Coursera Courses

Guitar Performance Techniques (Coursera)

Your favorite guitarist didn't become your favorite guitarist without the support of other musicians. The most important skill for a guitarist to learn is the exact same skill that was so important in kindergarten: playing well with others. Guitar Performance Techniques gives guitarists the essential and practical skills to play well with others in any ensemble situation. This course begins with daily warm-up techniques that help you prepare for rehearsals, jam sessions, and stage performances.

Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions (Coursera)

You’ve got the guitar basics down: You can strum your guitar and play a few of your favorite songs, but you’re ready to take the tunes to the next level. In Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions you’ll expand your knowledge of scales, chord fingerings, and common chord progressions. You’ll also learn important skills for soloing, creating melodies, and adding depth and dimension to your guitar playing. This course is not only for the aspiring guitarist who has taken Berklee’s Guitar for Beginne

Gut Check: Exploring Your Microbiome (Coursera)

Imagine if there were an organ in your body that weighed as much as your brain, that affected your health, your weight, and even your behavior. Wouldn’t you want to know more about it? There is such an organ — the collection of microbes in and on your body, your human microbiome.

Habilidades de Excel Aplicadas a Negocios: Nivel Avanzado (Coursera)

El software de hojas de cálculo sigue siendo uno de los software más omnipresentes en las oficinas de todo el mundo. Aprender a utilizar con confianza este software significa agregar un activo muy valioso a sus oportunidades de empleo. En el mundo, se publican a diario millones de anuncios de empleo que requieren habilidades de Excel. En un momento en que los trabajos de conocimientos informáticos están creciendo mucho más rápido que los trabajos no digitales, este curso le proporcionará una ven

Habilidades de Excel para el negocio: Conceptos básicos (Coursera)

En este primer curso de la especialización de habilidades de Excel para el negocio, aprenderá los conceptos básicos de Microsoft Excel. En seis semanas, podrá navegar, de forma experta, a través de la interfaz de usuario de Excel, realizar cálculos básicos con fórmulas y funciones, dar formato profesional a hojas de cálculo y crear visualizaciones de datos a través de gráficos y cuadros. Ya sea que usted sea autodidacta y desee eliminar ciertas deficiencias a fin de obtener una mejor eficiencia

Habilidades de Excel para el negocio: Intermedio I (Coursera)

El software de hojas de cálculo sigue siendo uno de los componentes de software más ubicuos que se utilizan en lugares de trabajo de todo el mundo. Aprender a operar con confianza este software significa agregar un activo muy valioso a su cartera de empleabilidad. Solo en los Estados Unidos, se publican millones de anuncios de empleo todos los días que requieren habilidades en Excel. La investigación de Burning Glass Technologies y Capital One muestra que las habilidades digitales conducen a may

Habilidades de Excel para negócios: Fundamentos (Coursera)

Neste primeiro curso da especialização Habilidades de Excel para negócios, você aprenderá os fundamentos do Microsoft Excel. Dentro de seis semanas, você poderá navegar habilmente pela interface de usuário do Excel, realizar cálculos básicos com fórmulas e funções, formatar planilhas profissionalmente e criar visualizações de dados por meio de gráficos e tabelas. Se você é autodidata e quer preencher as lacunas para melhor eficiência e produtividade, ou se você nunca usou o Excel antes, este cu

Habilidades de negociación y comunicación efectiva (Coursera)

Negociamos desde que inicia el día, a través de todas nuestras interacciones, ya sean laborales, sociales o familiares. Pero te has preguntado ¿Qué tan eficientemente negocias y si lo podrías hacer mejor? Esta es una gran oportunidad para que pongas en práctica y de manera inmediata los conocimientos adquiridos y compruebes que el proceso de negociar es dinámico y siempre se puede mejorar. Este curso de negociación incorpora los avances más recientes en el desarrollo de habilidades de negociaci

Habilidades gerenciales: Proyecto final (Coursera)

En este curso, desarrollarás un plan estratégico que te permitirá identificar, desarrollar y alinear la misión, visión, valores y objetivos estratégicos de tu función directiva con los de la empresa en la que laboras. Del mismo modo diseñarás las estrategias e indicadores para lograrlo de manera realista y eficiente.

Habilidades humanas y de negocios para negociar (Coursera)

En este curso los participantes analizarán los conceptos de efectividad de una negociación, que consiste en una interacción humana, y la satisfacción de los deseos e intereses en las negociaciones. Todos tenemos el deseo de mejorar y superarnos. La forma de lograrlo es conocerse a sí mismo y a las personas con las que se negocia o se interactúa.

Hacer negocios con multinacionales y empresas en América Latina (Coursera)

Acompáñanos en el curso Hacer negocios con multinacionales y empresas en América Latina. En este curso, conocerás las características de las multilatinas más grandes, comprenderás cómo han construido su ventaja competitiva doméstica e internacional, e identificarás cuáles son los desafíos e innovaciones para lograr sostener su desempeño económico superior. Este curso incluye videos de presentación y explicación de los temas; actividades de aprendizaje y evaluación; entrevistas; reseñas de lect

Hacia una práctica constructivista en el aula (Coursera)

El curso trata temas fundamentales para lograr diseñar clases desde una concepción constructivista considerando diversidad de experiencias de aprendizaje e integración adecuada de la tecnología.

Hacking and Patching (Coursera)

In this MOOC, you will learn how to hack web apps with command injection vulnerabilities in a web site of your AWS Linux instance. You will learn how to search valuable information on a typical Linux systems with LAMP services, and deposit and hide Trojans for future exploitation. You will learn how to patch these web apps with input validation using regular expression. You will learn a security design pattern to avoid introducing injection vulnerabilities by input validation and replacing ge

Hacking COVID-19 — Course 1: Identifying a Deadly Pathogen (Coursera)

In this course, you will follow in the footsteps of the bioinformaticians investigating the COVID-19 outbreak by assembling the SARS-CoV-2 genome. Whether you’re new to the world of computational biology, or you’re a bioinformatics expert seeking to learn about its applications in the COVID-19 pandemic, or somewhere in between, this course is for you! As you go through this journey, we will introduce and explain genomic concepts and give you many opportunities to practice your skills, and we wil

Hacking Exercise For Health. The surprising new science of fitness. (Coursera)

Renowned exercise physiologists Martin Gibala and Stuart Phillips of McMaster University teach the surprising new science of cardio fitness and strength-building—and then provide you with hacks to get fit and strong (and healthy!) in less time than you ever thought possible. What’s the right mix of exercise between cardio and strength? How do you know if you’re working out hard enough? What’s better, heavy or light weights? These questions and more are addressed through a course designed to prov

Hadoop Platform and Application Framework (Coursera)

This course is for novice programmers or business people who would like to understand the core tools used to wrangle and analyze big data. With no prior experience, you will have the opportunity to walk through hands-on examples with Hadoop and Spark frameworks, two of the most common in the industry. You will be comfortable explaining the specific components and basic processes of the Hadoop architecture, software stack, and execution environment. In the assignments you will be guided in how

Hands-on Introduction to Linux Commands and Shell Scripting (Coursera)

This course provides a practical understanding of common Linux / UNIX shell commands. In this beginner friendly course, you will learn about the Linux basics, Shell commands, and Bash shell scripting. You will begin this course with an introduction to Linux and explore the Linux architecture. You will interact with the Linux Terminal, execute commands, navigate directories, edit files, as well as install and update software. Next, you’ll become familiar with commonly used Linux commands. Y

Hands-On Labs in Google Cloud for Networking Engineers (Coursera)

This course consists of a series of labs, designed to provide the learner hands-on experience performing a variety of tasks pertaining to setup and maintenance of their Google VPC networks.

Hands-On Labs in Google Cloud for Security Engineers (Coursera)

Security is an uncompromising feature of Google Cloud services, and Google Cloud has developed specific tools for ensuring safety and identity across your projects. In this course you will get added hands-on practice understanding and securing resources with multiple Google Cloud services including Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). This course is unlike other courses, in that it consists of one module of background videos, followed by a series of hands-on practice exercises on Google Cloud via Q

Hands-on Text Mining and Analytics (Coursera)

This course provides an unique opportunity for you to learn key components of text mining and analytics aided by the real world datasets and the text mining toolkit written in Java. Hands-on experience in core text mining techniques including text preprocessing, sentiment analysis, and topic modeling help learners be trained to be a competent data scientists. Empowered by bringing lecture notes together with lab sessions based on the y-TextMiner toolkit developed for the class, learners will b

Hands-on with AWS for IT Professionals (Coursera)

This course gets hands-on by teaching how to create a new AWS Account, create an Administrative User, and explore the AWS Free Tier. Students can then follow demonstration and explainer videos containing on how AWS Services can combine to create solutions that can be useful in real-life scenarios. The scenarios are grouped into three major categories: Data, Operations, and Architecture. In the data scenario, the instructors will show how a Machine Learning solution automatically redacts PII (Per

Hardening, Polymers, Properties (Coursera)

This course will introduce age hardening and how to use a phase diagram to identify an alloy that is eligible for age hardening. The key factors that affect nucleation and crystal growth will be investigated. In addition, an introduction to polymer science will be given. The key differences between thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers will be introduced. Strengthening mechanisms will be introduced. We explore what happens to the properties of a polymer as you increase or decrease the extent

Hardware Description Languages for FPGA Design (Coursera)

This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5361, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree. Hardware Description Languages for Logic Design enables students to design circuits using VHDL and Verilog, the most widespread design methods for FPGA Design. It uses natural learning processes to make learning the languages easy. Simple first examples are presented, then language rules and syntax, followed by more complex examples, and then finally use of

Hardware Security (Coursera)

In this course, we will study security and trust from the hardware perspective. Upon completing the course, students will understand the vulnerabilities in current digital system design flow and the physical attacks to these systems. They will learn that security starts from hardware design and be familiar with the tools and skills to build secure and trusted hardware.

Harnessing the Power of Data with Power BI (Coursera)

This course forms part of the Microsoft Power BI Analyst Professional Certificate. This Professional Certificate consists of a series of courses that offers a good starting point for a career in data analysis using Microsoft Power BI. In this course, you’ll learn about the role of a data analyst and the main stages involved in the data analysis process with a focus on applying them using Microsoft Power BI. After completing this course, you’ll be able to:   • Describe how data is produced an

Haz Crecer Tu Negocio con Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women (Coursera)

Este curso gratuito es uno de los 10 cursos disponibles en la colección Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women, diseñado para emprendedoras listas para llevar su negocio al siguiente nivel. En este curso, obtendrás las habilidades que te ayudarán a planificar cómo hacer crecer mejor tu negocio en el futuro. Aprenderás a identificar las posibles oportunidades de crecimiento para tu negocio y seleccionarás la que sea más progresista, evaluando su viabilidad. También se te presentará el Plan de Crecimiento

Haz sonar la alarma: Detección y respuesta (Coursera)

En este sexto curso del Certificado de Ciberseguridad de Google te centrarás en la detección y respuesta a incidentes. Definirás un incidente de seguridad y explicarás el ciclo de vida de la respuesta a incidentes; incluirás las funciones y las responsabilidades de los equipos de respuesta a incidentes. Analizarás e interpretarás las comunicaciones de red para detectar incidentes de seguridad con herramientas de rastreo de paquetes para capturar el tráfico de red. Al evaluar y analizar los artef

Healing with the Arts (Coursera)

Through art projects—including visual arts, dance, writing, and music—along with spiritual practices and guided imagery, Healing With the Arts gives you the tools to heal what you need to heal in your life: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Health Across the Gender Spectrum (Coursera)

This course offers an intimate, story-based introduction to the experiences of six transgender children and their families. Through illustrated stories and short teaching videos, learners will gain a better understanding of gender identity and the gender spectrum. Stanford physicians, K-12 educators, and transgender faculty members offer practical tips for parents, teachers, healthcare providers and anyone who wants to help create a more gender-expansive environment - one in which all people can

Health After Cancer: Cancer Survivorship for Primary Care (Coursera)

This course presents basic principles of cancer survivorship to primary-care physicians. Developed by a team of experts in caring for cancer survivors, and narrated by a primary-care physician, this course provides practical tips and tools that can be easily integrated into medical practice. You will learn about the complex physical and psychosocial needs and concerns of the growing number of cancer survivors, along with the key role that primary care physicians have in guiding these patients b

Health Behavior Change: From Evidence to Action (Coursera)

Humans often fail to make rational decisions that affect their health. This course seeks to heighten understanding of the social and behavioral factors that contribute to health decisions and behaviors, with an ultimate goal of learning how to utilize these factors in improving public health efforts. Through a set of experiential learning exercises, students will learn to apply the science of health behavior change in their own lives. The course is appropriate for students interested in health c

Health Care Delivery in Healthcare Organizations (Coursera)

Have you ever needed health care and thought that there must be better ways to get or deliver health care? For example, have you found yourself thinking that there should be a way to get a diagnostic test or treatment at home? Or do you work in a healthcare organization and find yourself thinking that there must be better ways to deliver health care? If you have, this course is for you. Course content includes an overview of health care delivery including healthcare consumerism, the patient's pe

Health Care Innovation (Coursera)

In this course, you’ll learn the foundational economic theories behind health care innovation and how to optimize your own health care practice or organization. Designed to help you gain a practical understanding of the theoretical frameworks of behavioral economics and operations management in the health care setting, this course will help you apply these frameworks to assess health care practices and apply innovation while managing risk. You’ll also explore the best practices for evaluating on

Health Care IT: Challenges and Opportunities (Coursera)

A strong argument can be made that the health care field is one of the most information-intensive sectors in the U.S. economy and avoidance of the rapid advances in information technology is no longer an option. Consequently, the study of health care information technology and systems has become central to health care delivery effectiveness. This course covers the modern application of information technology that is critical to supporting the vision and operational knowledge of the health care l

Health Coaching Conversations (Coursera)

Are you a healthcare practitioner or student in a healthcare field? Do you want to learn how to have more empowering conversations with your patients and support them to take control of their own health and wellbeing? Are you looking for a course to start learning these skills that also fits with your busy life? If so, this is the course for you! In this course, you will become much more familiar with some key health coaching principles and skills, and will be equipped to start applying these in

Health Concepts in Chinese Medicine (Coursera)

Course Overview: Chinese Medicine and Modern Medicine are two distinct medical systems, yet they both aim at the prevention and treatment of human diseases. With this in mind, we should understand the practice of Chinese Medicine in the context of Modern Medicine. In this course, we explore the basic theories underlying the practice of Chinese Medicine, compare and contrast the use of Chinese Medicine and Modern Medicine in Preventive Health, and discuss how to res

Health for All Through Primary Health Care (Coursera)

This course explores why primary health care is central for achieving Health for All. It provides examples of how primary health care has been instrumental in approaching this goal in selected populations and how the principles of primary health care can guide future policies and actions. Two of the most inspiring, least understood, and most often derided terms in global health discourse are “Health for All” and “Primary Health Care.” In this course, we will explore these terms in the context o

Health in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies (Coursera)

The Center for Humanitarian Emergencies is a partnership between CDC's Emergency Response and Recovery Branch and the Rollins School of Public Health that drives global collaboration, research and evidence based training to improve the lives and well-being of populations impacted by humanitarian emergencies. - Center for Humanitarian Emergencies: - CDC's Emergency Response and Recovery Branch: This course

Health Information Technology Fundamentals (Coursera)

In this course you will receive an overview of the health IT ecosystem with a specific focus on the role of electronic health records (EHRs). You’ll be introduced to the factors that contributed to the move from paper records to digitized records and who the most common vendors are. We’ll go over features of EHRs such as computerized provider order entry, clinical decision support, documentation capabilities, and medication reconciliation. Like a physician’s stethoscope, the EHR has become an im

Health Systems Development: A Focus on Health Service Delivery and Human Resources for Health (Coursera)

This specialization is intended for people interested in health systems and how they function. Participants will learn about the global health systems landscape and the challenges and opportunities to achieve better health outcomes. This specialisation is divided into three courses which are offered as massive online open access courses (Courses 1-3), and a fourth course which is offered as part of the Online MPH degree (capstone). The Health Systems Development specialisation is geared toward

Health Systems Development: Health systems, Policy and Research (Coursera)

This specialization is intended for people interested in health systems and how they function. Participants will learn about the global health systems landscape and the challenges and opportunities to achieve better health outcomes. This specialisation is divided into three courses which are offered as massive online open access courses (Courses 1-3), and a fourth course which is offered as part of the Online MPH degree (capstone). The Health Systems Development specialisation is geared toward

Health Systems Development: Introduction to Health Systems (Coursera)

This specialization is intended for people interested in health systems and how they function. Participants will learn about the global health systems landscape and the challenges and opportunities to achieve better health outcomes. This specialisation is divided into three courses which are offered as massive online open access courses (Courses 1-3), and a fourth course which is offered as part of the Online MPH degree (capstone). The Health Systems Development specialisation is geared toward

Health, Housing, and Educational Services (Coursera)

Course 5 discusses policies in four areas: housing, education, healthcare, and immigration, with an optional fifth module in child protection. This course addresses issues of power, oppression, and white supremacy. -First we’ll look at housing policy, with its contrasting supports for homeowners and renters. -Then we’ll interpret the structure that provides education and examine debates about its future. -The third module will differentiate the issues in the U.S. healthcare system and devel

Health, Society, and Wellness in COVID-19 Times (Coursera)

You may be encountering a world unlike any other generation. The public health crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic has created a context of pervasive uncertainty, heightened anxiety, and social isolation that overlaps with a critical time of your own learning and development. The COVID-19 pandemic also has exacerbated long-standing inequalities and disparities, and recent events in the United States have laid bare historical and current realities of racism and systemic oppression. These challenges m

Healthcare Analytics Essentials (Coursera)

This course is best suited for individuals currently in the healthcare sector, as a provider, payer, or administrator. Individuals pursuing a career change to the healthcare sector may also be interested in this course. In this course, you will have an opportunity to examine topics related to data-driven decision making in healthcare. You will be asked to consider both the patient and provider perspective and their contributions to improving the quality of care provided. Through the readings,

Healthcare Consumerism and Implication for Care Delivery (Coursera)

In this course we will examine the changing role of the consumer in healthcare. Consumers are asking for more accountability in how healthcare is delivered and paid for. Healthcare professionals must make sure that they are delivering high quality, personalized care. Some of the topics we'll cover are: the healthcare ecosystem, new technologies in healthcare, the development of new payment models, change management in healthcare, data analytics. By the end of this course, you will be able to:

Healthcare Data Literacy (Coursera)

This course will help lay the foundation of your healthcare data journey and provide you with knowledge and skills necessary to work in the healthcare industry as a data scientist. Healthcare is unique because it is associated with continually evolving and complex processes associated with health management and medical care. We'll learn about the many facets to consider in healthcare and determine the value and growing need for data analysts in healthcare. We'll learn about the Triple Aim and ot

Healthcare Data Models (Coursera)

Career prospects are bright for those qualified to work in healthcare data analytics. Perhaps you work in data analytics, but are considering a move into healthcare where your work can improve people’s quality of life. If so, this course gives you a glimpse into why this work matters, what you’d be doing in this role, and what takes place on the Path to Value where data is gathered from patients at the point of care, moves into data warehouses to be prepared for analysis, then moves along the da

Healthcare Data Quality and Governance (Coursera)

Career prospects are bright for those qualified to work with healthcare data or as Health Information Management (HIM) professionals. Perhaps you work in data analytics but are considering a move into healthcare, or you work in healthcare but are considering a transition into a new role. In either case, Healthcare Data Quality and Governance will provide insight into how valuable data assets are protected to maintain data quality. This serves care providers, patients, doctors, clinicians, and th

Healthcare Data Security, Privacy, and Compliance (Coursera)

In the final course of the Healthcare IT Support program, we will focus on the types of healthcare data that you need to be aware, complexities of security and privacy within healthcare, and issues related to compliance and reporting. As a health IT support specialist, you’ll be exposed to different types of data sources and data elements that are utilized in healthcare. It’s important for you to understand the basic language of healthcare data and for you to recognize the sensitive nature of pr