Recommended Courses

Google サイバーセキュリティ (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by Google. サイバーセキュリティを扱うキャリアへの第一歩. このプログラムでは、即戦力として活躍できるスキルを 6 ヶ月以内で身につけることができます。学位や経験は必要ありません。

Epidemiology for Public Health (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by Imperial College London. Design and Critique Epidemiological Research. Develop skills that will allow you to conduct and ...

Computational Social Science (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by University of California, Davis.

Hacer negocios en América Latina (CourseraSpecs)

Contexto Económico y Modelos de Negocio en LatAm. . Conocer el contexto social, político, económico y de negocios en Latinoamérica, con el ...

Google شهادة تقنية المعلومات من (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by Google. هذه هي نقطة انطلاقك إلى مهنة تكنولوجيا المعلومات. في هذا البرنامج، ستتعلم المهارات المطلوبة والتي ستجعلك جاهزًا للعمل في ...

Data Analysis and Presentation Skills: the PwC Approach (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by PwC. Make Smarter Business Decisions With Data Analysis. Understand data, apply data analytics tools and create effective ...

Arm Cortex-M Architecture and Software Development (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by Arm. Start your Arm Cortex-M journey!. This specialization will help anyone involved in developing software for Cortex-M processors.

Introduction to Business (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by University of California, Irvine. Jumpstart Your Business Management Career!. Adopt industry recommended best practices in ...

Google Project Management (DE) (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by Google. In diesem Programm erlernen Sie gefragte Fähigkeiten, mit denen Sie in weniger als sechs Monaten soweit sind, eine ...

Desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles con Android (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles con Android. Cuatro cursos y un proyecto final que ...

C++ Programming for Unreal Game Development (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by University of Colorado System. Learn C++ and how to use C++ in Unreal games

Foundations of Data Structures and Algorithms (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by University of Colorado Boulder.

The Business of Health Care (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by University of Pennsylvania. Advance your career in health care management. Develop business skills and understand the American ...

Dynamic Public Speaking (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by University of Washington. Become an Excellent Public Speaker. Master techniques for designing and delivering clear and compelling ...

Accelerated Computer Science Fundamentals (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Data Structures and Algorithms in C++. Learn fundamentals of computer science while ...

Career Self-Management Training and Certification (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by The State University of New York. Market yourself professionally. Learn how to develop, manage, and communicate a strong, ...

Google Proje Yönetimi (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by Google. Bu programda, altı aydan daha kısa bir sürede sizi bu alanda çalışmaya hazır hâle getirecek ve çok rağbet gören ...

Plataformas para procesar datos no tradicionales​ (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by Universidad de los Andes. Descubre cómo procesar datos no tradicionales. Conoce cómo utilizar plataformas de procesamiento datos ...

Computational Thinking with Beginning C Programming (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by University of Colorado System.

Entrepreneurship: Launching an Innovative Business (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by University of Maryland, College Park. Identify, Analyze, and Launch Your Startup. Build Your Skills to Develop Great Ideas into ...

تصميم تجربة المستخدم من Google (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by Google. ⁩هذا هو مسارك إلى مهنة في تصميم تجربة المستخدم. في هذا البرنامج، ستتعلم المهارات المطلوبة التي تجعلك جاهزًا للوظيفة في ...

Planificación y estrategia de marketing digital (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by Tecnológico de Monterrey. Vive y transforma tu estrategia de marketing digital. Desarrolla y transforma la estrategia de ...

Modern Big Data Analysis with SQL (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by Cloudera. Learn Data Analysis for Big Data. Master using SQL for data analysis on distributed big data systems