Coursera Courses

Developing Innovative Ideas for Product Leaders (Coursera)

For product leaders, creating new new products and improving existing products are imperatives for success. Maturing technologies and aging product portfolios are requiring companies to discover, develop, and deliver products that customers love. This course is focused on the first step of this journey, identifying and evaluating new product opportunities. This course is primarily aimed at professionals who are inspired, or tasked, to develop and lead products. This include aspiring and activ

Developing Interpersonal Skills (Coursera)

In order to have a successful professional life, you have to be able to communicate with the people you work with. You have to be able to communicate with co-workers in a way that establishes respect and influence. This short course is designed to teach you how to communicate with the people you work with in ways that shows confidence and gives them a sense of trust. By taking this course you will learn how to assert your influence and how you can use these skills to do things like resolve is

Developing Responsive Web Pages Using HTML5 and CSS3 (Coursera)

The number of mobile users has increased exponentially over the past few years. Shopping, social connect, entertainment and other activities are just a few clicks away for these mobile users. A responsive web design adjusts the layout and appearance of the web pages to suit the resolution and width of the screens. This makes a web page look attractive on devices with diverse screen sizes. Designing a well-organized, responsive, and user-friendly web page has therefore become the need of the hou

Developing the Opportunity for Corporate Entrepreneurs (Coursera)

For an increasing number of established companies, creating new businesses and programs within the company is an imperative for success. Maturing technologies and aging product portfolios are requiring established companies to create, develop, and sustain innovative new initiatives. In this course, learners will develop knowledge on how to navigate the barriers to creating, developing, and sustain innovative new businesses and programs within established companies or organizations with an emph

Developing the SIR Model (Coursera)

Compartmental modelling is a cornerstone of mathematical modelling of infectious diseases and this course will introduce some of the basic concepts in building compartmental models, including how to interpret and represent rates, durations and proportions. You'll learn to place the mathematics to one side and concentrate on gaining intuition into the behaviour of a simple epidemic, and be introduced to further basic concepts of infectious disease epidemiology, such as the basic reprodu

Developing Websites and Front-Ends with Bootstrap (Coursera)

Building flexible, fast, and responsive websites and front-ends with a consistent look and feel has become a basic requirement. To accomplish this, the use of libraries and frameworks is trending. As a front-end developer, it is important that you know at least one front-end framework. Bootstrap is a CSS framework that provides an extensive set of templates that help with speeding up the website development process. According to, Bootstrap is a popular CSS framework that is used by 1

Developing Your Musicianship: Final Project (Coursera)

This course will guide you through the final project for the Developing Your Musicianship Specialization. This course will continue to help you apply the musical concepts you learned throughout the specialization, enabling you to create and perform a 36-measure composition. Taught by Berklee College of Music professor George W. Russell, Jr., the course includes four videos in which George models each stage of the project. Through peer feedback and discussion, practice, and applying what you’ve l

Development of Real-Time Systems (Coursera)

This course is all about practical programming and problem-solving! After completing this course, you will have the knowledge to plan and set up a real-time system both on paper and in practice. The course centers around the problem of achieving timing correctness in embedded systems, which means to guarantee that the system reacts within the real-time requirements. Examples of such systems include airbags, emergency breaks, avionics, and also multi-media systems like video playback and QoS in

Développement psychologique de l'enfant (Coursera)

Comment se développent les enfants? Quelles sont leurs compétences perceptives, affectives et sociales ? Quels sont leurs besoins ? Telles sont les questions auxquelles répond ce MOOC. Nous vous apporterons des informations claires, validées scientifiquement et accessibles, que vous soyez parents, grands-parents, étudiants, professionnels de la petite enfance ou tout simplement désireux de mieux comprendre le développement des enfants. Vous allez découvrir que l’enfant, dès sa naissance,

Devenir entrepreneur du changement (Coursera)

Ce cours est conçu pour accompagner toutes les personnes qui veulent avoir un impact positif dans la société, mais qui ne savent pas comment agir. Quel que soit votre âge ou votre formation académique, ce cours vous aidera à trouver la voie qui vous correspond pour faire bouger les lignes ! Vous apprendrez comment passer de l’envie à l’idée, et de l’idée à l’action.

Device-based Models with TensorFlow Lite (Coursera)

Bringing a machine learning model into the real world involves a lot more than just modeling. This Specialization will teach you how to navigate various deployment scenarios and use data more effectively to train your model. This second course teaches you how to run your machine learning models in mobile applications. You’ll learn how to prepare models for a lower-powered, battery-operated devices, then execute models on both Android and iOS platforms. Finally, you’ll explore how to deploy on e

DevOps and Build Automation with Python (Coursera)

This course is the final course in a series that aims to prepare you for a role working as a programmer. In this course we will look at several automation concepts in DevOps with Python. Labs will allow the students to apply the material in the lectures in simple computer programs designed to re-enforce the material in the lesson.

DevOps Capstone Project (Coursera)

Showcase your DevOps and Software Engineering skills with this hands-on Capstone project! In this course you will apply the skills and techniques you have learned as part of the previous courses in the Professional Certificate. During the project you will develop, test, deploy, monitor, and enhance a secure microservices-based application on Cloud, over the course of several sprints. You’ll develop an Agile plan by developing user stories and a Kanban board using ZenHub and GitHub. This plan w

DevOps Culture and Mindset (Coursera)

This course gives you the basic foundational principles of DevOps with a particular focus on culture and the DevOps mindset. We’ll learn about how DevOps is grounded in lean principles, and how it can help improve collaboration between developers and operations team members. We'll learn about ideas regarding systems thinking, feedback loops, continuous improvement, loosely coupled architecture and teams, managing risk, and dealing with unplanned work. We’ll learn about strategies to manage work,

DevOps for Network Automation (NetDevOps) (Coursera)

This course will introduce students to various DevOps tools, such as Git and virtual environments for Python Development, and explain the concept of continuous integration. The topics of how different development methodologies are used in DevOps, such as the agile process. By the end of the course, students will have a broad understanding of DevOps and how they can relate to NetDevOps, which leads to improved efficiency and success in network operations. This course is primarily intended for ne

DevOps on AWS: Code, Build, and Test (Coursera)

DevOps is the combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases an organization’s ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity: evolving and improving products at a faster pace than organizations using traditional software development and infrastructure management processes. This speed enables organizations to better serve their customers and compete more effectively in the market. DevOps process can be visualized as an infinite loop, comprising these st

DevOps on AWS: Operate and Monitor (Coursera)

The third and the final course in the DevOps series will teach how to use AWS Services to control the architecture in order to reach a better operational state. Monitoring and Operation are key aspects for both the release pipeline and production environments, because they provide instruments that help discover what's happening, as well as do modifications and enhancements on infrastructure that is currently running. This course teaches how to use Amazon CloudWatch for monitoring, as well as A

DevOps on AWS: Release and Deploy (Coursera)

AWS provides a set of flexible services designed to enable companies to more rapidly and reliably build and deliver products using AWS and DevOps practices. These services simplify provisioning and managing infrastructure, deploying application code, automating software release processes, and monitoring your application and infrastructure performance. The third course in the series explains how to improve the deployment process with DevOps methodology, and also some tools that might make deplo

DevOps, DataOps, MLOps (Coursera)

Learn how to apply Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) to solve real-world problems. The course covers end-to-end solutions with Artificial Intelligence (AI) pair programming using technologies like GitHub Copilot to build solutions for machine learning (ML) and AI applications. This course is for people working (or seeking to work) as data scientists, software engineers or developers, data analysts, or other roles that use ML. By the end of the course, you will be able to use web frameworks (e

DFSS for the 6 σ Black Belt (Coursera)

This course is designed for professionals interested in learning the principles of Lean Sigma, the DMAIC process and DFSS. This course is number 8 of 8 in this specialization dealing with topics in Design for Six Sigma Professionals with some completed coursework in statistics and a desire to drive continuous improvement within their organizations would find this course and the others in this specialization appealing. Method of assessment consists of several formative and summative quizzes a

Diabetes - a Global Challenge (Coursera)

Diabetes and obesity are growing health problems in rich and poor countries alike. With this course you will get updated on cutting-edge diabetes and obesity research including biological, genetic and clinical aspects as well as prevention and epidemiology of diabetes and obesity. All lectures are provided by high-profile scientists from one the world's leading universities in diabetes research. This course is part of the EIT Health Campus programme. We hope you will enjoy our course. Best W

Diabetes – the Essential Facts (Coursera)

Across the world more than 420 million people are living with diabetes. Two thirds of these have not yet been diagnosed. When discovered late or managed incorrectly, diabetes can damage your heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves, leading to disability and premature death. In fact, more people are dying of diabetes related diseases than of diseases as HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. This course will provide you with an introduction to the most recent research in the field

Diagnosing Health Behaviors for Global Health Programs (Coursera)

Health behavior lies at the core of any successful public health intervention. While we will examine the behavior of individual in depth in this course, we also recognize by way of the Ecological Model that individual behavior is encouraged or constrained by the behavior of families, social groups, communities, organizations and policy makers. We recognize that behavior change is not a simplistic process but requires an understanding of dimensions like frequency, complexity and cultural congruit

Diagnóstico y tratamiento del dolor neuropático en atención primaria (Coursera)

Este curso busca fortalecer las habilidades diagnósticas de los profesionales de la salud frente al dolor neuropático y su adecuado tratamiento. El curso se divide en cuatro módulos, en cada uno podrás conocer el testimonio y el examen físico de una paciente real, con el fin de identificar de su propia experiencia lo que significa esta condición. En el primer módulo, dividido en dos lecciones, se presenta una perspectiva general sobre la definición y características, diagnóstico y tratamiento de

Diálisis peritoneal (Coursera)

El programa de diálisis peritoneal incluye conocimientos teórico-prácticos de índole resolutivo para la enseñanza del autocuidado en paciente que se dializan en su domicilio. Se estructura a partir de las necesidades de formación que debe cubrir enfermería en las áreas de diálisis peritoneal. Se consideran como elementos básicos en este curso; conocimiento de la función normal del riñón, Enfermedad Renal Crónica (ERC) en sus diferentes estadios, valoración del paciente para ingreso a diálisis

Die Bits und Bytes von Computernetzwerken (Coursera)

Dieser Kurs soll Ihnen einen umfassenden Überblick über das Thema Computernetzwerke bieten. Sie werden die Grundlagen moderner Netzwerktechnologien und -protokolle kennenlernen, einen Überblick über die Cloud erhalten und mehr über praktische Anwendungsfälle und die Behebung von Netzwerkproblemen erfahren. Abschließend werden wir uns ansehen, wie diese Informationen in einem Bewerbungsgespräch auftauchen könnten, und geben Ihnen einige Tipps, wie Sie Netzwerkprobleme im Handumdrehen beheben. Na

Differential Equations for Engineers (Coursera)

This course is all about differential equations and covers both theory and applications. In the first five weeks, students will learn about ordinary differential equations, while the sixth week is an introduction to partial differential equations. The course includes 56 concise lecture videos, with a few problems to solve after each lecture. After each major topic, there is a short practice quiz. At the end of each week, there is an assessed quiz. Solutions to the problems and practice quizzes

Differential Equations Part I Basic Theory (Coursera)

This introductory courses on (Ordinary) Differential Equations are mainly for the people, who need differential equations mostly for the practical use in their own fields. So we try to provide basic terminologies, concepts, and methods of solving various types of differential equations as well as a rudimentary but indispensable knowledge of the underlying theory and some related applications. The prerequisites of the courses is one- or two- semester calculus course and some exposure to the ele

Differential Equations Part II Series Solutions (Coursera)

This introductory courses on (Ordinary) Differential Equations are mainly for the people, who need differential equations mostly for the practical use in their own fields. So we try to provide basic terminologies, concepts, and methods of solving various types of differential equations as well as a rudimentary but indispensable knowledge of the underlying theory and some related applications. The prerequisites of the courses is one- or two- semester calculus course and some exposure to the ele

Digital business - Act on the digital world (Coursera)

The idea that digital technology triggers profound change in companies is largely accepted. There is indeed no question that the digital world is profoundly changing business life. Everyone is now on the same page. But with the digital world come a lot of misconceptions and buzzwords. You can no longer get by with these commonplaces or general ideas. You need to gain a detailed understanding of the main new management paradigms: new marketing approaches, the role of data in data-driven managemen

Digital business - Grow on digital world (Coursera)

Digital-driven changes are both generic and specific. Most transformations apply to all industries, equally and without exception. But in some industries or places, digital transformations are singular and atypical. To be a player in the digital world, you will need to master both the transformations common to all industries and the transformations at work on certain verticals. Retail and the sharing economy are emblematic of markets where specific transformations are unfolding. This module will

Digital Business - Understand the digital world (Coursera)

Facebook, AirBnB, Tesla, Amazon, Uber. In just a few years, companies like these have changed the face of the global economy. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of start-ups are disrupting old business models, taking on centennial industrial groups – and winning. It’s clear that the rules of business have changed forever. This MOOC provides a knowledge toolkit for the ongoing digital revolution. You’ll discover 10 concepts that are essential for understanding the new mechanisms of digital busines

Digital Business Models (Coursera)

Digital business models are disrupting 50-year old companies in telecommunications, transportation, advertising, e-commerce, automotive, insurance and many other industries. This course will explore the business models of software disruptors of the west such as Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon, and the east such as Xiaomi and weChat. The class uses a structured framework for analysing business models with numerous examples so that students can apply it to their own business or case study. We

Digital Business Strategy (Coursera)

Develop your ability to design and implement strategies that will help your company prosper in the digital age. In this course, developed by the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia, Professor Mike Lenox will help you understand the critical function of strategic thinking in the digital age, the role of data and analytics in creating value, the challenge of establishing a dominant platform, the impact of digital technologies on competition, and the importance of appropriating

Digital Channel Planning and E-Commerce Strategy (Coursera)

Digital Marketing Institute is the global standard in Digital Marketing Certification. Our mission is to give our students the confidence and knowledge they need to advance in their careers through this specialization. Research shows that retail customers switch channels during their purchase-decision journey. Many of us research products online at home, or on-the-go using a mobile device, while checking online reviews and comparing prices. The final decision to purchase may happen online, or i

Digital Competition in Financial Services (Coursera)

Welcome to Digital Transformation Strategy! As you probably know, this is the first course in a three part specialization focused on the digital transformation of finance. We'll aim to bring you insights about how digitalization intersects with finance, culled from one of the world's top regions for digital innovation. I'm excited to have you in the class and look forward to helping you learn more about this important topic. To begin, I recommend taking a few minutes to explore the course site.

Digital Content Planning and Management (Coursera)

The evolution of digital technology has vastly impacted the way we communicate, live and work. Whether you’re a content creator, a content manager or a brand account manager, digital content management plays a crucial role in an advertising campaign’s success. Learn what it takes to successfully inventory, create, analyze, and manage content for companies of any scale, as well as the process of implementing these systems across organizations.  This practical course is designed for current caree

Digital Fashion Industry (Coursera)

Digital Fashion Industry is a collaboration between Parsons School of Design at The New School and The Digital Fashion Group Academy. This course explains how digital technologies have the potential to dramatically impact and positively improve the fashion industry by creating a more sustainable digital ecosystem. You will explore the role of the consumer as they demand a shift towards more ethically sourced products and brands, focusing on how this transformation happens through the support

Digital Fashion Mindset (Coursera)

Digital Fashion Mindset is a collaboration between Parsons School of Design at The New School and The Digital Fashion Group Academy. This course teaches you to recognize the significance of the digital revolution in historical and present-day contexts and how it relates to the fashion industry’s ability to use technology creatively and collaboratively. Digital Fashion Mindset teaches you to recognize the significance of the digital revolution in historical and present-day contexts and how it

Digital Fashion Reality (Coursera)

Digital Fashion Reality is a collaboration between Parsons School of Design at The New School and The Digital Fashion Group Academy. This course explores how to remove the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds to create a hybrid, taking an interactive approach to consumer engagement. You will learn how designers are using powerful tools to blend the physical and digital worlds to address the fashion industry’s major challenges. Examine the rise of the fashion avatar, their incre

Digital Footprint (Coursera)

If I Googled you, what would I find? As we move around the online world we leave tracks and traces of our activity all the time: social media accounts, tagged images, professional presences, scraps of text, but also many artefacts we don't always realise we are leaving behind, or that others leave about us. In this course you will hear from a range of experts and you will have an opportunity to explore and reflect on your own online tracks and traces, to understand why your digital footprint

Digital Forensics Concepts (Coursera)

In the Digital Forensics Concepts course, you will learn about legal considerations applicable to computer forensics and how to identify, collect and preserve digital evidence. This course dives into the scientific principles relating to digital forensics and gives you a close look at on-scene triaging, keyword lists, grep, file hashing, report writing and the profession of digital forensic examination.

Digital Forensics Essentials (DFE) (Coursera)

Digital Forensics Essentials helps learners increase their competency and expertise in digital forensics and information security skills, thereby adding value to their workplace and employer. This course will introduce learners to Computer Forensics Fundamentals as well as the Computer Forensics Investigation Process. Plan to learn about Dark Web, Windows, Linux, Malware Forensics, and so much more! The interactive labs component of this course ensures that learners receive the hands-on, pract

Digital Governance (Coursera)

Big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, autonomous cars, chatbots, just a few terms that have become a part of our professional legal and political vocabulary. Emerging technologies and technological advancement have confronted us in our daily practice and will continue to do so in the future. Whether we’re buying something online, taking part in an election, or chatting with friends across the globe. Technology is here and it is here to stay. However, as convenience as these new te

Digital Information Literacy (Coursera)

A Digital Artifact is an object that represents one’s learning. In today’s changing educational landscape, more courses call for a visual item as opposed to a “traditional” assignment or project. There is a multitude of free tools and software at our fingertips. This online course will provide tips, suggestions, and strategies for creating an interesting digital artifact in select, intuitive platforms. In this course, you will learn to identify and define a Digital Artifact so you may create an

Digital Leadership and Digital Strategy Execution (Coursera)

Digital Marketing Institute is the global standard in Digital Marketing Certification. Our mission is to give our students the confidence and knowledge they need to advance in their careers through this specialization. The ability and willingness to strategically adopt digital initiatives to support business goals has never been more critical to an organization’s survival than it is today. If you want to better understand the knowledge, skills, and behaviors demanded of digital leaders as well

Digital Manufacturing & Design (Coursera)

This course will expose you to the transformation taking place, throughout the world, in the way that products are being designed and manufactured. The transformation is happening through digital manufacturing and design (DM&D) – a shift from paper-based processes to digital processes in the manufacturing industry. By the end of this course, you’ll understand what DMD is and how it is impacting careers, practices and processes in companies both large and small. You will gain an understanding

Digital Marketing Analytics in Practice (Coursera)

Successfully marketing brands today requires a well-balanced blend of art and science. This course introduces students to the science of web analytics while casting a keen eye toward the artful use of numbers found in the digital space. The goal is to provide the foundation needed to apply data analytics to real-world challenges marketers confront daily. Digital Analytics for Marketing Professionals: Marketing Analytics in Practice is the second in a two-part series of complementary courses and

Digital Marketing Analytics in Theory (Coursera)

Successfully marketing brands today requires a well-balanced blend of art and science. This course introduces students to the science of web analytics while casting a keen eye toward the artful use of numbers found in the digital space. The goal is to provide the foundation needed to apply data analytics to real-world challenges marketers confront daily. Digital Analytics for Marketing Professionals: Marketing Analytics in Theory is the first in a two-part series of complementary courses and foc

Digital Marketing Capstone (Coursera)

This four-week Capstone of the Digital Marketing Specialization is designed to help you apply the principles you have learned in the previous courses. This capstone course is designed to give you hands-on experience in executing a digital marketing campaign for a fictitious firm selling electronics. In the previous courses on analytics and channels, you came up with strategies to identify a firm’s objectives, specify a few key ones, research alternatives to reaching the customer in their deci