The Chinese University of Hong Kong


China Strategy (Coursera)

This course is designed to help you, as a strategist of a foreign company, better understand how to develop your China strategy. Specifically, after studying China’s changing strategic landscape, you will focus on mastering three strategic issues: who – the major players in China, how – the entry modes, and where – the location strategy for your China business. This course is aimed to deliver updated knowledge and real experiences of developing China strategy.

Classics of Chinese Humanities: Guided Readings (Coursera)

An introductory yet trenchant exploration of select Chinese classic texts that cover the domains of classical literature, history, philosophy, and fine arts.

Doing Business in China (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Interested in Doing Business in China?. Master essential knowledge, strategies and tools to ...

Doing Business in China Capstone (Coursera)

Doing Business in China Capstone enables you to apply your skills to real business challenges. You’ll use your newly earned business skills to identify, explore and evaluate a real opportunity involving products. In this capstone, you are the business consultant working for a well-established “HON / wellness” company. The CEO has given you a task. You have to bring a new overseas product into China.

Everyday Chinese Medicine (Coursera)

This course aims to serve as an education platform on Chinese medicine (CM) for the general public. Our primary goal is to empower healthcare choices by promoting awareness and practical application on CM diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, as well as regulation on CM services and herbal products using international examples. In the first part of this course, learners will develop skills in applying basic theory of Chinese medicine (CM) for understanding health and illnesses, and be able to

Everyday Chinese Medicine 2 (Coursera)

This course, Everyday Chinese Medicine II offered by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, aims to show to the public, as well as the healthcare professionals about the basic principles of Chinese medicine. Our primary goal is to empower healthcare choices by promoting awareness and practical application on Chinese medicine diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, and to facilitate interprofessional education between Chinese and conventional clinicians. Learners will develop skills in applying the

Fundamental Human Physiology in Sports Medicine (Coursera)

This is a course on fundamental sports-related musculoskeletal anatomy which provides students with a basic understanding of the musculoskeletal structure and function of different body regions. Topics include an overview of the musculoskeletal system, spine, upper limb, and lower limb.

Fundamental Sports related Musculoskeletal Anatomy (Coursera)

This is an online course on fundamental sports-related musculoskeletal anatomy which provides students with a basic understanding of the musculoskeletal structure and function of different body regions. Topics include an overview of the musculoskeletal system, spine, upper limb, and lower limb.

Information Theory (Coursera)

The lectures of this course are based on the first 11 chapters of Prof. Raymond Yeung’s textbook entitled Information Theory and Network Coding (Springer 2008). This book and its predecessor, A First Course in Information Theory (Kluwer 2002, essentially the first edition of the 2008 book), have been adopted by over 60 universities around the world as either a textbook or reference text. At the completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1) Demonstrate knowledge and understanding

Intellectual Change in Early China: Warring States and Han (Coursera)

This sequence of four courses will propose a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of Chinese cultural history conceived of as a succession of modes of rationality (philosophical, bureaucratic, and economic). The focus will be on the moments of paradigm shift from one mode of rationality to another. For each of these moments, cultural facts and artifacts—thought, literature, ritual—will be examined in relationship to changing social, political, and economic systems. The first two courses wil

Religion and Thought in Modern China: the Song, Jin, and Yuan (Coursera)

This sequence of four courses will propose a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of Chinese cultural history conceived of as a succession of modes of rationality (philosophical, bureaucratic, and economic). The focus will be on the moments of paradigm shift from one mode of rationality to another. For each of these moments, cultural facts and artifacts—thought, literature, ritual—will be examined in relationship to changing social, political, and economic systems. The first two courses wil

Religious Transformation in Early China: the Period of Division (Coursera)

This sequence of four courses will propose a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of Chinese cultural history conceived of as a succession of modes of rationality (philosophical, bureaucratic, and economic). The focus will be on the moments of paradigm shift from one mode of rationality to another. For each of these moments, cultural facts and artifacts—thought, literature, ritual—will be examined in relationship to changing social, political, and economic systems. The first two courses wil

Selling to Chinese Consumers (Coursera)

This course is designed to help learners sell their products, goods and services to Chinese consumers. To achieve this goal, the course will use evidence-based research in psychology, economics, legal studies and marketing to help learners understand the historical, economic and legal contexts of doing business in China and the behavioral characteristics of Chinese consumers. The course will cover topics in Chinese and global marketing, Chinese consumers, institutional and cultural influence on

Structural Equation Model and its Applications | 结构方程模型及其应用 (普通话) (Coursera)

在社会学、心理学、教育学、经济学、管理学、市场学等研究领域的数据分析中,结构方程建模是当前最前沿的统计方法中应用最广、研究最多的一个。它包含了方差分析、回归分析、路径分析和因子分析,弥补了传统回归分析和因子分析的不足,可以分析多因多果的联系、潜变量的关系,还可以处理多水平数据和纵向数据,是非常重要的多元数据分析工具。本课程系统地介绍结构方程模型和LISREL软件的应用,内容包括:结构方程分析(包括验证性因子分析)的基本概念、统计原理、在社会科学研究中的应用、常用模型及其LISREL程序、结果的解释和模型评价。学员应具备基本的统计知识(如:标准差、t-检验、相关系数),理解回归分析和因子分析的概念。 注:本课程配套教材为《结构方程模型及其应用》(以LISREL软件为例)。

Structural Equation Model and its Applications | 结构方程模型及其应用 (粤语) (Coursera)

课程介绍: 在社会学、心理学、教育学、经济学、管理学、市场学等研究领域的数据分析中,结构方程建模是当前最前沿的统计方法中应用最广、研究最多的一个。它包含了方差分析、回归分析、路径分析和因子分析,弥补了传统回归分析和因子分析的不足,可以分析多因多果的联系、潜变量的关系,还可以处理多水平数据和纵向数据,是非常重要的多元数据分析工具。本课程系统地介绍结构方程模型和LISREL软件的应用,内容包括:结构方程分析(包括验证性因子分析)的基本概念、统计原理、在社会科学研究中的应用、常用模型及其LISREL程序、结果的解释和模型评价。学员应具备基本的统计知识(如:标准差、t-检验、相关系数),理解回归分析和因子分析的概念。 注:本课程配套教材为《结构方程模型及其应用》(以LISREL软件为例)。 修课背景要求: 讲学语言:普通话及广东话 / 简体中文 这是一个艰深的高阶课程,学员应有下述的知识及训练:(i) 使用SPSS, SAS或其他类似软件包;(ii) 回归;和(iii) 因子分析(探索性因子分析)。 课程目标: 完成课程之后,学生的预期学习成果是: 1. 能够说出与传统的ANO

Structuring Values in Modern China (Coursera)

This sequence of four courses will propose a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of Chinese cultural history conceived of as a succession of modes of rationality (philosophical, bureaucratic, and economic). The focus will be on the moments of paradigm shift from one mode of rationality to another. For each of these moments, cultural facts and artifacts—thought, literature, ritual—will be examined in relationship to changing social, political, and economic systems. The first two courses wil

The Beauty of Kunqu Opera (Coursera)

This course will focus on the historical and cultural background, literary aesthetics, music, and performance of Kunqu, China’s classical opera. After viewing the lecture videos presented by scholars and renowned maestros in the field of Kunqu, students’ understanding and appreciation of Chinese performing arts, classical literature and traditional culture will be enhanced.

中國人文經典導讀 (Coursera)

本課程對象為對中國文化有興趣的同學。 課程目的為通過四個不同特色的主題,討論中國文化的四個主要面向。每個主題選取兩篇經典文本作為核心閱讀,並與延伸閱讀做互文探討,以新角度解讀經典文本的意義,展現中國文化的複雜性、多元性。文本難度與大學一年級國文程度相當。

崑曲之美 (Coursera)

課程簡介: 本課程以崑曲的歷史文化、文學、音樂、表演、美學為核心主題,透過學者與表演藝術家的解說示範,提昇學生對中國傳統文化、古典文學與表演藝術之鑑賞能力。 (An English version has been launched in 2016 on Coursera. Link: 學生透過本科的學習,可以: (1) 增進對中國歷史及其文化瑰寶「崑曲」的認識 (2) 加深對中國古典文學、美學與表演藝術之鑑賞能力 (3) 加深對中國人文精神的感知 (4) 增加學生文化素養,對個人及社會的感悟 授課形式: (1) 課堂錄像(錄像約15分鐘一節,每課總長約1小時) (2) 功課:選擇題(每週8題)

离散优化建模基础篇 Basic Modeling for Discrete Optimization (Coursera)

优化问题是一种常见的决策问题,它在我们的社会中很常见。它的应用可以从数独问题的解决涵盖到婚礼的座次安排。同样的技术可以用于航班与机组成员的安排,钢铁生产的调节,和钢铁从矿区到港口的调度问题。在生产中,人力资源与生产材料的合理决策可以使企业获得成千上万的利润提升。类似的问题也存在于我们的日常生活中,它们包括决定包裹的运输路径,调整学校课程时间,和传输能源到千家万户。尽管这些问题很基础,不过以一般本科教育的知识来解决这些问题都会十分困难。 这个课程是设计给所有对优化问题应用的各个方面感兴趣的同学。你将学习到一种全新的方法来思考如何解决这些有挑战性的问题。这种方法只需用先进的高级建模语言把问题在表述清楚,然后让约束求解器完成剩下的工作。它可以让你接触到业界问题求解的技术,而这在过去几十年中有上百个博士研究者不断将其完善优化。通过利用这种前沿的科技,在过去看起来不可思议的问题突然间变得易如反掌。