Coursera Courses

Diversity and inclusion in the workplace (Coursera)

Diversity is a fact. It is also paradoxical. We need to be capable of seeing and hearing differences in order to reap the benefits of diversity. But seeing and hearing differences hone our discriminating reflexes and can also lead to discrimination. If you take this MOOC, you will: 1. understand this paradox, 2. understand its dynamics, and 3. identify ways to manage it, so that you can better channel the diversity potential in the workplace for greater performance and innovation.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (Coursera)

In collaboration with the HRO DE&I Training Workstream, Enterprise Learning and Corporate Training/Leadership Development, three training modules were developed. These modules are designed to provide Clients with a DE&I foundation and tools to create and maintain an inclusive workplace. The intention of DEI Training is not to force anyone to change their mind or opinion, but to help build awareness of unconscious bias, cultural competence, or other barriers to diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI

Divide and Conquer, Sorting and Searching, and Randomized Algorithms (Coursera)

The primary topics in this part of the specialization are: asymptotic ("Big-oh") notation, sorting and searching, divide and conquer (master method, integer and matrix multiplication, closest pair), and randomized algorithms (QuickSort, contraction algorithm for min cuts).

Django Application Development with SQL and Databases (Coursera)

Working with databases is a key skill for developers, especially those in Back-End, Full Stack, and DevOps roles. This course will teach you the fundamentals of relational databases and how to access them from your applications. Some of the essential application development tasks include accessing, processing, and presenting data. Data is stored in various databases, either on-premise or on the cloud, and developers will need to learn how to talk to them via programming languages. In this c

Django Features and Libraries (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn how to build Django-based web applications suitable for use by end users. You will learn about cookies, sessions, and authentication processes in Django. You will build navigation into your applications and explore ways to easily improve the look and feel of Django applications. You will begin to develop a simple application to support a classified ads website that will walk you through many of the issues and techniques that you encounter in website development.

Django Web Framework (Coursera)

It's time to build something bigger. In this course, you will use the Django web framework to build, secure and administer a web server. You will have the opportunity to create, design and configure a web app using the Django framework in-line with best practices. Explore the usage of models in Django and their relationship to databases. Use views to render requested data to meaningful template structures for a composed user interface (UI). Implement proactive security practices and mitigate c

DNA Decoded (Coursera)

Are you a living creature? Then, congratulations! You’ve got DNA. But how much do you really know about the microscopic molecules that make you unique? Why is DNA called the “blueprint of life”? What is a “DNA fingerprint”? How do scientists clone DNA? What can DNA teach you about your family history? Are Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) safe? Is it possible to revive dinosaurs by cloning their DNA? DNA Decoded answers these questions and more. If you’re curious about DNA, join Felici

Docencia para la capacitación laboral y el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida. (Coursera)

El curso tiene como propósito promover el desarrollo de habilidades de gestión educativa en el aula para fomentar los aprendizajes del estudiante que trabaja y se forma a lo largo de su trayectoria laboral y personal a lo largo de la vida. Este curso es parte del proyecto Erasmus + "MOOC MAKER": Construcción de Capacidades de Gestión de MOOCs en la Educación Superior. Más información visitar:

Dog Emotion and Cognition (Coursera)

Dog Emotion and Cognition will introduce you to the exciting new study of dog psychology, what the latest discoveries tell us about how dogs think and feel about us, and how we can use this new knowledge to further strengthen our relationship with our best friends.

Doğrusal Cebir I: Uzaylar ve İşlemciler / Linear Algebra I: Spaces and Operators (Coursera)

Bu ders doğrusal cebir ikili dizinin birincisidir. Doğrusal uzaylar kavramı, doğrusal işlemciler, matris gösterimleri ve denklem sistemlerinin hesaplanabilmesi için temel araçlar vb. konuları içermektedir. Ders gerçek yaşamdan gelen uygulamaları da tanıtmaya önem veren “içerikli yaklaşımla” tasarlanmıştır. Bölümler: Bölüm 1: Doğrusal Cebirin Matematikdeki Yeri ve Kapsamı Bölüm 2: Düzlemdeki Vektörlerin Öğrettikleri Bölüm 3: İki Bilinmeyenli Denklemlerin Öğrettikleri Bölüm 4: Doğrusal Uzaylar Bö

Doğrusal Cebir II: Kare Matrisler, Hesaplama Yöntemleri ve Uygulamalar / Linear Algebra II: Square Matrices, Calculation Methods (Coursera)

Doğrusal cebir ikili dizinin ikincisi olan bu ders birinci derste verilen temel bilgilerin üzerine eklemeler yapılarak tamamen matris işlemleri ve uygulamalarını kapsamaktadır. Cebirsel denklem sistemleri, sonuçların tekilliği ve var olup olmadığı, determinantlar ve onların doğal olarak nasıl oluştuğu, öz değer problemleri ve onların matris fonksiyonlarına uygulanışı vb. konulara derste değinilmektedir. Ders gerçek yaşamdan gelen uygulamaları da tanıtmaya önem veren “içerikli yaklaşımla” tasarla

Doing Business in China Capstone (Coursera)

Doing Business in China Capstone enables you to apply your skills to real business challenges. You’ll use your newly earned business skills to identify, explore and evaluate a real opportunity involving products. In this capstone, you are the business consultant working for a well-established “HON / wellness” company. The CEO has given you a task. You have to bring a new overseas product into China.

Doing Clinical Research: Biostatistics with the Wolfram Language (Coursera)

This course aims to empower you to do statistical tests, ready for incorporation into your dissertations, research papers, and presentations. The ability to summarize data, create plots and charts, and to do the statistical tests that you commonly see in the literature is a powerful skill indeed. There are powerful tools readily available to achieve these goals. None are quite as easy to learn, yet as powerful to use, as the Wolfram Language. Knowledge is literally built into the language.

Doing Economics: Measuring Climate Change (Coursera)

This course will give you practical experience in working with real-world data, with applications to important policy issues in today’s society. Each week, you will learn specific data handling skills in Excel and use these techniques to analyse climate change data, with appropriate readings to provide background information on the data you are working with. You will also learn about the consequences of climate change and how governments can address this issue. After completing this course, you

Doing more with Google Sheets (Coursera)

Google Sheets is a robust, cloud-based application that empowers you to create sophisticated spreadsheets. Whether you are working at your desk—or from your smartphone or tablet on-the-go—Google Sheets helps you organize, analyze, and share your most important data. In this course for Sheets users, you’ll learn how to make your own supercharged spreadsheets, incorporating powerful functions and visualizations to accelerate your data analysis and share meaningful insights with your team. Follow a

Doing More with SAS Programming (Coursera)

This course is for business analysts and SAS programmers who want to learn data manipulation techniques using the SAS DATA step and procedures to access, transform, and summarize data. The course builds on the concepts that are presented in the Getting Started with SAS Programming course and is not recommended for beginning SAS software users. In this course you learn how to understand and control DATA step processing, create an accumulating column and process data in groups, manipulate data wi

Dominant Risk Management Standards and Frameworks (Coursera)

Organizations with little experience in risk management will want to look to national and international organizations for guidance in designing and implementing their risk management efforts. There are two dominant organizations that offer guidance in this area: the U.S. National Institute for Standards in Technology (NIST) and the International Standards Organization. This course examines the risk management frameworks and standards offered by these organization and then discusses other ava

Données et Gouvernance Urbaine (Coursera)

Depuis le milieu des années 2000, les données ont fait une entrée fracassante dans le champ urbain, transformant les manières dont les villes sont gouvernées à l’ère du numérique. Que ce soit au niveau des coalitions d’acteurs, des instruments, des politiques ou des modes de régulation, la donnée impacte la façon dont la vie urbaine se trouve ordonnée. En 4 séances, ce mooc explore les transformations de la gouvernance urbaine à l’ère du numérique et des données.  Qu’est-ce que la donnée fait

Donner un feedback utile (Coursera)

Ce cours vous enseigne les principes simples que les responsables experts utilisent pour motiver les employés et améliorer leurs performances. Vous n'aurez plus jamais besoin d'éviter de dire la « vérité » à un employé car, grâce aux sept techniques que nous enseignons, les employés ne sont plus effrayés ou sur la défensive. En tant que responsable, ou si vous souhaitez devenir un responsable, vous apprendrez également de façon spécifique ce qu'est un commentaire, comment les commentaires négati

Dopage : Sports, Organisations et Sciences (Coursera)

L'objectif du cours est de permettre une compréhension distanciée du dopage. C’est pour atteindre cet objectif que le cours s’appuie sur une approche pluridisciplinaire qui constitue une opportunité d'observer comment diverses disciplines abordent un même objet, selon différents angles et de manière complémentaire. Il s'agit également de donner des repères permettant d'appréhender le dopage dans sa complexité. Le dopage dans le sport est une pratique complexe dont la définition et l'identificat

Doping : Sports, Organizations and Sciences (Coursera)

The objective of this course is to encourage a critical understanding of doping. To achieve this goal, this course will rely on a multidisciplinary approach that allow you to see how different disciplines get into a single object, in different perspectives and in often complementary ways. This approach will also allow us to appreciate the complexity of a subject like doping. Doping in sports is a complex practice whose definition and identification is the result of socially and historically con

Driving business towards the Sustainable Development Goals (Coursera)

Extreme weather events, wars, famine and environmental destruction are just a few of the wicked problems faced by humanity. That’s why in 2015 the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This agenda includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that target the big challenges such as how to eliminate poverty, how to protect the environment and how to bring about peace. Every member state committed to achieving these goals by 2030. What can businesses do to counte

Droit International de l'Eau Douce (Coursera)

Au cours des dernières décennies, le droit international a connu des développements majeurs afin de tenir compte des multiples facettes que revêt la gestion et la protection des eaux douces. L’adoption d’instruments universels, régionaux et de bassins souligne l’importance d’étudier l’évolution de la réglementation internationale relative à l’eau et d’identifier les grands principes en ce domaine. Aussi, ce cours vise à offrir les bases nécessaires pour appréhender et examiner la régulation qui

Drones for Environmental Science (Coursera)

How can drones be used for good in environmental science? What types of data can scientists collect, and how should they go about collecting it using drones? Why should someone integrate drones into their existing career or pursue this field? This Duke Environment+ course serves as an introduction for anyone interested in learning more about drone use in the environmental sciences. No background knowledge in drones is assumed or necessary. Over the course of four weeks, you will discover the

Drug Commercialization (Coursera)

The University of California San Diego, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Drug Commercialization course brings you lectures from both faculty and industry experts. With this course, recorded on campus at UCSD, we seek to share our access to top people in the field who bring an unprecedented range of expertise on drug commercialization. This course will cover pharmacoeconomic, marketing strategy, intellectual property strategy, portfolio management, managed markets and stra

Drug Development (Coursera)

The University of California San Diego, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Drug Development course brings you lectures from both faculty and industry experts. With this course, recorded on campus at UCSD, we seek to share our access to top people in the field who bring an unprecedented range of expertise on drug development. In this course you will learn the different stages of clinical development as well as the regulatory including but not limited to, an Investigational

Drug Discovery (Coursera)

The University of California San Diego, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Drug Discovery course brings you lectures from both faculty and industry experts. With this course, recorded on campus at UCSD, we seek to share our access to top people in the field who bring an unprecedented range of expertise on drug discovery. In this course you will learn the drug discovery process up to the filing of an Initial New Drug Application or IND. Each week you will learn the steps t

Drugs, drug use, drug policy and health (Coursera)

This MOOC is the first of its kind, since it addresses critical issues related to drugs from a multidisciplinary, health and human rights-based approach. Throughout the course you will cover a range of questions including what are drugs and why they controlled? What are the benefits and harms of taking drugs? How public health policies can address drug use? You will also learn about the intricacies of the international drug control framework and the negative consequences of widespread prohibiti

Dynamic Programming, Greedy Algorithms (Coursera)

This course covers basic algorithm design techniques such as divide and conquer, dynamic programming, and greedy algorithms. It concludes with a brief introduction to intractability (NP-completeness) and using linear/integer programming solvers for solving optimization problems. We will also cover some advanced topics in data structures. This course can be taken for academic credit as part of CU Boulder’s MS in Data Science or MS in Computer Science degrees offered on the Coursera platform. The

Dynamical Modeling Methods for Systems Biology (Coursera)

An introduction to dynamical modeling techniques used in contemporary Systems Biology research. We take a case-based approach to teach contemporary mathematical modeling techniques. The course is appropriate for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students. Lectures provide biological background and describe the development of both classical mathematical models and more recent representations of biological processes. The course will be useful for students who plan to use experimental

E-Business: Negocios Online (Coursera)

El mayor servicio de transporte urbano del mundo no tiene ni un solo auto. El mayor servicio de alojamiento del mundo no tiene ni una sola habitación. La tienda de comercio más grande del mundo no tiene ni un local, y ni siquiera depósito. Uber, AirB&B y Alibaba son tan solo tres ejemplos de los cambios que ha producido en el mundo la tecnología y en particular Internet. Evidentemente, el mundo cambió. Al realizar este curso comprenderás las características que hacen a los negocios en la nueva e

E-commerce Academy (Coursera)

Este curso presenta todos los elementos necesarios para el desarrollo de un comercio electrónico y las variables que se deben considerar para poder vender online, ya sea productos o servicios. A lo largo de las cuatro semanas, analizaremos las características de las tiendas virtuales y qué aspectos debemos tener en cuenta para desarrollarlas. Además, veremos cómo crear un negocio virtual propio, investigaremos las posibilidades del desarrollo de la tienda virtual y presentaremos otras variantes

e-Learning Ecologies: Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning for the Digital Age (Coursera)

For three decades and longer we have heard educators and technologists making a case for the transformative power of technology in learning. However, despite the rhetoric, in many ways and at most institutional sites, education is still relatively untouched by technology. Even when technologies are introduced, the changes sometimes seem insignificant and the results seem disappointing. If the print textbook is replaced by an e-book, do the social relations of knowledge and learning necessarily c

Earth Economics (Coursera)

After this course you will be an Earth Economist that can provide evidence-based advise on the best global policy. As an Earth Economist you will better understand the behavior and advice of economists, have become a better economist yourself and know where to find Earth's data and how to analyze these world observations. Our planet is too important: we need you to get engaged! Earth Economics offers a completely new angle to policy analysis by its focus on the truly global level and its empiric

Easing Physical Symptoms: It's Not Just Hospice Anymore (Coursera)

Palliative care provides important support for people living with serious or life-limiting illnesses and their family caregivers. In this course, you will learn to use symptom assessment tools to better understand which symptoms are present and which are most distressing. In subsequent weeks you will learn about some of the most common and distressing symptoms such as anorexia (loss of appetite), dyspnea (shortness of breath), fatigue (weakness), delirium(confusion) and constipation and nausea/v

Easing the burden of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease (Coursera)

This course is multidisciplinary in nature, and aims to equip the global audience of interested lay people, people with chronic disease, public health researchers, health clinicians, students, administrators, and researchers to reflect on the overall impact of the burden of chronic disease . It shows how all chronic diseases (obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cancer) are related by a set of common causes, and that such diseases should be tackle

East Asian Religions & Ecology (Coursera)

At first glance the fields of religion and ecology may seem and unlikely pairing, but a deeper consideration reveals the two have a great deal to contribute to one another and are indeed inextricably linked. Religions recognize the unity and interdependence of humans with nature. Ecological sciences affirm this deep interconnection with the natural world. This partnership can inspire work for the wellbeing of the Earth community There is a need for broader literacy and deeper knowledge of the w

Ebola : Vaincre ensemble ! (Coursera)

Il s’agit d’un MOOC sur la crise internationale sur Ebola partie d’Afrique de l’Ouest en 2014 ; d’une durée de 5 semaines, où interviendront plus de 30 professeurs des universités, chercheurs, responsables politiques, autorités sanitaires nationales et internationales, membres d’ONGs, et autres acteurs d’Europe et d’Afrique sur plus de 60 séquences vidéos. Les thèmes abordés se dérouleront selon une séquence hebdomadaire décrite ci-dessous (section « plan du cours »). Le virus Ebola qui a été à

Ebola Virus Disease: An Evolving Epidemic (Coursera)

Learn about the evolving Ebola epidemic and its various aspects including disease prevention, management and treatment, response to the epidemic, ethical considerations, and the post-Ebola global health landscape.

Ebola: Essential Knowledge for Health Professionals (Coursera)

March 2014 marked the starting point of the largest outbreak of Ebola virus disease in history. Although the disease seems to be on a decrease, we are not there yet and new outbreaks will surely emerge. New efforts to combat the outbreak are necessary. This is why we developed this online course about Ebola, targeted at health professionals across the world. In this course you will cover the fundamental knowledge any health professional should have with expected or confirmed cases or a general

ÉCHELLE RACE: Dépistage préhospitalier de l’AVC impliquant une occlusion de gros vaisseaux cérébraux (Coursera)

L'AVC est une urgence médicale qui dépend du temps. Dans l'AVC ischémique, le type d'AVC le plus courant, le premier objectif est de rétablir la circulation cérébrale par un traitement thrombolytique avec rTPA intraveineux et, s'il n'est pas efficace ou s'il existe des contre-indications médicales, par traitement endovasculaire. Dans l'AVC hémorragique, il existe également des traitements spécifiques qui peuvent améliorer son pronostic. L'avantage de toutes les thérapies disponibles dans l'AVC

Ecological and Energy Transitions in Southern Countries (Coursera)

The Agence Française de Développement and the Ecole normale supérieure are launching the fourth edition of the MOOC “Ecological and Energy Transitions in Southern Countries". This edition will be launched simultaneously in 4 languages: ·         In english : Ecological and Energy Transitions in Southern Countries ·         In french : Transitions énergétique et écologique dans les pays du Sud ·         In spanish : Transicio

Ecologie Politique: défi de la durabilité pour les démocraties (Coursera)

De quoi parle-t-on lorsque l’on parle d’environnement ? Existe-t-il une crise écologique ? L’environnement se résume-t-il à la pollution ? Est-on vraiment fondé à parler de risques environnementaux ? L’environnement a-t-il affaire à la politique et si oui pourquoi ? Pourquoi et à partir de quand a-t-on pu parler d’écologie politique ? Quelles en sont les différentes expressions ? Les démocraties et leurs expressions courantes ne suffisent-elles pas à répondre aux problèmes écologiques ? Et si ce

Ecology: Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation (Coursera)

This course is an introduction to ecology and ecosystem dynamics using a systems thinking lens. Through a case study on Mozambique's Gorongosa National Park, learners will explore how scientists study ecosystems, and investigate the complex array of factors that inform management efforts. At the end of the course, learners will be able to grapple with real-world conservation questions, such as whether an ecosystem can recover from anthropogenic disruption and what role humans can, and should, pl

Econometria Básica Aplicada (Coursera)

Buscaremos introduzir aos alunos métodos de estimação de modelos lineares que relacionam variáveis econômicas. Espera-se que o aluno seja capaz de entender modelos simples e testar hipóteses sobre os modelos de interesse.

Econometrics: Methods and Applications (Coursera)

Welcome! Do you wish to know how to analyze and solve business and economic questions with data analysis tools? Then Econometrics by Erasmus University Rotterdam is the right course for you, as you learn how to translate data into models to make forecasts and to support decision making. * What do I learn? When you know econometrics, you are able to translate data into models to make forecasts and to support decision making in a wide variety of fields, ranging from macroeconomics to finance and

Economía y Finanzas de Empresas (Coursera)

En este curso se analizarán los distintos elementos que conforman el contexto económico en el cual las empresas toman decisiones orientadas al logro de sus objetivos. Inicialmente, se presentarán las principales herramientas para comprender el funcionamiento de los mercados (área de la economía conocida como microeconomía) y, posteriormente, se expondrá el funcionamiento de la economía considerada en su conjunto (macroeconomía). Los asistentes se concentrarán en elementos conceptuales fundamenta

Economic Growth and Distributive Justice Part I - The Role of the State (Coursera)

If you really care about the big questions in the economies and societies of the 21st century, such as distributive justice - namely, inequality of income or wealth, and its correlation with economic growth - this course is meant for you. The knowledge you will gain can truly change your outlook on our world. "Economic Growth and Distributive Justice - the Role of the State" is the first part of a two part course and it includes the following four lectures: (1) What do we need a state for? (2

Economic Growth and Distributive Justice Part II - Maximize Social Wellbeing (Coursera)

If you really care about the big questions in the economies and societies of the 21st century, such as distributive justice - namely, inequality of income or wealth, and its correlation with economic growth - this course is meant for you. The knowledge you will gain can truly change your outlook on our world. "Economic Growth and Distributive Justice - Maximizing Social Wellbeing" is the second part of a two part course and it includes the following five lectures: (1) The excess burden of tax

Economics and Policies of Climate Change (Coursera)

Being aware of the urgency and importance of climate change is not enough to tackle it effectively. To avoid the worst climate outcomes, decisive action has to be taken. But what realistic options do we have? Since our resources are limited, is it better to act now or wait until we have more advanced and less expensive technology? How big do our abatement efforts have to be? This MOOC will help you understand how economists try to answer these questions and find the optimal course of action.