Coursera Courses |
Corporate & Commercial Law II: Business Forms, Financing & Governmental Regulation (Coursera) This course is the second course in a two-part series on corporate and commercial law. In this part, we focus on three main topics: business organizations, business financing, and governmental regulation. In the first module, we discuss the characteristics of a number of the most common forms of business entities, such as corporations and LLCs. Module two is devoted to debtor-creditor relationships, including bank financing, debt financing, secured transactions, and bankruptcy. We wrap up the co |
Corporate Finance Essentials (Coursera) Corporate Finance Essentials will enable you to understand key financial issues related to companies, investors, and the interaction between them in the capital markets. By the end of this course you should be able to understand most of what you read in the financial press and use the essential financial vocabulary of companies and finance professionals. |
Corporate Finance Essentials II (Coursera) This course picks up where Corporate Finance Essentials left, addressing other corporate finance issues not addressed in the previous course, such as market efficiency, bonds, stocks, capital structure, and dividend policy. This course will help you to: ● Understanding the concept of market efficiency. ● Get an overview in issues related to bonds, such as type of bonds, their return (yield to maturity) and default risk ● Getting to know the valuation of stocks through the method of relative |
Corporate Finance I: Measuring and Promoting Value Creation (Coursera) In this course you will learn how to use key finance principles to understand and measure business success and to identify and promote true value creation. You will learn how to use accounting information to form key financial ratios to measure a company’s financial health and to manage a company's short-term and long-term liquidity needs. You will also learn how to use valuation techniques to make sound business investment and acquisition decisions. Finally, you will learn how to incorporate r |
Corporate Finance II: Financing Investments and Managing Risk (Coursera) In this course you will learn how companies decide on how much debt to take, and whether to raise capital from markets or from banks. You will also learn how to measure and manage credit risk and how to deal with financial distress. You will discuss the mechanics of dividends and share repurchases, and how to choose the best way to return cash to investors. You will also learn how to use derivatives and liquidity management to offset specific sources of financial risk, including currency risks. |
Corporate finance: Know your numbers 2 (Coursera) Every manager must have a foundational understanding of financial management. This course will prepare you for responsible and sustainable leadership from a financial management perspective. Via structured learning activities (video lectures, quizzes, discussion prompts and written assessments) you’ll learn the key aspects of effective financial management by focusing on: the assessment of an organisation’s financial health; planning future financial performance; financing of operations; and eva |
Corporate Financial Decision-Making for Value Creation (Coursera) In this course, participants will learn about the key financial decisions modern corporations face, as well as the alternative methods that can be employed to optimize the value of the firm’s assets. This is part of a Specialization in corporate finance created in partnership between the University of Melbourne and Bank of New York Mellon (BNY Mellon). |
Corporate governance. Mitos y realidades (Coursera) El corporate governance o gobierno corporativo es uno de los temas más relevantes de nuestro tiempo, tanto desde el punto de vista jurídico como económico. Se trata de una corriente universal, impulsada desde el ámbito anglosajón, pero fuertemente desarrollada en Europa y también en Iberoamérica, Asia o África. Partiendo de esta realidad, el curso pretende: i) seleccionar algunos de los temas que, dentro de un catálogo potencialmente muy amplio pueden tener más interés para los usuarios de los | Corporate strategy is the strategy a firm uses to compete across multiple businesses. Many small firms want to grow by entering new businesses. Many large firms already are in multiple businesses, e.g. a photo camera producer selling also sunglasses. We developed this course to help you make good corporate strategy decisions. Of the many decisions a firm has to make, corporate strategy decisions are among the most consequential. We will look at these key corporate strategy decisions: - Diversi |
Corporate Sustainability. Understanding and Seizing the Strategic Opportunity (Coursera) The achievement of a balanced economic, social and environmental development - as expressed in the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development - is recognized as one of the major challenges humanity is facing today. What is less clear is whether and how organizations can generate business opportunities and value for their stakeholders while tackling such challenges. In this course, thought leaders in a wide variety of management and economics fields illustrate how to assess and seize the opportu |
Corrección, estilo y variaciones de la lengua española (Coursera) ¿Le interesa el idioma español y se preocupa por la corrección, el estilo y las variaciones de la lengua española? ¿Siente curiosidad acerca de las variaciones española y argentina o americana del Español estudiadas en textos cultos de referencia? En este curso se estudian empíricamente algunos aspectos relevantes de esas variedades de la lengua con datos significativos de las versiones hispanas de J. D. Salinger: «El cazador oculto», argentinas; y «El guardián entre el centeno», españolas. La | You can't understand the world today if you don't understand corruption. Every day, we see high-level government officials resigning, governments changing, hundreds of thousands of people standing in squares, holding up signs, and often risking their lives to protest the corruption in the world. It's critically important to the health of our societies to understand what people are protesting against. We want to understand corruption. This course is designed to teach you about what corruption is, |
Cortex-M Software Development Fundamentals (Coursera) This course delves into software development topics such as working with Arm C/C++ compilers and Arm debug tools to optimize your software, whether it's for performance or code size. This course also looks more closely at the Common Microcontroller Software Interface Standard and how it helps ensure that software targeted at Cortex-M devices can be written using a consistent approach. |
Cosmetologia em prol do envelhecimento com saúde e beleza (Coursera) Esse curso foi planejado com muito cuidado e dedicação visando trazer conhecimentos clássicos e atuais sobre o processo de envelhecimento, produtos cosméticos e as múltiplas vias de atuação de substancias ativas aplicadas em produtos para prevenção e atenuação dos sinais de envelhecimento da pele. Serão abordados conceitos técnicos teóricos e aplicados referentes às formulações cosméticas, principais ativos aplicados na prática de intervenção cosmética, usados para prevenir o envelhecimento cut |
Cosmetologia: Prática de Manipulação de Cosméticos (Coursera) Esse curso foi planejado com muito cuidado e dedicação visando demonstrar como são preparadas algumas formulações cosméticas para prevenção e atenuação dos sinais de envelhecimento da pele, visando contribuir com a formação de profissionais interessados em cosmetologia. Serão abordados conceitos referentes à manipulação de formulações cosméticas, contendo ativos aplicados na prática de intervenção cosmética, usados para prevenir o envelhecimento cutâneo precoce, e também para cuidar da pele |
Cost Accounting: Decision Making (Coursera) In the third course, you will learn how to use information from cost accounting to improve managerial decision-making. We discuss business decisions and suggest how cost information can support them best. For example, how will costs change if managers adjust cost drivers? How many units do companies need to sell in order to avoid losses or to achieve a targeted profit? How can managers improve pricing or product programs with information from cost accounting? |
Cost Accounting: Profit and Loss Calculation (Coursera) Companies do not only need to know the costs of different products, but they also need to know whether they gain a profit or realize a loss. We explain how companies use cost information to calculate their profit and assess their profitability. Depending on how companies account for changes in inventories, we distinguish "absorption costing" and "variable costing". In addition, some companies structure their income statement according to the "nature of expense method", while others structure it |
Cost and Economics in Pricing Strategy (Coursera) How much should you charge for your products and services? Traditionally, businesses have answered this question based on the cost to produce or provide their goods and services. This course shows you the economic factors behind pricing based on cost and the pros and cons of a cost-based pricing approach. Developed at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia, and led by top-ranked Darden faculty and Boston Consulting Group global pricing experts, the course provides the practi |
Costos para los Negocios (Coursera) Al completar el curso, los participantes podrán: a) Analizar los elementos, las estructuras, los métodos y los sistemas de costeo propios de una empresa, utilizando diversas herramientas, para identificar los posibles tipos de cálculos a generar. b) Calcular costos, utilizando diversos procedimientos acordes a los tipos de objetos de costos, estructuras, procesos y sistemas, con el propósito de obtener información relevante para la empresa que permitan una adecuada toma de decisiones. c) Ela |
Country Level Economics: Macroeconomic Variables and Markets (Coursera) This course discusses how macroeconomic variables affect individuals’ personal, professional, and public activities and lays the foundation for the analysis of the mechanisms that drive macroeconomic variables. It starts by introducing the key macroeconomic variables and explaining how they are defined and measured to interpret macroeconomic data properly. Then, the course offers a perspective for separating out various parts of the economy driven by different processes and for combining thos |
Country Level Economics: Policies, Institutions, and Macroeconomic Performance (Coursera) This course examines macroeconomic performance in the short and long run based on the economy’s institutional and policy environment. First, we will develop a model of macroeconomy in the short run when the price level has its own momentum and does not respond much to supply and demand forces. Then, we’ll begin analyzing the long-run equilibrium by examining the foreign exchange market. The third module examines the drivers of aggregate output in the long run and the mechanisms of adjustment fr |
COVID Vaccine Ambassador Training: How to Talk to Parents (Coursera) Vaccination is a key strategy for preventing serious illness and death from COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccines are available for children 5 and older, but many parents have questions about vaccinations. This training course prepares parents of school-age children, PTAs, community members, and school staff to be Vaccine Ambassadors and promote vaccine acceptance in their communities. After completing the course, Vaccine Ambassadors will be able to share knowledge about COVID-19 and the COVID-19 vaccine, |
COVID-19 - A clinical update (Coursera) As an expert in infectious diseases, editor of the Journal of Infectious Diseases and author of the textbook Infectious Diseases: A clinical short course, McGraw-Hill April 2020, I have been concerned about the misinformation being shared about the COVID-19 epidemic. How did this disease develop? Where did it come from? How does it cause diseases? The answers to these questions will be answered in the first video of module 1. The world has been startled and frightened by the rapid spread of thi |
COVID-19 Contact Tracing (Coursera) The COVID-19 crisis has created an unprecedented need for contact tracing across the country, requiring thousands of people to learn key skills quickly. The job qualifications for contact tracing positions differ throughout the country and the world, with some new positions open to individuals with a high school diploma or equivalent. In this introductory course, students will learn about the science of SARS-CoV-2 , including the infectious period, the clinical presentation of COVID-19, and th |
COVID-19 Training for Healthcare Workers (Coursera) COVID-19 is rapidly spreading across the globe and all providers must be prepared to recognize, stabilize and treat patients with novel coronavirus infection. Following completion of this short course physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals will have a unified, evidenced-based approach to saving the lives of patients with COVID-19, including those who are critically ill. Learning modules are broken into short videos presented in a richly illustrated and compelling manner. The co |
COVID-19: What You Need to Know (Coursera) Register for this free course here: COVID-19 is a global pandemic that has already resulted in hundreds of thousands of infections and thousands of deaths, with many more anticipated. This course is a go-to resource that will be regularly updated with all of the current information put forth by the CDC, WHO, and other leading agencies and covers the basics, personal protective equipment, diagnosti |
Cracking the Creativity Code: Discovering Ideas (Coursera) Skill at discovering new ideas, and delivering them, may be one of the most important practical job skills, in today’s and tomorrow’s job market. Creativity is an acquired skill, one that improves with practice. This course aims to empower individuals who believe they have lost their innate creativity, because they, their employers or teachers prefer the three R's: replication, repetition and rote, to innovation. We show how to re-ignite rusty creative powers. During this course, you will lear |
Crafting Strategies for Innovation Initiatives for Corporate Entrepreneurs (Coursera) This course focuses on enhancing your understanding of (1) how an internal venture is organized and (2) how to overcome resistance to your new venture ideas within the company. The course is specifically valuable for: • Employees who have creative ideas important to their company; • Managers seeking to assemble creative people and resources; • Technical specialists desiring to become part of an internal venture; and • Consultants who advise companies on ways to launch and grow internal ventur |
Crash Course on Python (Coursera) This course is designed to teach you the foundations in order to write simple programs in Python using the most common structures. No previous exposure to programming is needed. By the end of this course, you will understand the benefits of programming in IT roles; understand basic Python syntax; explore different code editors and developer environments; be able to write simple programs using Python; figure out how the building blocks of programming fit together; and combine all of this knowledg |
Crear esquemas de página y prototipos de baja fidelidad (Coursera) Creación de esquemas de página y prototipos de baja fidelidad es el tercer curso de un programa de certificación que te brindará las habilidades necesarias para postularte a empleos de nivel básico en el diseño de la experiencia del usuario (UX). En este curso, seguirás diseñando una aplicación móvil para tu portfolio de UX profesional. Comenzarás creando guiones gráficos y familiarizándote con los conceptos básicos del dibujo. Luego, crearás esquemas de página en papel y digitales usando la her |
Crear prototipos y diseños de alta fidelidad en Figma (Coursera) Crear prototipos y diseños de alta fidelidad en Figma es el quinto curso de un programa de certificación que te brindará las habilidades que necesitas para postularte a empleos de nivel básico en el diseño de experiencia del usuario (UX). En este curso, accederás a tutoriales paso a paso para aprender a crear diseños de alta fidelidad, llamados maquetas, en Figma, una herramienta de diseño popular. Luego, podrás convertir estos diseños en prototipos interactivos que funcionan como un producto te |
Create and Lead an Ethical Data-Driven Organization (Coursera) Creating and leading an ethical data-driven organization, when done successfully, is a cultural transformation for an organization. Navigating a cultural shift requires leadership buy in, resourcing, training, and support through creation of boards, policies, and governance. Beyond leadership and organization, it is imperative to engage employees through forums and incentive programs for continual involvement. A strong understanding of ethical organizational policies provides the foundation for |
Create High-Fidelity Designs and Prototypes in Figma (Coursera) Create High-Fidelity Designs and Prototypes in Figma is the fifth course in a certificate program that will equip you with the skills you need to apply to entry-level jobs in user experience (UX) design. In this course, you will follow step-by-step tutorials to learn how to create high-fidelity designs, called mockups, in Figma, a popular design tool. Then, you’ll turn those designs into an interactive prototype that works like a finished product. You’ll conduct research to collect feedback abou |
Create Machine Learning Models in Microsoft Azure (Coursera) Machine learning is the foundation for predictive modeling and artificial intelligence. If you want to learn about both the underlying concepts and how to get into building models with the most common machine learning tools this path is for you. In this course, you will learn the core principles of machine learning and how to use common tools and frameworks to train, evaluate, and use machine learning models. This course is designed to prepare you for roles that include planning and creating a |
Create Serverless Applications (Coursera) In this course, you will learn how Azure Functions enable the creation of event-driven, compute-on-demand systems that can be triggered by various external events. You will earn how to leverage functions to execute server-side logic and build serverless architectures. This course will help you prepare for the Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate certification. This course is part of a Specialization intended for developers who want to demonstrate their expertise in all phases of clou |
Create the User Interface in Android Studio (Coursera) This is a beginner course for learners who would like to prepare themselves for a career in Android development. To succeed in this course, you should understand the basics of Kotlin and cross-platform development for mobile applications. The course introduces you to creating a User Interface (UI) in Android Studio on a foundational level. You will learn about the fundamentals that will enable you to build meaningful and functional user interfaces for Android using Android Studio and Kotlin. |
Create the User Interface with SwiftUI (Coursera) In this course learners will learn how to build meaningful and functional user interfaces for iOS using Swift and UI frameworks. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: -Utilize a range of different approaches for building UI with Swift -Build a basic UI with the Swift Interface Builder -Create and control UI views with the UIKit framework -Create simple applications with the UIKit framework -Build interfaces using the SwiftUI framework -Utilize lists and forms in SwiftUI in ord |
Create video, audio and infographics for online learning (Coursera) Multimodal texts make learning interesting. Video, podcasts and infographics not only have the capability to excite and engage, but to reach a broader demography of learners who don’t thrive on verbal language knowledge acquisition and exchange alone. Multimodal texts provide a variety of ways in which to communicate and provide information to learners, as well as meet the needs of different learners’ preferences. Using video, podcasts, infographics or images as well as text, directly impacts l |
Creating a Team Culture of Continuous Learning (Coursera) There is mounting concern that organizational groups and teams often fail to learn from their past experiences. It’s pertinent to address this issue as groups and teams are often the main ways that work gets done in organizations. In this course, we examine the main reasons that groups and teams are often ineffective, which include: • The lack of organizational structures and support for teams and groups • The lack of understanding and emphasis on learning • Misaligned reward structures So, |
Creating Advanced Reports with SAS Visual Analytics (Coursera) In this course, you learn how to create advanced data items, filters, and parameters in SAS Visual Analytics. |
Creating and Developing a Tech Startup (Coursera) This course will allow you to identify and evaluate opportunities for creating a tech business, and to better understand its principal issues on a human, technical, commercial, environmental and financial level. As such, you will obtain solid foundations either for building your own tech business, or for joining one. Deciding to create or to join a tech business in these early years is an out-of-the-ordinary adventure, and it certainly won’t be straightforward: you need to be ready to accept t |
Creating Behavioral Change (Coursera) In this course you will learn about understanding and changing mental and physical health behavior. We will examine both the historical context and the current science. Major topics will include fundamental behavioral principles and basic elements of empirically supported individual treatments (e.g., motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral therapies). Lectures and examples will illustrate both the theory and the practice of evidence-based approaches to behavior change. You will engage in |
Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau (Coursera) Leveraging the visualizations you created in the previous course, Visual Analytics with Tableau, you will create dashboards that help you identify the story within your data, and you will discover how to use Storypoints to create a powerful story to leave a lasting impression with your audience. You will balance the goals of your stakeholders with the needs of your end-users, and be able to structure and organize your story for maximum impact. Throughout the course you will apply more advanced |
Creating Innovation (Coursera) The third course of the specialization CREATING INNOVATION will teach you what is at the core of all innovations that solve complex problems and how to foster methods to make big breakthroughs possible. It advances your knowledge of your own field by teaching you to look at it in new ways. CREATING INNOVATION is constructed in the following way: Week I. “What is Innovation?” – What lies at the core of all innovations. Week II. “The Evolution of Human Creativity” – How humans developed the abili |
Creating New BigQuery Datasets and Visualizing Insights (Coursera) This is the second course in the Data to Insights course series. Here we will cover how to ingest new external datasets into BigQuery and visualize them with Looker Studio. We will also cover intermediate SQL concepts like multi-table JOINs and UNIONs which will allow you to analyze data across multiple data sources. Note: Even if you have a background in SQL, there are BigQuery specifics (like handling query cache and table wildcards) that may be new to you. After completing this course, enr |
Creating Sounds for Electronic Music (Coursera) What you’ll achieve: In this project-centered course*, you will create sounds and use them in your own musical compositions. Whether you're an aspiring producer, composer, or hobbyist, this course will help you gain skills in music production and confidence using software synthesizers. Along with your classmates, you will create a massive database of designed sounds, or patches, to use in your compositions. As part of the course, you will work with a free version of FXpansion Strobe 2. What you |
Creating Toolpaths for a CNC Lathe (Coursera) CNC machines come in an almost endless array of configurations for various applications. So far, we have only talked about CNC Mills. More specifically vertical milling centers. In this course we turn our attention to the CNC Lathe. We identify the difference in a lathe’s coordinate system, tools, and how to create lathe specific toolpaths. Want to take your learning to the next level? Complete the Autodesk CAD/CAM for Manufacturing Specialization, and you’ll unlock an additional Autodesk Crede | Released in June 2021, Creative Artifacts explores how different tools and structures can be used to increase creativity through a multidisciplinary lens. You will see how renowned artists use machine learning to expand their creative capacities, and you will gain experience collaborating with creative AI tools yourself. On a macro scale, you will examine the business strategies and economic policies that make organizations and regions more creative. As you progress, you will reflect on how thes |
Creative Design, Prototyping, and Testing (Coursera) Designing the customer and user experience is essential to creating great products today. Gone is the old paradigm of “form follows function” model of design. The process must be iterative and follow the best product design and development processes. While designing a great user experience can be a lengthy and expensive process, there are approaches to doing it faster and smarter, without compromising results. This essential product management course explains key design thinking principles arou |
Creative Designing in Power BI (Coursera) This course forms part of the Microsoft Power BI Analyst Professional Certificate. This Professional Certificate consists of a series of courses that offers a good starting point for a career in data analysis using Microsoft Power BI. In this course, you will learn how to creatively design dashboards, reports and charts that are easier for the audience to use. You will learn how to create cohesive business intelligence reports and dashboards, as well as what common problems to avoid. The insigh |