Google Cloud |
Networking in Google Cloud (CourseraSpecs) Offered by Google Cloud. Launch your career in Cloud Networking. Design, develop, and manage cloud networking solutions to drive business ... |
Networking in Google Cloud en Français (CourseraSpecs) Offered by Google Cloud. |
Networking in Google Cloud 日本語版 (CourseraSpecs) Offered by Google Cloud. であなたのキャリアを開始します Cloud Networking. クラウドネットワーキングソリューションを設計、開発、および管理して、ビジネス目標を推進します。 |
Networking in Google Cloud: Defining and Implementing Networks (Coursera) This self-paced training course gives participants broad study of networking options on Google Cloud. Through recorded lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on labs, participants explore and deploy Google Cloud networking technologies, such as Google Cloud Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networks, subnets and firewalls. The course also covers access control to networks, sharing networks and load balancing. |
Networking in Google Cloud: Hybrid Connectivity and Network Management (Coursera) This self-paced training course builds on the Networking in Google Cloud: Defining and Implementing Networks course and enhances the study of networking options on Google Cloud. Through recorded lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on labs, you explore and deploy Google Cloud networking technologies, such as common network design patterns, connectivity to Google Cloud VPC networks, and private connection options. The course also covers optimizing network performance and cost by using Network Serv |
On Premises Capacity Upgrade and Monitoring with Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform (Coursera) Learn how to upgrade capacity for the Apigee for private cloud platform installation, and how to monitor the platform. |
On Premises Installation and Fundamentals with Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform (Coursera) This course introduces you to the fundamentals and advanced practices applicable to the installation and management of Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform for private cloud. Through a combination of lectures, hands-on labs, and supplemental materials, you will learn how to design, install, secure, manage, and scale Apigee API Platform. |
On Premises Management, Security, and Upgrade with Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform (Coursera) This course discusses the management and operation of the Apigee platform for private cloud. It includes topics on operational practices, API deployment, analytics, security and upgrade of the platform. |
Optimizing Your Google Cloud Costs (Coursera) Optimizing Your Google Cloud Costs is the second course in a two-part series on Google Cloud billing and cost management essentials. This course is most suitable for those in a Finance and/or IT related role responsible for optimizing their organization’s cloud infrastructure. You'll learn several ways to control and optimize your Google Cloud costs, including setting up budgets and alerts, managing quota limits, and taking advantage of committed use discounts. In the hands-on labs, you’ll |
Planning for a Google Workspace Deployment (Coursera) Planning for a Google Workspace Deployment is the final course in the Google Workspace Administration series. In this course, you will be introduced to Google's deployment methodology and best practices. You will follow Katelyn and Marcus as they plan for a Google Workspace deployment at Cymbal. They'll focus on the core technical project areas of provisioning, mail flow, data migration, and coexistence, and will consider the best deployment strategy for each area. You will also be introduced |
Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Cloud Architect (CourseraSpecs) Offered by Google Cloud. Advance your career in cloud architecture. | Offered by Google Cloud. クラウド アーキテクチャでのキャリア前進 |
Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Cloud Data Engineer (CourseraSpecs) Offered by Google Cloud. Advance your career in data engineering | Offered by Google Cloud. Avanza tu carrera en ingeniería de datos | Offered by Google Cloud. データ エンジニアリングでのキャリア前進 |
Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Cloud Developer (CourseraSpecs) Offered by Google Cloud. Developer Best Practices on Google Cloud |
Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Cloud DevOps Engineer (CourseraSpecs) Offered by Google Cloud. Advance your career as an SRE & DevOps Engineer |
Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Cloud Engineer (CourseraSpecs) Offered by Google Cloud. Start your career in the cloud. | Offered by Google Cloud. Inicie su carrera en la nube. |
Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Cloud Network Engineer (CourseraSpecs) Offered by Google Cloud. Advance your career as a Cloud Networking Engineer |
Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Cloud Security Engineer (CourseraSpecs) Offered by Google Cloud. Advance your career as a Cloud Security Engineer |
Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Machine Learning Engineer (CourseraSpecs) Offered by Google Cloud. Advance your career as a Cloud ML Engineer |
Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect Exam em Português Brasileiro (Coursera) Trecho extraído do curso: "A melhor maneira de se preparar para o exame é ter competência nas habilidades que o trabalho exige." Este curso usa uma abordagem de cima para baixo com o objetivo de revelar as habilidades e o conhecimento que você já tem e apontar as áreas que precisam melhorar. Use este curso para criar seu próprio plano de estudo personalizado. Ele ajudará você a se preparar melhor e a desenvolver e praticar as habilidades necessárias para realizar este trabalho. O curso segue a |
Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect Exam 日本語版 (Coursera) コースより抜粋: 「最善の試験対策は職務に必要なスキルを身に付けることである」 このコースではトップダウン アプローチを用いて既知の知識とスキルを把握し、情報とスキルが不十分な分野を特定します。本コースを受講することにより、独自の対策計画を立てることができます。わかっていることとわからないことを明確にし、この職務の担当者に必要なスキルの習得と向上にお役立てください。 本コースでは試験ガイドの概要に沿って、受講者が特定の分野と関連する概念を十分に理解しているか、またはさらなる学習が必要かを判断できるように、「判断基準」となる概念を提示します。また、ケース分析、技術的に注意すべきポイントの特定、提案ソリューションの開発などの認知スキルを含む主要な職務スキルについて学び、実践する機会も用意されています。これらは職務スキルであると同時に試験スキルでもあります。また、アクティビティ トラッキング チャレンジラボを使って基礎能力もテストします。試験問題と同じような例題と解答も多数用意されており、コースの最後には採点式ではない模擬試験問題と、受験を想定した採点式の模擬試験問題が含まれて |
Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam 日本語版 (Coursera) このコースは、受験資格のある受験者が自信を持って試験を受けられるように支援する情報、およびまだ受験資格のない方が試験対策を進める際に役立つ情報を提供します。 |
Preparing for Your Associate Cloud Engineer Journey (Coursera) This course helps you structure your preparation for the Associate Cloud Engineer exam. You will learn about the Google Cloud domains covered by the exam and how to create a study plan to improve your domain knowledge. |
Preparing for your Professional Cloud Architect Journey (Coursera) This course helps learners create a study plan for the PCA (Professional Cloud Architect) certification exam. Learners explore the breadth and scope of the domains covered in the exam. Learners assess their exam readiness and create their individual study plan. |
Preparing for Your Professional Cloud Security Engineer Journey (Coursera) This course helps learners prepare for the Professional Cloud Security Engineer (PCSE) Certification exam. Learners will be exposed to and engage with exam topics through a series of lectures, diagnostic questions, and knowledge checks. After completing this course, learners will have a personalized workbook that will guide them through the rest of their certification readiness journey. |
Preparing Google Associate Cloud Engineer Exam em Português (Coursera) Este curso ajuda você a se preparar para o exame Associate Cloud Engineer. Você vai aprender sobre os domínios do Google Cloud abordados no exame e como criar um plano de estudos para melhorar seu conhecimento sobre o assunto. |
Production Machine Learning Systems (Coursera) In this course, we dive into the components and best practices of building high-performing ML systems in production environments. We cover some of the most common considerations behind building these systems, e.g. static training, dynamic training, static inference, dynamic inference, distributed TensorFlow, and TPUs. This course is devoted to exploring the characteristics that make for a good ML system beyond its ability to make good predictions. |
Recommendation Systems on Google Cloud (Coursera) In this course, you apply your knowledge of classification models and embeddings to build a ML pipeline that functions as a recommendation engine. This is the fifth and final course of the Advanced Machine Learning on Google Cloud series. |
Reliable Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process dalam bahasa Indonesia (Coursera) Kursus ini membekali peserta dengan keterampilan untuk membuat solusi yang sangat andal dan efisien di Google Cloud menggunakan pola desain yang telah terbukti. Kursus ini merupakan kelanjutan dari kursus Architecting with Google Compute Engine atau Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine dan memberikan pengalaman interaktif dengan teknologi yang dibahas dalam kursus tersebut. Melalui kombinasi presentasi, aktivitas desain, dan lab interaktif, peserta akan mempelajari cara menentukan dan meny |
Reliable Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process em Português Brasileiro (Coursera) Este curso prepara estudantes para criar soluções altamente confiáveis e eficientes no Google Cloud usando padrões de projeto comprovados. Ele é uma continuação do curso "Architecting with Google Compute Engine" ou "Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine" e exige experiência prática com as tecnologias abordadas nesses dois cursos. Com uma combinação de apresentações, atividades de criação e laboratórios práticos, os participantes aprendem a definir e equilibrar requisitos técnicos e comercia |
Reliable Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process en Español (Coursera) En este curso, los alumnos aprenderán a crear soluciones altamente confiables y eficientes en Google Cloud mediante patrones de diseño comprobados. Es la continuación de los cursos Architecting with Google Compute Engine o Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine. Se presupone que los equipos tienen experiencia práctica con las tecnologías que se abordan en cualquiera de esos cursos. Mediante una serie de presentaciones, actividades de diseño y labs prácticos, los participantes aprenderán a de |
Reliable Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process 日本語版 (Coursera) 本コースでは、実績ある設計パターンを利用し、信頼性と効率に優れたソリューションを Google Cloud で構築する方法を学習します。本コースは Architecting with Google Compute Engine または Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine の後続コースであり、これらいずれかのコースで取り上げられているテクノロジーを習得済みであることが受講の前提になります。講義、設計アクティビティ、ハンズオンラボを通して、信頼性と可用性が高く、安全でコスト効率に優れた Google Cloud デプロイメントを設計するためのビジネス要件と技術的要件をバランス良く定義する方法を学びます。 このコースでは、以下のスキルについて学習します。 ● 問い、テクニック、設計上の考慮事項からなるツールセットを適用する ● アプリケーションの要件を定義し、KPI、SLO、SLI として具体的に表す ● アプリケーション要件を細分化し、適切なマイクロサービス境界を見つける ●Google Cloud のデベロッパー ツールを利用して、 |
Reliable Google Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process (Coursera) This course equips students to build highly reliable and efficient solutions on Google Cloud using proven design patterns. It is a continuation of the Architecting with Google Compute Engine or Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine courses and assumes hands-on experience with the technologies covered in either of those courses. Through a combination of presentations, design activities, and hands-on labs, participants learn to define and balance business and technical requirements to design |
Scaling with Google Cloud Operations (Coursera) "Organizations of all sizes are embracing the power and flexibility of the cloud to transform how they operate. However, managing and scaling cloud resources effectively can be a complex task. Scaling with Google Cloud Operations explores the fundamental concepts of modern operations, reliability, and resilience in the cloud, and how Google Cloud can help support these efforts. Part of the Cloud Digital Leader learning path, this course aims to help individuals grow in their role and build th |
Securing and Integrating Components of your Application (Coursera) In this course, application developers learn how to design and develop cloud-native applications that seamlessly integrate managed services from Google Cloud. Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants learn how to develop more secure applications, implement federated identity management, and integrate application components by using messaging, event-driven processing, and API gateways. Completing one version of each lab is required. Each lab is available in |
Securing and Integrating Components of your Application 日本語版 (Coursera) このコースでは、アプリケーション デベロッパー向けに、Google Cloud のマネージド サービスをシームレスに統合するクラウドネイティブ アプリケーションを設計、開発する方法を説明します。講義、デモ、ハンズオンラボを通して、メッセージング、イベント駆動型処理、API ゲートウェイを使ったセキュリティ性の高いアプリケーションの設計、フェデレーション ID 管理の実装、アプリケーション コンポーネントの統合方法を学習します。 各ラボのいずれかのバージョンを完了する必要があります。各ラボは Node.js で利用できるほか、ほとんどの場合、Python または Java でも提供されます。お好みの言語でラボを完了できます。 本コースは、「Developing Applications with Google Cloud」シリーズの 2 つ目のコースですこのコースを修了したら、「App Deployment, Debugging, and Performance」コースに登録してください。 |
Security Best Practices in Google Cloud (Coursera) This self-paced training course gives participants broad study of security controls and techniques on Google Cloud. Through recorded lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on labs, participants explore and deploy the components of a secure Google Cloud solution, including Cloud Storage access control technologies, Security Keys, Customer-Supplied Encryption Keys, API access controls, scoping, shielded VMs, encryption, and signed URLs. It also covers securing Kubernetes environments. |
Security in Google Cloud (CourseraSpecs) Offered by Google Cloud. Launch your career in Cloud Security. This self-paced Specialization gives a broad study of security controls, best ... |
Security in Google Cloud en Français (CourseraSpecs) Offered by Google Cloud. Lancez votre carrière dans la Cloud Security. Cette spécialisation à votre rythme offre une étude approfondie des ... |
Security in Google Cloud 日本語版 (CourseraSpecs) Offered by Google Cloud. クラウドセキュリティでキャリアをスタート. このセルフペースのスペシャライゼーションは、Google Cloudのセキュリティ管理、ベストプラクティス、テクニックに関する幅広い調査を提供します。 |
Serverless Data Analysis with Google BigQuery and Cloud Dataflow em Português Brasileiro (Coursera) Este curso rápido sob demanda tem uma semana de duração e é baseado no Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals. Por meio de apresentações com instrutores, demonstrações e laboratórios práticos, os alunos aprenderão a executar armazenamento de dados, análise e processamento de pipeline em um ambiente autônomo. Pré-requisitos: • Noções básicas de Big Data e Machine Learning do Google Cloud Platform • Experiência no uso de uma linguagem de consulta semelhante a SQL par |
Serverless Data Processing Dataflow em Português Brasileiro (CourseraSpecs) Offered by Google Cloud. Criando aplicativos de Big Data que escalam |
Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow (CourseraSpecs) Offered by Google Cloud. Building Big Data Applications that Scale |
Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow en Español (CourseraSpecs) Offered by Google Cloud. Creación de aplicaciones de Big Data escalables |
Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Develop Pipelines (Coursera) In this second installment of the Dataflow course series, we are going to be diving deeper on developing pipelines using the Beam SDK. We start with a review of Apache Beam concepts. Next, we discuss processing streaming data using windows, watermarks and triggers. We then cover options for sources and sinks in your pipelines, schemas to express your structured data, and how to do stateful transformations using State and Timer APIs. We move onto reviewing best practices that help maximize your p |
Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations (Coursera) This course is part 1 of a 3-course series on Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow. In this first course, we start with a refresher of what Apache Beam is and its relationship with Dataflow. Next, we talk about the Apache Beam vision and the benefits of the Beam Portability framework. The Beam Portability framework achieves the vision that a developer can use their favorite programming language with their preferred execution backend. We then show you how Dataflow allows you to separate compu |