleyecek, bu senaryodaki bir proje yöneticisini "gözlemleyecek" ve onlarca |
Black Agricultural Solutions to Food Apartheid: A Teach-Out (Coursera) Black Agricultural Solutions to Food Apartheid is a series where we dive deep into the historical, ancestral, and spiritual connections that Black people have to land and agriculture. Throughout this course, we encourage participants to learn about their ancestral foodways, agrarian practices, and spiritual connections. These sessions share wisdom and highlight the importance of food sovereignty, rebuilding community, and land based living. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the | The #BlackLivesMatter movement is the most significant political movement in African American life in the United States in the last fifty years. BLM leaders denounced anti-black racism, white supremacy, and police brutality and reshaped how we think about gender, sexuality, social justice, economic injustice, and crime. The movement is grounded in a long history of African American activism. From slave revolts to the Black Panther Party, from the founding of the Congressional Black Caucus, to th |
Black-box and White-box Testing (Coursera) After completing this course, learners will have an understanding of a variety of black-box and white-box testing techniques. The learner will have put this understanding into practice, creating effective sets of test cases (called a test suite) to properly exercise software for defect finding. The learner will have examined requirements for testability, created an oracle for automated testing, assessed fault-finding effectiveness of test suites, and generated inputs using a variety of technique |
Blended Language Learning: Design and Practice for Teachers (Coursera) This course is for language educators who wish to learn how to build and teach a blended language course. You may receive 1.5 Graduate Teacher Education credits (GRTE) for completing this course. See below for more information. This course is divided into four modules. In the first module we are going to discuss the origins and effectiveness of the blended learning model. In the second module, we are going to look at course level considerations such as how to choose a blended format or how |
Blended Learning: Personalizing Education for Students (Coursera) Plenty of buzz exists about blended learning and its transformational potential. But what does blended learning really mean? In this course we will explore the different models of blended learning and dive into key issues that impact students, teachers, and schools. Specifically, we will look at these issues through the lens of three high-performing schools that each use a different type of blended learning. A few of the key topics will include: - The role of the student and how to support stu |
Blockchain 360: A State of the Art for Professionals (Coursera) Businesses are currently dealing intensively with digital transformation. Blockchain has a major impact on the design and implementation of digital business processes in many application areas such as the Internet of Things, the Smart Grid, supply chain, and many more. In this MOOC you will learn the basics of blockchain technology, as well as many examples of best practice business applications. Course chapters: * Blockchain characteristics * Blockchain automation * Identification of opportu |
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Explained (Coursera) The sudden rise in the value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, and its subsequent decline, focused the world’s attention on cryptocurrencies as a means of payment. Blockchain technology powers Bitcoin and has been hyped as the next new, transformative technology. In this course, we first discuss the technical underpinnings of blockchain and review key concepts such as decentralization and consensus algorithms. We then examine blockchain as an asset and review the dynamics of the cryptocur | This first course of the Blockchain specialization provides a broad overview of the essential concepts of blockchain technology – by initially exploring the Bitcoin protocol followed by the Ethereum protocol – to lay the foundation necessary for developing applications and programming. You will be equipped with the knowledge needed to create nodes on your personal Ethereum blockchain, create accounts, unlock accounts, mine, transact, transfer Ethers, and check balances. You will learn ab |
Blockchain Business Models (Coursera) Blockchain is an emerging and highly disruptive technology that is poorly understood. In this course you will learn what blockchain is and how it can create value by tokenization in cryptocurrencies and in many other practical applications. The applications include: stablecoins (like Facebook’s Libra and JP Morgan’s JPMCoin), machine to machine payments, identity protection, supply chain management (Walmart, Maersk, IBM), secure voting, distributed exchanges, decentralized finance, property tran |
Blockchain Evolution and Technology Concepts (Coursera) This specialization offers the latest developments in blockchain technology through a highly engaging learning experience with animated video components and intuitive course flow to maximize your knowledge retention. |
Blockchain for the decision maker (Coursera) This nanoMOOC is an introduction to the live course 'Blockchain for the Decision Maker', offered by EIT Digital and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. You will learn: - the concept of Distributed Ledgers and how 'blockchain' can provide them - the difference between public networks (as Bitcoin) and consortial ones bespoke for specific business consortia and needs - the key value propositions of blockchain for business and a birds-eye view of use case patterns - the fact that c |
Blockchain in Financial Services: Strategic Action Plan (Coursera) In this fourth and final course of the specialization, you will synthesize your learning into a Strategic Action Plan. The goals of this course are twofold: One, it’s for you to identify a specific need or problem within the financial services industry that can potentially be solved using blockchain technology. Two, it’s for you to investigate possible solutions to this problem, and to develop a strategic plan for how these solutions might be executed. You will accomplish different project miles |
Blockchain Opportunities Beyond Crypto Assets (Coursera) This specialization offers the latest developments in blockchain technology through a highly engaging learning experience with animated video components and intuitive course flow to maximize your knowledge retention. |
Blockchain Opportunity Analysis (Coursera) In this fourth and final course of the specialization, you will synthesize your learning into a project deliverable called a Blockchain Opportunity Analysis. The goals of this course are twofold: One, it’s for you to identify a specific need or problem in your chosen industry that can potentially be solved using blockchain technology. Two, it’s for you to investigate possible solutions to this problem, including how these solutions might be executed. You will accomplish different project milest |
Blockchain Platforms (Coursera) This fourth course of the Blockchain specialization provides learners with an understanding of the broader blockchain ecosystem. Learners are introduced to other blockchain platforms, details of two decentralized application use cases, and challenges such as privacy and scalability. They are prepared to discuss permissioned blockchain architectures of Hyperledger and Microsoft Azure's blockchain as a service model and analyze the Augur and Grid+ decentralized application platforms. Course materi |
Blockchain Scalability and its Foundations in Distributed Systems (Coursera) Blockchain promises to disrupt industries once it will be efficient at large scale. In this course, you will learn how to make blockchain scale. You will learn about the foundational problem of distributed computing, consensus, that is key to create blocks securely. By illustrating limitations of mainstream blockchains, this course will indicate how to improve the technology in terms of security and efficiency. In particular, this course will help you: * understand security vulnerabilities |
Blockchain Security (Coursera) This course introduces blockchain security, including a description of how the blockchain works at each level of the blockchain ecosystem. The instructor begins with the building blocks that create the structure of blockchain, the cryptography that it uses for security, and the role of hash functions in the blockchain and how they can be attacked. In the next module, the instructor describes what blockchain consensus is, why it’s needed, its underlying theory (Byzantine Fault Tolerance and Secur |
Blockchain Transformations of Financial Services (Coursera) The current global financial system is riddled with inefficiencies, uneven developments, and bizarre contradictions. Blockchain technology has the potential to bring about profound changes to financial services. In this course, you will learn how blockchain technology will disrupt the core functions of the financial services industry, offering individuals and organizations alike real choices in how they create and manage value. |
Blockchain, Cryptoassets, and Decentralized Finance (Coursera) Today, large intermediaries establish trust in our economy and control the movement, storage, and allocation of money and assets. The status quo, however, is rife with inefficiencies. In this course, we’ll address the many challenges of the status quo and discuss how cryptoassets, smart contracts, new identity systems, and new financial business models can help overcome them. You’ll learn how blockchain technology empowers individuals, entrepreneurs, and businesses with the tools they need to he |
Blockchain: Foundations and Use Cases (Coursera) This course is the definitive introduction to blockchain for both the developer and non-developer audience. Beyond the technology, this course will introduce you to some of the philosophy behind decentralization and why there is so much excitement around it. Join ConsenSys Academy and course instructor Nick Nelson in this rich-media introduction to the foundations of blockchain. During the first three modules, you'll be introduced to blockchain and the technology behind it. In module four, we'l |
Blood Film Morphology - A Practical Guide (Coursera) This is a unique online course which teaches students the basics of blood film analysis. This course is specifically tailored to those with a background in Medical Science, Medicine or Pathology who are studying or starting work in a haematology laboratory but also serves as a valuable continuing education resource. To be successful in this course, access to a haematology laboratory is desirable but not essential. This is not a textbook or a laborious examination of every blood film abnormal |
Blue Prism Foundation Training (Coursera) Blue Prism is the global leader in robotic process automation (RPA) and intelligent automation for the enterprise, transforming the way work is done by empowering businesses to automate time-intensive, mundane tasks and to help free-up their employees to be more creative and innovative. In this course, Blue Prism Foundation Training provides a comprehensive introduction to all of the key concepts and activities associated with configuring a Blue Prism Process Solution. It is also the principa | This is the first course in a series of four that will give you the skills needed to start your career in bookkeeping. If you have a passion for helping clients solve problems, this course is for you. In this course, you will be introduced to the role of a bookkeeper and learn what bookkeeping professionals do every day. You will dive into the accounting concepts and terms that will provide the foundation for the next three courses. You will learn how to work your way through the accounting cyc |
Boosting Productivity through the Tech Stack (Coursera) This is Course 4 in the Salesforce Sales Development Representative Professional Certificate. In order to successfully complete the course, please ensure you have taken Course 1: Groundwork for Success in Sales Development, Course 2: Foundations for Interviewing with Confidence, and 3: Conversational Selling Playbook for SDRs. This course demonstrates how to enhance productivity by implementing tech tools that streamline your SDR workflow. You’ll be introduced to a variety of best-in-class sale |
Brand and Product Management (Coursera) The main objective is identify the critical information needed to develop a product and brand strategy that generates both quick wins and long-term value. Along this course, you will learn brand and product strategy key concepts such as product lifecycle, product demand estimation, product and brand development and launching, product pipeline, competitors analysis, brand essence and identity, brand architecture, brand equity, brand portfolio, customer experience journey, purchase funnel, key cus |
Brand Identity and Strategy (Coursera) Brand identity and Strategy is a IE Business School course for those professionals who are ready to adopt a creative approach to empowering brands. Students will go through a journey that starts with understanding what a brand is and how they can build successful ones, whilst simultaneously segmenting their consumers appropriately. The course explores positioning and its importance to successful brands looking at perceptual maps and the well-known iceberg model. It culminates in development of |
Brand Management: Aligning Business, Brand and Behaviour (Coursera) Professor Nader Tavassoli of London Business School contrasts traditional approaches to branding - where brands are a visual identity and a promise to customers - to brands as a customer experience delivered by the entire organisation. The course offers a brand workout for your own brands, as well as guest videos from leading branding professionals. The aim of the course is to change the conception of brands as being an organisation's visual identity (e.g., logo) and image (customers' brand as |
Brand Management: Strategies for a Strong Brand (Coursera) In a continuously changing business landscape, brands hold more significance than ever before. As consumers become increasingly discerning, and societal values continuously evolve, understanding the multifaceted roles of brands becomes imperative for driving meaningful market impact. This course will challenge you to view brands as more than mere assets for business success. We explore how brands resonate with the human experience, influencing not only consumer choices but also shaping socia | This course is the culmination of the Graphic Design Specialization and gives you an opportunity to tie together your knowledge and skills into a single project: a brand development guide for a company you will invent. This course takes you through the entire design process, from ideation to creation to presentation. Through the guide, you will be creating and giving a visual identity to an imaginary start-up company, and applying that visual identity to a number of forms. You will also develop |
Branding and Customer Experience (Coursera) Whether students come from a Branding or a Customer Experience background or perspective, this course will explore the synergies between and the intersection of the two sets of activities. While there are different approaches to defining a branding strategy, a branding project’s implementation impacts many departments and their customer-facing activities. In this sense, it’s essential to understand branding efforts in the context of Customer Experience. In this course, we will use a framework - |
Breastfeeding and Adequate Substitutes (Coursera) Ensuring adequate nutrition is essential for infants to reach their full potential, as early-life nutritional imbalances and deficiencies may result in detrimental and often irreversible adverse health consequences. "Breastfeeding and Adequate Substitutes" focuses on the important aspects of human milk composition, human lactation, breastfeeding practices, and the use of breastmilk substitutes. In addition to the theoretical and practical aspects of infant nutrition, we also provide the latest r |
Breastfeeding: Public Health Perspectives (Coursera) Engaging in this course will provide you with the opportunity to think about breastfeeding and its public health implications. The Socio-Ecological Model will be the framework of the course as we think about how each level of the Model (individual, interpersonal, community, organizational, and public policy) impacts breastfeeding practices in the United States, and globally. Through short video lectures you will be introduced to relevant topics related to the public health perspectives of breas |
Bridging the Gap between Strategy Design and Delivery (Coursera) Remember to get your voucher before starting the course to earn your Brightline® Initiative certificate using this link: In today’s competitive business environment, organizations are facing unprecedented levels of change and disruption. Only 1 out of 10 executives based on a global survey admit that their organizations successfully deliver all of their strategic initiatives. This course will help you as a leader of your organization to bridge th |
Brilliant, Passionate You (Coursera) This course is an interdisciplinary look at how we can make each day the best day of our lives by examining the question, “How can you be your most brilliant, passionate self?” You will be joined on this journey by our animated host, Lewis! You will envision your “perfect day” and then slowly deconstruct the elements of that day to better understand key elements such as finding your purpose, defining success, mental and physical health, the importance of community, and navigating risks and chal |
Bring Your Story to Life – Video Post-Production (Coursera) In this course, we will explore the power and artistry of picture and sound editing. Although you’re welcome to use the editing software of your choice, we’ll be demonstrating non-linear editing using Adobe Premiere. We’ll share with you our editing workflow for completing a visual story, from scripting and writing conversationally to the visuals, to recording voice overs, to building the rough cut, and polishing with the final cut. |