Coursera Courses

Uso prudente de antimicrobianos en el entorno hospitalario (Coursera)

La resistencia a los antimicrobianos es actualmente un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial, que se incrementa debido al uso inadecuado de antimicrobianos en diferentes escenarios, uno de estos es durante la atención en salud en un entorno hospitalario, u otro centro de atención médica, escenario en el cual el uso inadecuado de antimicrobianos puede generar adicionalmente eventos dañinos o no deseados a nivel individual, en el paciente. Este curso busca fortalecer los conocimientos sobre el

Usos didácticos del cine: Introducción al análisis (Coursera)

¡Hola! Bienvenido al MOOC "Usos Didácticos del Cine: Introducción al Análisis", ofrecido por la UNAM. A lo largo de este curso, te presentaremos varias formas de usar películas en tus clases para mejorar el rendimiento de tus estudiantes. Además, podrás acceder a una variedad de herramientas y marcos conceptuales referentes a la teoría del cine válidos para poder usar con más conocimientos cualquier obra cinematográfica en el aula. Comencemos con una pregunta: ¿Cómo puede hacer que una películ

Utilizar Diseño Para Crear Soluciones de Negocio Innovadoras (Coursera)

En este curso, examinará las metodologías y los elementos esenciales del pensamiento de diseño. Lo ayudaremos a determinar cómo seleccionar un modelo comercial para maximizar las oportunidades y administrar los turnos. Revisará los desafíos en el proceso de diseño. Luego, desarrollaremos soluciones para diseñar desafíos y puntos débiles con los que podría encontrarse durante el proceso de diseño. Para tener éxito en este curso, usted debe ser un profesional con al menos 2-3 años de experiencia

UX (User Experience) Capstone (Coursera)

In this UX capstone course, you’ll conduct a multi-stage user experience project to design a product from scratch. You will employ interviews, inspection methods, and user testing, along with ideation, design, and prototyping methods to gain and communicate valuable insight that can be used to deliver a compelling product. You will: Learn how to design and carry out an integrated multi-phase user experience research and design project Gain experience conducting user experience research

UX / UI: Fundamentos para o design de interface (Coursera)

Aprenda com uma das maiores startups do Brasil, a Taqtile sobre com criar a melhor experiência para o seu usuário, formas de gerar ideias, princípios básicos de design e como desenvolver interfaces de aplicativos e sites, esse curso introdutório é composto de aulas teóricas com exemplos práticos de aplicação de cada assunto abordado. Neste curso serão abordados os seguintes temas: Como conhecer o seu usuário Usabilidade e Prototipação rápida Arquitetura de informação e wireframe Princípios de

UX and Interface Design for Embedded Systems (Coursera)

This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5346, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree. UX and Interface Design for Embedded Systems is the first of three classes in the Embedded Interface Design (EID) specialization, an online version of the on-campus EID class taught in graduate embedded systems design. This first course is focused on user experience (UX) and the related methods, practices, and principles that will help ensure your embedded in

UX Design Fundamentals (Coursera)

This hands-on course examines how content is organized and structured to create an experience for a user, and what role the designer plays in creating and shaping user experience. You will be led through a condensed process that acts as a roadmap for developing robust UI/UX design: from ideation and sitemapping, to the creation of paper and digital prototypes. Building on the design skills learned in Visual Elements of User Interface Design, you will apply this methodology to produce a digital p

UX Design: From Concept to Prototype (Coursera)

Great design doesn’t come out of nowhere; it is born, nurtured, and grown--all through a systematic, learnable process. In this UX course, you will explore the process of taking a basic concept, grounded in user needs, and developing it into a design that will address those needs. In the course, you will gain hands-on experience with techniques such as sketching, scenario development, storyboarding, and wireframing that will help you transform your understanding of what your users need into a co

UX Research at Scale: Surveys, Analytics, Online Testing (Coursera)

This UX course will provide an overview of survey methodology from the perspective of UX research. UX surveys typically focus on uncovering user needs, connecting needs to user characteristics, and gaining insight into user attitudes towards systems they use. In this course, learners will learn the basics of UX survey research and conduct a survey of their own design! Learners will be introduced to techniques for gaining UX insights from large numbers of users, including web analytics, A/B test

Validity and Bias in Epidemiology (Coursera)

Epidemiological studies can provide valuable insights about the frequency of a disease, its potential causes and the effectiveness of available treatments. Selecting an appropriate study design can take you a long way when trying to answer such a question. However, this is by no means enough. A study can yield biased results for many different reasons. This course offers an introduction to some of these factors and provides guidance on how to deal with bias in epidemiological research. In this c

Valuación de empresas (Coursera)

En el curso valuación de empresas, ofrecido por la UNAM, el administrador financiero enfrentará una decisión financiera una vez que una empresa ha llegado al punto en que pueda expandirse y adquirir o fusionarse con otras empresas. Antes de tomar tal decisión el administrador financiero deberá evaluar las ventajas y desventajas de una integración horizontal o vertical, por lo que la empresa deberá valuar primero así misma y en segundo termino a la empresa objetivo con base en diferentes modelos

Valuation for Startups Using Discounted Cash Flows Approach (Coursera)

Discounted cash flow method means that we can find firm value by discounting future cash flows of a firm. That is, firm value is present value of cash flows a firm generates in the future. In order to understand the meaning of present value, we are going to discuss time value of money, first. That is, the value of $100 today is different from the value of $100 a year later. Then, what should be the present value of $100 that you are going to receive in 1 year? How about the value of $100 dollars

Valuation for Startups Using Multiple Approach (Coursera)

In addition to discounted cash flow method, multiple method is one of the most popular methods of firm valuation. PER is often used among financial professionals to make a quick-and-dirty estimate of a firm value. In this course, you are going to learn the concept and usage of PER, PBR and PSR. In addition to these basic multiple ratios, you are going to learn how to make an estimate of enterprise value and founder’s ownership before and after additional funding. Startups require a number of fin

Value-Based Care: Introduction to Value-Based Care and the U.S. Healthcare System (Coursera)

COURSE 1 of 7. This course is designed to introduce you to the concept of value-based care (VBC). While the information you will explore is general, it will help you establish a solid foundation for continued learning and future thinking about the concept of VBC. Through a historical lens, you will explore the creation of Medicare and Medicaid and the evolution of commercial insurance, TRICARE, and the Veterans Health Administration. While history is an important filter for understanding healthc

Value-Based Care: Managing Processes to Improve Outcomes (Coursera)

COURSE 3 of 7. This course is designed to introduce you to critical office-based processes that a value-based practice must manage in the drive towards improved patient outcomes. In Module 2, we’ll focus on office-based and clinical patient-based supporting functions. At every level in healthcare, guidelines, processes, and functions exist to improve outcomes, and following a consistent process will return the best effect. Refine your understanding of value and learn strategies to provide real a

Value-Based Care: Organizational Competencies (Coursera)

COURSE 5 of 7. This course is designed to introduce you to the changes an organization will need to make to succeed in value-based care and payment. In previous courses in this specialization, you were introduced to the Accountable Care Learning Collaborative (ACLC). One of the models you will explore is the ACLC’s Accountable Care Atlas model. This model, along with additional information from the Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network (HCP-LAN), will help you begin to understand the c

Value-Based Care: Population Health (Coursera)

COURSE 2 of 7. This course is designed to introduce you to the concept of population health and related key terms. Refine your understanding of population health and what influences health care costs. Gain an overview of population health management, beginning with a high-level review of four critical areas: addressing behavioral and social determinants of health, the prevalence of chronic disease, attributes of an aging population, and key barriers of access to health care. Use the Population H

Value-Based Care: Quality Improvement in Organizations (Coursera)

COURSE 6 of 7. Fragmented healthcare has created the need for healthcare reform, changing how healthcare is delivered and managed by shifting the structure and culture of healthcare organizations across the U.S. In this course, you will explore ways that provider organizations can successfully move from volume to value through implementing Quality Improvement plans and Continuous Quality Improvement. Organizational improvement is a continuous process. To be successful means coming to grips with

Value-Based Care: Reimbursement Models (Coursera)

COURSE 4 of 7. This course is designed to help you build high-level knowledge of the current medical coding and payment mechanisms of most U.S. healthcare services, referred to as fee-for-service. You will explore why the fee-for-service model has contributed to higher costs in the U.S. healthcare system without clearly improving health outcomes. You will examine the importance of coding to reflect chronic conditions and other diagnoses accurately and how value-based care and payments utilize th

Valuing nature and people to inform business decision-making (Coursera)

The aim of the course is to introduce businesses employees to the Capitals Approach and help them to get started with integrating natural, social and human capitals into business decision-making. This course is an introductory course; no prior knowledge of natural, human or social capital is needed. The course provides a comprehensive introduction to the capitals approach and to undertaking a natural capital assessment, and is available for all employees and leaders, sustainability practitione

Ve a lo seguro: Gestiona los riesgos de seguridad (Coursera)

En este segundo curso del Certificado de Ciberseguridad de Google profundizarás sobre los conceptos que presentamos en el primer curso, con especial énfasis en cómo las/los profesionales de la ciberseguridad utilizan los marcos y controles para proteger las operaciones comerciales. En particular, identificarás los pasos de la gestión de riesgos y conocerás las amenazas, riesgos y vulnerabilidades más comunes. También explorarás los datos de gestión de eventos e información de seguridad (SIEM) y

Vector Calculus for Engineers (Coursera)

This course covers both the theoretical foundations and practical applications of Vector Calculus. During the first week, students will learn about scalar and vector fields. In the second week, they will differentiate fields. The third week focuses on multidimensional integration and curvilinear coordinate systems. Line and surface integrals are covered in the fourth week, while the fifth week explores the fundamental theorems of vector calculus, including the gradient theorem, the divergence th

Veiculação de anúncios com o Meta (Coursera)

Este curso é uma preparação para você se tornar especialista no Gerenciador de Anúncios do Facebook. Aprenda a estruturar campanhas no Gerenciador de Anúncios, selecionando os objetivos do anúncio, o público-alvo, o orçamento e o posicionamento que atendam às suas metas específicas. Aprenda a criar e gerenciar anúncios no Facebook e no Instagram e a avaliar e otimizar os resultados de suas campanhas no Gerenciador de Anúncios. Você terminará o curso criando uma campanha publicitária real no Ger

Verb Tenses and Passives (Coursera)

This is the first course in the Learn English: Advanced Grammar and Punctuation specialty. In this course, you will review the verb tenses that you learned in beginning English classes and learn about a few tenses you may not know very well. In all, you'll cover all 12 of the English verb tenses and passive verb forms. Most importantly, you'll learn how to blend these tenses, which is what native speakers frequently do. This course is vital to your becoming a more fluent English speaker. Please

Verbal Communications and Presentation Skills (Coursera)

Welcome to the " Verbal Communications and Presentation Skills" course! Effective communication skills are vital in both professional and personal spheres. Imagine the confidence and comfort you would feel when communicating with colleagues, bosses, customers, prospects, or clients. This course empowers you to develop the necessary skills to become a proficient communicator. Designed with hyper-efficient methods, this course equips you with all the essential tools to interact confidently with c

Vers l'infiniment grand - Voyages de l'infiniment grand à l'infiniment petit (Coursera)

Partez à la découverte de l'infiniment grand, en compagnie de physiciens et de physiciennes qui vont vous faire découvrir l'Univers aux distances les plus grandes connues à ce jour et les outils scientifiques utilisés pour l'étudier. Vous comprendrez ce que les scientifiques ont pu apprendre sur l'histoire et la structure de l'Univers, ses composantes, et comment ils ont pu accumuler ces observations sur les étoiles, les galaxies, les amas de galaxies, et l'Univers dans son ensemble. Ce cours e

Vers l'infiniment petit - Voyages de l'infiniment grand à l'infiniment petit (Coursera)

Partez à la découverte de l'infiniment petit, en compagnie de physiciens et de physiciennes qui vont vous faire découvrir les secrets de la matière quand on l'étudie aux distances les plus courtes, aux énergies les plus élevées. Vous vous initierez aux progrès les plus récents de la recherche en physique nucléaire et de la physique des particules, et vous découvrirez les principes des accélérateurs et des détecteurs avec lesquels on a pu étudier la matière à ces échelles, pour arriver jusqu'à la

Version Control (Coursera)

Learn how modern software developers collaborate across the world without messing up each other's code. You will look at the different version control systems and how to create an effective software development workflow. You will be introduced to some of the most commonly used Linux commands that you can use to work with files on your hard drive and create powerful workflows that will automate your work, saving you time and effort. Finally, you will see how Git can be used in software developm

Version Control with Git (Coursera)

The Version Control with Git course provides you with a solid, hands-on foundation for understanding the Git version control system. Git is open source software originally created by Linus Torvalds. Git manages team files for large and small projects. This allows the team to continuously improve its product. It is used by most major technology companies, and is assumed knowledge for many modern programming and IT jobs. It is a core component of DevOps, continuous delivery pipelines and cloud-

Videojuegos: ¿de qué hablamos? (Coursera)

VERSIÓN EN ESPAÑOL Probablemente, todos hemos jugado a algún videojuego, pero ¿qué hay detrás de él? Podemos decir que - con independencia del videojuego - hay un árduo trabajo multidisciplinar que incluye desde aspectos de diseño hasta la programación como tal del videojuego. Este curso pretende ser un curso introductorio que muestre qué aspectos hay que considerar en el videojuego, y que permita con posterioridad abordar individualmente los temas que se consideran nucleares: diseño, arte, mot

Villes africaines : Restructuration des quartiers précaires (Coursera)

L’objet de ce cours est l’étude de la restructuration des quartiers précaires des villes africaines. Il s’agit, en partant de la compréhension de leur formation, de leur organisation et de leur fonctionnement, d’examiner les modes d’intervention qui visent leur revalorisation et intégration dans les structures formelles des villes qui les accueillent. La croissance rapide des villes s’est accompagnée, sur l’ensemble des continents, de mécanismes parfois déroutants de production urbaine qui ont

Villes africaines I: Introduction à la planification urbaine (Coursera)

Le cours permet d'apprendre les bases de la planification urbaine à travers ses dimensions techniques, environnementales, sociales, économiques et symboliques. Le cours parle uniquement des villes africaines et même si celles-ci ont valeurs d'exemple pour les ville du Sud, voire toutes les villes, nous nous efforçons à remettre les problématiques dans un contexte africain.

Villes africaines: Environnement et enjeux de développement durable (Coursera)

Le cours propose une lecture de l’environnement urbain en Afrique à travers les thématiques les plus pertinentes pour mesurer le niveau de développement d’un pays : eau et vie urbaine, assainissement (eaux usées et pluviales), gestion des déchets solides, agriculture urbaine. Après avoir analysé les différents enjeux de celles-ci, nous aborderons les liens entre environnement urbain et santé. Pour chacune des thématiques énoncées, nous présenterons une étude de cas. L’entrée du cours n’est pa

Villes africaines: Mobilités et transports urbains (Coursera)

Les villes africaines, en particulier les grandes agglomérations, sont marquées depuis la 2ème moitié du XXème siècle par une croissance démographique et spatiale sans précédent, ce qui accroit les besoins de mobilité pour relier des lieux de plus en plus éloignés. Il s’agira durant le cours, dans un premier temps, de documenter le contexte de mobilité dans les villes africaines. Celui-ci est marqué depuis les indépendances par des crises climatiques et économiques qui entrainent des mouvements

Violence Against Healthcare (Coursera)

At the global level, there are many countries marked by violence affecting health care. The 'Health care in danger' project aims to establish practical measures and recommendations that can be implemented on the ground by policy-makers, humanitarian organizations and health professionals. In view of the multiplicity of actors and latitudes concerned, it is essential to be able to make available the tools needed to make informed decisions, guide behaviour in high-risk areas and provide everyone t

Violences et religions (Coursera)

La question « violences et religions » est d’actualité, et pas seulement depuis les attentats d’Al-Qaïda ou de Daech. Pour bien la comprendre, ce cours propose de prendre du recul et de l’envisager sous un angle historique et comparatiste. Le domaine concerné étant l’espace euro-méditerranéen, ce sont essentiellement le christianisme et l’islam qui seront traités (quelques séquences sont également consacrées au judaïsme). Notre approche commencera avec quelques-uns des textes les plus difficiles

Violencias por razones de género (Coursera)

En este curso identificarás los factores que promueven las violencias por razones de género como causa y consecuencia de las desigualdades estructurales y sistemáticas. Comprenderás cómo el sistema heteropatriarcal genera daños y privilegios en las vidas de las personas y podrás reconocer acciones que promueven la cultura machista y la discriminación en tu entorno. Diferenciarás los tipos y modalidades de las violencias y comprenderás la necesidad de evitar la revictimización. Finalmente, iden

Viral Marketing and How to Craft Contagious Content (Coursera)

Ever wondered why some things become popular, and other don't? Why some products become hits while others flop? Why some ideas take off while others languish? What are the key ideas behind viral marketing? This course explains how things catch on and helps you apply these ideas to be more effective at marketing your ideas, brands, or products. You'll learn how to make ideas stick, how to increase your influence, how to generate more word of mouth, and how to use the power of social networks to

Virology and Epidemiology in the Time of COVID-19 (Coursera)

This course covers the science and social impacts of viral infectious diseases. We will begin by covering the basics: what a virus is, the structural and functional diversity of viruses, and how viruses use our bodies and the bodies of other organisms to replicate. Then we will dive into the human response: how our immune systems work to protect us from pathogenic viruses and how we use science and social systems to fend off viruses through vaccines and public health measures. We will look close

Virtual Agent Development in Dialogflow CX for Citizen Devs (Coursera)

Welcome to "CCAI Virtual Agent Development in Dialogflow CX for Citizen Developers", the second course in the "Customer Experiences with Contact Center AI" series. In this course, learn how to develop customer conversational solutions using Contact Center Artificial Intelligence (CCAI). In this course, you'll be introduced to adding voice (telephony) as a communication channel to your virtual agent conversations using Dialogflow CX. This is an intermediate course, intended for learners with t

Virtual Agent Development in Dialogflow CX for Software Devs (Coursera)

Welcome to "Virtual Agent Development in Dialogflow CX for Software Devs", the third course in the "Customer Experiences with Contact Center AI" series. In this course, learn how to develop more customized customer conversational solutions using Contact Center Artificial Intelligence (CCAI). In this course, you'll be introduced to more advanced and customized handling for virtual agent conversations that need to look up and convey dynamic data, and methods available to you for testing your vir

Virtual Agent Development in Dialogflow ES for Citizen Devs (Coursera)

Welcome to "Virtual Agent Development in Dialogflow ES for Citizen Devs", the second course in the "Customer Experiences with Contact Center AI" series. In this course, learn how to develop customer conversational solutions using Contact Center Artificial Intelligence (CCAI). You will use Dialogflow ES to create virtual agents and test them using the Dialogflow ES simulator. This course also provides best practices on developing virtual agents. You will also be introduced to adding voice (tele

Virtual Agent Development in Dialogflow ES for Software Devs (Coursera)

Welcome to "CCAI Virtual Agent Development in Dialogflow ES for Software Developers", the third course in the "Customer Experiences with Contact Center AI" series. In this course, learn to use additional features of Dialogflow ES for your virtual agent, create a Firestore instance to store customer data, and implement cloud functions that access the data. With the ability to read and write customer data, learner’s virtual agents are conversationally dynamic and able to defer contact center vol

Virtual Teacher Final Project (Coursera)

The Final Project will be a hands-on, comprehensive project that practitioners of virtual education can implement in their profession. For this final project, learners will draft a design plan for an online learning module utilizing materials learned from the virtual teacher series. Learners will choose the subject matter, method of delivery, tools, instructional strategies, and assessments, with the goal of creating a module of online or blended instruction that meets the needs of their student

Visionary leadership, identity & motivation: Become a meaning maker (Coursera)

When faced with a complex and ambiguous work environment, how do you, as a potential leader, envision the future? How can you deliver on your vision in a way that conveys meaning and drives positive change within your organisation? In this course you will explore how leaders can create a compelling vision and communicate it, and how they create meaning and make work more meaningful. You will look at the role the brain and the body play in processing meaning, and how this can inspire your employe

Visual Analytics with Tableau (Coursera)

In this third course of the specialization, we’ll drill deeper into the tools Tableau offers in the areas of charting, dates, table calculations and mapping. We’ll explore the best choices for charts, based on the type of data you are using. We’ll look at specific types of charts including scatter plots, Gantt charts, histograms, bullet charts and several others, and we’ll address charting guidelines. We’ll define discrete and continuous dates, and examine when to use each one to explain your da

Visual Basic Programming: Classes and Collections (Coursera)

This course is the third course in a series that aims to prepare you for a role working as a programmer. In this course, you will be introduced to the four main concepts in programming: Advanced String Operations and Dates, Modeling Classes, Development of Classes and Collections. Labs will allow the students to apply the material in the lectures in simple computer programs designed to re-enforce the material in the lesson. Learners will need to have a local machine with any one of the followi

Visual Basic Programming: Inheritance and Polymorphism (Coursera)

This course is the third course in a series that aims to prepare you for a role working as a programmer. In this course, you will be introduced to the four main concepts in programming: Advanced String Operations and Dates, Modeling Classes, Development of Classes and Collections. Labs will allow the students to apply the material in the lectures in simple computer programs designed to re-enforce the material in the lesson. Learners will need to have a local machine with any one of the followi

Visual Elements of User Interface Design (Coursera)

This design-centric course examines the broad question of what an interface is and what role a designer plays in creating a user interface. Learning how to design and articulate meaning using color, type, and imagery is essential to making interfaces function clearly and seamlessly. Through a series of lectures and visual exercises, you will focus on the many individual elements and components that make up the skillset of an interface designer. By the end of this course, you will be able to desc

Visual Perception and the Brain (Coursera)

Learners will be introduced to the problems that vision faces, using perception as a guide. The course will consider how what we see is generated by the visual system, what the central problem for vision is, and what visual perception indicates about how the brain works. The evidence will be drawn from neuroscience, psychology, the history of vision science and what philosophy has contributed. Although the discussions will be informed by visual system anatomy and physiology, the focus is on perc