Coursera Courses

Lactation Biology (Coursera)

Lactation and especially milk, which is the product of that unique mammalian process, are routinely encountered within our daily lives. Nevertheless, they often are poorly understood by many, even including many who are engaged in the business of producing milk. The overall course goal is to introduce fundamental concepts that form the basis for understanding the biology of lactation, the biology of the mammary gland, and the products of that important physiological process. As a learner in thi

Land Your Next Role (Coursera)

Land Your Next Role will help job seekers find, prepare for, and land that next job. With practical guidance on how to showcase your skills, how to write a resume and cover letter, how to find job listings, how to decipher job descriptions, how to network, how to prepare for an interview, what to expect in an offer letter, and more, Land Your Next Role will be a valuable tools for those asking, “What’s next?” By the end of this course you will be able to: • Know how to conduct a job search

Langues et diversité: de la variation au plurilinguisme (Coursera)

Comment définir une langue ? Y a-t-il, dans le monde, davantage de plurilingues que de monolingues ? Certaines variétés de langue sont-elles plus légitimes que d’autres ? Un-e apprenant-e du français peut-il/elle être considéré-e comme un-e francophone ? Ces questions, qui présentent une forte pertinence sociale, politique et didactique, vous interpellent ? Nous avons créé ce MOOC, qui réunit des expert-es en linguistique et en didactique, afin de vous permettre de répondre à ces questions. Da

Large Marine Ecosystems: Assessment and Management (Coursera)

Focusing on the Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs) of the world, this course will introduce the concept and practice of ecosystem-based management. LMEs occupy areas of coastal ocean at least 200 000 km² or greater in size. These coastal waters produce 12.6 trillion USD in ecosystem goods and services annually and are vitally important for billions of people around the globe. Because LMEs are bounded by ocean features and are globally linked, management of human activities needs to occur in an inte

Las estaciones del año y el clima (Coursera)

¿Sabes por qué hay animales que migran cada año? ¿Cómo saben los campesinos cuándo sembrar y cuándo cosechar? ¿Sabes qué gobierna el ciclo anual de frío y calor y de lluvias y secas? Las estaciones del año son el fenómeno climático más perceptible por el ser humano y se manifiestan de diferente forma en distintas regiones; por ejemplo cuando es invierno en la mitad del mundo, es verano en la otra mitad. Entender el mecanismo de las estaciones es el primer paso para entender el clima, que afec

Las estrategias y habilidades para las negociaciones (Coursera)

En este cuarto y último curso estudiaremos y analizaremos las estrategias, herramientas y criterios para dar efectividad al proceso de las negociaciones. También se propondrá el empleo del concepto de áreas de efectividad y orientación a resultados, que facilitará la definición de objetivos específicos y cuantificables para planear estratégicamente nuestra negociación con el empleo del establecimiento de los máximos aceptables y mínimos que cada propuesta de solución presenta para un manejo efec

Las redes sociales en acción (Coursera)

Como un mercadólogo, tenemos claro que nuestra función principal en las empresas es identificar las necesidades del mercado y con base en ellas establecer estrategias de compra – venta que causen impacto y satisfagan las necesidades de los consumidores. Éste es un reto importante, pero además de ser creativos en la definición de estas estrategias, tenemos que tener en cuenta el desarrollo que a través de los últimos años ha tenido el Internet y atrás de él las redes sociales. Es por ello que hay

Launch Strategy: 5 Steps to Capstone Experience (Coursera)

This course is the last course in this specialization before its capstone experience where you, the learner will launch your business. Consider all the activities associated with the final preparation for a NASA launch before the final countdown takes place. Those are the type of activities with respect to launching a business that will be covered in this course. The goal of the course is for you to have a document that details all the actions you need to take, and all the things that you need t

Launch Your Online Business (Coursera)

Learners who complete the course will: - gain an understanding of different business models - learn strategies for naming their business - create customer personas - create their brand identity - create their Unique Value Proposition and learn how to make their business stand out from their competitors - know every step needed to build their website including best practices - production do's and don'ts for copywriting, photography and video - have a pre-launch checklist and website maintenance -

Launching into Machine Learning em Português Brasileiro (Coursera)

O curso começa propondo a seguinte discussão: como melhorar a qualidade dos dados e fazer uma análise exploratória deles? Descrevemos o AutoML na Vertex AI e como criar, treinar e implantar um modelo de ML sem escrever nenhuma linha de código. Você vai conhecer os benefícios do BigQuery ML. Depois vamos falar sobre como otimizar um modelo de machine learning (ML) e como a generalização e a amostragem podem ajudar na avaliação de qualidade dos modelos de ML em treinamentos personalizados.

Launching into Machine Learning en Español (Coursera)

El curso comienza con un debate sobre los datos: cómo mejorar la calidad de los datos y cómo realizar análisis exploratorios de datos. Describimos Vertex AI AutoML y cómo compilar, entrenar y, luego, implementar un modelo de AA sin escribir ni una sola línea de código Conocerá los beneficios de BigQuery ML. Luego, se analiza cómo optimizar un modelo de aprendizaje automático (AA) y cómo la generalización y el muestreo pueden ayudar a evaluar la calidad de los modelos de AA para el entrenamiento

Launching into Machine Learning en Français (Coursera)

Au début de ce cours, vous trouverez une discussion concernant les données, expliquant comment améliorer leur qualité et comment effectuer des analyses exploratoires. Ensuite, nous vous présenterons Vertex AI AutoML et vous expliquerons comment créer, entraîner et déployer un modèle de machine learning (ML) sans écrire une ligne de code. Vous découvrirez également les avantages de BigQuery ML. Enfin, nous verrons comment optimiser un modèle de ML, et en quoi la généralisation ainsi que l'échanti

Launching into Machine Learning 日本語版 (Coursera)

まず、データ品質を向上させる方法や探索的データ分析を実行する方法など、データについての議論から始めます。Vertex AI AutoML についてと、コードを 1 行も記述せずに ML モデルを構築、トレーニング、デプロイする方法を説明します。BigQuery ML のメリットを理解していただけます。その後、機械学習(ML)モデルを最適化する方法、一般化とサンプリングを活用してカスタム トレーニング向けの ML モデルの品質を評価する方法を説明します。

Launching Machine Learning: Delivering Operational Success with Gold Standard ML Leadership (Coursera)

Machine learning runs the world. It generates predictions for each individual customer, employee, voter, and suspect, and these predictions drive millions of business decisions more effectively, determining whom to call, mail, approve, test, diagnose, warn, investigate, incarcerate, set up on a date, or medicate. But, to make this work, you've got to bridge what is a prevalent gap between business leadership and technical know-how. Launching machine learning is as much a management endeavor as

Launching Your Freelancing Business (Coursera)

The third course in the Building Your Freelancing Career specialization will help learners get their business plan ready to be public-facing and start finding work. The course will cover topics such as how to set boundaries with projects, how to build a public-facing portfolio and materials, and how to present one's work. CalArtians who do not see a "Sponsored by CalArts" notice when enrolling are encouraged to access this course and the specialization by joining through the Coursera for CalArt

Le Bien, le Juste, l'Utile. Introduction aux éthiques philosophiques (Coursera)

Course in French with English and Chinese subtitles Ce cours présente les principaux courants qui marquent aujourd'hui la réflexion éthique et touchent tout un chacun dans sa vie personnelle, sociale et citoyenne. D’Aristote à Kant, de Bentham à Derrida, à travers un voyage philosophique passionnant nous entrerons dans le vif du débat éthique contemporain. Notre monde toujours plus complexe semble nous échapper. Réchauffement climatique, questions de début et de fin de vie, évolution vertigine

Le marketing dans un monde numérique (Coursera)

Ce cours aborde la manière dont les nouveaux outils numériques (Internet, smartphones, impression 3D) révolutionnent le monde du marketing en modifiant les rôles et les habitudes des entreprises comme des clients. Avec plus de 500 000 étudiants, le cours « Le marketing dans un monde numérique » est l’un des plus populaires de Coursera, et Class Central le considère comme l’un des 50 meilleurs MOOC de tous les temps ( Vous pourrez : • Comprendre c

Le nettoyage de données (Coursera)

Il s’agit du quatrième cours du Google Data Analytics Certificate. Ces cours vous permettront d’acquérir les compétences dont vous avez besoin pour postuler les emplois d’analyste de données de niveau junior. Dans ce cours, vous continuerez à approfondir votre compréhension de l'analytique des données et des concepts et outils utilisés par les analystes de données dans leur travail. Vous apprendrez comment vérifier et nettoyer vos données à l'aide de feuilles de calcul et de SQL, ainsi que comme

Lead Management in Salesforce (Coursera)

The second course in the Salesforce Sales Operations Professional Certificate, Lead Management in Salesforce, is for anyone who is curious about entry level sales roles that require foundational skills in Salesforce, the sales operations specialist role specifically, and how to use tools in Salesforce to manage leads in a real world business setting. This second course will give you a foundational understanding of how to help sales and marketing teams optimize the lead management process. Speci

Leadership and Disruption (Coursera)

This course is fully focused on developing your new leadership skills. It was developed with the best models and based on best practices in the corporate world. Its content is current and practical, and updated with the latest in remote leadership, especially after the radical and disruptive changes that the world has had since the global pandemic. As an interactive participant in this course, you’ll learn how to make effectively integrate the 3 elements of successful leadership, the LAB model:

Leadership Communication for Maximum Impact: Storytelling (Coursera)

Storytelling is an essential part of leadership. Effective leaders communicate to inspire talent to excel; to partner with investors and communities; to engage with customers and clients and to grow their impact in the world as part of a global community. Cultivating an authentic, trustworthy and compelling narrative is vital to a leader’s success. This course helps leaders find their own story through personal branding; develop storytelling success with all constituencies; initiate an effe

Leadership d'excellence par le sport de haut niveau (Coursera)

Ce Mooc est un autre regard sur le leadership. Il définit la notion de leadership au travers des témoignages de sportifs de haut niveau (Michaël Jeremiasz, Florence Masnada, Sarah Ourahmoune, Florian Rousseau, Lilian Thuram) avec des analyses de Guy Ontanon (entraîneur national pour les relais et le sprint). Il ressort de l’expérience de ces grands sportifs cinq composantes du leadership (Trouver les mots et savoir traduire – Organiser le court terme pour le long terme – Rechercher l’explosivi

Leadership focused on Human Flourishing (Coursera)

It describes the elements of the Leadership model oriented towards human flourishing, in order to develop leaders who achieve better results. We are facing a world leadership crisis, due to (among other factors) the volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous context we are living in. The world needs self-aware leaders who are also aware of their environment, immersed in a permanent learning process, who are committed, resilient, with a positive vision of the present and the future, who find m

Leadership for an Increasingly Diverse World (Coursera)

Geared toward working professionals in both the corporate and nonprofit sectors, Leadership for an Increasingly Diverse World, takes leaders from being passively engaged to being actively engaged in the fight for diversity, inclusion, equity, and justice. To lead effectively in the 21st century workplace and beyond requires cultivating a more connected, more diverse, more inclusive, and more globally reflective organizational culture. This course will help leaders embody a diversity, inclusion,

Leadership in 21st Century Organizations (Coursera)

Meet Jim Barton, the new CEO of Santa Monica Aerospace. Jim's job won't be easy: the company's hemorrhaging cash, struggling to regain investors' trust after an accounting scandal, and striving to transform its culture to become a more global competitor. In this course, you’ll travel with Jim as he takes on leadership challenges ranging from strategy execution, to inspiring people, to maintaining an ethical approach. Experts agree that twentieth-century leadership practices are inadequate for th

Leadership in Interprofessional Informatics (Coursera)

In this course, students in the health and information technology professions will examine models for interprofessional collaboration and teamwork, practice communication techniques to promote effective interaction, and envision futures literacy in interprofessional informatics scenarios. We will hear from nurses and other informaticians who are leading and working interprofessionally, and glean insights from their diverse perspectives. When we think about the requisite variety of leadership ski

Leadership in Multinational, Cross-Cultural Teams (Coursera)

Whether you are currently a manager or not, you should now be ready to learn to play a leadership role in a multinational team. Leadership is more than management, and culture greatly affects what is expected of leaders. For instance, some cultures expect their leaders to give directives; others expect them to facilitate so that everyone on the team has a chance for their voice to be heard. No matter which way they lean, you are likely to hear “that’s just the way it’s done” if you try to shake

Leadership Principles for Software Engineers (Coursera)

Sponsored by AMAZON WEB SERVICES (AWS). Learn real-world software engineering management skills to succeed and impress in your first (or next) management role at elite engineering organizations. NANCY WANG, Director of Engineering and General Manager of AWS Data Protection Services and Founder, Advancing Women in Tech (AWIT), shares with you the engineering skills cultivated at AMAZON (the #2-ranked company in the Fortune 500), with supplemental practices from GOOGLE and MICROSOFT. Develop the

Leadership Skills (Coursera)

Welcome to the Leadership Skills course! In our increasingly complex world, understanding the practice of leadership is critical. In simpler words, leadership is the practice of influencing people to meet the challenges that will enable them to achieve important individual and organizational goals. This course provides a foundation for leadership practice and aims to take you on a journey of self-discovery. You will also gain insight into building inner stability and developing your leadership s

Leadership Through Design Innovation (Coursera)

Today’s workplace calls for a new style of leadership to embolden and accelerate innovation. Design offers a novel way to discover market opportunities, experiment to validate concepts and mitigate risk, and deliver value to all stakeholders. This course offers hands-on experience applying human-centered design process to real-world challenges, and requires you to explore the world around you. Learn how to engage with end users, effectively frame problems, identify potential solutions, and build

Leadership Through Social Influence (Coursera)

This course will provide learners with a systematic general framework for analyzing persuasive influence situations. Learners will be able to identify different challenges faced by persuaders and to fashion appropriate strategies for addressing those challenges. The broad goal is to provide learners with not only an extensive persuasion tool kit, but also with an understanding of how different tools are useful in different situations. Specifically, the course will address four broad topics: stra

Leading Change in Health Informatics (Coursera)

Do you dream of being a CMIO or a Senior Director of Clinical Informatics? If you are aiming to rise up in the ranks in your health system or looking to pivot your career in the direction of big data and health IT, this course is made for you. You'll hear from experts at Johns Hopkins about their experiences harnessing the power of big data in healthcare, improving EHR adoption, and separating out the hope vs hype when it comes to digital medicine. Whether you're a nurse, pharmacist, physician

Leading Diverse Teams & Organizations (Coursera)

In this new course, you'll gain evidence-based knowledge and practical tools to help you design and lead diverse, equitable, and inclusive (DEI) teams and organizations. Whatever your background, and wherever in the world you may be, you’ll gain tools to accelerate your personal journey to lead diverse teams and organizations. This program is specifically designed to accommodate learners from different backgrounds (gender, race, country of origin, etc) as well as different starting knowledge poi

Leading for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education (Coursera)

This course is open to professionals interested in learning more about leadership in higher education for a changing demographic or interested in developing their own leadership skills. The very idea that individuals can be taught to lead is not without its skeptics. Reasonable people, even some scholars in the field, point to the important traits, skills, and attributes that are observed in many visible leaders and contend that certain qualities necessary for effective leadership are not easily

Leading Healthcare Quality and Safety (Coursera)

Ensuring patient safety and healthcare quality is critical and should be a key focus of everyone in healthcare practice. This course provides healthcare practitioners and others with an introduction to the knowledge and skills needed to lead patient safety and quality improvement initiatives at the micro and macro levels. Participants will explore the foundations of health care quality and the science underlying patient safety and quality improvement, design and select effective health care meas

Leading Innovation in Arts and Culture (Coursera)

Developed by David Owens at Vanderbilt University and customized for the cultural sector with National Arts Strategies, this course is designed to help arts and culture leaders create an environment where new ideas are constantly created, shared, evaluated and the best ones are successfully put to work. One of the toughest challenges for any leader is getting traction for new ideas. Winning support can be a struggle. As a result, powerful new ideas often get stuck. This is especially true in th

Leading Oneself with Personal Excellence (Coursera)

Before we can lead others well, we must first learn to lead ourselves well. Knowing personal excellence is the culmination of this journey. In this course, you will describe how and why to set goals and create action plans, increase your focus and reduce distraction, harness motivation and flow state for performance, build self-efficacy and agency, and redefine your relationship with stress, anxiety, fear and adversity. This course can be taken for academic credit as part of CU Boulder’s Master

Leading Oneself with Purpose and Meaning (Coursera)

Before we can lead others well, we must first learn to lead ourselves well. Knowing your why is an important part of this journey. In this course, you will identify your core purpose and recognize meaning in your life, explore the power of spirituality and embracing our mortality, create a lasting impact by serving a greater good, describe your character and practice personal excellence. This course can be taken for academic credit as part of CU Boulder’s Master of Engineering in Engineering Ma

Leading Oneself with Self-Knowledge (Coursera)

Before we can lead others well, we must first learn to lead ourselves well. Knowing thyself is the starting point on this journey. In this course, you will come to understand the importance of three forms of awareness, craft a personal identity, gain understanding of how you work best, learn to be strategic with your time and energy, manage cognitive biases, mental models and better understand your worldview. This course can be taken for academic credit as part of CU Boulder’s Master of Enginee

Leading Organizations (Coursera)

This course is the last course of the a Specialization on Leadership called “Inspirational Leadership: Leading with Sense”, so you may want to take the courses “Building Your Leadership Skills” and “Giving Sense to your Leadership Experience” prior of taking this course. In this course you’ll get the opportunity to apply the skills learned in the first two courses of the “Inspirational Leadership: Leading with Sense” as an individual to a group setting. The group could not only be an organizati

Leading People and Teams Capstone (Coursera)

Interviews in organizations constitute a cornerstone of talent selection and promotion practices. One of the key goals of the interview process is to understand how you would approach a variety of leadership challenges at work, given your knowledge, expertise, and prior work experience. Within the context of this interview, your primary objective for the capstone assignment is to use content from the specialization to demonstrate your knowledge of key leadership skills. The benefits of incorpor

Leading Positive Change through Appreciative Inquiry (Coursera)

Appreciative Inquiry is a collaborative and constructive inquiry process that searches for everything that gives life to organizations, communities, and larger human systems when they are most alive, effective, creative and healthy in their interconnected ecology of relationships. To appreciate, quite simply, means to value and to recognize that which has value—it is a way of knowing and valuing the best in life. In the language of Positive Organizational Scholarship it means a research focus—a

Leading Teams (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn how to build your team, improve teamwork and collaboration, and sustain team performance through continuous learning and improvement. Specifically, you will learn best practices for composing a team and aligning individual and team goals. You will also learn how to establish roles, build structures, and manage decision making so that your team excels. This course will also help you manage critical team processes such as conflict resolution and building trust that h

Leading Teams: Building Effective Team Cultures (Coursera)

In this foundational course, you will immerse yourself in the idea of building effective team cultures. You will explore different facets of team culture that are at the root of effective teams. You'll learn more about cultures of safety, engagement, and growth, so that you can lead your teams toward cultures that facilitate the most effective teamwork. This course is part of Gies College of Business’ suite of online programs, including the iMBA and iMSM. Learn more about admission into these p

Leading Teams: Developing as a Leader (Coursera)

In this foundational course, you will be challenged to develop as a leader. You will explore the concept of leadership, assess required competencies for today's leaders, learn more about yourself and how you can make effective and ethical decisions, identify how to build trusting relationships with others, and articulate a practice for growing as a leader. This course is part of Gies College of Business’ suite of online programs, including the iMBA, iMSA and iMSM. Learn more about admission int

Leading transformations: Manage change (Coursera)

We live in a globalised world of continuous change. Your ability to successfully manage change will allow you to have a positive impact on your work and your life. Via structured learning activities (video lectures, quizzes, discussion prompts and written assessment) this course will teach you how to effectively influence change by developing a ‘change mindset’, creating a productive change cycle, and leading yourself and others on the change journey. You will learn how to re-imagine change by r

Lean Management Fundamentals (Coursera)

The Lean Management Fundamentals course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of Lean principles and practices. Lean management is a systematic approach that focuses on eliminating waste, optimizing processes, and creating value for customers. This course will equip participants with the knowledge and skills to apply Lean methodologies in their organizations, leading to improved efficiency, productivity, and customer satisfaction. Throughout the course, particip

Lean Software Development (Coursera)

While scrum and XP were transforming the software development industry, there were another set of ideas (derived from lean manufacturing and Six Sigma) that started to influence software development methods. These ideas around Lean Software Development forms the foundation of number of agile methods. In this course, we will explore lean concepts and cover some of the common Lean methods and techniques like Kanban, Value Stream Mapping, etc. In this course, we will also learn techniques like

Learn JavaScript (Coursera)

This is perhaps the most interactive JavaScript course ever recorded. It contains 140+ coding challenges, meaning that you will finally build that ever-so-important JavaScript muscle memory. You will solve the challenges directly in the browser thanks to Scrimba's interactive video technology, so there's not setup needed. Say goodbye to "tutorial hell" and get ready to start feeling your JavaScript superpowers grow exponentially. Another unique thing with this course is that you will build pro

Learn Mandarin Chinese: Capstone Project (Coursera)

Learn Mandarin Chinese: Capstone Project is a beginner's course of Mandarin Chinese in continuation of Mandarin Chinese 3: Chinese for Beginners. In this course, learners are required to complete a few tasks of using Chinese languages in simulated real life situations. Some guidance on taking and passing HSK (Chinese proficiency test) will also be provided. By completing this course, the learners will finish the learning of the whole series and be standing at the threshold of intermediate Chines