Coursera Courses |
Análisis de datos con programación en R (Coursera) Este es el séptimo curso del Certificado de análisis computacional de datos de Google. En estos cursos obtendrás las habilidades necesarias para solicitar empleos de analista de datos de nivel introductorio. En este curso, aprenderás el lenguaje de programación conocido como R. Además, se profundizará en cómo usar RStudio, el entorno que te permite trabajar con R, y se cubrirán temas como las aplicaciones y las herramientas de software que son exclusivas para R, como los paquetes de R. Descubrir |
Análisis de Negocios con Estados Financieros (Coursera) Con el acceso a herramientas digitales cada vez más eficientes, los Estados Financieros son imprescindibles a la hora de tomar decisiones. Este curso, está enfocado a reconocer y comprender la información valiosa que dichos estados financieros nos pueden entregar. De esta forma, saber cómo tomar la mejor decisión que impacte de forma positiva nuestro negocio. Este curso está dirigido a personas que trabajen en el área de finanzas, gestión o planificación estratégica. Sin embargo, también está d |
Análisis de Sistemas de Transporte (Coursera) Este curso es una introducción a las metodologías fundamentales para la gestión, planificación y evaluación de sistemas de transporte de pasajeros. Se aprenderán técnicas usadas en la práctica para estimar la demanda, modelar la operación y realizar análisis económicos de proyectos de transporte. Algunos temas estudiados incluyen: modelo clásico de transporte de cuatro etapas, modelo de distribución de viajes gravitacional, modelo de elección discreta logit, teoría de colas, análisis de redes, p |
Análisis de Sistemas Eléctricos y Transición Energética (Coursera) En nuestra sociedad, nos hemos fijado metas que permitan reducir nuestra dependencia de recursos energéticos no renovables, en especial de los combustibles fósiles. Por lo tanto, se han planteado incentivos hacia lo que se denomina transición energética. En el ámbito del sector eléctrico, esa transición se ha centrado principalmente en la integración de fuentes no convencionales de energías renovables (FNCER) como la energía solar y eólica, así como el almacenamiento de esta en baterías, además |
Análisis de situaciones de negocio (Coursera) ¿En qué momento una oportunidad para aumentar la cuenta de resultados puede llegar a poner en riesgo la supervivencia de la marca y las ganancias a largo plazo? Esta situación es exactamente la que debe resolver la compañía Gas-Gas, fabricante de motos off-road, en el caso que te presentamos. En este último curso, titulado Análisis de situaciones de negocio, pondrás en práctica todos los conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo de la especialización, para entender el impacto que tiene una decisión de |
Analítica de Procesos: Optimización desde los Datos (Coursera) El entorno empresarial y de innovación requiere y requerirá cada vez más profesionales capaces de conectar los datos con el análisis de procesos. Esta habilidad posibilita formas inteligentes de entender y mejorar continuamente la cambiante operación de las empresas: las mantiene vivas y competitivas. La analítica de procesos proporciona información acerca de la eficiencia de los procesos de negocio, lo cual cambia el enfoque a los líderes de proceso para tomar decisiones sobre cómo hacer evoluc |
Analítica financiera (Coursera) Conforme las organizaciones complejizan sus modelos de negocios, se requieren más personas con habilidades en el análisis de datos y la construcción de modelos estadísticos que faciliten la toma de decisiones financieras en escenarios con riesgo. En este curso, se presenta una visión general de los métodos de analítica en finanzas que se aplican en la actualidad. Se da primeramente, una introducción a la analítica financiera estableciendo la relación entre la transformación de datos y la generac |
Analítica y ciencia de datos para negocios (Coursera) El objetivo del curso es lograr que los estudiantes apliquen los principios básicos, las características de la Analítica y ciencias de datos así como las etapas en el proceso de desarrollo de un proyecto de análisis de datos. Los estudiantes también se familiarizarán con el preprocesamiento de datos y serán capaces de manejar a, nivel práctico, las principales técnicas componentes de este, como el análisis de faltantes, la detección de outliers, las técnicas de normalización, discretización y |
Analíticas en Páginas Web (Coursera) En este segundo curso se provee al participante de los fundamentos básicos del análisis de sitios y páginas web en sus diferentes modalidades, incluyendo los de comercio digital. Además, brinda al estudiante las herramientas para evaluar la efectividad de las campañas utilizadas para generar tráfico a estos sitios a través de los anuncios en buscadores y sitios en general. Incluye también la medición de la eficiencia de las campañas de correo electrónico. Parte fundamental del curso es el des |
Analíticas en Redes Sociales (Coursera) En este último curso de la Especialidad “Analíticas de marketing Digital”, tendrás la oportunidad de adentrarte en el mundo de las diversas redes sociales, conociendo cómo y cuándo es recomendable utilizarlas, aprendiendo a administrar sus indicadores a través de KPIs y dashboards. Cerraremos el curso con la importancia de hacer Social Listening y el futuro de las redes sociales. Los principales objetivos que perseguimos en este curso son los siguientes: 1. Conocer las más importantes plataform |
Analíticas y Métricas de Marketing (Coursera) En este primer curso se comprenderá el comportamiento de los usuarios y el impacto en la medición de interacciones que se dan en las Páginas web, Landing page o búsquedas de información de navegadores tradicionales. También podremos distinguir las principales herramientas de la analítica que se utilizan en el mercado y la importancia en el uso de Google Analytics. También será relevante identificar los principales objetivos comerciales y de marca a través del uso de las herramientas y métricas d |
Analizando las Políticas Económicas (Coursera) Este curso utiliza un enfoque no técnico para analizar la forma en la que los gobiernos utilizan políticas económicas para influenciar la economía de sus países. Al finalizar el curso el participante hablará con propiedad sobre temas tan importantes como la deuda y el déficit de los países, podrá examinar las políticas fiscales y monetarias así como las reformas estructurales de los países. Estos conceptos le ofrecerán los conocimientos necesarios para estar informados y poder crear su propio cr |
Analizar datos para responder preguntas (Coursera) Este es el quinto curso del certificado de Análisis computacional de datos de Google. En estos cursos obtendrás las habilidades necesarias para solicitar empleos de analista de datos de nivel introductorio. En este curso, explorarás la fase de “análisis” del proceso de análisis de datos. Aplicarás en tu análisis lo que aprendiste hasta el momento para darle sentido a los datos que recopilaste. Además, aprenderás cómo organizar y formatear tus datos por medio de hojas de cálculo y SQL para observ |
Analizar e incrementar - Parte 1 (Coursera) Es en esta fase ANALIZAR es donde se aplican una serie de técnicas tanto de Seis Sigma como de Lean para realizar un análisis profundo del proceso con la finalidad de determinar los factores significativos que influyen en el comportamiento del mismo y usarlos para obtener un mejor nivel de desempeño. Los objetivos del curso son los siguientes: ➤ Aprender a realizar un análisis profundo de su proceso. ➤ Distinguir algunas técnicas estadísticas de Seis Sigma para determinar factores significativ |
Analyse de données avec la programmation R (Coursera) Ce cours est le septième du Google Data Analytics Certificate. Ces cours vous permettront d’acquérir les compétences dont vous avez besoin pour postuler les emplois d’analyste de données de niveau junior. Dans ce cours, vous découvrirez le langage de programmation R. Vous découvrirez comment utiliser RStudio, l'environnement qui vous permet de travailler avec R. Ce cours abordera également les applications logicielles et les outils spécifiques à R, tels que les packs R. Vous découvrirez comment |
Analyse numérique pour ingénieurs (Coursera) Ce cours contient les 7 premiers chapitres d'un cours donné aux étudiants bachelor de l'EPFL. Il est basé sur le livre "Introduction à l'analyse numérique", J. Rappaz M. Picasso, Ed. PPUR. Des outils de base sont décrits dans les 5 premiers chapitres. Les deux derniers chapitres abordent la question de la résolution numérique d'équations différentielles. Plus précisement, nous allons étudier les chapitres suivants du livre : Chapitre 1 : interpolation, comment approcher une fonction par un |
Analyser les données pour répondre aux questions (Coursera) Il s'agit du cinquième cours du certificat Google Data Analytics. Ces cours vous permettront d’acquérir les compétences dont vous avez besoin pour postuler les emplois d’analyste de données de niveau junior. Dans ce cours, vous explorerez la phase d’« analyse » du processus d'analyse des données. Vous prendrez ce que vous avez appris jusqu'ici et l'appliquerez à votre analyse pour donner un sens aux données que vous avez collectées. Vous apprendrez à organiser et à formater vos données à l'aide |
Analysing Complexity (Coursera) The first course of the specialization ANALYZING COMPLEXITY will teach you what unifying patterns lie at the core of all complex problems. It advances your knowledge of your own field by teaching you to look at it in new ways. ANALYZING COMPLEXITY is constructed in the following way: Week I. "What is Complexity?" - What is at the core of all complex problems Week II. "Complex Physical Systems" - What complex problems all have in common in the inanimate world Week III. "Complex Adaptive Systems |
Analysis for Business Systems (Coursera) Most often, organizations acquire information systems as part of a larger focus on process improvement and efficiency. These organizations need to invest in the right system to meet their needs: right functionality, right size, and for the right price. The business systems analyst role in most organizations is responsible for translating the organization’s needs into requirements, which are then used to select or build the right system for the organization. During the Analysis for Business Syst |
Analysis of Algorithms (Coursera) This course teaches a calculus that enables precise quantitative predictions of large combinatorial structures. In addition, this course covers generating functions and real asymptotics and then introduces the symbolic method in the context of applications in the analysis of algorithms and basic structures such as permutations, trees, strings, words, and mappings. All the features of this course are available for free. It does not offer a certificate upon completion. |
Analysis of Business Problems (Coursera) When does an opportunity to increase the bottom line become a liability for long-term brand sustainability and profitability? That is the question that GAS GAS, an off-road motorcycle manufacturer, is confronting. In this culminating course, it’s time to use the business tools you have learned throughout the specialization to solve this real business problem. To help you as you develop a solution to the GAS GAS dilemma, in the Capstone you will also learn a six-step analysis of business proble |
Analytic Combinatorics (Coursera) Analytic Combinatorics teaches a calculus that enables precise quantitative predictions of large combinatorial structures. This course introduces the symbolic method to derive functional relations among ordinary, exponential, and multivariate generating functions, and methods in complex analysis for deriving accurate asymptotics from the GF equations. All the features of this course are available for free. It does not offer a certificate upon completion. |
Analytical Solutions to Common Healthcare Problems (Coursera) In this course, we’re going to go over analytical solutions to common healthcare problems. I will review these business problems and you’ll build out various data structures to organize your data. We’ll then explore ways to group data and categorize medical codes into analytical categories. You will then be able to extract, transform, and load data into data structures required for solving medical problems and be able to also harmonize data from multiple sources. Finally, you will create a data |
Analytics en las organizaciones (Coursera) El curso Analytics en las Organizaciones invita a adquirir conceptos y habilidades para el diagnóstico e implementación de una estrategia basada en analítica de datos tomando en cuenta las dimensiones humanas, organizacionales y tecnológicas de la organización. El curso tiene 5 módulos que te permitirán: 1. Comprender el concepto de analítica de datos (analytics) y su relevancia en las organizaciones. 2. Conocer casos de éxito de implementación de estrategias basadas en analítica de datos 3. I |
Analyze Data to Answer Questions (Coursera) This is the fifth course in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. In this course, you’ll explore what it means to actually analyze your data. You’ll take what you’ve learned up to this point and apply it to make sense of the data you’ve collected. You’ll learn how to organize and format your data using spreadsheets and SQL to help you look at and think about your data in different ways. You’ll also find out how to perform complex calculations with your data to address business objectives. You’l |
Analyzing and Visualizing Data in Looker (Coursera) In this course, you learn how to do the kind of data exploration and analysis in Looker that would formerly be done primarily by SQL developers or analysts. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to leverage Looker's modern analytics platform to find and explore relevant content in your organization’s Looker instance, ask questions of your data, create new metrics as needed, and build and share visualizations and dashboards to facilitate data-driven decision making. |
Analyzing and Visualizing Data the Google Way (Coursera) This learning experience guides you through the process of utilizing various data sources and multiple Google Cloud products (including BigQuery and Google Sheets using Connected Sheets) to analyze, visualize, and interpret data to answer specific questions and share insights with key decision makers. |
Analyzing Big Data with SQL (Coursera) In this course, you'll get an in-depth look at the SQL SELECT statement and its main clauses. The course focuses on big data SQL engines Apache Hive and Apache Impala, but most of the information is applicable to SQL with traditional RDBMs as well; the instructor explicitly addresses differences for MySQL and PostgreSQL. By the end of the course, you will be able to • explore and navigate databases and tables using different tools; • understand the basics of SELECT statements; • understand how |
Analyzing the Universe (Coursera) Using publicly available data from NASA of actual satellite observations of astronomical x-ray sources, we explore some of the mysteries of the cosmos, including neutron stars, black holes, quasars and supernovae. We will analyze energy spectra and time series data to understand how these incredible objects work. We utilize an imaging tool called DS9 to explore the amazing diversity of astronomical observations that have made x-ray astronomy one of the most active and exciting fields of scie |
Anatomy & Physiology: Levels of Organization (Coursera) This course will provide a basic introduction to the human body. It will examine common organizational patterns and terms in anatomy. It will also provide a micro-level view of essential elements and compounds at the atomical and molecular level before expanding to the cellular and tissue levels. Finally, we will look at how tissue can form organs and even an entire organ system with the skin through our look at the Integumentary System. This course provides a strong foundation upon which the f |
Anatomy & Physiology: Support & Movement (Coursera) The second course begins the systems-based approach to human anatomy and physiology at the organ, organ system, and organism level. Three major body systems related to support and movement will be explored in detail: the skeletal and muscular systems. Course material will cover both the structure (anatomy) and function (physiology) of each system with direct application to human development and disease. |
Anatomy of the Abdomen and Pelvis; a journey from basis to clinic. (Coursera) In this anatomy course you will explore the organs involved in our food digestion and discover the common causes of abdominal and pelvic pain. The latest graphics and animations will help you to find new insights and understanding of this part of the body, that has been the focus of anatomical research for centuries and presently arouses renewed scientific interest. You will explore the 3D anatomy of the organs from a basic level, providing thorough anatomical understanding, to its advanced app |
Anatomy of the Chest, Neck, Abdomen, and Pelvis (Coursera) WARNING: THESE VIDEOS CONTAIN IMAGES OF HUMAN DISSECTION. MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME. Human structure is important to all of us as it has been for millennia. Artists, teachers, health care providers, scientists and most children try to understand the human form from stick figure drawings to electron microscopy. Learning the form of people is of great interest to us – physicians, nurses, physician assistants, emergency medical services personnel and many, many others. Learning anatomy classical |
Anatomy of the Upper and Lower Extremities (Coursera) This course has two main parts, one for the lower extremity and the other for the upper extremity. We will show how the various systems that supply and organize the limb control its function. There are a set of introductory lectures which will allow more experienced students to refresh their knowledge of the limbs and a guide to those with less experience. These lectures will be followed by detailed dissections of the extremities emphasizing locomotion for the lower extremities and hand positio |
Anatomy: Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Urinary Systems (Coursera) In this anatomy course, part of the Anatomy Specialization, you will explore the interactive relationships of the cardiovascular, respiratory and urinary systems, and the roles they play in your body. This course is a primer for the cardiovascular, respiratory, and urinary systems in which students learn the pertinent details of the structures and functions through a combination of lectures, videos, labeling activities and quizzes. |
Anatomy: Gastrointestinal, Reproductive and Endocrine Systems (Coursera) In this anatomy course, part of the Anatomy Specialization, you’ll learn about the various digestive, endocrine, and reproductive organs, their functions, and pathways of nerves and blood vessels serving these organs. Clinical correlations and vignettes will be used to highlight the importance of these anatomical structures and their relationships. Images and videos from cadaveric and artistic materials will be used to illustrate these concepts. |
Anatomy: Human Neuroanatomy (Coursera) In this anatomy course, part of the Anatomy Specialization, you will be introduced to the central and peripheral nervous systems. You will learn about basic neuroanatomy, sensory pathways, motor pathways and the autonomic nervous system. The course includes illustrated lecture videos and quizzes to help you expand and test your knowledge of the nervous system. By the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of how the entire body influences, and is influenced, by the nervous sy |
Anatomy: Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems (Coursera) In this anatomy course, part of the Anatomy Specialization, you will learn how the components of the integumentary system help protect our body (epidermis, dermis, hair, nails, and glands), and how the musculoskeletal system (bones, joints, and skeletal muscles) protects and allows the body to move. You will engage with fascinating videos, lectures, and anatomical visual materials (illustrations and cadaveric images) to learn about these properties and functions. |
Ancient Philosophy: Aristotle and His Successors (Coursera) What is philosophy? How does it differ from science, religion, and other modes of human discourse? This course traces the origins of philosophy in the Western tradition in the thinkers of Ancient Greece. We begin with the Presocratic natural philosophers who were active in Ionia in the 6th century BCE and are also credited with being the first scientists. Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximines made bold proposals about the ultimate constituents of reality, while Heraclitus insisted that there i |
Ancient Philosophy: Plato & His Predecessors (Coursera) What is philosophy? How does it differ from science, religion, and other modes of human discourse? This course traces the origins of philosophy in the Western tradition in the thinkers of Ancient Greece. We begin with the Presocratic natural philosophers who were active in Ionia in the 6th century BCE and are also credited with being the first scientists. Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximines made bold proposals about the ultimate constituents of reality, while Heraclitus insisted that there i |
Android App Capstone (Coursera) This course gives you the opportunity to demonstrate the skills you have gained throughout the Android Developer Professional Certificate program. You'll do this by developing an Android app to order food from the Little Lemon restaurant. In other words, you'll create a solution to a real-world problem. At this point in the program, you've gained all the skills you need to successfully complete this project. But you might need to refresh your memory when it comes to the previous courses in th |
Android App Components - Intents, Activities, and Broadcast Receivers (Coursera) This 4 week MOOC builds upon the overview of Java and Android covered in Course 1 by delving deeper into core Android app components, such as intents, activities, and broadcast receivers. You will learn by example how to program these core Android components together with Android concurrency frameworks and basic Java file I/O classes (such as File and InputStream) and Android storage mechanisms (such as Shared Preferences). You'll also learn how to use the Git source code management system. Thr |
Android App Components - Services, Local IPC, and Content Providers (Coursera) This 4 week MOOC builds upon the core Android app components and concurrency frameworks covered in Course 2 by focusing on started and bound services, local inter-process communication (IPC), and content providers. Case study apps will be examined from multiple perspectives to learn how to program these app components using Android's material design paradigm. Students will work incrementally on a hands-on project involving a material design-based RSS reader app. Each week you will add additional |
Android Graphics with OpenGL ES (Coursera) This course will cover the fundamentals of OpenGL and OpenGL ES in Android. This course is unique because it covers the mechanics of how OpenGL works and also more practical applications to draw 2D and 3D objects. This is an ideal primer for more complex courses on VR and AR within Android. We'll begin by covering the OpenGL Pipeline and Shading Language. Then we'll look at drawing simple 2D objects and increasingly complicated 3D objects in OpenGL and OpenGL ES. There are practical exe |
Angular for Front End Engineers (Coursera) Explore HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Angular without installing anything! This course is designed for intermediate learners who already have a solid foundation of basic skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. However, a broad overview of these topics will also be provided for beginning learners. The modules in this course cover web development basics, introduction to Angular, and developing an Angular application. At the end of the course, learners will fully develop a todo application using HTML, C |
Animal Behaviour and Welfare (Coursera) Animal welfare has been described as a complex, multi-faceted public policy issue which includes important scientific, ethical, and other dimensions. Improving our understanding of animal welfare, involves the fascinating study of animal behavior as well as the challenge of accessing the emotions of animals. This is the On-Demand version of this course, which means you can start the course at any time and work through the course materials at your own pace. The materials and quizzes will alway |
Animals and Institutions (Coursera) This course explores animals within the context of the functional relationships that sociologists call “institutions.” We first examine the use of animals in laboratory science. We then examine the controversial transformation of animals into “livestock” and "meat." We also explore the perspectives of people committed to rejecting the construction and use of animals as food. Next, we focus on some of the roles of animals in human entertainment with particular attention to dog fighting and zoos. |
Animals, Self, and Society (Coursera) This course explores how animals and people are situated within the web of structures and connections known as “society.” Module 1 considers some of the key symbolic roles that animals play in society by investigating the practice of “thinking with animals.” We investigate how people construct different meanings of animals and the implications these meanings have for both animals and humans. You will gain first-hand experience of this by analyzing how animals are represented in the media. Module |
Animation with JavaScript and jQuery (Coursera) With the general introduction of JavaScript in the first course, this course will focus on JavaScript libraries, specifically jQuery. The scripts will be geared toward Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation. Learners will describe the top JavaScript libraries and differentiate which would work best to implement and accelerate development of web page animation. Course objectives include being introduced to the end product of the course – a landing page style website using jQuery elements to ma |
Animer une séance collaborative (Coursera) La complexité du monde et la volonté sociétale de participation à la décision, nous conduisent à nous interroger sur les modalités d’un management plus collaboratif. Le mode commande/contrôle trouve ses limites et il est important de créer les pratiques d’un fonctionnement innovant et collaboratif. Travailler en mode collaboratif, c’est faire le choix de l’intelligence collective, d’impliquer les parties prenantes et de co-construire. Tout ce que ne permet pas un fonctionnement hiérarchique |