Coursera Courses |
Visual Perception for Self-Driving Cars (Coursera) Welcome to Visual Perception for Self-Driving Cars, the third course in University of Toronto’s Self-Driving Cars Specialization. This course will introduce you to the main perception tasks in autonomous driving, static and dynamic object detection, and will survey common computer vision methods for robotic perception. By the end of this course, you will be able to work with the pinhole camera model, perform intrinsic and extrinsic camera calibration, detect, describe and match image features |
Visualization for Data Journalism (Coursera) While telling stories with data has been part of the news practice since its earliest days, it is in the midst of a renaissance. Graphics desks which used to be deemed as “the art department,” a subfield outside the work of newsrooms, are becoming a core part of newsrooms’ operation. Those people (they often have various titles: data journalists, news artists, graphic reporters, developers, etc.) who design news graphics are expected to be full-fledged journalists and work closely with reporters |
Visualizing Data in the Tidyverse (Coursera) Data visualization is a critical part of any data science project. Once data have been imported and wrangled into place, visualizing your data can help you get a handle on what’s going on in the data set. Similarly, once you’ve completed your analysis and are ready to present your findings, data visualizations are a highly effective way to communicate your results to others. In this course we will cover what data visualization is and define some of the basic types of data visualizations. In thi |
Visualizing the Living Body: Diagnostic Imaging (Coursera) This course teaches learners the underlying principles behind conventional radiography, computerized axial tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and ultrasound. The radiology of chest, abdomen, pelvis, extremities, spine and brain are taught in this course using a combination of lectures and extensive practical activities and assessments. By the end of the course you will be able to: Describe the principles of conventional radiography, CT MRI and ultrasound Describe systematic app |
Visualizing Women's Work: Using Art Media for Social Justice (Coursera) Discover the historical erasure of women’s work through social justice art Public art has often ignored the work and legacy of minorities and women, but recently there has been a welcome reappraisal of publicly displayed visual monuments and art media. This course dives into the artistic process, exploring how art has the power to address issues of social justice and gender equality and answer historic injustices. Critique art history through the lens of gender You’ll begin the course by evalu |
Vital Signs: Understanding What the Body Is Telling Us (Coursera) The vital signs – heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, respiration rate, and pain – communicate important information about the physiological status of the human body. In this six-part course we explore the anatomy and physiology underlying the vital signs so that you will develop a systematic, integrated understanding of how the body functions. Relevant body systems are reviewed including cardiovascular and respiratory, followed by explanations of how the function of these systems affe |
Vivre avec le TDAH à travers les âges (Coursera) Qu'est-ce que le TDAH? Quels sont les défis qui l'accompagnent? Que vous soyez une personne concernée par des troubles du déficit de l’attention, un-e proche ou un-e professionnel-le, ce MOOC vous offrira une compréhension de ce qu'est le TDAH. Il vous permettra de répondre aux défis spécifiques du TDAH en élaborant une stratégie complexe qui intègre aussi bien les dimensions psychologiques, les traitements neurobiologiques, ainsi que les interventions sur l'environnement. Puisque dans les deux |
VLSI CAD Part I: Logic (Coursera) A modern VLSI chip has a zillion parts -- logic, control, memory, interconnect, etc. How do we design these complex chips? Answer: CAD software tools. Learn how to build thesA modern VLSI chip is a remarkably complex beast: billions of transistors, millions of logic gates deployed for computation and control, big blocks of memory, embedded blocks of pre-designed functions designed by third parties (called “intellectual property” or IP blocks). How do people manage to design these complicate |
VLSI CAD Part II: Layout (Coursera) You should complete the VLSI CAD Part I: Logic course before beginning this course. A modern VLSI chip is a remarkably complex beast: billions of transistors, millions of logic gates deployed for computation and control, big blocks of memory, embedded blocks of pre-designed functions designed by third parties (called “intellectual property” or IP blocks). How do people manage to design these complicated chips? Answer: a sequence of computer aided design (CAD) tools takes an abstract descrip |
Voces de cambio social (Coursera) En momentos de turbulencia política, desconcierto medioambiental y permanente desigualdad social, los jóvenes creadores de cambio están liderando el camino para resolver los desafíos de la actualidad. ¿Qué está haciendo usted para crear un cambio positivo y sostenible? Voces de Cambio Social es un curso corto en línea gratuito, diseñado e impartido por ocho jóvenes emprendedores sociales. Siga los pasos de estos jóvenes creadores de cambio de cambio que combinaron una idea y su deseo de ayudar |
Voice Disorders: What Patients and Professionals Need to Know (Coursera) Welcome to Voice Disorders: What Patients and Professionals Need to Know Knowledge regarding vocal production physiology and management options for voice disorders have experienced rapid growth over the past 40 years. This growth has resulted in a knowledge gap amongst patients and practitioners. Entirely new subspecialties of laryngology under otolaryngology and vocology under speech-language pathology have developed in response to this gap. This MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is designed |
Vowels of American English Pronunciation (Coursera) This is the second course of The Pronunciation of American English specialization. In this course, you will learn and practice all of the vowel sounds of American English, including pairs of vowels that may be easy to confuse. Each week you will receive practical advice from successful English learners and practice an effective technique called shadowing to improve your pronunciation of vowel sounds. You will also have opportunities to record yourself and to respond to the recordings of other |
Vozes da Mudança Social (Coursera) Em tempos de instabilidade política, desequilíbrio ambiental e desigualdade social, jovens agentes de mudanças sociais estão liderando o caminho para solucionar os desafios da atualidade. O que você está fazendo para gerar mudanças positivas e sustentáveis? O programa Vozes da Mudança Social é um curso on-line, gratuito e de curta duração, elaborado e ministrado por oito jovens empreendedores. Siga os passos desses agentes de mudanças sociais que combinaram uma ideia ao desejo de ajudar outras |
VR and 360 Video Production (Coursera) Welcome to the Google AR & VR Virtual Reality and 360 video production course! Our mission is to give you the skills you need to get started with your first VR project. This course will introduce you to Virtual Reality and 360 video production, guiding you through a step-by-step process to create VR content. To begin, we recommend taking a few minutes to explore the course site and review the material. Best of luck as you get started - we hope you enjoy the course, and can't wait to see what |
Vulnerabilidades y pruebas de penetración (Coursera) El curso Vulnerabilidades y pruebas de penetración busca que identifiques los conceptos de detección de vulnerabilidades y amenazas, los fundamentos de los ciberataques y de pruebas de penetración a sistemas. Este curso se desarrolla en cuatro (4) módulos en donde aprenderás a cómo Identificar las vulnerabilidades y amenazas de los ciberataques, recopilar la información disponible de la organización y los sistemas objetivo y la posterior identificación de los activos de información y las posib |
Wasser in der Schweiz (Coursera) Wasser in der Schweiz. Tauchen Sie ein! Woher kommt das Wasser in der Schweiz? Was ist ein Jahrhunderthochwasser? Wie viel Wasser braucht die Schweiz? Warum ist Wasser so wichtig für die Schweiz? -- Wasser ist so zentral für unser tägliches Leben und trotzdem ist das Wissen über Wasser häufig begrenzt. Dieser Kurs beantwortet viele Fragen rund um das Wasser in der Schweiz – schwimmen Sie mit! In sieben Modulen berichten verschiedene Wasserexperten über die vielen Aspekte des Wassers in der Sch |
Water in the Western United States (Coursera) Water is important to all of us. Water connects people through place, memory, and community. But in places where water is scarce, like the Western United States, water can also be contentious and divisive. How then do we overcome the challenges associated with increased water scarcity while honoring the diverse perspectives of people who rely on shared water? In this course, you will learn about water and climate in the Western United States and join a community of thousands of learners to gai |
Water Resources Management and Policy (Coursera) Water management today is faced with new challenges such as climate change or the effects of human activity. Public and private stakeholders who are active in this field must develop new ways to better manage the water cycle "as a whole". The objective of this MOOC is to develop an understanding of the problems related to water management. Firstly, this course will define a resource and, more specifically, the resource of water. It will look at how water is used and the activities associated wi | Our course explores what can be done to solve the complex problem that half a billion people worldwide do not have improved water supplies and two billion do not have improved sanitation. We look forward to you joining us. We want to help you develop the skills you need to address this major global challenge of the 21st century. Our course has informative video lectures and guest interviews with leading water policy scholars and practitioners. We will provide you with discussion forum topic pr | Water Supply and Sanitation Policy in Developing Countries Part 2 is our second MOOC in a two-part sequence, and looks at ‘Developing Effective Interventions’. Here we invite you to develop analytical skills and deep understanding about a complex, controversial policy problem – one with no simple, easy answers. About half a billion people on our planet still lack access to improved water supplies and about two billion do not have improved sanitation services, leading to an unknown but very large |
Water: an essential resource (Coursera) One of the most obvious claims in our everyday life is the importance of water, often called the blue gold. Anyway, we are often incapable of shifting this importance in tangible actions aimed at protecting this resource and optimizing its use. Past and present anthropic pressure has heavily impaired fresh water, usually supplied for drinking water production. Water utilities and water-treatment practitioners were unprepared to effectively face the challenge of a growing high-quality water deman |
Wearable Technologies and Sports Analytics (Coursera) Sports analytics now include massive datasets from athletes and teams that quantify both training and competition efforts. Wearable technology devices are being worn by athletes everyday and provide considerable opportunities for an in-depth look at the stress and recovery of athletes across entire seasons. The capturing of these large datasets has led to new hypotheses and strategies regarding injury prevention as well as detailed feedback for athletes to try and optimize training and recover |
Web and Mobile Testing with Selenium (Coursera) Modern applications that we build invariably have touch-points with its users through web-based and mobile platforms. Users interact with the software through these interfaces and the experiences those interfaces provide have a strong influence on the perceived quality of the software. The pace at which modern applications deploy new versions and features call for careful prioritization of testing effort and rapid execution through automation. Techniques and methods for testing of such appli |
Web Application Development with JavaScript and MongoDB (Coursera) In this course, you will develop more advanced web application programming skills. You will learn how to control data read and write access using methods, publish and subscribe. You will learn how to access your database and server shells using command line tools. You will use the SimpleSchema system to validate data and generate input forms automatically. You will see a complete collaborative code editing environment, TextCircle, being built from scratch. At the end of this course, you will b |
Web Application Development: Basic Concepts (Coursera) This is the first course in a Coursera Specialization track involving Web Application Architectures. This course will give you the basic background, terminology and fundamental concepts that you need to understand in order to build modern full stack web applications. A full stack web developer is familiar with each "layer" of the software technologies involved in a web application, including data modeling and database technologies, the web server environment and middleware components, network |
Web Application Technologies and Django (Coursera) In this course, you'll explore the basic structure of a web application, and how a web browser interacts with a web server. You'll be introduced to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) request/response cycle, including GET/POST/Redirect. You'll also gain an introductory understanding of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), as well as the overall structure of a Django application. We will explore the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern for web applications and how it relates to Django. You will |
Web Applications and Command-Line Tools for Data Engineering (Coursera) In this fourth course of the Python, Bash and SQL Essentials for Data Engineering Specialization, you will build upon the data engineering concepts introduced in the first three courses to apply Python, Bash and SQL techniques in tackling real-world problems. First, we will dive deeper into leveraging Jupyter notebooks to create and deploy models for machine learning tasks. Then, we will explore how to use Python microservices to break up your data warehouse into small, portable solutions that c |
Web Connectivity and Security in Embedded Systems (Coursera) Welcome to Web Connectivity and Security in Cyber-Physical Systems! In this course, we will explore several technologies that bring modern devices together, facilitating a network of connected things and making devices internet-enabled. We will discuss rules, protocols, and standards for these devices to communicate with each other in the network. We will also go through security and privacy issues and challenges in cyber-physical systems (CPS). We will explore measures and techniques for secur |
Web Design for Everybody Capstone (Coursera) The capstone will develop a higher-quality web portfolio. Students will demonstrate the ability to design and implement a responsive site for a minimum of three platforms. Adherence to validation and accessibility standards will be required. The evolving student implementations will be reviewed each week by capstone peers and teaching assistants to make sure that the student keeps up with the agenda of the course. Upon completion of this course students will feel comfortable creating and/or up |
Web design responsivo em Adobe XD (Coursera) “Web design responsivo em Adobe XD” é o sexto curso de um programa que dará a você as habilidades necessárias para se candidatar a empregos de nível básico em design de experiência do usuário (UX, na sigla em inglês). Neste curso, você criará o design de um site responsivo usando o Adobe XD, uma ferramenta de design muito usada. Você completará o processo de design do início ao fim: ter empatia com os usuários, definir dificuldades, apresentar soluções de design, criar wireframes e protótipos e |
Web Design: Strategy and Information Architecture (Coursera) This course is focused on the early user experience (UX) challenges of research, planning, setting goals, understanding the user, structuring content, and developing interactive sequences. While the concepts covered will translate to many kinds of interactive media (apps, digital kiosks, games), our primary focus will be on designing contemporary, responsive websites. In this course you will complete the first half of a large scale project—developing a comprehensive plan for a complex website—by |
Web Design: Wireframes to Prototypes (Coursera) This course is focused on the application of the early UX research to actual user interfaces: the creation of wireframes, high-fidelity mockups, and clickable prototypes. Along the way we will also discuss: - Responsive web design and mobile web challenges - Mobile-first approach - Web typography - The relationship between design and programming and whether it is important to know how to code - The different web technologies that make the web work, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, server-sid |
Web3 and Blockchain Fundamentals (Coursera) There is a lot of hype around Web3 and blockchain. As with any disruptive technology, there are many competing sources of information. But if we look beyond the hype and mania—not to mention the fear, uncertainty, and doubt—we see something profound happening. We are witnessing one of the largest transformations of wealth in human history—from paper-based analog assets to digital ones. Blockchain represents the first native digital medium for value, and is foundational to the next generation of |
Web3 and Blockchain Leadership for Transformation (Coursera) For most of the last century, critical advances in technology were happening inside large, well-funded industrial R&D machines that dotted the Western world. Today’s landscape, however, is very different. Even the largest and most sophisticated corporate leaders can no longer dominate their fields or dictate the pace of development. With companies across sectors seeking to harness the transformative potential of blockchain technologies, the blockchain ecosystem is an exemplar of new models of in |
Web3 and Blockchain Transformations in Global Supply Chains (Coursera) The global supply chain is a $50 trillion industry and is the foundation of our global economy. While information technology has improved the flow of goods globally over the last few decades, as the COVID-19 crisis revealed there is still critical work to do. Today’s supply chains are complex, with parties conducting their transactions through a Byzantine network of computer systems with disparate applications like e-mail, phone, and fax. There are invoices, letters of credit, bank guarantees, |
Weight Management: Beyond Balancing Calories (Coursera) Across the globe, more people are suffering from obesity than at any other time in our history. Why has obesity become so common and so challenging? In this course, we will look at the root cause of obesity, as explained by the latest science. We will see how our food environment has evolved over the last half-century, and how it is altering our biology to over-consume calories and resist sustained weight loss. We will also see how stress, a sedentary lifestyle, and inadequate sleep disrupt our |
Welcome to Game Theory (Coursera) This course provides a brief introduction to game theory. Our main goal is to understand the basic ideas behind the key concepts in game theory, such as equilibrium, rationality, and cooperation. The course uses very little mathematics, and it is ideal for those who are looking for a conceptual introduction to game theory. Business competition, political campaigns, the struggle for existence by animals and plants, and so on, can all be regarded as a kind of “game,” in which individuals try to d | Would you like to spend some time of your study experience or even your whole study course abroad? Did you hear about the top universities in Germany? Then "Welcome to Munich"! In the first modules of this course we will show you, why Munich and its universities - especially the Technical University of Munich - will be a rewarding choice for you while making your dream of studying abroad come true. In the next modules you will learn what you have to do before coming here and how to get starte |
Western Religions & Ecology (Coursera) At first glance the fields of religion and ecology may seem and unlikely pairing, but a deeper consideration reveals the two have a great deal to contribute to one another and are indeed inextricably linked. Religions recognize the unity and interdependence of humans with nature. Ecological sciences affirm this deep interconnection with the natural world. This partnership can inspire work for the wellbeing of the Earth community There is a need for broader literacy and deeper knowledge of the w |
Wharton Business and Financial Modeling Capstone (Coursera) In this Capstone you will recommend a business strategy based on a data model you’ve constructed. Using a data set designed by Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS), you will implement quantitative models in spreadsheets to identify the best opportunities for success and minimizing risk. Using your newly acquired decision-making skills, you will structure a decision and present this course of action in a professional quality PowerPoint presentation which includes both data and data analysis from |
Wharton Business Foundations Capstone (Coursera) Wharton's Applied Knowledge Capstone Project enables you to apply your analytic skills to real business challenges – including your own. You’ll use your newly earned business skills to thoughtfully evaluate a real situation or opportunity from Wharton-governed companies like Shazam and SnapDeal. |
Wharton Entrepreneurship Capstone (Coursera) In this Capstone project, you will be assembling a pitch deck for a new venture, including the key deliverables (e.g., customer needs, concept description, financials, and so forth). You will review your peers' projects according to a rubric develop by Wharton Entrepreneurship and practice applying the same criteria VC’s use in evaluating potential investments. |
What are the Chances? Probability and Uncertainty in Statistics (Coursera) This course focuses on how analysts can measure and describe the confidence they have in their findings. The course begins with an overview of the key probability rules and concepts that govern the calculation of uncertainty measures. We’ll then apply these ideas to variables (which are the building blocks of statistics) and their associated probability distributions. The second half of the course will delve into the computation and interpretation of uncertainty. We’ll discuss how to conduct |
What does it mean to identify as Transgender or Gender Non-Conforming (TGNC)? (Coursera) In the last decade transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) individuals have become increasingly visible in our families, culture, and public discourse. This course explores the concept of gender identity for people who are curious about the nature of gender, the process of gender affirmation, or changing social dynamics. Participants will learn the unique challenges faced by the TGNC population as well as develop the skills to build inclusive spaces in all spheres of their life. This course |
What future for education? (Coursera) Through this course you will start to critically examine your own ideas about education, teaching and learning. The critique will be developed through engagement with theories and ideas developed through educational research. You will be encouraged to use these ideas to challenge or support your own ideas about education. Each week we will focus on one key question, using video lectures, key readings and challenges to explore some commonplace notions about education. With the guidance of the |
What is Corruption: Anti-Corruption and Compliance (Coursera) Have you ever paid someone for doing you a favor? You may be accustomed to tipping wait staff or other service providers, but what if you paid a police officer for NOT issuing a parking ticket? Or if you gave a “gift” to a government official for signing a contract with your company? Tipping might be okay, but paying a bribe is a violation of the law. Bribery is widespread and exists almost everywhere and in many forms. Compliance programs address this and other forms of corruption. I |
What is Data Science? (Coursera) Do you want to know why data science has been labeled the sexiest profession of the 21st century? After taking this course, you will be able to answer this question, understand what data science is and what data scientists do, and learn about career paths in the field. The art of uncovering insights and trends in data has been around since ancient times. The ancient Egyptians used census data to increase efficiency in tax collection and accurately predicted the Nile River's flooding every y |
What is the Metaverse? (Coursera) The metaverse isn’t just for gamers or developers, it will be for everyone. In this free course from the experts at Meta, you’ll learn what the metaverse is, what it means for our world today and into the future, and the opportunities it presents for both professionals and businesses. Understand the metaverse fundamentals Experts will guide you through a broad range of topics spanning the metaverse ecosystem, from communication and collaboration to NFTs and cryptocurrency, from avatars and de |
WhatsApp Business Platform for Developers (Coursera) Are you interested in learning how the WhatsApp Business Platform can help businesses achieve better audience engagement and customer support? Designed for developers and engineers responsible for the implementation of APIs, this course will teach you to set up and configure the WhatsApp Business Platform and the WhatsApp Business Management API. By the end of this course you will be able to: 1. Explain the purpose and use cases of the WhatsApp Business Platform and the benefits of using the C |
What’s Your Big Idea? (Coursera) Whether your interest lies in solving the world’s biggest problems, creating the next commercial success or addressing something closer to home, this course will give you a toolbox to vet your ideas and test them in the real world. |