抗菌药与超级细菌 --天使与魔鬼的博弈

Fudan University via Coursera

Go to Course: https://www.coursera.org/learn/kangjunyao-chaojixijun


### Course Review and Recommendation: "Antimicrobial Drugs and Superbugs - The Battle Between Angels and Demons" **Introduction: A Critical Global Issue** The online course titled **"抗菌药与超级细菌 --天使与魔鬼的博弈"** (Antimicrobial Drugs and Superbugs - The Battle Between Angels and Demons) offers a profound exploration of a pressing global health crisis: the rise of superbugs and the dwindling efficacy of antimicrobial drugs. In an age where antibiotic resistance threatens our very existence, this course crafted by **Professor Tang Wenlu** from Fudan University guides us through the complex relationship between these life-saving medications (the angels) and the nefarious resistant bacteria (the demons). **Course Structure & Content Overview** Spanning over seven weeks, the course is organized into seven chapters, each dissecting a crucial aspect of the antibiotic-superbug conflict. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of what students can expect: 1. **Superbugs on the Rampage**: This chapter introduces the concept of superbugs, their emergence, and the alarming consequences of their spread. By examining the characteristics of resistant bacteria, students gain insight into the urgent need for action. 2. **The History of Antimicrobial Discoveries**: This segment traces the origins of antimicrobial drugs, focusing on their historical significance in combating infections. It highlights key milestones in medicine, such as the discovery of penicillin, establishing the role of antibiotics as a “savior” in human health. 3. **Classification and Mechanism of Antimicrobial Drugs**: Understanding the different classes of antimicrobial agents and their mechanisms of action is crucial for anyone looking to grasp how these drugs work and their specific roles in treatment regimens. 4. **Adverse Reactions**: The course doesn't shy away from discussing the darker side of antimicrobial drugs, addressing their potential harms and highlighting the importance of safe usage practices. 5. **Misuse and Overuse**: One of the critical focuses is on the misuse of antibiotics by the general public and the medical field. This chapter educates learners about the dangers of over-prescription and self-medication, contributing to the rise of drug-resistant strains. 6. **Common Misconceptions**: This segment tackles prevalent myths surrounding antibiotic usage, ensuring that learners are well-informed about how and when to use these vital medications effectively. 7. **Regulatory Measures**: Finally, the course discusses global efforts to combat antibiotic resistance, featuring regulatory frameworks from different countries and organizations, emphasizing that a collective global response is vital to overcoming this challenge. **Unique Features of the Course** - **Engaging Learning Materials**: The use of vivid, dynamic presentations and relatable teaching scenarios makes complex scientific content accessible. The course employs drama-infused teaching methods to keep learners engaged while exploring serious topics. - **Practical Applicability**: Course participants are not merely passive learners; they are encouraged to take action in their daily lives to combat the rise of superbugs, fostering a sense of personal responsibility and empowerment. - **Interactive Community**: Enrolling in this course offers the opportunity to connect with a community of learners who share a common interest in public health, biotechnology, and the responsible use of medical advancements. **Recommendation** Given the alarming statistics surrounding antibiotic resistance—estimated to cause 10 million deaths annually by 2050—the course, **"Antimicrobial Drugs and Superbugs - The Battle Between Angels and Demons,"** is not just recommended; it is essential. Whether you are a healthcare professional, a student in the medical field, or a concerned citizen, this course equips you with the knowledge and tools needed to understand and combat one of the most significant threats to public health today. Its unique combination of informative content, engaging delivery, and actionable insights makes it a valuable and necessary resource for anyone looking to play a role in this global challenge. Join the fight against superbugs and equip yourself with the knowledge to protect our future. Enroll today!



你是否知道,在没有抗菌药的时代,人们可能因为一次普通的感染而丧命?你是否以为,在有着众多抗菌药的今天,面对细菌感染我们大可高枕无忧?你听到了吗?战争的号角已经吹响!超级细菌魔鬼般汹汹来袭,它在宣战!天使般庇护人类的抗菌药已岌岌可危!天使和魔鬼间的殊死搏战已是剑拔弩张! 我是复旦大学药学院汤文璐,医药学者和师者的双重使命促使我开设了这门MOOC,为人类打赢这场博弈克尽一份绵薄之力:敲响超级细菌肆虐的警钟,传播实用易懂的抗菌药知识,提高合理使用抗菌药的意识,教育民众投入延缓耐药菌产生的实际行动。 这场天使和魔鬼的博弈,战况的介绍按MOOC特点分为7个专题,每个专题介绍4个知识点;按照传统课程的说法,就是整个课程有7章28节的内容。 来吧!让我们一起走进这门MOOC——《抗菌药与超级细菌 — 天使与魔鬼的博弈》,找到遏制抗菌药滥用与反击细菌耐药的答案。当你们每一位学习者都成了抵御细菌耐药的生力军,我们终将赢得这场菌药博弈。

WEEK1:第一章 超级细菌的肆虐

激烈的博弈打响了!正邪较量,知己知彼方能百战不殆。首先就让我们揭开魔鬼的面纱,看清超级细菌的真面目,这就是第一章——超级细菌的肆虐。 本章分为四个小节,第一节领教魔鬼的威力;第二节摸清细菌的家底;第三节剖析细菌耐药的原因;第四节洞悉除魔的方略。 超级细菌肆虐,人类正被逼向后抗生素时代的险境。不战则亡。同学们,让我们应战吧:迎击魔鬼拯救人类!

WEEK2:第二章 抗菌药的发现历史

曾经,抗菌药天使般拯救人类脱离感染的困境;如今,抗菌药却成了魔鬼的温床!要说清抗菌药的是是非非,还得从源头说起。让我们在历史长河里漫游,用一个个人文故事串起抗菌药诞生的科学之旅,这就是第二章——抗菌药的发现历史。 本章分为四个小节,第一节追溯抗菌药的前身——迎击病原;第二节揭幕抗菌药的里程碑——百浪多息;第三节发射抗菌药的原子弹——青霉素;第四节苦寻白色瘟疫的克星——链霉素。 每一种熠熠生辉的抗菌药如天使降临,曾挽救了病菌感染中痛苦挣扎的人类。这段历史值得铭记,更呼唤我们每个人担负起护佑天使的重任。

WEEK3:第三章 抗菌药的分类与机制

天使降临,人类有了遏制魔鬼的武器;但超级细菌横行,抗菌药威力每况愈下。菌药鏖战之际,我们不能打无准备之仗,必须对抗菌药这一利器有全面透彻的了解和把握,这就是第三章——抗菌药的分类与机制。 本章分为四个小节,第一节概览抗菌药的法宝;第二节了解攻破细菌铠甲和防护衣的抗菌药;第三节认识剥夺细菌生命基础的抗菌药;第四节知晓阻断细菌繁殖根源的抗菌药。 即便你是非医药专业的普通人,掌握疗效秘笈成为了抗菌药作用百事通,不仅可在日常生活中受益匪浅,更可在这场菌药博弈中助天使一臂之力。

WEEK4:第四章 抗菌药的不良反应

武器,既可杀敌也可自伤;抗菌药,就像一把双刃剑,给人类带来极大的益处也造成意想不到的伤害。掌握了抗菌药疗效的一面,同样需要了解其存在安全隐患的另一面,这就是第四章——抗菌药的不良反应。 本章分为四个小节,第一节解读“是药三分毒”、洞悉药物不良反应;第二节了解抗菌药常见的不良反应;第三节知晓抗菌药特殊的不良反应;第四节把握抗菌药不良反应的防治措施。 具备抗菌药物不良反应的知识,我们既能高悬达摩斯之剑对其安全隐患常保警惕之心,以免伤及自身;也能果断出招智慧用药,尽显抗菌威力,用好抗菌药这把双刃剑。

WEEK5:第五章 抗菌药的滥用

抗菌药如天使拯救了人类,人类的肆意妄为却深深地伤害了这位天使。自吞苦果,人类集体成了耐药一族,当真正的恶魔——超级细菌来袭时,已无药可医!这就是第五章——抗菌药的滥用。 本章分为四个小节,第一节概览抗菌药从“原子弹”沦落至望“菌”兴叹的滥用状况;第二节挖掘抗菌药滥用的深层次原因;第三节展现抗菌药滥用的骇人后果;第四节揭示抗菌药滥用的防控宝典。 正是抗菌药的滥用催生了超级细菌,恰似天使孕育了魔鬼。痛定思痛,让我们积极行动起来,人人智用、善用抗菌药,呵护天使、停止滥用、斩断魔鬼的温床。

WEEK6:第六章 抗菌药的使用误区

儿时的记忆是否似曾相识:一有头疼脑热,焦急的妈妈就像搬来救星般递上了抗菌药……然而,抗菌药并不是“万能药”,不同人群也有不同的用药方法和用药剂量,不能千人一药。特别的抗菌药,给特别的“你”,这就是第六章——抗菌药的使用误区。 本章分为四个小节,第一节切忌盲目跟风,直击日常生活中抗菌药的八大使用误区;第二节不可爸爸吃啥我吃啥,剖析儿童抗菌药的使用误区;第三节其实母子相连,提醒怀孕和哺乳期的妈妈抗菌药的合理使用;第四节须知特殊人群特殊对待,警示年老和肝、肾病者抗菌药的合理使用。 人类因蒙昧无知而误用错用抗菌药,致使天使折翼魔鬼逞凶。让我们迷途知返,用知识武装自己、合理使用抗菌药,细心呵护人类健康的守护天使,不给魔鬼可乘之机。

WEEK7:第七章 抗菌药的监管

“抵御耐药性——今天不采取行动,明天就无药可用!”2011年世界卫生日的主题警示着:耐药菌横行魔鬼当道、抗菌药告急天使式微,战事已到了生死存亡的危急关头。起来,不愿被魔鬼蹂躏的人们,让我们站在全球的战略高度既严防死守更主动出击,誓要打赢这场菌药之战!这就是最后的第七章——抗菌药的监管。 本章分为四个小节,第一节聚焦WHO如何协调各国联动亮剑,遏制耐药菌的嚣张气焰;第二节且看“买抗生素比买枪还难”的美国如何斩妖除魔;第三节一睹“连动物使用抗菌药也受管制”的欧盟如何围追堵截;第四节见证“监管之路曲折但毅然前行”的中国如何知难而进。 天使与魔鬼的激战已呈白热化,如何应对菌药博弈已是全人类的命题。要完胜这场战争,你、我、他,我们每个人都要积极应战!虽任重道远,但我们众志成城。


超级细菌肆虐、感染无药可医,人类正面临前所未有的困境。 面对这危及每个人的严酷现实,是坐以待毙还是奋力反击?相信你心中已有答案。 本课程将以独特、新颖的视角,为你展现抗菌药和超级细菌间博弈的历程;以深入浅出、生动形象的课件,教你抗菌药与超级细菌的知识;以浅显易懂、亦庄亦谐的教学情景剧,让你辩证地看待菌药的关系。 战争已经打响,智慧勇敢的你,快来加入我们的行列,从自身做起阻止超级细菌的产生与蔓延。

