Coursera Courses |
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Opportunities and Risks (Coursera) DeFi and the Future of Finance is a set of four courses that focus on decentralized finance. The final course is called DeFi Opportunities and Risks. It is essential that you complete the first three courses: I. DeFi Infrastructure; II. DeFi Primitives; and III. DeFi Deep Dive before beginning the fourth course. The course starts with the premise that an analysis of any new technology must clearly gauge the risks and challenges. Given that DeFi is only a few years old there are plenty of risks. |
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Primitives (Coursera) DeFi and the Future of Finance is a set of four courses that focus on decentralized finance. The second course is called DeFi Primitives. It is recommended that you take the first course, DeFi Infrastructure, before this course. In this course, we talk about transaction mechanics and introduce both fungible and non-fungible tokens – or NFTs. The course explores the important issue of custody (holding private keys). The course then explores supply adjustment which includes the minting and burning |
Deciphering Secrets: The Illuminated Manuscripts of Medieval Europe (Coursera) Perhaps no other relic of the European Middle Ages captures our imagination more than illuminated medieval manuscripts, or those documents decorated with images and colored pigments. Serving as windows unto a lost world of kings, ladies, faith, war, and culture, they communicate complex visual and textual narratives of Europe’s collective cultural heritage and patrimony. In this fashion, illuminated manuscripts are dynamic messages from our communal past that are still relevant today in fields l |
Decision-Making: Blending Art & Science (Coursera) Why do smart people sometimes think they are right when they are very, very wrong? Our brains are designed to make quick decisions, and sometimes we miss out on what’s really going on. Knowing this, Professor Sydney Finkelstein walks you through the neuroscience behind decision-making, and teaches you to make conscious decisions that are right for you at work and in life. By teaching you to reflect and move forward even better than before, Professor Finkelstein will help you to be the best you p |
Decisions, Decisions: Dashboards and Reports (Coursera) You’re almost there! This is the third and final course in the Google Business Intelligence Certificate. In this course, you’ll apply your understanding of stakeholder needs, plan and create BI visuals, and design reporting tools, including dashboards. You’ll also explore how to answer business questions with flexible and interactive dashboards that can monitor data over long periods of time. Google employees who currently work in BI will guide you through this course by providing hands-on acti |
Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning (Coursera) This course introduces you to two of the most sought-after disciplines in Machine Learning: Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning. Deep Learning is a subset of Machine Learning that has applications in both Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, and is frequently used to power most of the AI applications that we use on a daily basis. First you will learn about the theory behind Neural Networks, which are the basis of Deep Learning, as well as several modern architectures of Deep Learning. Once |
Deep Learning Applications for Computer Vision (Coursera) In this course, you’ll be learning about Computer Vision as a field of study and research. First we’ll be exploring several Computer Vision tasks and suggested approaches, from the classic Computer Vision perspective. Then we’ll introduce Deep Learning methods and apply them to some of the same problems. We will analyze the results and discuss advantages and drawbacks of both types of methods. We'll use tutorials to let you explore hands-on some of the modern machine learning tools and software |
Deep Learning for Business (Coursera) Your smartphone, smartwatch, and automobile (if it is a newer model) have AI (Artificial Intelligence) inside serving you every day. In the near future, more advanced “self-learning” capable DL (Deep Learning) and ML (Machine Learning) technology will be used in almost every aspect of your business and industry. So now is the right time to learn what DL and ML is and how to use it in advantage of your company. This course has three parts, where the first part focuses on DL and ML technology base |
Deep Neural Networks with PyTorch (Coursera) The course will teach you how to develop deep learning models using Pytorch. The course will start with Pytorch's tensors and Automatic differentiation package. Then each section will cover different models starting off with fundamentals such as Linear Regression, and logistic/softmax regression. Followed by Feedforward deep neural networks, the role of different activation functions, normalization and dropout layers. Then Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer learning will be covered. F |
Deep Time: Discovering an Ancient Earth (Coursera) Ever since our ancestors ventured onto the African savanna, human beings have searched, explored, and wondered about the world. Nowadays, and certainly for most, science is the vehicle that takes us along a path towards understanding nature. It can bring us from sub-atomic realms to the most distant galaxies. Largely through the discipline of geology, science allows us to push back the mists of time and peer into a past measured in billions of years, and aptly referred to as “Deep Time.” C | This course demonstrates the use of Python for network analysis to detect and hijack suspicious connections. |
Definición y Medición (Coursera) En este curso conoceremos la importancia del Mapeo de Flujo de Valor la cual es una herramienta que nos sirve para ver y entender un proceso e identificar sus desperdicios, permitiendo detectar fuentes de ventaja competitiva, ya que nos permite ayudar a establecer un lenguaje común entre todos los usuarios y comunicar ideas de mejora enfocado al uso de un plan priorizando los esfuerzos de mejoramiento. Es importante mencionar que el flujo de valor es la técnica de dibujar un “mapa” o diagrama de |
Defining Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Organizations (Coursera) Defining Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Organizations is the first course of a four-course series. This course introduces the core definitions of diversity, equity, and inclusion and reasons why these efforts can often fail. We will also explore the elements for making the case for diversity and the concept of DE&I maturation where learners can assess their organization’s activities to determine where it may place on the DE&I continuum. By the end of this course, you will be able to: 1. P |
Delivering Quality Work with Agility (Coursera) When you hand in work in a professional workspace, employers expect it to be good quality work and done in a timely manner. By taking this short course you will learn about consistency and how to deliver quality work and experiences to clients. In order to deliver good quality work you need to know how to do efficiently do research and how to deliver it. This short course will teach you exactly that, and even more skills that are essential to being able to deliver quality work. The course is d | In this online course we’ll implement (in Python) together efficient programs for a problem needed by delivery companies all over the world millions times per day — the travelling salesman problem. The goal in this problem is to visit all the given places as quickly as possible. How to find an optimal solution to this problem quickly? We still don’t have provably efficient algorithms for this difficult computational problem and this is the essence of the P versus NP problem, the most important o | Welcome to Demand Analytics - one of the most sought-after skills in supply chain management and marketing! Through the real-life story and data of a leading cookware manufacturer in North America, you will learn the data analytics skills for demand planning and forecasting. Upon the completion of this course, you will be able to 1. Improve the forecasting accuracy by building and validating demand prediction models. 2. Better stimulate and influence demand by identifying the drivers (e.g., |
Demand Forecasting Using Time Series (Coursera) This course is the second in a specialization for Machine Learning for Supply Chain Fundamentals. In this course, we explore all aspects of time series, especially for demand prediction. We'll start by gaining a foothold in the basic concepts surrounding time series, including stationarity, trend (drift), cyclicality, and seasonality. Then, we'll spend some time analyzing correlation methods in relation to time series (autocorrelation). In the 2nd half of the course, we'll focus on methods for d |
Demand management: Breaking down today’s commercial silos (Coursera) The biggest challenge facing the hospitality industry over the next 5 years is the lack of integration between the key commercial disciplines of sales, revenue, distribution and finance and the negative impact this will continue to have on delivering asset value and maximum profitability. This course, spread over 4 key modules: Asset Management Demand Generation Digital Marketing Demand Optimisation aims to break down these commercial silos and reveal the journey from long-term asset develo |
Democracia y decisiones públicas. Introducción al análisis de políticas públicas (Coursera) ¿Qué son las políticas públicas? Son la plasmación más concreta de la política. Lo que los gobiernos hacen, y dejan de hacer, para hacer frente a los problemas colectivos. Este curso trata sobre cómo se decide qué problemas abordar y qué soluciones adoptar. Un proceso primordialmente político y social que suele escapar al análisis puramente racional. A lo largo del curso analizaremos por qué algunos problemas adquieren la categoría de problemas públicos mientras que otros no llegan a captar la |
Dense Gases, Liquids and Solids (Coursera) Course 4 of Statistical Thermodynamics addresses dense gases, liquids, and solids. As the density of a gas is increased, intermolecular forces begin to affect behavior. For small departures from ideal gas behavior, known as the dense gas limit, one can estimate the change in properties using the concept of a configuration integral, a modification to the partition function. This leads to the development of equations of state that are expansions in density from the ideal gas limit. Inter molecular |
Density Functional Theory (Coursera) The aim of this course is to give a thorough introduction to Density Functional Theory (DFT). DFT is today the most widely used method to study interacting electrons, and its applicability ranges from atoms to solid systems, from nuclei to quantum fluids. In this course, we introduce the most important concepts underlying DFT, its foundation, and basic ideas. We will in particular stress the features and reasons that lead DFT to become the dominant method for simulating quantum mechanical sys | Dentistry 101 is an introduction to the exciting and diverse field of dentistry through the lens of its many practitioners. If you’re interested in exploring dentistry as a profession, or if you’re ready to pursue a career in it and want to prepare yourself for dental school and the profession that lies ahead, Dentistry 101 will help you better envision the paths you can take. If you complete Dentistry 101, you'll have a well-rounded introductory understanding of the field of dentistry, and you |
Deploy a website to Azure with Azure App Service (Coursera) In this course, you will see how web apps in Azure allow you to publish and manage your website easily without having to work with the underlying servers, storage, or network assets. Instead, you can focus on your website features and rely on the robust Azure platform to provide secure access to your site. You will see how Azure App Service enables you to build and host web applications in the programming language of your choice without managing infrastructure. You will also learn how to creat |
Deploy a website with Azure Virtual Machines (Coursera) If your web hosting requirements aren't directly supported by the Azure Web app platform, you can leverage virtual machines to customize and control every aspect of ta webserver. In this course, you will learn how to create, configure, and manage virtual machines on Linux and Windows that host web apps. You will look at the decisions made before creating a VM, the options to create and manage the VM, and the extensions and services you use to manage your VM. You will learn how to create a Linux |
Deploy and Maintain Power BI Assets and Capstone project (Coursera) This course forms part of the Microsoft Power BI Analyst Professional Certificate. This Professional Certificate consists of a series of courses that offers a good starting point for a career in data analysis using Microsoft Power BI. In this course, you’ll learn how to deploy and maintain assets in Power BI. Through hands-on exercises, you’ll explore the process of creating, implementing, and managing Power BI workspaces.You’ll also implement security and monitoring to protect data in organiz |
Deploying Machine Learning Models in Production (Coursera) In the fourth course of Machine Learning Engineering for Production Specialization, you will learn how to deploy ML models and make them available to end-users. You will build scalable and reliable hardware infrastructure to deliver inference requests both in real-time and batch depending on the use case. You will also implement workflow automation and progressive delivery that complies with current MLOps practices to keep your production system running. Additionally, you will continuously moni |
Deploying SAP on Google Cloud (Coursera) This course provides a holistic experience of optimally configuring SAP on Google Cloud. Participants will learn to configure SAP on Google Cloud, and what best practices are, leaving the course with actionable experience to configure SAP on Google Cloud and run SAP workloads on Google Cloud. >>> By enrolling in this course you agree to the Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ and located at: <<< |
Derivatives - Options & Futures (Coursera) While investing and trading in the options market may seem somewhat more daunting than other asset classes such as stocks, bonds, exchange-traded funds, currencies and commodities, you’ll ultimately find that their complexity can be boiled down to simple concepts you’ll be able to understand and use the more you’re exposed to, and have hands-on experience with the material. Our aim is for you to acquire these skills, as well as the know-how, to invest and trade in these often-complex financial |
Desarrolla tu líder (Coursera) El liderazgo es uno de los fenómenos más observados y menos comprendidos. Casi todos hemos tenido alguna experiencia, propia o a través de la observación de otros, pero difícilmente podamos definirla. Si preguntamos ¿qué es el liderazgo?, existirán tantas definiciones como personas a las que interpelemos. A lo largo del curso se realizará un recorrido siguiendo el marco conceptual que se describe a continuación. En el primer módulo, se analizará el concepto de “liderazgo” y las dimensiones que l |
Desarrollando tu musicalidad (Coursera) Aprende los conceptos básicos y enfoques necesarios para entender, crear e interpretar música contemporánea. Esta obra fue financiada con una donación del Banco Inter-Americano de Desarrollo con recursos del Fondo Coreano para la Reducción de la Pobreza. Las opiniones expresadas en esta obra son exclusivamente de los autores y no necesariamente reflejan el punto de vista del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, de su Directorio Ejecutivo ni de los países que representa. El Banco Interamerican |
Desarrollo de aplicaciones avanzadas con Android (Coursera) En este curso se retoman los temas vistos en cursos anteriores. Se complementan con aspectos prácticos como la forma de implementar mapas en tus proyectos con el API de Google Maps. También, muestra cómo aprovechar el multitask de Android y hacer animaciones en 2D para llevar tus aplicaciones a más dispositivos como weareables, televisiones y autos. Después de este curso, podrás subir tu aplicación a Google Play Store y hacerte visible para el mundo entero. |
Desarrollo de aplicaciones con Android (Coursera) Este curso te permitirá construir tu primer aplicación móvil profesional. Serás capaz de crear y controlar la vida de tus Activities y aprovechar el espacio en pantalla de los diferentes dispositivos Android implementando Fragments en tus aplicaciones. Dale persistencia a tu información utilizando todas las formas de almacenamiento que hay en Android desde un único archivo hasta una Base de Datos. Podrás evaluar lo aprendido por medio de ejercicios prácticos que te permitirán ir desarrollando |
Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Mobile Multiplataforma con Nativescript, Angular y Redux (Coursera) Este curso se centra en el desarrollo de aplicaciones nativas multiplataforma, y nativas de iOS y Android, utilizando NativeScript (versión 4.x). El framework utiliza Angular, TypeScript o JavaScript, para obtener una interfaz de usuario y rendimiento verdaderamente nativos. El código, además de ser multiplataforma mobile, también compartirá estructura en un mismo proyecto con la web. Aprenderás sobre el desarrollo de la interfaz de usuario con NativeScript UI y cómo ese diseño puede adaptarse s |
Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web: Conceptos Básicos (Coursera) Este es el primer curso en una línea de especialización de Coursera que trata el desarrollo de aplicaciones Web. Este curso le dará los conocimienots básicos, la terminología y los conceptos fundamentales que son necesarios para construir aplicaciones web integradas modernas. Un desarrollador de aplicaciones web integradas está familiarizado con cada "capa" de las tecnologías de software que participan en una aplicación web, incluidas las tecnologías de modelado de datos y bases de datos, los co |
Desarrollo de páginas con Angular (Coursera) En la actualidad las páginas web se han transformado en aplicaciones en sí mismas, con más cantidad de componentes que nunca antes, y con más exigencia de parte de sus consumidores y clientes. En este curso aprenderás a utilizar Angular, uno de los frameworks líderes del mercado para desarrollo de aplicaciones de una única página, o conocidas como SPA por la sigla en inglés de 'Single Page Application'. Además, se hará una introducción gradual al lenguaje NodeJS y al desarrollo de interfaces par |
Desarrollo de software Agile (Coursera) La industria del software se está volviendo loca con los métodos Agile. Rápidamente se está convirtiendo en la opción para el desarrollo de software cuando los requisitos son impredecibles o se espera que cambien con el tiempo. Este curso le ayudará a adquirir conocimientos sobre lo que es Agile. ¿Por qué Agile es más adecuado para estas situaciones? También cubriremos en profundidad algunos de los marcos Agile más comunes como scrum y XP. Requisito previo: Usted necesita un conocimiento bá |
Desarrollo de tu marca personal (Coursera) El Marketing y branding de tu persona puede cambiar tu carrera y vida. El desarrollo de habilidades de mercadotecnia aplicadas a nuestra persona nos puede dar un alto nivel de competitividad en todo tipo de actividades profesionales ya sea como emprendedores-deportistas-artistas o bien, para crear una reputación sólida en el mercado de trabajo o en el desarrollo, promoción y difusión de nuestros productos y servicios como empresarios de todo tamaño. En este curso los objetivos generales son l |
Desarrollo de Videojuegos 3D en Unity: Una Introducción (Coursera) Este curso te permite crear un prototipo de juego 3D, explorando los conceptos necesarios y las herramientas para desarrollo de videojuegos en 3D disponibles en Unity y en la Web. Explorarás y harás uso de herramientas para crear una escena 3D en Unity, podrás agregar personajes y animaciones 3D e integrarlas en los escenarios que crees, podrás definir comportamiento e interacción entre elementos del videojuego, y publicar en la Web los resultados de lo que diseñes. Vas a utilizar como base los |
Desarrollo de Videojuegos en Unity: Una Introducción (Coursera) Bienvenidos a esta introducción al desarrollo de videojuegos en Unity! Al finalizar este curso habrás desarrollado un juego 2D sencillo, y conocerás los conceptos necesarios para hacer este desarrollo desde el punto de vista de un programador en Unity. Aprenderás durante 8 semanas cómo crear la escena principal de un juego, cómo agregar código que defina el comportamiento de los personajes, cómo reflejar el estado del juego en elementos de interfaz y cómo publicar dicho prototipo en la web. Usam |
Desarrollo del lado servidor: NodeJS, Express y MongoDB (Coursera) En este curso trabajarás del lado servidor, en el backend, desarrollando el soporte que toda aplicación necesita para lidiar con la persistencia de la información, el setup de un servidor web, la creación de una API REST, autenticación y autorización, y la integración de librerías de terceros. Utilizarás Express para el servidor web, y una base de datos NoSQL orientada a documentos: MongoDB. Aprenderás de ODM con Mongoose y harás las típicas tareas CRUD sobre Mongo. Finalmente pondrás productivo |
Desarrollo rápido de productos innovadores para mercados emergentes (Coursera) El objetivo del curso es aprender el proceso para el Desarrollo Rápido de Productos Innovadores para mercados emergentes a través de la aplicación de 3 fases. Las fases que abordaremos en el curso son: 1) Imaginación (Divergencia): a través de esta fase desarrollaremos un pensamiento creativo y crítico por medio de la exploración de una diversidad de opiniones en cuanto a diferentes megatendencias sociales, tecnológicas y de consumo. También utilizaremos una herramienta conocida como “Un día |
Desenvolvendo sua musicalidade (Coursera) Aprenda os conceitos e abordagens básicos necessários para compreender, criar e executar música contemporânea. Se você é apaixonado por música e tem curiosidade de como ela funciona, ou se é um músico que aprendeu a tocar de ouvido, sem um estudo formal, esse curso lhe oferecerá uma introdução envolvente de conceitos e abordagens chave para compreender, criar e executar música contemporânea. Ministrado pelo professor George W. Russell Jr. do Berklee College of Music, o curso inclui seis lições |
Desenvolvimento Ágil com Java Avançado (Coursera) Neste curso, assumimos que você já sabe projetar e desenvolver programas mais complexos em Java, graças às boas práticas e princípios orientados a objetos e TDD exercitados nos cursos anteriores; mas você talvez não se sinta ainda confortável em projetar programas para Web e com dados armazenados em banco de dados, bem como em aplicar conceitos mais avançados de Java. O objetivo deste curso é enriquecer sua experiência com conceitos avançados de Java, programação de aplicações Web e acesso a ba |
Desenvolvimento Ágil com Padrões de Projeto (Coursera) Neste curso, assumimos que você já sabe projetar e desenvolver programas mais complexos em Java, graças às boas práticas e princípios exercitados nos cursos anteriores; mas você talvez não se sinta ainda confortável em lidar com cenários mais complexos, onde é difícil desenvolver software com código de qualidade com flexibilidade suficiente para facilitar a implementação de mudanças repentinas de requisitos. O objetivo deste curso é oferecer a você um aprofundamento em técnicas de programação |
Desenvolvimento do Líder (Coursera) Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Desenvolvimento do Líder. Neste curso, você aprenderá que um grande desafio para as organizações contemporâneas é o desenvolvimento de sua liderança para um ambiente cada vez mais exigente e complexo. Ao mesmo tempo, as pessoas em posição de liderança se sentem inseguras com as transformações das demandas sobre si. Com base em pesquisas realizadas no Brasil e em outros países vamos oferecer parâmetros para o desenvolvimento de líderes. Ao final deste curso, você ser |
Design a User Experience for Social Good & Prepare for Jobs (Coursera) Design a User Experience for Social Good and Prepare for Jobs is the seventh and final course in a program that will equip you with the skills you need to become an entry-level UX designer. In this course, you will design a dedicated mobile app and a responsive website focused on social good. You will showcase all that you’ve learned during the certificate program to complete the design process from beginning to end: empathizing with users, defining their pain points, coming up with ideas for de |
Design and Analyze Secure Networked Systems (Coursera) In this MOOC, we will learn the basic cyber security concepts, how to identify vulnerabilities/threat in a network system. We will apply CIA basic security services in the triage of recent cyberattack incidents, such as OPM data breach. We will learn the risk management framework for analyzing the risks in a network system, and apply the basic security design principles to protect the data and secure computer systems. We will examine the trustworthiness of programs and data installed in our sy |
Design and Build a Data Warehouse for Business Intelligence Implementation (Coursera) The capstone course, Design and Build a Data Warehouse for Business Intelligence Implementation, features a real-world case study that integrates your learning across all courses in the specialization. In response to business requirements presented in a case study, you’ll design and build a small data warehouse, create data integration workflows to refresh the warehouse, write SQL statements to support analytical and summary query requirements, and use the MicroStrategy business intelligence pla |
Design and Conduct of Clinical Trials (Coursera) In this course, you’ll learn how to design and carry out clinical trials. Each design choice has implications for the quality and validity of your results. This course provides you and your team with essential skills to evaluate options, make good design choices, and implement them within your trial. You’ll learn to control for bias, randomize participants, mask treatments and outcomes, identify errors, develop and test hypotheses, and define appropriate outcomes. Finally, a trial without partic |
Design and Implementation of Digital Health Interventions (Coursera) This course covers various themes around design, regulatory approaches, ethics, technology adoption, implementation and strategy as applied to digital health. These session cover areas to include data regulations, examples of data breaches in digital health, the challenges and opportunities of technology adoption and implementation with a focus on the non-adoption, abandonment, scale-up, spread and sustainability framework (NASSS Framework). The strategy part of this course focuses on understand |