
Shanghai Jiao Tong University via Coursera

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### Course Review: 杏林探宝——认知中药 (Exploring Traditional Chinese Medicine) #### Overview "杏林探宝——认知中药" is an innovative online course delivered by Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Under the expert guidance of Professor Yang Baican, this course provides an in-depth exploration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with a particular focus on Chinese herbal medicine. The course aims to enlighten learners about the historical and cultural significance of Chinese herbal practices, while addressing common misconceptions associated with TCM. Founded in 1956, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is one of the earliest TCM higher education institutions established in the wake of New China, and it is renowned for its medical-focused educational offerings. This course serves to bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and modern understanding, appealing not only to students of TCM but also to anyone interested in alternative and complementary health practices. #### Course Content The syllabus of "杏林探宝——认知中药" is thoughtfully structured into several modules, each focusing on different facets of Chinese herbal medicine. 1. **Concepts and Cultural Attributes of Chinese Medicine**: This module breaks down the origins and basic terminologies of key Chinese herbs. Students will explore the historical context and cultural significance of herbs like ginger and mugwort, relating them to broader concepts in Chinese philosophy, literature, and customs. 2. **Principles and Wisdom of Herbal Medicine**: This segment dives into the basic principles of how herbs work within the body, emphasizing the theory of "correcting the incorrect by addressing the issue" (以偏纠偏). This module highlights key herbal properties such as the Four Qi (温, 热, 凉, 寒) and Five Tastes (酸, 苦, 甘, 辛, 咸), providing insights into seasonal and environmental influences on herb efficacy. 3. **Dual-purpose Herbs**: The module introduces the concept of "food as medicine." It discusses the application of precious herbs like ginseng and cordyceps, illustrating their significance in both culinary and medicinal domains. 4. **Status of Precious Medicinal Materials in Disease Prevention**: Students will learn about the integration of food and medicine, focusing on practical applications of various herbs and their primary functions in disease management. 5. **Safe and Rational Use of Chinese Herbs**: The final module emphasizes the importance of safe practices when using herbs. It covers critical concepts such as dosage, compatibility of formulations, contraindications, and illustrating the transition of potentially toxic herbs into valuable medicinal resources. #### Learning Experience The course is designed to be engaging and accessible, utilizing multimedia formats to enrich the learning experience. Each module is paired with compelling examples from Chinese culture and historical practices, fostering a holistic understanding of TCM. The interactive nature of the course allows for questions and discussions, enhancing the learning atmosphere. #### Recommendations I highly recommend "杏林探宝——认知中药" for anyone interested in deepening their understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Whether you are a student, healthcare provider, or simply curious about herbal remedies, this course provides valuable insights and knowledge that can be applicable in various settings. The course is particularly beneficial for those looking to challenge preconceived notions about TCM, improve their understanding of herbal medicine safety, and cultivate an appreciation for the cultural heritage that underscores these practices. This course is not only an educational investment but also a step towards holistic health awareness, making it a worthy addition to any academic or personal study regimen. With the state of current global health trends shifting towards natural and holistic approaches, this course equips learners with essential tools to navigate the evolving landscape of health and wellness.



主要中药名称的由来、中药以及与之相关的一些名称的基本概念,简要发展史、中药的主要特点;中药治病的主要作用原理。通过具体实例(如生姜治疗喉痈,端午节与艾叶、雄黄、香囊,甲骨文与龙骨等)从哲学、历史、饮食、民俗、汉字、文学等多个角度介绍中药的文化属性,凸显中药与文化的交融。 介绍药物:生姜、艾叶、雄黄、龙骨。


从中医对人体健康与疾病的认识引入中药的基本作用原理——以偏纠偏,着重介绍中药的四气、五味、归经等药性理论的概念、作用与应用,并从季节气候、地理环境等角度举例介绍古人对一些药物性能、功用认识的智慧。 介绍药物:夏枯草、半夏、麦冬、黄芩、乌梅、芒硝等。


名贵中药的概念及应用 介绍药物:桂枝、大黄、茯苓、三七、丹参、当归、黄芪、天麻、冬虫夏草、人参、鹿茸、肉苁蓉、藏红花、牛黄、羚羊角等。


从药食同源的理论引入药食两用品的概念、种类、范围、适用范围及应用形式、应用原则,重点举例介绍个别药物的主要功用、特点、应用范围等。 介绍药物:生姜、牛蒡子、桑叶、白芷、葛根、鱼腥草、山楂、陈皮、薏苡仁、莲子、枸杞子、地骨皮等。


用药安全性概念及影响因素。以具体实例从组方配伍、用量用法、病证禁忌等方面,强调医患配合在确保中药既有效又安全上的重要性。提出如何应用一定的方法确保一些有毒药物在疾病治疗中的作用与安全,使之由毒物变宝物。 介绍中药:马钱子、朱砂、砒石等。


《杏林探宝——认知中药》是由上海中医药大学推出的一门关于中药学的慕课课程,由上海中医药大学杨柏灿教授主讲。 上海中医药大学(Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine)的前身是上海中医学院,创建于1956年,是新中国诞生后国家首批建立的四所中医药高等院校之一,也是上海市属高校中唯一的一所医科类重点特色院校。 中药学根植于中华文化,是中医药学的重要组成部分,也凝聚着中华文明的精髓。其悠久的历史,卓越的防病治病效果,较少的毒副作用,成为中华民族防病治病不可或缺的选择。同时,中药的作用也日益引起国际社会的关注和重视。但不可否认,对中药的认识和应用存在着一些不容忽视的误区与盲区,非常有必要采取一定的方式,通过合适的平台传播、普及中药知识,使人们对中药有一个更为全面准确的认识,并能合理应用,让中药为人类的健康保健发挥更大的作用。



I love this course because it gives a basic knowledge of Chinese medicine. It enhances my understanding towards the complex concepts.

A wonderful course. I totally enjoyed it and have learned so much! Thank you!