Sapienza University of Rome | Quali sono le radici più profonde di quel mix di culture che chiamiamo ‘civiltà mediterranea’? Quali commistioni e quali scambi hanno prodotto il suo frutto più completo, ossia la città, come luogo delle comunità che plasmano il loro territorio e i loro spazi? Quali elementi formarono il sostrato condiviso di usanze, tradizioni, idee, scoperte ed innovazioni che hanno messo a confronto e mischiato popoli diversi per millenni. Cosa ha fatto, dalla ceramica alla metallurgia, dalla gastronomia all’ | Which are the deepest roots of that mix of cultures that we use to call ‘Mediterranean Civilization’? Which are comminglings and exchanges which produced its most complete fruit, i.e. the city, a place for landscape-modelling communities? And which elements did contribute to build up that baulk of customs, ideas, and innovations which compelled to confrontation and hybridizations different peoples for millennia? What did it made, from pottery to metallurgy, from gastronomy to architecture, from |
Egypt before and after pharaohs. (Coursera) History of Ancient Egypt. Before and after the Pharaohs: From the birth of the State (c. 3000 BCE) to the early Christian communities (4th century CE). | L’Egitto prima e dopo i faraoni. Dalla nascita dello Stato (3000 a.C. ca.) alle prime comunità cristiane (IV secolo d.C.) |
Macroeconomic Financial Accounts (Coursera) This course is primarily aimed at undergraduates attending their final year or University students in monetary and financial economics, international macroeconomics and data mining. Professionals in Government institutions, Central Banks, business and the financial industry, along with other professionals interested in finance and macroeconomics, may also benefit from this course. The lectures, the tutorials and the activities lead the participants, step-by-step, through the system of financial |
Paesaggi di Roma Antica. Archeologia e storia del Palatino. (Coursera) The course presents the topographical lay-out of the most relevant part of the city. Research developed on the Palatine since the end of last century by the team of Sapienza Classical Archaeologists opened a new phase in the urban archaeological investigation and in the scientific debate about the relation between archaeological features and literary tradition as well as the “correct use“ of both kind of evidence, key issues of wide archaeological and historical significance. Students will be i |
Recovering the Humankind's Past and Saving the Universal Heritage (Coursera) Archaeology is, among human sciences, the discipline with the strongest importance for the rediscovery, but also for the preservation and protection of cultural heritage, as Humankind’s universal patrimony. You will be introduced to the way we ourselves reflect on and are engaged with the study of human past: from the practical and material recovery of ancient traces in the field to the study and interpretation. On the other hand, the discovery of human past implies the correct conservation and |
The Changing Landscape of Ancient Rome. Archaeology and History of the Palatine Hill (Coursera) Studying ancient - as well as medieval or modern - cities basically means telling local urban stories based on the reconstruction of changing landscapes through the centuries. Given the fragmentary nature of archaeological evidence, it is necessary to create new images that would give back the physical aspect of the urban landscape and that would bring it to life again. We are not just content with analyzing the many elements still visible of the ancient city. The connections between objects and |