Coursera Courses

Construction Cost Estimating and Cost Control (Coursera)

This course introduces the types of cost estimation from the conceptual design phase through the more detailed design phase of a construction project. In addition, the course highlights the importance of controlling costs and how to monitor project cash flow. Learners will work on a break-even analysis of construction tasks in a project. The course begins with Professor Odeh providing an overview of what will be covered. Next, learners explore the stages of design in a construction project. Prof

Construction Finance (Coursera)

This course expands the knowledge of a construction project manager to include an understanding of economics and the mathematics of money, an essential component of every construction project. Topics covered include the time value of money, the definition and calculation of the types of interest rates, and the importance of Cash Flow Diagrams. The course covers these topics in three sections. The first section focuses on the foundation of building the mathematics of money, often referred to as

Construction Project Management (Coursera)

Construction Project Management introduces learners to Project Initiation and Planning. Columbia University professor, Ibrahim Odeh, along with industry experts join together to provide a comprehensive overview of the construction industry. There are 10 modules that allow learners to become knowledgeable of construction management within the dynamic construction industry. Professor Odeh teaches learners about the fundamentals of the Project Development Cycle while guest lecturers discuss Lean

Construction Scheduling (Coursera)

This course focuses on learning how to develop and manage a schedule. The first module provides an overview of the Construction Scheduling course. The second module introduces bar or Gantt charts and how they are used as scheduling tools. During the third module, learners will create activity precedence diagrams, also referred to as activity on node diagrams, which graphically represent the construction activities in a project and their relationships. The fourth module provides an overview of th

Constructivism and Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education (Coursera)

This course is designed to help participants examine the implications of constructivism for learning and teaching in science, mathematics, and technology focused areas. Course readings, discussions, and assignments will examine constructivist views of learning, research on students' ideas and idea-based interactions, research on instructional approaches taking student ideas into account, and challenges in implementing constructivist perspectives in instruction.

Constructores de Paz (Coursera)

El curso Constructores Paz surgió como resultado de la preocupación de algunos profesores de la Universidad de los Andes por hacer un aporte al proceso de construcción de paz en nuestro país y en el mundo, a partir de prácticas personales y cotidianas. En este curso tendrás la oportunidad de reflexionar permanentemente acerca de ti mismo, de tus actitudes y de tus comportamientos, y de cómo tu manera de abordar diferentes situaciones de la vida diaria te llevan a construir paz. Te invitaremos

Construire des wireframes (maquettes fonctionnelles) et des prototypes basse fidélité (Coursera)

« Élaboration d’armatures et de prototypes basse-fidélité » est le troisième cours d'un programme de certification qui vous dotera des compétences dont vous avez besoin pour travailler en tant que Concepteur UX débutant. Dans ce cours, vous continuerez à concevoir une application mobile pour votre portfolio UX professionnel. Vous commencerez par créer des storyboards et vous familiariserez avec les bases du dessin. Ensuite, vous créerez des wireframes sur papier et des wireframes numériques à l'

Consulting Approach to Problem Solving (Coursera)

This is the #3 course in the specialization on management consulting. Management consultants excel at solving difficult and complex business problems. How do they do this? Shouldn’t clients know more about their situation than external consultants? Consultants are trained to systematically break down problems into logical pieces, then aggressively pursue answers with data: • Think about the problem broadly; strategy, operations, people, technology • Define the problem clearly; articulate “what

Consulting Presentations and Storytelling (Coursera)

This is the #5 course in the specialization on management consulting. In the previous 4 courses, we’ve learned how consultants break down problems with tools and logical thinking. Now, it’s time to bring all the parts together into consulting-quality presentations and deliverables. Every consulting project is different, and yet, the final presentation will have many of the same elements: • Clear alignment among the stakeholders on the project goals • Understanding on the consulting approach, ass

Consulting Tools and Tips (Coursera)

This is the #4 course in the specialization on management consulting. Management consultants are quick learners. When you first join a generalist consulting firm, you are expected to learn core consulting skills and will likely be staffed on projects across industry and functions. You might be on a chemicals pricing project, then a retail cost-reduction project. It’s critical that you learn “how to get smart quickly” and ask smart questions. At the same time, you should develop an armory of to

Consumption, Marketing and Culture (Coursera)

What does it mean to be a consumer in a consumer society? In this MOOC we think about marketing in terms of what marketing does rather than how we do it. It's not just a case of how we buy the products that are sold to us, but how we are affected by those products and the services that we encounter. This course prepares students for a more analytical understanding in the role that marketing activities play in shaping our consumer cultures and lives. Rather than pose the question of how ‘we’ c

Contabilidad como Herramienta Gerencial (Coursera)

Este curso está orientado a que el participante tome conocimiento de las técnicas contables vigentes orientadas a la gestión gerencial, y que puedan contrastar la realidad empresarial actual y los problemas fundamentales que se presentan a partir de la información contable y financiera y las herramientas que esta genera, sus limitaciones y las posibles soluciones. Objetivos del curso: - Que los participantes interpreten y puedan utilizar la información contable y financiera como herramienta pa

Contabilidad para no contadores (Coursera)

En este curso, ofrecido por la UNAM, vas a entrar al fascinante mundo de la contabilidad. Esta técnica te permitirá tomar decisiones en tu vida empresarial, corporativa, personal, profesional y de emprendedor. Entrarás al mundo de la Contabilidad para no Contadores. Vas a lograr definir qué es la contabilidad, en qué consiste y cuáles son sus principios fundamentales. También descubrirás su utilidad en tu vida cotidiana y al profesional al que debes recurrir y confiar tu vida contable. Ademá

Contact Center AI: Conversational Design Fundamentals (Coursera)

Welcome to "CCAI Conversational Design Fundamentals", the first course in the "Customer Experiences with Contact Center AI" series. In this course, learn how to design customer conversational solutions using Contact Center Artificial Intelligence (CCAI). You will be introduced to CCAI and its three pillars (Dialogflow, Agent Assist, and Insights), and the concepts behind conversational experiences and how the study of them influences the design of your virtual agent. After taking this course y

Contact Center AI: Operations and Implementation (Coursera)

Welcome to "CCAI Operations and Implementation", the fourth course in the "Customer Experiences with Contact Center AI" series. In this course, learn some best practices for integrating conversational solutions with your existing contact center software, establishing a framework for human agent assistance, and implementing solutions securely and at scale. In this course, you'll be introduced to Agent Assist and the technology it uses so you can delight your customers with the efficiencies and

Containerized Applications on AWS (Coursera)

This course introduces you to container technologies and how they can be used to modernize your applications, as well as exploring how different AWS services can be used to manage and orchestrate those containers. Container technologies have existed for years, and are still gaining popularity. Two of the most prevalent options are Docker and Kubernetes - each with its own distinct set of features. Regardless of which technology you choose, one of the biggest challenges with containers is their

Contemporary Biology (Coursera)

This course is an introduction to biology as it applies to our everyday life. Learners will explore the interplay between science and self through a personalized case study of themselves and their environment. By the end of the course, learners will be able to recognize the interactions among natural phenomena and the implications of the scientific principles behind the physical world and their experiences living in it.

Contemporary India (Coursera)

This course presents some important vignettes of a complex, highly diverse India that is also witnessing unprecedented changes since its formal independence in 1947 from Great Britain. The lectures revolve around social dimensions of change, the continuing influence of ancient texts on contemporary India, political democracy, economic transition from the state to the market, gender relations, India's economic globalisation and changing world view. While one of the objectives is to capture the m

Contenido de las matemáticas de primaria (Coursera)

En este curso de acceso gratuito*, conocerás algunos temas de las matemáticas escolares con la profundidad necesaria para que puedas ayudar a tus estudiantes a aprenderlas. Este es el primer curso del programa especializado Educación Matemática para profesores de primaria. El segundo curso Aprendizaje de las matemáticas de primaria y el tercero Enseñanza de las matemáticas de primaria están disponibles en Coursera. Cada curso tiene una duración aproximada de seis semanas, con una dedicación pro

Content Strategy for Professionals: Capstone Project (Coursera)

The Capstone Project will let you demonstrate all that you have learned throughout the Content Strategy Specialization. It is an exciting learning experience that takes you through developing an effective Content Strategy package to meaningfully understand its scope and impact. The Capstone is centered on a fictional web startup, Wish I Was There, which aims to be the go-to travel guide for anywhere in the world using recommendations crowdsourced from local experts. While it is not a real comp

Content Strategy for Professionals: Engaging Audiences (Coursera)

In this course, professionals at all levels of an organization will learn the best ways to engage an audience they want and need by smartly implementing their important, strategic stories and information and by using proven tools and techniques to enhance an audience’s experiences and interest. Content Strategy is a conversation that provides thought-leadership. It starts a “conversation” with users and stakeholders inside and outside an organization. Conversations are the natural way people t

Content Strategy for Professionals: Ensuring Your Content's Impact (Coursera)

In the fourth course of the Content Strategy Specialization - Ensuring Your Content's Impact - you will look at visual communication and the ways you can be more effective with your font choices, photography, and video. You'll also dive deeper into social communities to help you understand how these communities form and what you can do to build your role within them. The last module is pivotal for Content Strategists. It will help you to understand how best to measure your content to maximize it

Content Strategy for Professionals: Expanding Your Content’s Reach (Coursera)

In this, the third Content Strategy course, participants will learn actionable ways to grow internal and external audiences. They will deepen their understanding about those target individuals and will use a host of known and emerging tools and social networks to meaningfully reach them. As its name makes clear, this course will expand your content's impact and reach. You will begin by learning how to utilize content trends to jump-start your organization's influence. You'll also look at how

Content Strategy for Professionals: Managing Content (Coursera)

In the second course of the Content Strategy Specialization - "Managing Content" - you will dive deeper into Content Strategy by learning some great options for managing your important content once it's been created. You will look at media platforms and how best to tell an organization’s “content story” across those platforms using a human-centered design. Then, you'll take a close look at ways to best utilize social and mobile media, as well as some of the issues around insourcing/outsourcing c

Content, Advertising & Social IMC (Coursera)

Want your content to go viral? Who doesn't! It takes a thoughtful, integrated approach to make content that stands out in our increasingly oversaturated world. In this fourth course of the Social Marketing Specialization - "Content, Advertising & Social IMC" - you will learn how marketers are successfully navigating today's media landscape. You will learn why developing engaging content for your audience is an essential component in effective social marketing. A panel of experts will unlock the

Contexto de Negocios en LATAM: Factores Políticos, Sociales y Económicos (Coursera)

Latinoamérica resulta ser muy atractiva al momento de decidir realizar nuevos negocios, pero en algunos casos este proceso se considera algo distinto a cómo opera el mercado mundial, por lo que es importante conocer algunos elementos que permitan entender de mejor manera este contexto y así definir estrategias más efectivas cuando se piensa comenzar un negocio en esta región. A través de este curso, los alumnos podrán conocer el contexto social, político y económico en Latinoamérica. Del mismo

Continuous Delivery & DevOps (Coursera)

Amazon famously delivers new code every 11.6 seconds. Just a few years ago, this was unthinkable: many ‘cutting edge’ firms would release software quarterly. When it comes to digital innovation, velocity is critical and many would say it’s the most reliable determinant of success. Bringing an organization to the state of the art (or even functional capability) in this area requires strong work in a combination of disciplines and a combination of both technical and managerial skills. There is n

Continuous Integration (Coursera)

In today's world, software development is highly complex and often has large teams of developers working on small pieces of a larger software project. This course will go over the basic principles of using a continuous integration system effectively to constantly improve software. We're going to describe the different stations of continuous test, build, integration and deploy processes required for DevOps practices and apply best practices for quality software management, and tooling to accompli

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) (Coursera)

A principle of DevOps is to replace manual processes with automation to improve efficiency, reduce human error, and accelerate software delivery. This requires automation that continuously integrates code changes and continuously delivers those changes to a production environment. This course introduces you to Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), an automated approach to software development. You’ll discover the benefits of CI/CD for creating a DevOps pipeline and explore po

Contratación y mercado digital. Aspectos legales y otras cuestiones de interés (Coursera)

¿Te has preguntado alguna vez si existen normas en internet? ¿Te has planteado cómo se pueden solucionar los conflictos que puedan surgir entre las personas cuando interactúan en el mercado digital? ¿Has considerado cambiar de profesión o darle una nueva perspectiva a tu desarrollo laboral? Si es así, bienvenido a este curso en el que te proporcionaremos las claves para entender, analizar, evaluar y responder a todos los interrogantes que te hayas planteado. Te ayudaremos a desarrollar un pensam

Control automático: La tecnología invisible (Coursera)

A lo largo de la historia, el ser humano se ha empeñado en construir dispositivos que le hagan más cómodo su día a día. Además, siempre ha estado interesado en que éstos lleven a cabo la tarea por sí mismos, sin necesidad de una supervisión continua. En nuestros días, muchos dispositivos llevan a cabo tareas como por arte de magia; pareciera que piensan o que adivinan nuestros deseos, que nunca se pueden equivocar o que su precisión y velocidad no puede ser superada. Los sistemas de control son

Control de versiones (Coursera)

Descubra cómo los desarrolladores de software modernos colaboran en todo el mundo sin estropear el código de los demás. Conocerá los diferentes sistemas de control de versiones y cómo crear un flujo de trabajo de desarrollo de software eficaz. Conocerá algunos de los comandos de Linux más utilizados que puede aprovechar para trabajar con archivos en su disco duro y para crear flujos de trabajo eficaces, que le permitirán automatizar su trabajo y ahorrar tiempo y esfuerzo. Por último, verá cómo

Control Flow in RPA (Coursera)

The Control Flow in RPA course provides a deep understanding of the automation flow. Control Flow is a concept that refers to the order in which actions are executed and "control" flows in an automation project with the help of sequences, decision making, loops, and flowcharts. This course also focuses on the error handling mechanism which is vital for an automation project. The course has multiple practice exercises which will help in strengthening your knowledge and understanding of workflows

Control of Nonlinear Spacecraft Attitude Motion (Coursera)

This course trains you in the skills needed to program specific orientation and achieve precise aiming goals for spacecraft moving through three dimensional space. First, we cover stability definitions of nonlinear dynamical systems, covering the difference between local and global stability. We then analyze and apply Lyapunov's Direct Method to prove these stability properties, and develop a nonlinear 3-axis attitude pointing control law using Lyapunov theory. Finally, we look at alternate feed

Controle de Sistemas no Plano-s (Coursera)

Após esse curso você será capaz de esboçar o Lugar Geométrico das Raízes (LGR - Root Locus) do denominador da Função de Transferência em Malha Fechada a partir dos polos e zeros da Função de Transferência em Malha aberta. Você também será capaz de projetar controladores de avanço de fase para atender simultaneamente requisitos de desempenho de amortecimento e de velocidade da resposta. Você também será capaz de projetar controladores de atraso de fase para atender requisitos de erro em regime pe

Controle Usando a Resposta em Frequência (Coursera)

Neste curso você aprenderá a obter a resposta em frequência de um sistema Linear e Invariante no Tempo (LIT) e a usá-la para projetar controladores que atinjam requisitos de reposta transitória e em regime estacionário. Você aprenderá a obter o diagrama de Bode a partir de dados de amplitude e fase de entradas e saídas senoidais. Também será capaz de esboçar o diagrama de Bode de um sistema dada a sua função de transferência. Outrossim, será capaz de representar a resposta em frequência na cart

Conversational English Skills (Coursera)

Do you want to communicate with English speakers fluently? Welcome to our course. The course consists of 6 units with different topics: meeting new people, the people in your life, eating in and eating out, the reason to learn English, good times and bad times, and hobbies. From this course, you will have a good knowledge of conversational English skills in your daily life. We invite you to learn with our teachers and friends from different countries in the videos, such as the United States, the

Conversational Selling Playbook for SDRs (Coursera)

This is Course 3 in the Salesforce Sales Development Representative Professional Certificate. In order to successfully complete the course, please ensure you have taken Course 1: Groundwork for Success in Sales Development and Course 2: Foundations for Interviewing with Confidence. This course will dive into the 8 principles of SV Academy’s Conversational Selling Methodology, which will optimize you for success. You’ll be able to integrate these principles not only in the real world, but in you

Conversations That Inspire: Coaching Learning, Leadership and Change (Coursera)

Coaching can inspire and motivate people to learn, change, and be effective leaders, among other roles in life. Although most attempts are “coaching for compliance” (coaching someone to your wishes or expectations), decades of behavioral and neuroscience research show us that “coaching with compassion” (coaching someone to their dreams and desires) is more effective.

Converter Circuits (Coursera)

This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5701, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree. This course introduces more advanced concepts of switched-mode converter circuits. Realization of the power semiconductors in inverters or in converters having bidirectional power flow is explained. Power diodes, power MOSFETs, and IGBTs are explained, along with the origins of their switching times. Equivalent circuit models are refined to include the effects

Converter Control (Coursera)

This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5702, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree. This course teaches how to design a feedback system to control a switching converter. The equivalent circuit models derived in the previous courses are extended to model small-signal ac variations. These models are then solved, to find the important transfer functions of the converter and its regulator system. Finally, the feedback loop is modeled, analyzed, a

Convolutional Neural Networks (Coursera)

In the fourth course of the Deep Learning Specialization, you will understand how computer vision has evolved and become familiar with its exciting applications such as autonomous driving, face recognition, reading radiology images, and more. By the end, you will be able to build a convolutional neural network, including recent variations such as residual networks; apply convolutional networks to visual detection and recognition tasks; and use neural style transfer to generate art and apply the

Convolutional Neural Networks in TensorFlow (Coursera)

If you are a software developer who wants to build scalable AI-powered algorithms, you need to understand how to use the tools to build them. This course is part of the upcoming Machine Learning in Tensorflow Specialization and will teach you best practices for using TensorFlow, a popular open-source framework for machine learning. In Course 2 of the TensorFlow Specialization, you will learn advanced techniques to improve the computer vision model you built in Course 1. You will

Cooking for Busy Healthy People (Coursera)

Cooking is one of the most powerful ways in which we can optimize our enjoyment of great quality food while protecting our health. Even on a tight budget, cooking can be a cost-effective, joyful and rewarding way to love the food that will love us back for a lifetime. In this course, you’ll learn some basic recipes from a home cook and two professional chefs who prioritize healthful eating. You’ll also learn some of the fundamentals of principle-based cooking that can help you break free from th

Copyright for Educators & Librarians (Coursera)

Fear and uncertainty about copyright law often plagues educators and sometimes prevents creative teaching. This course is a professional development opportunity designed to provide a basic introduction to US copyright law and to empower teachers and librarians at all grade levels. Course participants will discover that the law is designed to help educators and librarians.

Copyright for Multimedia (Coursera)

Copyright questions about different formats (data, images, music and video) can be especially difficult. Sometimes the law specifically distinguishes between these different formats, and in most cases there are media-specific considerations that impact a copyright analysis. In this course we will look at four different media, paying special attention to the unique issues for each one and the kinds of information that is important when making copyright decisions for each type of material. We w

Copyright Law (Coursera)

Copyright law is unique in the greater intellectual property regime, as it protects original expression that is fixed in a tangible medium and is the product of authorship. This course is designed for creative professionals — such as screenwriters, musicians, documentary filmmakers or artists — who want to understand the scope and limits of which works can enjoy U.S. copyright protection. The course will introduce students to the workings of copyright law through an examination of the system’s

Copyright Law in the Music Business (Coursera)

In this course taught by E. Michael Harrington, you will learn the basis for copyright including what is and is not covered by copyright law. This course will help clarify what rights artists have as creators as well as what the public is free to take from their work. You will also learn what to do if someone copies your work and what to do if you are accused of copying someone else. Finally, the course will discuss how technology has changed copyright for the better (and worse) and how copyrigh

Core 1: Hardware and Network Troubleshooting (Coursera)

Prepare for a rewarding career in IT with IBM's Core 1: Hardware and Network Troubleshooting course. Gain the necessary skills and knowledge to set up, configure, and troubleshoot devices, networks, and systems in today's fast-paced world. You will gain a solid understanding of hardware and networking concepts, including troubleshooting techniques for laptops, mobile devices, and video and resolution issues. You will also learn to identify and troubleshoot storage and printer issues, configure

Corporate & Commercial Law I: Contracts & Employment Law (Coursera)

This class deals with the business law topics that appear on the CPA exam: Agency, Contracts, Debtor-Creditor Relationships, Government Regulation of Business, and Business Organizations. Students will gain an understanding of how these areas of the law affect businesses and their operations, with an eye on preparation for the business law portions of the REG section of the CPA exam. By the end of the class, students will be able to identify the legal principles that govern various business situ