IE Business School |
Comercio, Inmigración y Tipos de Cambio en un Mundo Globalizado (Coursera) Este es el segundo de los tres cursos que forman parte de la Especialización en Globalización, Crecimiento Económico y Estabilidad. Este curso se enfocará en las facetas de la globalización que afectan las perspectivas y decisiones económicas de un país. La globalización ha sido recientemente el tema predominante en muchos debates políticos, y este curso abordará los determinantes de la globalización. Será separado en cuatro módulos; el primer módulo explicará las tasas de cambio. Cubrirá lo que |
Storytelling in Branding and Content Marketing (Coursera) Storytelling in Branding and Content Marketing is an IE University course for professionals who want to learn how to produce memorable content through quality storytelling. Students will go through a learning process that will start with a deep understanding of the term Branded Content and its main differences with traditional advertising, simultaneously creating an effective storyline based on strong brand values and messages. The course analyses the production of quality journalism and explo |
Analizando las Políticas Económicas (Coursera) Este curso utiliza un enfoque no técnico para analizar la forma en la que los gobiernos utilizan políticas económicas para influenciar la economía de sus países. Al finalizar el curso el participante hablará con propiedad sobre temas tan importantes como la deuda y el déficit de los países, podrá examinar las políticas fiscales y monetarias así como las reformas estructurales de los países. Estos conceptos le ofrecerán los conocimientos necesarios para estar informados y poder crear su propio cr |
Aprendiendo a Aprender (Coursera) Con el propósito de desarrollar habilidades y herramientas mentales que favorecen el aprendizaje, Aprendiendo a Aprender busca ayudar a los participantes a dominar temas complejos y difíciles; además de motivarlos a continuar aprendiendo a lo largo de la vida. Aprendiendo a Aprender se encuentra divido en cuatro grandes módulos: en el primero, se explica en qué consiste realmente aprender, qué pasa en el cerebro cuando aprendemos, el rol de la memoria, la práctica regular, y el hecho de que, du |
Brand and Product Management (Coursera) The main objective is identify the critical information needed to develop a product and brand strategy that generates both quick wins and long-term value. Along this course, you will learn brand and product strategy key concepts such as product lifecycle, product demand estimation, product and brand development and launching, product pipeline, competitors analysis, brand essence and identity, brand architecture, brand equity, brand portfolio, customer experience journey, purchase funnel, key cus |
Brand Identity and Strategy (Coursera) Brand identity and Strategy is a IE Business School course for those professionals who are ready to adopt a creative approach to empowering brands. Students will go through a journey that starts with understanding what a brand is and how they can build successful ones, whilst simultaneously segmenting their consumers appropriately. The course explores positioning and its importance to successful brands looking at perceptual maps and the well-known iceberg model. It culminates in development of |
Branding and Customer Experience (Coursera) Whether students come from a Branding or a Customer Experience background or perspective, this course will explore the synergies between and the intersection of the two sets of activities. While there are different approaches to defining a branding strategy, a branding project’s implementation impacts many departments and their customer-facing activities. In this sense, it’s essential to understand branding efforts in the context of Customer Experience. In this course, we will use a framework - |
Branding: The Creative Journey (CourseraSpecs) Offered by IE Business School. Begin your Career as a Branding Specialist. Master branding strategies, branded content generation, image ... |
Business Opportunities and Risks in a Globalized Economy (Coursera) This is the last of the three courses part of the Globalization, Economic Growth and Stability Specialization.¨Business Opportunities and Risks in a Globalized World¨ is the the 3rd and final course of the ¨Globalization, Economic Growth and Stability¨ Specialization taught by IE Business School's Professor Gayle Allard. This course is designed to help an investor, businessperson or economist approach macroeconomic, institutional and international data and derive information from the indicators |
Channel Management and Retailing (Coursera) Nowadays, a distribution strategy is part of the DNA of many companies and a correct channel management is key for the success of your product. Distribution plans need to be prepared for the long run, combining the following main areas: company profile, portfolio structure and price positioning, go-to-market policy, trade and retail marketing, e-commerce and global retail management. In the last decade, there have been two main revolutions that have affected industries, increasing the importanc | ¿Está familiarizado con las campañas de comunicación de marketing? Aprenda más sobre este pilar clave del marketing mix y utilícelo para dar el empujón que su producto o servicio necesita. Con este curso comprenderá las cuestiones más importantes a la hora de planificar y evaluar estrategias y ejecuciones de comunicaciones de marketing para crear marcas valiosas y ganar consumidores. Será capaz de combinar las teorías y modelos adecuados con la información práctica para tomar mejores decisione |
Critical Perspectives on Management (Coursera) This course is designed for students of all backgrounds who have an interest in how firms are governed, the forces that have helped define modern management practice, and the outcomes of that practice not only for the firm itself, but also for the societies in which they operate. For students who are thinking of a career in management, it may also prove useful as a basic introduction to some of the conceptual vocabulary and ideas behind modern theories of management. Using a wide disciplinary |
El plan de marketing (Coursera) ¿De qué sirve una estrategia de marketing perfecta sin saber cómo actuar e implementarla en el mercado? Definiremos la estrategia y el marketing mix que tu producto / servicio o marca deben seguir. El plan de marketing incluye la estrategia de marketing y el plan para implementarla. En el desarrollo del plan de marketing, tendrás que responder a preguntas tales como: ¿Qué mix de marketing se ofrecerá y para quién? ¿Qué recursos de la empresa se necesitarán? ¿Qué resultados se esperan? Después de |
Estrategia de marketing (CourseraSpecs) Offered by IE Business School. Desarrollar su estrategia de marketing. Los fundamentos de la investigación de mercado, el posicionamiento, ... |
Estrategia de precios (Coursera) La fijación de precios es una de las decisiones de marketing más importantes pero menos comprendidas. Aprenda y practique conceptos y técnicas, y familiarícese con las últimas ideas sobre evaluación y formulación de estrategias de fijación de precios. Analice cómo las empresas intentan captar valor, además de beneficios, en los ingresos que obtienen. A lo largo de este curso, aprenderá conceptos clave de la estrategia de fijación de precios, como la psicología de la fijación de precios, la dis |
Foundations of Strategy (Coursera) Strategy is a complex field and intrinsically related to economics. In this first week of this course you will learn the basic logic of how firms and markets function by using economic logic from a distinctly strategic perspective. The economic logics discussed in the first week have shaped the field of strategic analysis from very early on. Porter’s Five Forces – probably the most well-known strategic analysis tool – directly builds on the notion of market structures and helps us to get a deep |
From Brand to Image: Creating High Impact Campaigns That Tell Brand Stories (Coursera) There are many different ways to approach clients to assess their needs and develop creative campaigns which fulfill your creative desires. Many agencies have established methodology, terminology and processes, and oftentimes, have spent decades or even years developing these processes. However, whether you are a freelancer, designer, illustrator, photographer or marketing director, or perhaps a small business owner, you will be looking to develop a simple process to create campaigns for yoursel |
Fundamentos del marketing mix (Coursera) En este curso haremos una introducción a las cuatro Ps del marketing (producto, precio, promoción y plaza), y te hará analizar estratégicamente tu producto o servicio. La primera sesión es sobre gestión de productos. Está diseñada para proporcionar los conocimientos necesarios para comprender y gestionar el papel estratégico de marcas y productos en la generación de los resultados del negocio. Posteriormente trabajaremos sobre la definición de las estrategias de precios en donde cubriremos los |
Gestión de marca y producto (Coursera) El objetivo principal es identificar la información crítica necesaria para desarrollar una estrategia de producto y marca que genere tanto ganancias rápidas como valor a largo plazo. A lo largo de este curso, aprenderá conceptos clave de la estrategia de marca y producto, como el ciclo de vida del producto, la estimación de la demanda del producto, el desarrollo y lanzamiento del producto y la marca, la cartera de productos, el análisis de la competencia, la esencia y la identidad de la marca, l |
Gestión del canal de distribución y retailing (Coursera) Hoy en día, una estrategia de distribución forma parte del ADN de muchas empresas y una correcta gestión del canal es clave para el éxito de su producto. Los planes de distribución deben prepararse a largo plazo, combinando las siguientes áreas principales: perfil de la empresa, estructura de la cartera y posicionamiento de precios, política de salida al mercado, marketing comercial y minorista, comercio electrónico y gestión minorista global. En la última década, ha habido dos revoluciones pri |
Globalización, Crecimiento Económico y Estabilidad (CourseraSpecs) Offered by IE Business School. Descubre la economía global de hoy. Transforma tus conocimientos sobre la economía y conviértelos en ... |
Globalization, Economic Growth and Stability (CourseraSpecs) Offered by IE Business School. Navigate Through Today's Globalized Economy. Take economic knowledge and turn it into practical tools. |
Implementación del Marketing Mix (CourseraSpecs) Offered by IE Business School. Aplica el Marketing Mix a tu producto o servicio . ¿Tienes tu propio producto o servicio? Dale una nueva ... |
Implementación del Marketing Mix Proyecto Capstone (Coursera) El proyecto capstone te ofrece la oportunidad de poner en práctica lo que has aprendido a lo largo de la especialización a través de una de estas opciones: I – Ayuda a una gran empresa a encontrar solución a problemas reales que está enfrentando en las áreas de las 4P. Tras realizar un análisis exhaustivo de la situación actual, recomienda planes de acción específicos para resolver dilemas de la empresa. Un caso de estudio de la vida real. II – ¿Tienes tu propio producto o servicio? Dale una | Just how familiar are you with a marketing communication campaign? Learn more about this key pillar in the marketing mix and use it to give the push your product or service needs. Through this course you will understand the most important issues when planning and evaluating marketing communications strategies and executions in order to create valuable brands and win consumers. You'll be able to combine the appropriate theories and models with practical information to make better marketing comm |
Intelligence Tools for the Digital Age (Coursera) Digital technologies are changing business, government and society worldwide. Clearly, they’re opening up new risks and opportunities for every sector of the world economy. Such “futurology” may offer you the big picture, but what does a digital world mean for you, personally? Will you be ready for an automated, AI-assisted, big-data-driven employment future? This course provides you an answer to these questions, and it does so from a unique perspective: by introducing you to the world of |
Investigación de mercados y comportamiento del consumidor (Coursera) El primer curso de este especialización consta de dos bloques que te proveerán de los conocimientos necesarios para comenzar tu trayectoria en Marketing. Aprende las herramientas y técnicas para convertir una decisión en una investigación real, esto lo verás en el primer módulo: Investigación de Mercado. Cómo plantear la investigación, analizar los datos recogidos, interpretarlos correctamente y comunicarlos a través de recomendaciones precisas serán algunas de las cuestiones tratadas en este c |
Legal Tech & Startups (Coursera) LegalTech is the reaction to the disruption that technology is having across all sectors of the economy. Considering that the legal sector is one of the most resistant to change, due to its conservative nature, we can see just how different the future will be. In this course, IE professor Marti Manent will guide you through the essential stages of this disruption in technology, giving you the key tools and ideas to consider when starting your online business. In the course, Marti explains the |
Making Architecture (Coursera) Making architecture offers a unique insight into the mind and work of an Architect, starting with the basics of the profession and culminating with the production of a scaled site model. The course should act as ideal preparation for those interested in undertaking an undergraduate degree in Architecture, although its flexible, intriguing and enjoyable content makes it accessible for all those looking to increase their knowledge in the field. Delivered primarily by Professors from the IE Schoo |
Market Research and Consumer Behavior (Coursera) Your marketing quest begins here! The first course in this specialization lays the neccessary groundwork for an overall successful marketing strategy. It is separated into two sections: Market Research and Consumer Behavior. Gain the tools and techniques to translate a decision problem into a research question in the Market Research module. Learn how to design a research plan, analyze the data gathered and accurately interpret and communicate survey reports, translating the results into practica |
Marketing Mix Fundamentals (Coursera) Marketing Mix Fundamentals prepares you for arguably the most important stage of bring your product to market - how and where are you going to market it? It sets out a detailed introduction to the four P’s of Marketing (Product, Pricing, Place and Promotion), this course forces you to strategically analyze your product and/or service. The Product session is designed to provide you with the knowledge to understand and manage the strategic role of brands and products in generating business result |
Marketing Mix Implementation (CourseraSpecs) Offered by IE Business School. Take your product through the Marketing Mix. Master the Marketing Mix and take your product to new heights. |
Marketing Mix Implementation Capstone (Coursera) After completing the four courses, you will be able to take part in the Capstone Project where you will have the opportunity to put into practice what you have learned in this specialization by running a real product through the marketing mix. Your analysis will focus on Tesla Motor's and the launch of their Model X automobile. After making decisions regarding each of the four P's in peer graded exercises, you will prepare a final presentation for the launch of the car. |
Marketing Strategy (CourseraSpecs) Offered by IE Business School. Develop Your Marketing Strategy. Learn the fundamentals of market research, positioning, the marketing mix ... |
Marketing Strategy Capstone Project (Coursera) The Capstone Project will require you to take the knowledge you’ve acquired throughout this specialization and put it into practice. Each week is divided into the different components of the Marketing Strategy: Market Analysis, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Mix Implementation and Expected Results. Review each week’s theory and concrete the takeaways with quizzes aimed at reinforcement of the concepts. After reviewing the material learned you will be asked to analyse the case study: ¨Hotel Ipsum |
Posicionamiento: La base del éxito en la estrategia de marketing (Coursera) Pensar en el posicionamiento del producto o servicio es una tarea fundamental para desarrollar una estrategia de marketing exitosa. El posicionamiento es el corazón de cualquier estrategia de marketing, el núcleo que debes hacer bien. No importa si comienzas con una audiencia claramente definida o con una propuesta de valor diferencial, debes terminar con un posicionamiento claro sobre el que construiremos nuestro plan de marketing. El posicionamiento es el resultado de empezar con una propuest |
Positioning: What you need for a successful Marketing Strategy (Coursera) Positioning is the heart of any Marketing Strategy, the core that you must get right. It does not matter whether you start with a clearly defined target group or with a differential value proposition: you will need end up with a clear segment or segments upon which we build our Marketing Plan. In this course - the second in our Marketing Strategy Specialization - IE professor Ignacio Gafo will guide you through the essential stages of this key marketing process, starting with the basic elements | Pricing is one of the most important but least understood marketing decisions. Learn and practice concepts, techniques, and get to grips with the latest thinking on assessing and formulating pricing strategies. Analyze how firms attempt to capture value, as well as profits, in the revenues they earn. Along this course, you will learn pricing strategy key concepts such as pricing psychology, price discrimination, willingness to pay of customers, optimal price and price elasticity. This course h |
Proyecto capstone estrategia de marketing (Coursera) En el proyecto final será necesario que utilices todos los conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo de esta especialización, para desarrollar un plan de marketing coherente para un producto o servicio. |
Riesgos y oportunidades empresariales en una economía globalizada (Coursera) Oportunidades y riesgos empresariales en un mundo globalizado» es el tercer y último curso de la especialización «Globalización, crecimiento económico y estabilidad» impartido por la profesora de IE Business School Gayle Allard. En este curso, los alumnos aprovecharán los conocimientos y la teoría de sus dos cursos anteriores y los aplicarán a los eventos que actualmente suceden en el mundo. Además, puede funcionar como curso independiente para quienes quieran saber cómo afectan los factores mac |
Scale Up Your Startup (CourseraSpecs) Offered by IE Business School. Scale Up Your Startup - Product, Processes, People. Learn the main points of a growth mindset and apply these ... |
The Journey to Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (CourseraSpecs) Offered by IE Business School. Building Future-Proof Organizations. This specialization provides a guide for understanding diversity and ... | Create your own Marketing Plan for your own product or service idea. In this course you will learn how to produce arguably the most important marketing tool for any business. Rather than simply learning the stages of The Marketing Plan, you will be asked each week to complete a peer graded assignment which will help you complete a simplified version of the plan. You will be required either to map the four crucial stages for your own product or service idea or use the Nissan Leaf case study ( |
Trade, Immigration and Exchange Rates in a Globalized World (Coursera) This is the second of the three courses part of the Globalization, Economic Growth and Stability Specialization. This course will focus on facets of globalization that affect a country´s economic perspectives and decisions. Globalization has recently been the predominant subject in many political debates, and this course will go into the determinants of globalization. It will be separated into four modules; the first module will explain exchange rates. It will cover what determines exchange rate |
Understanding economic policymaking (Coursera) This is the first of the three courses part of the Globalization, Economic Growth and Stability Specialization. This course will employ a non-technical approach to analyze how governments use policy to influence a country's economy. Upon completing the course you should be able to discuss national debts and deficits, examine fiscal and monetary policy and their appropriateness to the situation of an economy, and anticipate the results of fiscal and monetary policies and structural reform on a co |
فهم صنع السياسات الاقتصادية (Coursera) وسوف تستخدم هذه الدورة منهجية غير فنية لتحليل الكيفية التي تستخدم بها الحكومات السياسة من أجل التأثير على الاقتصاد في الدولة. عند إكمال هذه الدورة التدريبية، يجب أن تكون قادرًا على مناقشة الديون والوطنية والعجز الوطني، وفحص السياسة المالية والنقدية ومدى ملائمتها للموقف الخاص بالاقتصاد، بالإضافة إلى توقع نتائج السياسات المالية والنقدية والإصلاح الهيكلي على الدولة. وسوف توفر لك هذه المفاهيم الأدوات اللازمة لتطوير موقفك في العديد من النقاشات الاقتصادية الحالية، مثل الحوافز الاقتصادية في مقابل التقش |