Coursera Courses

Electrical Properties and Semiconductors (Coursera)

In this course, we will explore the electrical properties of materials and classify different materials as conductors, semiconductors or insulators. We will look at some examples of conductors, semiconductors and insulators, and note the key factors that cause the differences in their electrical properties. We will use rudimentary band theory to show how temperature impacts the conductivity of the three classifications of materials. We will learn what causes the differences in electrical behavio

Electrodynamics: An Introduction (Coursera)

The depth and breadth of electromagnetism, the foundation for many fields including materials science, electrical engineering, and physical chemistry, requires a long, steep, and steady learning curve. This course aims to bridge the gap between the fundamental principles taught in electromagnetism and its practical application to specific fields such as materials, physics, and chemistry related to energy storage and harvesting. The goal of Electrodynamics: An Introduction is to not only teach

Electrodynamics: Analysis of Electric Fields (Coursera)

This course is a continuation of Electrodynamics: An Introduction. Here, we will cover different methods of calculating an electric field. In addition, we will introduce polarization, dielectrics, and how electric fields create dipoles. Learners will • Be able to apply symmetry and other tools to calculate the electric field. • Understand what susceptibility, polarization, and dipoles are. Additionally, students will learn to visualize Maxwell equations in order to apply the derived mathemat

Electrodynamics: Electric and Magnetic Fields (Coursera)

This course is a continuation of Electrodynamics: An Introduction and Electrodynamics: Analysis of Electric Fields. Here, we will introduce magnetostatics and relate it to the material we learned previously. In addition, we will cover the basics of the electromotive force and how it can be used to build different devices. Learners will • Be able to use solutions from electric fields and relate them to other subjects (heat transfer, diffusion, membrane modeling) • Understand Maxwell's equatio

Electrodynamics: In-depth Solutions for Maxwell’s Equations (Coursera)

This course is the fourth course in the Electrodynamics series, and is directly proceeded by Electrodynamics: Electric and Magnetic Fields. Previously, we have learned about visualization of fields and solutions which were not time dependent. Here, we will return to Maxwell's Equations and use them to produce wave equations which can be used to analyze complex systems, such as oscillating dipoles. We will also introduce AC circuits, and how they can be simplified, solved, and applied. Learner

Electrones en Acción: Electrónica y Arduinos para tus propios Inventos (Coursera)

Este curso introduce al alumno a la electrónica y los Arduinos, comenzando desde lo más básico de un circuito eléctrico y finalizando con el diseño de circuitos de baja complejidad empleando dispositivos electrónicos programables. Durante el curso los alumnos aprenderán los fundamentos básicos de la electricidad y de la electrónica, conocerán los diferentes bloques empleados en el diseño de un circuito electrónico, aprenderán las bases del diseño de circuitos analógicos y digitales, y serán intr

Electronic Music Performance Techniques (Coursera)

From the Moog analog synthesizers in the 1960s to the contemporary usage of computers, performance controllers, and mobile devices, Electronic Digital Instruments (EDIs) have long been capable of offering artists a new range of musical expression. In this one-of-a-kind course, you’ll learn the essential skills you need to perform on an EDI. Your instructor is EDI musician and Berklee College of Music associate professor Rishabh Rajan. He will take you through the basics of EDI performance and

Electrónica Digital Bit a Bit: Fundamentos, Verilog y FPGA (Coursera)

Es desafiante y hasta atemorizante entender un circuito digital cuando observamos la cantidad de transistores que puede contener, y aún más difícil diseñarlo eficientemente para su implementación en un circuito integrado o una FPGA. Sin embargo, saber diseñar circuitos digitales simples nos abre las puertas para diseñar sistemas digitales más complejos a partir de estos. El curso "Electrónica digital bit a bit: Aprendiendo fundamentos" introduce al mundo de los circuitos digitales, empezando co

Éléments de Géomatique (Coursera)

Les nouvelles technologies de l’information ont facilité l’accès à de nombreuses bases de données offrant au grand public, mais surtout aux professionnels, une multitude de services. Le domaine de l’information géographique a également suivi ce mouvement en modernisant l’ensemble des supports, des plans, des cartes topographiques et de tous les types de données à référence spatiale. Face au déploiement massif des cartes numériques et des nombreux services basés sur la localisation, il s’agit de

Embajador de la Vacuna COVID: Cómo Hablar con los Padres (Coursera)

La vacunación es una estrategia clave para prevenir enfermedades graves y la muerte por COVID-19. Estas vacunas están disponibles para niños de a partir de los 5 años, pero muchos padres tienen preguntas sobre las vacunaciones. Este curso de capacitación prepara a los padres de niños en edad escolar, a las Asociaciones de Padres y Maestros, a los miembros de la comunidad y al personal de la escuela para que sean embajadores de vacunas y promuevan la aceptación de la vacuna en sus comunidades. De

Embedded Hardware and Operating Systems (Coursera)

All about practical programming and creating IoTs applications! In this course, we will talk about two components of a cyber-physical system, namely hardware and operating systems. After completing this course, you will have knowledge of both hardware components and operating systems. You are able to plan and use embedded operating systems in resource-constraint devices for Internet-of-Things (cyber-physical system) applications. In addition, you can use Cooja simulation for designing and sim

Embedded Software and Hardware Architecture (Coursera)

Embedded Software and Hardware Architecture is a first dive into understanding embedded architectures and writing software to manipulate this hardware. You will gain experience writing low-level firmware to directly interface hardware with highly efficient, readable and portable design practices. We will now transition from the Host Linux Machine where we built and ran code in a simulated environment to an Integrated Development Environment where you will build and install code directly on your

Emergence of Life (Coursera)

How did life emerge on Earth? How have life and Earth co-evolved through geological time? Is life elsewhere in the universe? Take a look through the 4-billion-year history of life on Earth through the lens of the modern Tree of Life! This course will evaluate the entire history of life on Earth within the context of our cutting-edge understanding of the Tree of Life. This includes the pioneering work of Professor Carl Woese on the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus which revolutioni

Emergency Care: Pregnancy, Infants, and Children (Coursera)

Welcome to the final course of lectures in your quest to master EMT basics. In this course, we will cover some of the highest-stress patient populations: pregnant patients and kids, also known as pediatrics. To wrap up your EMT knowledge we will end this course with information about hazmat situations, extricating patients from tight spots and finally how you write a note about your patient care. You will learn to ensure it communicates what your assessment of the patient was, what intervention

Emergent Phenomena in Science and Everyday Life (Coursera)

Before the advent of quantum mechanics in the early 20th century, most scientists believed that it should be possible to predict the behavior of any object in the universe simply by understanding the behavior of its constituent parts. For instance, if one could write down the equations of motion for every atom in a system, it should be possible to solve those equations (with the aid of a sufficiently large computing device) and make accurate predictions about that system’s future. However, ther

Emerging Trends & Technologies in the Virtual K-12 Classroom (Coursera)

Welcome to Emerging Trends and Technologies in K-12! This course will help you evaluate and implement technology in the most useful way within your virtual classroom setting. We will discuss the possibilities and challenges of using technology in fully online environments, although many of the ideas can be applied to blended and traditional environments as well. This course is focused on emerging trends and technologies, specifically for K-12 instructors. Most of the content will be aimed at hi

Emotional and Social Intelligence (Coursera)

"We are wired to connect. Neuroscience has discovered that our brains very design makes it sociable, inexorably drawn into an intimate brain to brain linkup whenever we engage with another person." Daniel Goleman – Prologue – Social Intelligence Emotional and Social Intelligence (ESI) is defined as a set of competencies demonstrating the ability one has to recognize their behaviors, moods, and impulses, and to manage them best according to the situation. This course will give you the tools you

Emotional Intelligence: Cultivating Immensely Human Interactions (Coursera)

This course is a multi-media exploration into important intra- and interpersonal skills required for Emotional Intelligence. Professors Sanchez-Burks and Alexander teach a model that brings together all of the areas that are necessary to improve and take skills in the interpersonal space to the next level. People call these ‘soft skills’ when in fact they are the hardest part of great leadership and the biggest contributor to team success. Through theory, assessments, animated vignettes, and vid

Emotions: a Philosophical Introduction (Coursera)

Philosophy is like sex: sure you can get some interesting results, but that's not why we do it. Going one step beyond…why do you FEEL pain or pleasure? Do plants have emotions? How is possible that some people do not understand other’s emotions? Emotions seem to be everywhere, giving meaning to all events of our lives. They are the backbone of social activities as well as they drive the cognitive processes of several living entities. Several animals, including humans, have emotions but…what abou

Employee Relations (Coursera)

This course explores how to create and administer policies and procedures for an organization. You will evaluate the values and attitudes between the workforce and employees. You will learn performance methods for all levels of employees. By the end of this course, you will be able to: ● Create policies for the workforce and employees of an organization ● Evaluate different attitudes and values between the workforce and organization ● Summarize company culture and how it is monitored and how i

Employment Contracts (Coursera)

The employment relationship is one of the foundations upon which modern society and the greater economy is built, but the nature of this relationship can be both complex and confusing. This course seeks to demystify the ways that U.S. contract law principles govern the fundamental relationship between employers and employees. We begin by examining the default rule of at-will employment that applies to most U.S. employment relationships, and we then consider the necessary elements required to c

Empowering Yourself in a Post-Truth World (Coursera)

The post-truth world is a divided and partisan environment in which factual information has been displaced by subjective and biased viewpoints. Facts and expertise no longer matter when isolated communities deny truth and scientific reasoning in favor of whatever information suits their needs or aligns with their beliefs. Social media and emerging technologies have the power to connect global participants in a meaningful way; yet, they have also led to disconnected communities that fail to commu

Emprender la emprendeduría (Coursera)

El curso Emprender la emprendeduría tiene por objetivo promover las competencias emprendedoras en aquellas personas que están pensando en orientar su vida profesional hacia la creación de su propia empresa en el sector audiovisual. El curso ha sido desarrollado por un conjunto de profesores de la Universidad de Barcelona, expertos en diferentes áreas de conocimientos como la psicología, la educación, la filología, el derecho, pero con el común denominador de una dilatada experiencia en el secto

Emprendiendo en STEM (Coursera)

El objetivo de este curso es inspirar a las mujeres que están en el mundo de la ciencia, la tecnología, la ingeniería y las matemáticas (STEM, siglas en inglés) a descubrir su espíritu emprendedor y adquirir herramientas prácticas para la creación y el crecimiento de compañías. Se propone hacerlo a través de 6 módulos de formación en las habilidades básicas de un emprendedor para inspirarse y animarse. El Curso es parte del Programa WISE, cuya misión es promover la innovación a través de la cre

Emprendimiento y métodos ágiles de desarrollo en videojuegos (Coursera)

¡Bienvenido al curso de Emprendimiento y métodos ágiles de desarrollo en videojuegos! Este curso introduce conceptos de emprendimiento en videojuegos y de metodologías ágiles de producción para su desarrollo. Queremos que tengas las herramientas básicas para considerar la creación de tu propio estudio de videojuegos, y organices tu grupo de trabajo alrededor de una metodología de desarrollo ágil. Al finalizar este curso podrás demostrar entendimiento de los conceptos básicos de emprendimient

EMT Foundations (Coursera)

In this course, you will get a thorough introduction to the emergency medical services system, and learn the foundation components to how it works as a whole. You will also learn the nuts and bolts of becoming a healthcare provider, and gain some basic knowledge about the human body. By the end of the course, you will be able to 1) understand the history and components of the EMS system, 2) speak the language of medicine with basic medical terminology, as well as have an understanding of basic h

Encoder-Decoder Architecture (Coursera)

This course gives you a synopsis of the encoder-decoder architecture, which is a powerful and prevalent machine learning architecture for sequence-to-sequence tasks such as machine translation, text summarization, and question answering. You learn about the main components of the encoder-decoder architecture and how to train and serve these models. In the corresponding lab walkthrough, you’ll code in TensorFlow a simple implementation of the encoder-decoder architecture for poetry generation fro

Endpoints and Systems (Coursera)

The three most used endpoint operating systems are Windows, Linux, and Mac. When investigating security incidents, security analysts often encounter these operating systems running on servers or user end hosts. If you are an associate-level cybersecurity analyst who is working in security operation centers, this course will help you understand basic Windows operations principles. By the end of the course, you will be able to: •By the end of the course, you will be able to: • Describe the histo

Energy Harvesting (Coursera)

Joining this course presents opportunity to learn about energy harvesting that refers to a technology that converts the energy discarded in our daily lives into useful electrical energy that we can use. As we all know, most of low-power electronics, such as remote sensors, are driven by batteries. However, even when it comes to long-lasting batteries, they face an issue that is a regular replacement. It can turn out to be costly as there are hundreds of sensors in remote locations. Whereas, ener

Energy Justice: Fostering More Equitable Energy Futures (Coursera)

Are you motivated by the idea that social justice can be served by the energy transition, but are not sure how to make this happen? Do you want to grow your ability to recognize - and do something about - injustice in the energy space? Are you a sustainability or environmental professional eager to help design just energy systems? Do you wonder how to help advance equity in your community’s energy decisions? This course is for you! Energy is the lifeblood of the modern way of life. Yet not

Energy management for real estate. Methods and digital tools (Coursera)

The figure of the Energy Manager (EM), introduced in the United States in the early 1970s, during the first oil crisis, brought to light the need to get more work out of less energy. In Italy, this figure was officially introduced by Law 308/82, but had its first strong impulse thanks to Law 10/91, aimed at implementing the National Energy Plan on the rational use of energy, energy saving and the development of renewable energy sources. More in detail, an Energy Manager is a person whose task is

Energy, Environment, and Everyday Life (Coursera)

For a sample of what this course will include, see the video "Energy, Environment, and Everyday Life MOOC with University of Illinois Professor David Ruzic" - This course teaches you everything you need to know about energy, the environment, and at least a number of things in everyday life. It starts by talking about energy itself and where it comes from. This includes how much we have, who has it, who uses it, and what that all means. The video clips are

Engagement & Nurture Marketing Strategies (Coursera)

In this third course in the Social Marketing Specialization - "The Engagement & Nurture Marketing Strategies" - you will learn two of the most effective social strategies used by organizations today. You'll see real-world best practice examples and learn what metrics they use to gauge success. You will also learn the importance of infographics and the impact a well-designed landing page can have on your bottom line. All of the social skills you have learned thus far will be put into action with

Engaging ELLs and Their Families in the School and Community (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn how to better and more successfully engage your ELL(s) and their families in the school and community. You will learn how to engage your ELL student in the classroom setting as well as in various aspects of the school including extracurricular activities and the inner workings of the school and education system. You will also be introduced to strategies for engaging the families of your ELL students in the school community and the wider community of your city and

Engaging in Persuasive and Credible Communication (Coursera)

In "Engaging in Persuasive and Credible Communication", you will learn the key skill of persuasion, in the context of professional communication in a globalised world. Persuasive communication is essential to any professional workplace. From a simple email request for your colleague to help you, to developing a presentation for the board of directors, these are acts of communication that require a good degree of persuasion. Even the process of entering the workforce requires effective persuasi

Engineering and Product Design Processes (Coursera)

Welcome to “Engineering and Product Design Processes!” In this short course, you will learn how engineering design processes and product design processes are carried out. After the course, you will be familiar with the steps in both design processes. You will also be familiar with the main goal of each design process, as well as their similarities and differences.

Engineering Design Process with Autodesk Fusion 360 (Coursera)

This course provides a deeper exploration of mechanical assemblies and simulation, which are key engineering features of the design and manufacturing process. The foundation of engineering design is exploration and iteration. Design is rarely a perfectly linear and straightforward process. In this course, we'll explore mechanical assembly design and simulation, focusing on testing and improving design components and performance. As we move through design assumptions, testing, and refining design

Engineering Health: Introduction to Yoga and Physiology (Coursera)

This course gives you access to an exploration of physiological systems from the perspective of overall health and wellness. In particular, a focus on yoga, meditation and mindfulness as a therapeutic intervention in chronic illness and long term treatment. This course is intended for yoga practitioners and teachers, as well as college students and medical practitioners looking for a deeper understanding of the physiological benefits of yoga. The value of taking this course is to understand the

Engineering Life: Synbio, Bioethics & Public Policy (Coursera)

Synbio is a diverse field with diverse applications, and the different contexts (e.g., gain-of-function research, biofuels) raise different ethical and governance challenges. The objective of this course is to increase learners’ awareness and understanding of ethical and policy/governance issues that arise in the design, conduct and application of synthetic biology. The course will begin with a short history of recombinant DNA technology and how governance of that science developed and evolved,

Engineering Maintainable Android Apps (Coursera)

Engineering Maintainable Android Apps, which is a 4 week MOOC that shows by example various methods for engineering maintainable Android apps, including test-driven development methods and how to develop/run unit tests using JUnit and Robotium (or equivalent automated testing frameworks for Android), as well as how to successfully apply common Java/Android software patterns to improve the extensibility and clarity of Android apps. Students will work on the appropriate automated unit quizzes, bas

Engineering of Structures: Response of Structures (Coursera)

This course explores the impact of different forces on the construction of bug buildings. It provides an overall understanding of how buildings respond to different forces that impact their designs. The first module introduces you to the concept of the overall response of structures. The second module explores different types of loads and their impact on the design of large structures. It also gives a detailed explanation of how buildings fall due to earthquakes. In addition, the module offers a

Engineering of Structures: Tension (Coursera)

This course deals with tension. Tension is one of the easiest forces to understand. It is a pulling force. When we tend to pull an object, it is in tension. Different elements that resist tension in buildings are ropes, cables, and funicular forms. You will study different structures and identify what role tension plays in their designs. The first module explores tension and its importance in building structures. The second module explores funicular forms, angles, and bridges. You will underst

Engineering Practices for Building Quality Software (Coursera)

Agile embraces change which means that team should be able to effectively make changes to the system as team learns about users and market. To be good at effectively making changes to the system, teams need to have engineering rigor and excellence else embracing change becomes very painful and expensive. In this course, you will learn about engineering practices and processes that agile and traditional teams use to make sure the team is prepared for change. In additional, you will also learn

Engineering Project Management: Initiating and Planning (Coursera)

The goal of the course is to give you the tools to initiate a project plan, manage both stakeholders and relationships, organize their team, develop a project charter, and build a business case for a project. By the end of this course you will be able to: - Perform a project assessment using information from previous projects and lessons learned - Identify key deliverables based on business requirements while managing customer expectations - Perform a stakeholder analysis and create a man

Engineering Project Management: Risk, Quality, Teams, and Procurement (Coursera)

Many Project Managers focus only on the scope, schedule and budget. However, a successful project requires that you manage risk, control the quality of the deliverables, engage and manage people and procure goods and services. This course will focus on these key support functions that make the difference between a highly successful project and an average one. During the course, you will prepare a Qualitative Risk Analysis and Evaluate the Cost of Quality for a provided Case Study. By the end

Engineering Project Management: Scope, Time and Cost Management (Coursera)

Scope, time, and cost management are at the heart of successful project management. This course will give you the tools to develop a project scope, schedule and budget and then status them to predict project performance. Throughout the course, you will learn about change management and techniques to implement it. By the end of this course you will be able to: • Create a requirements document • Create a Project Scope Statement • Identify ways to control the scope of the project • Decompose th

Engineering Systems in Motion: Dynamics of Particles and Bodies in 2D Motion (Coursera)

This course is an introduction to the study of bodies in motion as applied to engineering systems and structures. We will study the dynamics of particle motion and bodies in rigid planar (2D) motion. This will consist of both the kinematics and kinetics of motion. Kinematics deals with the geometrical aspects of motion describing position, velocity, and acceleration, all as a function of time. Kinetics is the study of forces acting on these bodies and how it affects their motion. -----------

English and Academic Preparation - Grad Track (Coursera)

The English and Academic Preparation – Grad Track non-credit course is for students who wish to strengthen their academic skills in preparation for graduate studies. This certificate course is designed to help both domestic and international students communicate more effectively in spoken and written contexts, read and comprehend scholarly texts, and take notes more efficiently. Ideally, prospective students have completed or are near completion of a bachelor’s degree and would like to study for

English and Academic Preparation - Pre-Collegiate (Coursera)

The English and Academic Preparation - Pre-Collegiate non-credit course is for students with a (minimum) high-intermediate level of English. This certificate course is designed to help domestic and international students develop the academic skills necessary for success in undergraduate studies at an American university while strengthening their English proficiency. Ideally, prospective students have completed or are near completion of a high school diploma in their country and would like to co

English Communication for Tech Professionals (Coursera)

Improve your English, boost your tech career, and move toward a higher-paying job by leveling up your communication skills in English Communication for Tech Professionals brought to you by Arizona State University and English4IT. This course is for all business roles, both technical and non-technical, from developers to CEOs. The course targets 6 main skill areas: - vocabulary - grammar - pronunciation - soft skills - speaking & writing After completing this course, you will: - improve your