Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Improving Immunity Based on Traditional Eastern Exercises (Coursera) Exercise is medicine. Regular and moderate exercise can effectively strengthen immune system so as to reduce the risk of virus infection and also improve or assist in the treatment of dysthymic disorders like anxiety and depression. This course provides suggestions for the general public about how to actively respond to the outbreak of novel coronavirus. It also explains: how the immune system reacts when viruses invade into the body; why exercises can enhance immunity and what is the mechanism; |
Mandarin Chinese for Intermediate Learners: Part 1 (Coursera) "Mandarin Chinese 1: Chinese for Intermediate Learners" is the first course of the MOOC specialization "Learn Intermediate Mandarin Chinese" created by Shanghai Jiao Tong University. |
Learn Mandarin Chinese (CourseraSpecs) Offered by Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Learn Mandarin Chinese. Learning Chinese in real-life situations with ease and fun. |
Learn Mandarin Chinese: Capstone Project (Coursera) Learn Mandarin Chinese: Capstone Project is a beginner's course of Mandarin Chinese in continuation of Mandarin Chinese 3: Chinese for Beginners. In this course, learners are required to complete a few tasks of using Chinese languages in simulated real life situations. Some guidance on taking and passing HSK (Chinese proficiency test) will also be provided. By completing this course, the learners will finish the learning of the whole series and be standing at the threshold of intermediate Chines |
Learn Mandarin Chinese: Intermediate (CourseraSpecs) Offered by Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Learn Intermediate Chinese. Learn and practice Mandarin Chinese in real-life situations with ease ... |
Mandarin Chinese 1: Chinese for Beginners (Coursera) Mandarin Chinese 1: Chinese for beginners is a beginner's course of Mandarin Chinese. It uses lectures, short plays, interactive exercises and cultural tips to help learners build a fundamental capability of oral Chinese in real-life situations. At the end of the 5-week course, the learners will reach the following proficiency: ♦ 150 words ♦ 20 language points ♦ handling 5 real-life situations This is a beginners' course, therefore no prerequisite is required. |
Mandarin Chinese 2: Chinese for Beginners (Coursera) Mandarin Chinese 2: Chinese for beginners is a beginner's course of Mandarin Chinese in continuation of Mandarin Chinese 1: Chinese for beginners. It uses lectures, short plays, interactive exercises and cultural tips to help learners build a fundamental capability of oral Chinese in real-life situations. At the end of the 5-lesson course, the learners will reach the following proficiency: ♦ 300 words ♦ 40 language points ♦ handling 10 real-life situations Completing "Mandarin Chinese 1: Chines |
Mandarin Chinese 3: Chinese for Beginners (Coursera) Mandarin Chinese 3: Chinese for beginners is a beginner's course of Mandarin Chinese in continuation of Mandarin Chinese 2: Chinese for beginners. It uses lectures, short plays, interactive exercises and cultural tips to help learners build a fundamental capability of oral Chinese in real-life situations. At the end of the 5-lesson course, the learners will reach the following proficiency: ♦ 500 words ♦ 60 language points ♦ handling 15 real-life situations. Completing "Learn Mandarin Chinese 2: |
Mandarin Chinese for Intermediate Learners: Part 2 (Coursera) "Mandarin Chinese 2: Chinese for Intermediate Learners" is the second course of the MOOC specialization "Learn Intermediate Mandarin Chinese" created by Shanghai Jiao Tong University. |
Mandarin Chinese for Intermediate Learners: Part 3 (Coursera) "Mandarin Chinese 3: Chinese for Intermediate Learners" is the third course of the MOOC specialization "Learn Intermediate Mandarin Chinese" created by Shanghai Jiao Tong University. |
Training and Practicing in English Public Speaking (Coursera) Professor Zhang is Central South University’s top training coach in English speaking and interpreting contests and has engaged in teaching and research on English speaking and interpreting as well as competition training for more than ten years. This is a course which improves your comprehensive skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing and thinking: you will overcome your bad listening habits and advance listening skills; you will correct your pronunciation and improve language quality | 谈到中华传统文化,大家首先想到的莫过于以孔子思想为代表的儒学思想,但中华传统文化绝不止这些;谈到中医药,大家第一印象可能是针灸、按摩,因为她们已经走向全球,但中医药也远不止如此。医学、生物学飞速发展的21世纪,中医药学这一古老学科为什么还有生命力?她与现代医药学有何不同?为什么很多人觉得中医药知识体系不容易学习和掌握?因为:中医药学具有深厚的中华传统文化背景,如果不了解中华传统文化,就难以深入理解中医药学的思想和知识。 本课程就是希望通过剖析中医药与中华传统文化的密切联系,使大家了解中医药学的中华传统文化的背景,更容易理解中医药的思维特征、思想特色和知识体系。通过本课程的学习,不仅能掌握一些中医药的基本知识、中医药养生的原理和方法,还能从中医药的视角认识中华传统文化的精髓。 | 常见慢性病,关心长辈、关心健康的你一定不陌生!随着中国老龄化社会的到来,便秘、糖尿病、高血压等慢性病的发病率呈上升趋势。本课程从6种常见慢性病(便秘、高血压、糖尿病、痛风、脑卒中、冠心病)的症状与健康管理知识出发,向学习者传达有效护理、健康生活的理念,是关爱家人、关心自己健康的优选课程。 | 【课程介绍】 《当代应用心理学》是由云林科技大学 刘威德教授主讲的一门应用心理学课程 并由云林科技大学 惠龙博士担任总顾问 课程将精选八项心理学与日常生活息息相关的应用议题,藉由生活对象设计(人因心理学)、消费行为、领导管理、性格分析、犯罪行为、心理保健与心理测验、人际关系等方面运用生活知能、个体行为与态度、测验诊断加以说明诠释应用心理学之奥妙。例如:自行车设计动向、民众购车消费行为、便利商店兑币代换机制、组织领导策略、关注情绪管理、人格特质透析、以及如何经营成功良好的职场与人际关系等事例,深入浅出探讨来应用心理学的理论与实际生活经验分析概念。 【课程大纲】 探讨从众/群众心理、消费行为模式、成功营销的法则、消费者的觉察-广告营销的心理法则、广告营销心理实例探讨、探讨领导管理的现象、管理组织的策略、成功领导者的特质、组织人事的经营管理、探讨人格特质分析、人格的形成和发展、性格的影响因素、性格的常态与偏态、探讨犯罪心理、偏差行为发展脉络分析、法律与生活的关系、犯罪与偏差行为的预防-罢凌行为的心理探讨、探讨心理保健层面、情 | 《杏林探宝——认知中药》是由上海中医药大学推出的一门关于中药学的慕课课程,由上海中医药大学杨柏灿教授主讲。 上海中医药大学(Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine)的前身是上海中医学院,创建于1956年,是新中国诞生后国家首批建立的四所中医药高等院校之一,也是上海市属高校中唯一的一所医科类重点特色院校。 中药学根植于中华文化,是中医药学的重要组成部分,也凝聚着中华文明的精髓。其悠久的历史,卓越的防病治病效果,较少的毒副作用,成为中华民族防病治病不可或缺的选择。同时,中药的作用也日益引起国际社会的关注和重视。但不可否认,对中药的认识和应用存在着一些不容忽视的误区与盲区,非常有必要采取一定的方式,通过合适的平台传播、普及中药知识,使人们对中药有一个更为全面准确的认识,并能合理应用,让中药为人类的健康保健发挥更大的作用。 |
生命安全与救援Life Safety and Rescue (Coursera) 人最宝贵的是生命,而在生命历程中充满着安全威胁与挑战。本课程以“珍爱生命、关注安全”为主线,期望通过该课程教学,努力增强学生在体育运动及野外活动中的安全防范意识,提高自我保护能力,掌握生存、自救和互救的基本技能,学会常见运动创伤的处置方法以及危险环境中的避险、自救和互助技能,具备应对突发事件的基本能力。 | 【课程介绍】------------------------------------------------------------------- 人类社会进入21世纪生命科学发展迅猛,极大地改变和提高了人们的生产和生活水平,已经成为当今的主流科学。然而,它也经历了从荒蛮无知到博物学、生物学、现代生命科学的曲折过程。这里充满了人类睿智思考和大胆尝试,充满了旧思想束缚和新思想顽强抗争和成功突破。 《生命科学发展史》 虽然属于科学史范畴,但并没有按照实证主义编年史方法进行阐述,而是更多地采用思想史方法展开。课程通过介绍生命科学重要学科、重要发现和重要人物,系统地展示了生命科学产生和发展全貌。课程在讲解生命科学基本知识的同时,注重介绍知识产生和发展的社会和自然背景、注重剖析期间人类思维方式的变化和发展,旨在使学生全面系统地了解生命科学基本知识及其产生和发展历程,在拓宽学生的知识面和视野的同时,培养和提高学生的科学素养和独立分析问题的能力。 课程要达到的目标:“拓宽知识,学会思考” 【课程大纲】--------------------------------- |