Coursera Courses |
General Chemistry: Concept Development and Application (Coursera) This course will cover the topics of a full year, two semester General Chemistry course. We will use a free on-line textbook, Concept Development Studies in Chemistry, available via Rice’s Connexions project. The fundamental concepts in the course will be introduced via the Concept Development Approach developed at Rice University. In this approach, we will develop the concepts you need to know from experimental observations and scientific reasoning rather than simply telling you the concept |
Generalized Linear Models and Nonparametric Regression (Coursera) In the final course of the statistical modeling for data science program, learners will study a broad set of more advanced statistical modeling tools. Such tools will include generalized linear models (GLMs), which will provide an introduction to classification (through logistic regression); nonparametric modeling, including kernel estimators, smoothing splines; and semi-parametric generalized additive models (GAMs). Emphasis will be placed on a firm conceptual understanding of these tools. Atte |
Generative AI Essentials: Overview and Impact (Coursera) With the rise of generative artificial intelligence, there has been a growing demand to explore how to use these powerful tools not only in our work but also in our day-to-day lives. Generative AI Essentials: Overview and Impact introduces learners to large language models and generative AI tools, like ChatGPT. In this course, you’ll explore generative AI essentials, how to ethically use artificial intelligence, its implications for authorship, and what regulations for generative AI could look l |
Generative AI for Everyone (Coursera) Instructed by AI pioneer Andrew Ng, Generative AI for Everyone offers his unique perspective on empowering you and your work with generative AI. Andrew will guide you through how generative AI works and what it can (and can’t) do. It includes hands-on exercises where you'll learn to use generative AI to help in day-to-day work and receive tips on effective prompt engineering, as well as learning how to go beyond prompting for more advanced uses of AI. You’ll get insights into what generative AI |
Generative AI for Leaders (Coursera) Leaders are constantly seeking innovative tools to amplify their impact. Dive into the realm of Generative AI, a groundbreaking technology poised to redefine the leadership landscape more profoundly than the Internet itself. This course offers a comprehensive journey into understanding, applying, and mastering Generative AI as a robust tool to amplify leadership capabilities. You will gain hands-on experience that teaches you to use Generative AI for: - Agenda Architecting: Let Generative AI |
Generative AI Primer (Coursera) ChatGPT and other large language models are going to be more important in your life and business than your smartphone, if you use them right. ChatGPT can tutor your child in math, generate a meal plan and recipes, write software applications for your business, help you improve your personal cybersecurity, and that is just in the first hour that you use it. The course will give you a primer that covers what Generative AI is, basic prompt engineering, and how you can innovate with Generative AI. |
Generative AI with Large Language Models (Coursera) In Generative AI with Large Language Models (LLMs), you’ll learn the fundamentals of how generative AI works, and how to deploy it in real-world applications. By taking this course, you'll learn to: - Deeply understand generative AI, describing the key steps in a typical LLM-based generative AI lifecycle, from data gathering and model selection, to performance evaluation and deployment - Describe in detail the transformer architecture that powers LLMs, how they’re trained, and how fine-tuning e |
Generative AI: Foundation Models and Platforms (Coursera) This course is for all enthusiasts and practitioners with a genuine interest in the rapidly developing field of generative AI, which is transforming our world. The course focuses on the core concepts and generative AI models that form the building blocks of generative AI. You will explore deep learning and large language models (LLMs). You will learn about GANs, VAEs, transformers, and diffusion models; the building blocks of generative AI. You will become familiar with the concept of foundati |
Generative AI: Impact, Considerations, and Ethical Issues (Coursera) In this course, you will explore the impact of generative artificial intelligence (AI) on society, the workforce, organizations, and the environment. This course is suitable for anyone interested in learning about the ethical, economic, and social implications of generative AI and how generative AI can be used responsibly. It will benefit professionals, executives, policymakers, and students. In this course, you will learn about the ethical concerns of generative AI, including data privacy, b |
Generative AI: Introduction and Applications (Coursera) This course is designed for everyone, including professionals, executives, students, and enthusiasts, interested in learning about generative AI and leveraging its capabilities in their work and lives. This course is your first step toward understanding the capabilities of generative AI, powered by different models, including large language models (LLMs). In this course, you will learn about the fundamentals and evolution of generative AI. You will explore the capabilities of generative |
Generative AI: Prompt Engineering Basics (Coursera) This course is designed for everyone, including professionals, executives, students, and enthusiasts interested in leveraging effective prompt engineering techniques to unlock the full potential of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT. Prompt engineering is a process to effectively guide generative AI models and control their output to produce desired results. In this course, you will learn the techniques, approaches, and best practices for writing effective prompts. Yo |
Generative Deep Learning with TensorFlow (Coursera) In this course, you will: a) Learn neural style transfer using transfer learning: extract the content of an image (eg. swan), and the style of a painting (eg. cubist or impressionist), and combine the content and style into a new image. b) Build simple AutoEncoders on the familiar MNIST dataset, and more complex deep and convolutional architectures on the Fashion MNIST dataset, understand the difference in results of the DNN and CNN AutoEncoder models, identify ways to de-noise noisy images, a |
Generative Design for Additive Manufacturing (Coursera) This course introduces you to one of the more common applications of generative design: Additive Manufacturing or 3D printing as it’s also known. In this course, we explore the basics of geometry creation and the mindset shift needed to build a generative design—a deeper understanding of generative design, its parameters, and how to work with the results specifically aimed at making a 3D printed metal part. We develop insightful understanding of the generative workflow by exploring Autodesk® Fus |
Generative Design for Industrial Applications (Coursera) The foundation of engineering design is exploration and iteration. Design is rarely a perfectly linear and straightforward process. In this course, we explore a design for a traditional manufacturing method and use generative design to create the perfect iteration of it. From that point, we'll reverse engineer the generative design and recreate it for a traditional manufacturing method and explore the option of fabricating the generative version to weigh the pros and cons of each. You’ll need a |
Generative Design for Part Consolidation (Coursera) Designing a product is only part of the process. Now, can that product be manufactured? In many cases the end product is made up of an assembly of different pieces to simplify manufacturing. With generative design and additive manufacturing, we can now take a different approach to the process of designing and producing complex products by ultimately reducing the number of parts and steps in an assembly while optimizing a design for strength and weight reduction. You’ll need a paid subscription |
Generative Design for Performance and Weight Reduction (Coursera) There are many considerations and factors that play a part in designing a new product. Cost is usually a big one, but sometimes there are other factors that are the main contributors to a product's direction. With vehicles, specifically motorcycles, we see advanced engineering practices performed on seemingly minor parts. In some instances, making a part as light as possible can have a big effect on performance. In other cases, the strength or stiffness of a part, such as a motor mount, is more |
Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) (Coursera) Large language models such as GPT-3.5, which powers ChatGPT, are changing how humans interact with computers and how computers can process text. This course will introduce the fundamental ideas of natural language processing and language modelling that underpin these large language models. We will explore the basics of how language models work, and the specifics of how newer neural-based approaches are built. We will examine the key innovations that have enabled Transformer-based large language |
Genetic Epidemiology Foundations (Coursera) This course is presented by the University of Colorado Denver in collaboration with the Vanderbilt Genetics Institute at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the International Genetic Epidemiology Society. It is designed to provide students with the background and knowledge foundations necessary to conduct statistical analysis of genetic association study data. This course includes multiple lectures and evaluations on each of the topics: the history of genetics research presented by Dr. Nanc |
Genetics and Society: A Course for Educators (Coursera) How have advances in genetics affected society? What do we need to know to make ethical decisions about genetic technologies? This course includes the study of cloning, genetic enhancement, and ownership of genetic information. Course participants will acquire the tools to explore the ethics of modern genetics and learn how to integrate these issues into their classrooms. |
Genome Assembly Programming Challenge (Coursera) In Spring 2011, thousands of people in Germany were hospitalized with a deadly disease that started as food poisoning with bloody diarrhea and often led to kidney failure. It was the beginning of the deadliest outbreak in recent history, caused by a mysterious bacterial strain that we will refer to as E. coli X. Soon, German officials linked the outbreak to a restaurant in Lübeck, where nearly 20% of the patrons had developed bloody diarrhea in a single week. At this point, biologists knew that |
Genome Sequencing (Bioinformatics II) (Coursera) You may have heard a lot about genome sequencing and its potential to usher in an era of personalized medicine, but what does it mean to sequence a genome? Biologists still cannot read the nucleotides of an entire genome as you would read a book from beginning to end. However, they can read short pieces of DNA. In this course, we will see how graph theory can be used to assemble genomes from these short pieces. We will further learn about brute force algorithms and apply them to sequencing mini |
Genomic Data Science and Clustering (Bioinformatics V) (Coursera) How do we infer which genes orchestrate various processes in the cell? How did humans migrate out of Africa and spread around the world? In this class, we will see that these two seemingly different questions can be addressed using similar algorithmic and machine learning techniques arising from the general problem of dividing data points into distinct clusters. In the first half of the course, we will introduce algorithms for clustering a group of objects into a collection of clusters based o | Genomics for Law provides a unique framework to review the history and basics of genomics research as well as explore how genomics has, and will continue to, interact with the law. Throughout this course you will explore the implications of genomics research on law, as well as law's influence and implications on genomics research, as it pertains to the following topics: • Genomics and Criminal Law • Genomics and Criminal Procedure • Forensic Genomics • Intellectual Property Protection and Biot |
Genomics: Decoding the Universal Language of Life (Coursera) What is a genome? A genome contains all of the information that a cell needs to develop, function, and reproduce itself, and all the information needed for those cells to come together to form a person, plant, or animal. Genomes contain an organism’s complete set of genes, and also the even tinier genetic structures that help regulate when and how those genes are used. The ability to regrow a torn ligament, the clues that might predict the onset of mental illness, the nutritional potential of c |
Genre : quels enjeux ? Violences, globalisation, biomédecine, sexualités. (Coursera) Ce cours propose une introduction au champ interdisciplinaire des études sur le genre, qui depuis 40 ans sont devenues un outil incontournable des sciences sociales. En proposant pour la première fois une initiation en langue française, il s’agit de faire connaître l’apport des études genre aux sciences sociales et plus généralement de faire œuvre citoyenne, en sensibilisant les participant.e.s et les étudiant.e.s aux inégalités sociales entre les hommes et les femmes et aux formes de discrimina |
Geodesign: Change Your World (Coursera) Ignite your career with Geodesign! The magnitude of challenges before us exceeds the reach of conventional approaches to planning and design. The pandemic has spawned urgent needs for new design approaches and solutions. Also at the doorstep is climate change: altering community design approaches; addressing infrastructure types and locations; as well as the need to protect carbon-sequestering environs. Geodesign provides a revolutionary way forward. It leverages information systems to foster co |
Geographical Information Systems - Part 1 (Coursera) This course is organized into two parts presenting the theoretical and practical foundations of geographic information systems (GIS). - Together theses courses constitute an introduction to GIS and require no prior knowledge. - By following this introduction to GIS you will quickly acquire the basic knowledge required to create spatial databases and produce high-quality maps and cartographic representations. - This is a practical course and is based on free, open-source software, including QGIS. |
Geometría Analítica Preuniversitaria (Coursera) Líneas rectas, círculos, parábolas, elipses e hipérbolas son figuras geométricas que encontramos en nuestro derredor. Por ejemplo, mucha gente sabe que los planetas en nuestro sistema solar se mueven en órbitas elípticas teniendo al astro rey en un foco de esta figura. Sin embargo, pocos saben que la plaza de San Pedro en el Vaticano está construída sobre elipses donde sus focos se encuentran sobre las fuentes donde mucha gente se toma fotos. Estos son dos ejemplos que muestran la importancia de |
Geometric Algorithms (Coursera) Geometric algorithms are a category of computational methods used to solve problems related to geometric shapes and their properties. These algorithms deal with objects like points, lines, polygons, and other geometric figures. In many areas of computer science such as robotics, computer graphics, virtual reality, and geographic information systems, it is necessary to store, analyze, and create or manipulate spatial data. This course deals with the algorithmic aspects of these tasks: we study |
Geopolítica y gobernanza global: riesgos y oportunidades (Coursera) El mundo es global. Sus retos colectivos. Y su futuro incierto. Este curso sobre Geopolítica y gobernanza global de ESADEgeo te ayudará a entender las dinámicas sociales, económicas, energéticas y tecnológicas que definirán el mundo por venir. Desde la perspectiva de la geopolítica, queremos ayudar a los estudiantes, empresas e instituciones públicas a que diseñen estrategias de futuro en el mundo globalizado. Para ello, estudiaremos las grandes tendencias que vivimos, como el auge de las cl |
Geospatial Analysis with ArcGIS (Coursera) Apply your GIS knowledge in this course on geospatial analysis, focusing on analysis tools, 3D data, working with rasters, projections, and environment variables. Through all four weeks of this course, we'll work through a project together - something unique to this course - from project conception, through data retrieval, initial data management and processing, and finally to our analysis products. In this class you will learn the fundamentals of geospatial and environmental analysis during f |
Gerenciamento de mídias sociais (Coursera) Este curso oferece as habilidades essenciais de criação e gerenciamento de conteúdo. Você aprenderá a criar publicações eficazes nas redes sociais, além de uma marca forte para ajudá-lo a construir uma presença nas mídias sociais. Você também aprenderá a estabelecer um processo contínuo para gerenciar conteúdo. Isso inclui definir um calendário de conteúdo, gerenciar e moderar suas publicações, analisar dados para extrair insights e iterações e saber como aumentar a eficácia das publicações. Ao |
Gerenciamento de projetos Agile (Coursera) Esse é o quinto curso do programa Certificado de Gerenciamento de Projetos do Google. Este curso explorará a história, a abordagem e a filosofia do gerenciamento de projetos Agile, incluindo a estrutura Scrum. Você aprenderá a diferenciar e a combinar o Agile com outras abordagens ao gerenciamento de projetos. Conforme você avançar no curso, aprenderá sobre Scrum e explorará seus pilares e valores, comparando funções essenciais da equipe de Scrum. Você descobrirá como criar, gerenciar e refinar |
Gerenciamento de Serviços de TI (Coursera) Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Gerenciamento de Serviços de TI. Neste curso, você aprenderá sobre o gerenciamento de serviços de TI, com base na biblioteca ITIL4, considerando uma nova perspectiva de criação de um sistema de valor de serviços. Além disso, discutiremos a construção da cadeia de valor do serviço, entendendo seu valor para o negócio e envolvendo o usuário em toda as etapas de construção. Ao final deste curso, você será capaz de repensar os serviços de TI, considerando o valor entre |
Gérer les risques et les modifications d’un projet (Coursera) Ce cours vous aidera à gérer efficacement les risques d’un projet en identifiant, en analysant et en communiquant les modifications inévitables du périmètre et des objectifs du projet. Vous comprendrez et mettrez en pratique les éléments nécessaires pour mesurer et rendre compte du périmètre, du planning et de la performance des coûts du projet. Vous serez équipé des outils permettant de gérer les modifications de la manière la moins perturbante possible pour votre équipe et les autres parties p |
Gestão da Cadeia de Suprimentos (Coursera) Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Gestão da Cadeia de Suprimentos. Neste curso, você aprenderá sobre os principais conceitos necessários para entender o que é a cadeia de suprimentos, como ela pode gerar maior valor para a empresa, quais são as novas tecnologias que permitem uma maior eficácia na sua gestão e como podemos personalizar a oferta para os segmentos de cliente da empresa. Ao final deste curso, você será capaz de compreender os desafios encontrados em toda a cadeia de suprimentos e como a |
Gestão de Dados Científicos (Coursera) Este curso foi produzido pelo Insper com a colaboração da United States Geological Survey (USGS). Ele tem o objetivo de introduzir o que é Gestão de Dados Científicos e contextualizar atividades necessárias para sua execução, assim como para a elaboração de um plano de gestão de dados, que irá subsidiar a produção de pesquisas alinhadas ao quarto paradigma científico. Com este curso, esperamos que você compreenda ou aperfeiçoe suas habilidades de organização do processo de geração, curadoria e |
Gestão de Marca & Crise de Imagem (Coursera) No mundo contemporâneo, "marca" é um dos ativos mais valorizados pelos mercados. Contudo, com o empoderamento da sociedade, as marcas ficaram mais frágeis e mais expostas. Nesse cenário, estar preparado para a gestão de crise de marca pode fazer a diferença entre a sobrevivência e a morte do negócio. Ao final deste curso, você será capaz de entender e relacionar os principais conceitos de marca, de sistema de informação de marketing e de gestão de crise de marketing. Será capaz de julgar proce |
Gestão de Operações (Coursera) Público-Alvo: O curso de Gestão de Operações foi desenvolvido para que você adquira a proficiência básica da linguagem de negócios no que tange às Operações, e possa iniciar uma transição de carreira, iniciar seu próprio negócio ou mesmo preparar-se para cursos de Pós-Graduação na área de Administração. Pensamos em um público abrangente, com as seguintes características: - Tem familiaridade com matemática básica (maioria das operações algébricas) - Pode ou não ter conceitos básicos de Estatísti |
Gestão de produtos digitais: Princípios básicos modernos (Coursera) Há pouco tempo, o trabalho do gerente de produto era avaliar dados de mercado, criar requisitos e gerenciar a transferência para vendas/marketing. Talvez você conversaria com um cliente em algum lugar e ele diria quais recursos ele quer. Mas as empresas que gerenciam produtos dessa maneira estão morrendo. Ser uma pessoa de produto hoje é um jogo novo, e os gerentes de produto estão no centro disso. Hoje, especialmente se o seu produto for principalmente digital, você pode atualizá-lo várias vez |
Gestão de Riscos e de Mudanças em Projetos (Coursera) Este curso irá ajudá-lo a gerenciar efetivamente o risco de projetos identificando, analisando e comunicando mudanças inevitáveis no escopo e nos objetivos do projeto. Você entenderá e praticará os elementos necessários para medir e reportar o escopo do projeto, o cronograma e o desempenho dos custos. Você estará equipado com as ferramentas para gerenciar as mudanças da maneira menos perigosa possível para sua equipe e outras partes interessadas do projeto. Ao completar este curso, você será |
Gestão de Stakeholders, Ética e Sustentabilidade Empresarial (Coursera) Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Gestão de Stakeholders, Ética e Sustentabilidade Ambiental. Neste curso, você aprenderá sobre o desenvolvimento de conhecimentos para uma gestão ética dos stakeholders. Ao longo do curso serão desenvolvidos conceitos como: legitimidade, materialidade e valor para stakeholder. Serão apresentados modelos de mapeamento, análise, saliência e engajamento de stakeholders. Completam o conteúdo do curso conceitos de responsabilidade, ética e sustentabilidade empresarial. Ao |
Gestão Estratégica de Recursos Humanos (Coursera) Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Gestão Estratégica de Recursos Humanos. Neste curso, você aprenderá sobre o que é a Gestão de Recursos Humanos, destacando-se como se caracterizam os tipos de modelos de gestão de pessoas e sua relação com os fatores contingenciais, bem como a gestão por competências com exemplos práticos de sua aplicação. Ao final deste curso, você será capaz de: • Reconhecer as principais teorias sobre gestão de pessoas e gestão estratégica de RH; • Utilizar os diferentes Modelos |
Gestão para a Aprendizagem: Módulo Gestão Estratégica (Coursera) O curso Gestão para a Aprendizagem: Módulo Gestão Estratégica aborda uma nova concepção de gestão escolar focada na aprendizagem dos alunos e nas dimensões de trabalho do gestor visando o sucesso escolar, com foco na rede pública. O cerne do curso é o planejamento estratégico e os instrumentos práticos, tais como a caracterização da comunidade escolar, a avaliação de eficácia, a análise SWOT e o plano de ação. |
Gestión con enfoque en riesgos en proyectos de desarrollo (Coursera) ¿Sabías que cada decisión que tomamos en nuestras acciones diarias implica riesgos? Hasta el mejor de los proyectos está expuesto a imprevistos por lo que aprender a gestionar riesgos es importante para maximizar las oportunidades y reducir las amenazas. Este curso te brindará los conocimientos fundamentales para aprender a gestionar anticipadamente los eventos positivos y negativos que pueden afectar la ejecución de un proyecto de desarrollo. A través de un caso de estudio, podrás aplicar |
Gestión de la comunicación interna en las organizaciones (Coursera) ¿Quieres introducir cambios en la forma de trabajar en tu empresa y los equipos internos se resisten a ello? ¿El middle management o los/las colaboradores/as recelan de los planes de la dirección? ¿El clima laboral podría ser mucho mejor porque impera la desconfianza? ¿Existe la impresión de que las ideas de los equipos no pueden ser expresadas porque quien manda no te escucha a pesar de ser socio de una organización desde hace años? ¿No sabes cómo hacer llegar a los equipos internos la informac |
Gestión de las empresas de alimentación y bebidas (Coursera) La administración de una empresa de alimentación y bebidas es una tarea fascinante. Los productos de alimentación y bebidas están tan profundamente arraigados en la cultura de la mayoría de los países, que la fabricación y venta de ellos no es sólo una cuestión de hacer y vender productos buenos y sabrosos, sino hacer productos que nutran el cuerpo, el alma y el corazón de las personas. Teniendo en cuenta lo anteriormente expuesto, no es difícil ver que la tarea se convierte rápidamente complej |
Gestión de marca y producto (Coursera) El objetivo principal es identificar la información crítica necesaria para desarrollar una estrategia de producto y marca que genere tanto ganancias rápidas como valor a largo plazo. A lo largo de este curso, aprenderá conceptos clave de la estrategia de marca y producto, como el ciclo de vida del producto, la estimación de la demanda del producto, el desarrollo y lanzamiento del producto y la marca, la cartera de productos, el análisis de la competencia, la esencia y la identidad de la marca, l |
Gestión de organizaciones efectivas (Coursera) Los factores que determinan el éxito de una organización cambian en el tiempo. Para muchas organizaciones estos cambios significan una oportunidad y para otras significan su fin por no poder adaptarse. En los primeros tres módulos de este curso, ustedes aprenderán a identificar las principales amenazas del entorno organizacional. En particular, como cambios tecnológicos, económicos, sociales y políticos afectan el entorno de los negocios. En función de estos cambios, ustedes serán capaces de a |
Gestion de projet Agile (Coursera) Il s'agit du cinquième cours du programme Google Project Management Certificate (certificat de gestion de projet Google). Ce cours explorera l’histoire, l’approche et la philosophie de la gestion de projet Agile, notamment le cadre Scrum. Vous apprendrez à différencier et à combiner Agile à d’autres approches de gestion de projet. Au fur et à mesure que vous progresserez dans le cours, vous en apprendrez plus sur Scrum, en explorant ses piliers et ses valeurs et en comparant les rôles essentiels |