Coursera Courses

Gestion de projet : les bases de la réussite (Coursera)

Ce cours associe les éléments essentiels de la gestion de projet et du leadership d'équipe. Au moyen de votre engagement dans le cours et de votre réflexion, vous comprendrez mieux les responsabilités du leadership et vous deviendrez mieux préparé pour appliquer ces connaissances dans l'environnement d'un projet. À la fin de ce cours, vous aurez couvert les aspects suivants : 1. Découvrir le rôle des équipes et du leadership de haute performance dans la gestion de projet 2. Découvri

Gestión de proyectos con la metodología Agile (Coursera)

Este es el quinto curso del programa Certificado en gestión de proyectos de Google. En este curso se analizará la historia, el enfoque y la filosofía de la gestión de proyectos con la metodología Agile, incluido el framework de Scrum. Aprenderás a diferenciar la metodología Agile de otros enfoques de gestión de proyectos y cómo combinar estos enfoques. A medida que progreses en el curso, explorarás los pilares y los valores de Scrum, y compararás los roles esenciales de los equipos que trabajan

Gestión de proyectos: las bases del éxito (Coursera)

En este curso se combinan los elementos esenciales de la gestión de proyectos y el liderazgo de equipo en un único contenido. A través de la participación y reflexión en clase, adquirirás una mayor comprensión de las responsabilidades que conlleva el liderazgo y una mejor preparación para aplicar este conocimiento en el entorno de un proyecto.

Gestión de redes sociales (Coursera)

Este curso te proporcionará habilidades de gestión y creación de contenido fundamentales. Aprenderás cómo crear publicaciones en redes sociales efectivas y una marca sólida que te ayude a crear una presencia en redes sociales. También aprenderás a establecer un proceso continuo para gestionar tu contenido. Esto incluye configurar un calendario de contenido, gestionar y moderar tus publicaciones, analizar datos para obtener estadísticas e iteración, y cómo aumentar la efectividad de las publicaci

Gestión de riesgos y cambios de proyectos (Coursera)

Este curso le ayudará a gestionar los riesgos de proyectos de manera eficaz, identificando, analizando y comunicando los cambios inevitables al alcance y objetivos del proyecto. Entenderá y practicará los elementos necesarios para medir e informar sobre el alcance del proyecto, programa y comportamiento de los costos. Se Le equipará con las herramientas necesarias para gestionar el cambio de la forma menos disruptiva posible para Su equipo y otros interesados del proyecto. Al completar este cur

Gestión del alcance: el qué de la triple restricción (Coursera)

Bienvenido al curso de Gestión del alcance. Soy Gonzalo Vela y te acompañaré a lo largo de estas 7 semanas en las que aprenderás los fundamentos básicos para definir el alcance de un proyecto de manera efectiva, con lo cual podrás entender los beneficios que ofrece un proyecto complejo, la manera en la que se obtienen, cómo se organiza un plan de trabajo y cómo debes definir los componentes, entregables, criterios de aceptación y otros elementos. Este curso es un espacio académico en el cual pod

Gestión del análisis de datos (Coursera)

This one-week course describes the process of analyzing data and how to manage that process. We describe the iterative nature of data analysis and the role of stating a sharp question, exploratory data analysis, inference, formal statistical modeling, interpretation, and communication. In addition, we will describe how to direct analytic activities within a team and to drive the data analysis process towards coherent and useful results. This is a focused course designed to rapidly get you up t

Gestión del canal de distribución y retailing (Coursera)

Hoy en día, una estrategia de distribución forma parte del ADN de muchas empresas y una correcta gestión del canal es clave para el éxito de su producto. Los planes de distribución deben prepararse a largo plazo, combinando las siguientes áreas principales: perfil de la empresa, estructura de la cartera y posicionamiento de precios, política de salida al mercado, marketing comercial y minorista, comercio electrónico y gestión minorista global. En la última década, ha habido dos revoluciones pri

Gestión del talento humano (Coursera)

El curso aborda la organización desde una perspectiva sistémica en donde todos los elementos interactúan para lograr un resultado productivo. Se enfatiza la importancia de habilidades gerenciales para lograr estos propósitos. Realizarás ejercicios para potencializar tus niveles de inteligencia emocional y comunicación asertiva implicando a tus colaboradores en el desarrollo de estas habilidades. Ésto, con el fin de generar climas laborales en donde la confianza, motivación y respeto sean actitud

Gestión Empresarial Exitosa para Pymes (Coursera)

Este curso tiene como objetivo fortalecer las capacidades de gestión de pequeños y medianos empresarios, y personas interesadas en emprender. El Programa Pyme de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile te invita a profundizar sobre lo que se requiere para ser un empresario exitoso y a aprender buenas prácticas en dirección de empresas que permitan crear valor al cliente, a través del marketing y herramientas comerciales. Te ayudará también a comprender las principales decisiones financieras

Gestión estratégica de Escuelas en Contextos Rurales (Coursera)

Este curso te ofrecerá recursos teóricos y prácticos para liderar los procesos de mejora de escuelas de contextos rurales en Argentina. Los estudios sobre Liderazgo y gestión escolar muestran que el contexto tiene un lugar fundamental en la conducción de los procesos organizacionales. Por ello, el curso busca que los participantes puedan identificar sus particularidades, distinguir aspectos críticos que podrán ayudar a mejorar los aprendizajes, y generar planes estratégicos para influir sobre

Gestion et Politique de l'eau (Coursera)

Aujourd’hui la gestion de l’eau se trouve confrontée à de nouveaux défis tels que le changement climatique ou les conséquences des activités anthropiques. Les acteurs publics ou privés dans ce domaine doivent développer de nouvelles compétences pour mieux gérer le cycle de l’eau « dans son ensemble ». Par conséquent, l’objectif de ce MOOC est de comprendre les problèmes touchant à la gouvernance de la ressource en eau. Ce cours définira tout d’abord ce qu’est une ressource et plus particulière

Gestión integral del riesgo de desastres (Coursera)

El curso está orientado a las personas que ya cuentan con nociones de planificación y que tienen conocimientos generales sobre las principales amenazas en un contexto particular desde una disciplina específica. Presenta los conceptos más importantes, así como ejemplos y problemas para el análisis de temas de gestión integral del riesgo de desastres que, regularmente, deben abordarse desde ámbitos nacionales o federales, municipales o locales. Cada persona podrá profundizar en temas de su interés

Get Interactive: Practical Teaching with Technology (Coursera)

This course is designed to help you create dynamic, interactive online courses through the use of multimedia tools, student collaboration opportunities, and formative assessment and feedback. Each week we will focus on a particular topic: 1. Using multimedia for teaching and learning 2. Encouraging student collaboration 3. Formative assessment and feedback You will have a range of materials to read, videos to watch, topics to research, activities to perform, discussions to participate in, an

Get Organized: How to be a Together Teacher (Coursera)

This course is designed for classroom teachers who juggle time-sensitive tasks and often-exhausting teaching schedules. With an eye toward long-term sustainability, The Together Teacher examines the purpose for planning ahead, provides tools for tracking time commitments, deadlines and tasks, and helps teachers develop a personal organization system that interacts with their day-by-day practices. All teachers, from the pen & paper list maker to the tech-savvy digital maven, will benefit from t

Get Started with Cloud Native, DevOps, Agile, and NoSQL (Coursera)

Would you like to explore the complete process of developing cloud-native applications from inception to implementation? This course covers essential cloud concepts such as Cloud Native Applications and CNCF and their impact on cloud application developers. You'll delve into specific tools and techniques for building cloud-native apps. Next, you'll discover how to enhance your organization's culture through DevOps. You'll ensure consistent behavior and maintain high code quality by experimenti

Get Started with Mail and Calendar Applications: Outlook (Coursera)

Mail and calendar applications are an essential productivity tool for business and education. Understanding how to use mail and calendar apps can make you a more efficient and valuable worker. In this mini-course, you will learn the essentials of using mail and calendar apps to stay organized, secure, and effective in a workplace setting. You will learn how to send, sort, store, and search emails and how to add and share calendars. You will gain knowledge on how to make emails secure and confi

Get Started with Presentation Applications: PowerPoint (Coursera)

Presentation applications are an essential part of productivity at work and school. Understanding how to use presentation apps such as Microsoft PowerPoint can make you a more efficient and valuable worker. In this mini-course, you will learn the essentials of effectively using presentation apps to work with slideshows. You will learn how to open, save, share, and print presentation files and present, record, and preview slideshows. This course will teach you how to customize presentations by

Get Started with Python (Coursera)

This is the second of seven courses in the Google Advanced Data Analytics Certificate. The Python programming language is a powerful tool for data analysis. In this course, you’ll learn the basic concepts of Python programming and how data professionals use Python on the job. You'll explore concepts such as object-oriented programming, variables, data types, functions, conditional statements, loops, and data structures. Google employees who currently work in the field will guide you through t

Get Started with Spreadsheet Applications: Excel (Coursera)

Spreadsheet applications are an essential part of productivity at work and school. Understanding how to use spreadsheet apps such as Microsoft Excel can make you a more efficient and valuable worker. In this mini-course, you will learn the essentials of working with spreadsheet apps. You will learn how to open, save, share, and print spreadsheet files, move around a worksheet, and enter and edit data. This course will teach you how to use formulas, functions, charts, and data, and it will also

Getting a Consulting Job (Coursera)

This is the #2 course in the specialization on management consulting. In this course, we will learn how consulting firms work and how they make money. This can help you network with recruiters and prepare for the case interviews. Some of the topics covered: • What drive project profitability? • What competencies do I need at each stage in my career? • How are consulting interviews different? • How to do well on case interviews? • How much do I need to practice cases?

Getting and Cleaning Data (Coursera)

Before you can work with data you have to get some. This course will cover the basic ways that data can be obtained. The course will cover obtaining data from the web, from APIs, from databases and from colleagues in various formats. It will also cover the basics of data cleaning and how to make data “tidy”. Tidy data dramatically speed downstream data analysis tasks. The course will also cover the components of a complete data set including raw data, processing instructions, codebooks, and proc

Getting started in cryo-EM (Coursera)

This class covers the fundamental principles underlying cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) starting with the basic anatomy of electron microscopes, an introduction to Fourier transforms, and the principles of image formation. Building upon that foundation, the class then covers the sample preparation issues, data collection strategies, and basic image processing workflows for all 3 basic modalities of modern cryo-EM: tomography, single particle analysis, and 2-D crystallography. Philosophy: The

Getting Started on Mainframe with z/OS Commands and Panels (Coursera)

Getting Started with the IBM Mainframe with z/OS Commands and Panels is a mostly hands-on in an IBM Mainframe z/OS Environment. A total of seven labs will provide live access to an IBM Z server. The labs are designed to teach you the fundamental practical skills to navigate and work in a z/OS environment. This includes the use of ISPF/PDF dialogs, and TSO/E commands. On successful completion of this course, the learners are eligible to claim the Getting Started on Mainframe with z/OS Commands

Getting Started With Application Development (Coursera)

In this course, application developers learn how to design and develop cloud-native applications that seamlessly integrate managed services from Google Cloud. Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants learn how to apply best practices for application development and use the appropriate Google Cloud storage services for object storage, relational data, caching, and analytics. Completing one version of each lab is required. Each lab is available in Node.js. I

Getting Started with Application Development 日本語版 (Coursera)

アプリケーション デベロッパーは、このコースを通して、Google Cloud のマネージド サービスをシームレスに統合するクラウドネイティブ アプリケーションの設計方法と開発方法を学びます。講義、デモ、ハンズオンラボを通して、アプリケーション開発のベスト プラクティスを適用する方法、さらに、オブジェクト ストレージやリレーショナル データ、キャッシュ保存、分析に適切な Google Cloud ストレージ サービスを使用する方法を学習します。 各ラボのいずれかのバージョンを修了する必要があります。各ラボは Node.js で提供されます。ほとんどの場合、同じラボが Python または Java でも提供されます。各ラボをご希望の言語で修了できます。 これは「Developing Applications with Google Cloud」シリーズの最初のコースです。このコースを修了したら、「Securing and Integrating Components of your Application」コースに登録してください。

Getting started with Augmented Reality (Coursera)

This course will teach you the basics of developing mobile applications using Mixed and Augmented Reality (MAR) technologies. Through hands-on projects, you’ll learn practical techniques to rapidly and easily prototype three different applications for Android smartphones and tablets – even with no previous coding experience. If you’re a creative entrepreneur, this is your ideal introduction to today’s trends in the products and technologies of the emerging augmented reality market. If you’re

Getting Started with Automation 360 (Coursera)

Automation 360(tm) is the leading cloud-native end-to-end intelligent automation platform used by the world's top enterprises to automate business processes across systems and applications. This course is designed to introduce Robotic Process Automation (RPA), how RPA can be used to identify business processes for automation, and how to use Automation Anywhere Robotic Interface (AARI) to automate back office and front office business processes. Experienced and novice RPA developers will learn

Getting Started with CyberGIS (Coursera)

This course is intended to introduce students to CyberGIS—Geospatial Information Science and Systems (GIS)—based on advanced cyberinfrastructure as well as the state of the art in high-performance computing, big data, and cloud computing in the context of geospatial data science. Emphasis is placed on learning the cutting-edge advances of cyberGIS and its underlying geospatial data science principles.

Getting Started with Data Analytics on AWS (Coursera)

Learn how to go from raw data to meaningful insights using AWS with this one-week course. Throughout the course, you’ll learn about the fundamentals of Data Analytics from AWS experts. Start off with an overview of different types of data analytics techniques - descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive before diving deeper into the descriptive data analytics. Then, apply your knowledge with a guided project that makes use of a simple, but powerful dataset available by default in eve

Getting Started with Data Visualization in R (Coursera)

Data visualization is a critical skill for anyone that routinely using quantitative data in his or her work - which is to say that data visualization is a tool that almost every worker needs today. One of the critical tools for data visualization today is the R statistical programming language. Especially in conjunction with the tidyverse software packages, R has become an extremely powerful and flexible platform for making figures, tables, and reproducible reports. However, R can be intimidatin

Getting Started with Data Warehousing and BI Analytics (Coursera)

Kickstart your Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence (BI) Analytics journey with this self-paced course. You will learn how to design, deploy, load, manage, and query data warehouses and data marts. You will also work with BI tools to analyze data in these repositories. You will begin this course by understanding different kinds of analytics repositories including data marts, data warehouses, data lakes, data lakehouses, and data reservoirs, and their functions and uses. They are designed

Getting Started with Essay Writing (Coursera)

Course 2: Getting Started with Essay Writing This is the second course in the Academic English: Writing specialization. By introducing you to three types of academic essays, this course will especially help prepare you for work in college classes, but anyone who wants to improve his or her writing skills can benefit from this course. After completing this course, you will be able to: - create effective thesis statements for your essays - plan and write compare/contrast, cause/effect, and ar

Getting Started with Front-End and Web Development (Coursera)

Have you encountered a website with stunning design, user-friendly interactivity, and dynamic elements and wondered how it was put together? If so, this course is designed for you! It is tailored for aspiring front-end developers or those who want to get started in this field. In this course, you will gain an understanding of front-end and web development, exploring the significance of User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design. You will delve into the workings of web browsers and the

Getting Started with Git and GitHub (Coursera)

Get started with Git and GitHub in this self-paced, introductory course! You’ll become familiar with collaborative version control and popular Git platforms. Collaboration and social coding are crucial parts of contemporary Software Engineering practices and the DevOps culture. You will begin this course with an overview of Git and Github fundamentals and explore key Git concepts such as branching and repositories, as well as the use of Git commands. You will also learn and practice various Gi

Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine (Coursera)

Welcome to the Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine course. If you're interested in Kubernetes, a software layer that sits between your applications and your hardware infrastructure, then you’re in the right place! Google Kubernetes Engine brings you Kubernetes as a managed service on Google Cloud. The goal of this course is to introduce the basics of Google Kubernetes Engine, or GKE, as it’s commonly referred to, and how to get applications containerized and running in Google Cloud.

Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine - Español (Coursera)

Te damos la bienvenida al curso Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine. Si te interesa Kubernetes, una capa de software ubicada entre tus aplicaciones y la infraestructura de tu hardware, estás en el lugar correcto. Google Kubernetes Engine te ofrece Kubernetes como un servicio administrado en Google Cloud. El objetivo de este curso es presentar los conceptos básicos de Google Kubernetes Engine o GKE, como se conoce comúnmente, y cómo alojar aplicaciones en contenedores y ejecutarlas en

Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine - 日本語版 (Coursera)

「Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine」コースへようこそ。Kubernetes にご興味をお持ちいただきありがとうございます。Kubernetes は、アプリケーションとハードウェア インフラストラクチャとの間にあるソフトウェア レイヤです。Google Kubernetes Engine は、Google Cloud 上のマネージド サービスとしての Kubernetes を提供します。 このコースでは、Google Kubernetes Engine(一般に GKE と呼ばれています)の基礎と、Google Cloud でアプリケーションをコンテナ化して実行する方法を学びます。このコースでは、まず Google Cloud の基本事項を確認します。続けて、コンテナ、Kubernetes、Kubernetes アーキテクチャ、Kubernetes オペレーションの概要について学びます。

Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine - 한국어 (Coursera)

Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine 과정에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 애플리케이션과 하드웨어 인프라 사이에 위치하는 소프트웨어 레이어인 Kubernetes에 관심이 있으시다면 잘 찾아오셨습니다. Google Kubernetes Engine을 사용하면 Kubernetes를 Google Cloud에서 관리형 서비스로 사용할 수 있습니다. 이 과정의 목표는 흔히 GKE로 불리는 Google Kubernetes Engine의 기본사항을 소개하고 Google Cloud에서 애플리케이션을 컨테이너화하고 실행하는 방법을 설명하는 것입니다. 이 과정에서는 먼저 Google Cloud에 대해 기본적인 사항을 소개한 후 이어서 컨테이너 및 Kubernetes, Kubernetes 아키텍처, Kubernetes 작업에 대해 간략히 설명합니다.

Getting Started with Junos Operating System (Coursera)

In this course, you will be introduced to the design and architecture of the Junos operating system (Junos OS)—the operating system used on Juniper’s routing, switching, and security portfolio. This course will explore the Junos OS command line interface (CLI) for configuring, managing, and monitoring Junos OS-powered network devices. The J-Web interface will also be examined as the graphical use interface (GUI) option for configuring, managing, and monitoring Junos OS devices. You will then be

Getting Started with Leadership (Coursera)

In this course, you will discover the importance of understanding context and its impact on the individual as a leader. You’ll consider how you define leadership and explore how organisations work through an exploration of the “what” and “why” of your own working environment. You will also look at who stakeholders are and their important role in today's business, before discussing the differences between leadership and management, and the importance of credibility. This course is aimed at leade

Getting Started With Music Theory (Coursera)

This course is a brief introduction to the elements of music theory for those with little or no music theory experience. We will explore pitch, rhythm, meter, notation, scales, keys, key signatures, meter signatures, triads, seventh chords, and basic harmony. If you listen to music or play music by ear, and you want to know more about how music is organized and notated, this course is for you. By the end of the course, you should know all major and minor keys, how to read and write in treble an

Getting Started with SAS Programming (Coursera)

This course is for users who want to learn how to write SAS programs to access, explore, prepare, and analyze data. It is the entry point to learning SAS programming for data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. It is a prerequisite to many other SAS courses. By the end of this course, you will know how to use SAS Studio to write and submit SAS programs that access SAS, Microsoft Excel, and text data. You will know how to explore and validate data, prepare data by subsetting

Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics (Coursera)

In this course, you learn more about SAS Visual Analytics and the SAS Viya platform, how to access and investigate data in SAS Visual Analytics, and how to prepare data for analysis using SAS Data Studio.

Getting started with TensorFlow 2 (Coursera)

Welcome to this course on Getting started with TensorFlow 2! In this course you will learn a complete end-to-end workflow for developing deep learning models with Tensorflow, from building, training, evaluating and predicting with models using the Sequential API, validating your models and including regularisation, implementing callbacks, and saving and loading models. You will put concepts that you learn about into practice straight away in practical, hands-on coding tutorials, which you wil

Getting Started with Terraform for Google Cloud (Coursera)

This course provides an introduction to using Terraform for Google Cloud. It enables learners to describe how Terraform can be used to implement infrastructure as code and to apply some of its key features and functionalities to create and manage Google Cloud infrastructure. Learners will get hands-on practice building and managing Google Cloud resources using Terraform.

Getting Your Film off the Ground (Coursera)

This course is an introduction to many of the possibilities that exist to fund your film, market it, and create an audience for it. It will give you a sense of possible options and avenues to explore and it will start you on the process of making your film dreams a reality. The course covers the grant researching and writing process for fiction films and documentaries, strategies for developing impactful film websites, best social media practices for filmmakers, and how to approach crowdfunding

GIS Data Acquisition and Map Design (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn how to find GIS data for your own projects, and how to create a well-designed map that effectively communicates your message. The first section focuses on the basic building blocks of GIS data, so that you know what types of GIS files exist, and the implications of choosing one type over another. Next, we'll discuss metadata (which is information about a data set) so you know how to evaluate a data set before you decide to use it, as well as preparing data by mergi

GIS Data Formats, Design and Quality (Coursera)

In this course, the second in the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialization, you will go in-depth with common data types (such as raster and vector data), structures, quality and storage during four week-long modules: Week 1: Learn about data models and formats, including a full understanding of vector data and raster concepts. You will also learn about the implications of a data’s scale and how to load layers from web services. Week 2: Create a vector data model by using vector at

GIS, Mapping, and Spatial Analysis Capstone (Coursera)

In this capstone course, you will apply everything you have learned by designing and then completing your own GIS project. You will plan out your project by writing a brief proposal that explains what you plan to do and why. You will then find data for a topic and location of your choice, and perform analysis and create maps that allow you to try out different tools and data sets. The results of your work will be assembled into an Esri story map, which is a web site with maps, images, text, and