University of Minnesota


Nursing Informatics Training and Education (Coursera)

In this fourth of our five courses, I will go deeper into the training and education leadership skills that are helpful for nursing informatics leaders. I will also guide you through the process of preparing a course document or syllabus for the nursing informatics specialty both in academic settings and in practice or industry. Following are the course objectives: 1. Describe relevant nursing informatics course development in clinical and academic settings to understand similarities and differe

Optimization for Decision Making (Coursera)

In this data-driven world, companies are often interested in knowing what is the "best" course of action, given the data. For example, manufacturers need to decide how many units of a product to produce given the estimated demand and raw material availability? Should they make all the products in-house or buy some from a third-party to meet the demand? Prescriptive Analytics is the branch of analytics that can provide answers to these questions. It is used for prescribing data-based decisions. T

Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Innovations (Coursera)

This course in the Healthcare Marketplace specialization gives the learner an in-depth view of the intellectual property creation that is vital to creating breakthrough technologies. Included is an understanding of the strategy deployed for pricing drugs and new technologies as well as the market sizing exercise to identify where future research and development investments should be made.

Preparing to Manage Human Resources (Coursera)

One way or another, all employees are managed. But approaches to managing employees varying from employee-to-employee, job-to-job, manager-to-manager, organization-to-organization, and country-to-country. This course provides a foundation for developing your own approach to skillfully managing employees by illustrating alternative human resource management (HRM) strategies, introducing the importance of the legal context, and thinking about what motivates employees. This will then give you the f

Preventing Chronic Pain: A Human Systems Approach (Coursera)

Chronic pain is at epidemic levels and has become the highest-cost condition in health care. This course uses evidence-based science with creative and experiential learning to better understand chronic pain conditions and how they can be prevented through self-management in our cognitive, behavioral, physical, emotional, spiritual, social, and environmental realms. The goal of this course is to blend creative, experiential, and evidence-based teaching strategies to help participants understand

Prototyping and Design (Coursera)

In this course you will learn how to design and prototype user interfaces to address the users and tasks identified in user research. Through a series of lectures and exercises, you will learn and practice paper- and other low-fidelity prototyping techniques; you will learn and apply principles from graphic design, including design patterns; you will learn to write a design rationale; and you will learn how to design for specific populations and situations, including principles and practices of

Recommender Systems (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by University of Minnesota. Master recommender systems.. Learn to design, build, and evaluate recommender systems for commerce and ...

Recommender Systems Capstone (Coursera)

This capstone project course for the Recommender Systems Specialization brings together everything you've learned about recommender systems algorithms and evaluation into a comprehensive recommender analysis and design project. You will be given a case study to complete where you have to select and justify the design of a recommender system through analysis of recommender goals and algorithm performance. Learners in the honors track will focus on experimental evaluation of the algorithms aga

Recommender Systems: Evaluation and Metrics (Coursera)

In this course you will learn how to evaluate recommender systems. You will gain familiarity with several families of metrics, including ones to measure prediction accuracy, rank accuracy, decision-support, and other factors such as diversity, product coverage, and serendipity. You will learn how different metrics relate to different user goals and business goals. You will also learn how to rigorously conduct offline evaluations (i.e., how to prepare and sample data, and how to aggregate resu

Recruiting, Hiring, and Onboarding Employees (Coursera)

Finding and hiring the right people is often cited as the number one concern of businesses today. It seems we are all competing for the best and brightest workers. As you will see in our time together in the second course, a critical component of the People Manager Value Proposition is to hire talented people who enable the organization to achieve its strategic goals. This course is an introduction into the topic of recruitment, selection and onboarding. At the outset of the course we will ex

Resilience in Children Exposed to Trauma, Disaster and War: Global Perspectives (Coursera)

How do children overcome hazardous experiences to succeed in life? What can be done to protect young people at risk from trauma, war, disasters, and other adversities? Learn about the importance of fostering resilience in children at risk. During this course, participants will: learn how trauma can affect children and the systems they depend on, gain insight into core concepts, research methods and lessons learned in last 50 years of resilience research, learn how research is being applied in

Simulation Models for Decision Making (Coursera)

This course is primarily aimed at third- and fourth-year undergraduate students or graduate students interested in learning simulation techniques to solve business problems. The course will introduce you to take everyday and complex business problems that have no one correct answer due to uncertainties that exist in business environments. Simulation modeling allows us to explore various outcomes and protect personal or business interests against unwanted outcomes. We can model uncertainties

Skills for Nursing Informatics Leaders (Coursera)

In this first of our five courses, Dr. Karen Monsen introduces the nursing informatics leadership essentials and skills that will guide you through your studies as you apply leadership principles to the nursing informatics specialty. Course Objectives: • Describe essentials of nursing informatics leadership to gain a foundation for study in this specialization • Reflect on your personal nursing informatics leadership goals to establish your plan to advance your nursing informatics leadership jou

Social Determinants of Health: Data to Action (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by University of Minnesota.

Software Development Lifecycle (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by University of Minnesota. Launch Your Career in Software Development. Master techniques and best practices for traditional and ...

Software Development Processes and Methodologies (Coursera)

Software is quickly becoming integral part of human life as we see more and more automation and technical advancements. Just like we expect car to work all the time and can't afford to break or reboot unexpectedly, software industry needs to continue to learn better way to build software if it were to become integral part of human life. In this course, you will get an overview of how software teams work? What processes they use? What are some of the industry standard methodologies? What are

Software Testing and Automation (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by University of Minnesota. Develop Skills in Software Testing. Practice and master theory, techniques, and tools to effectively ...

Statistical Molecular Thermodynamics (Coursera)

This introductory physical chemistry course examines the connections between molecular properties and the behavior of macroscopic chemical systems.

User Interface Design (CourseraSpecs)

Offered by University of Minnesota. Design Better User Interfaces. Learn to create effective and usable interfaces for a range of products ...

Web and Mobile Testing with Selenium (Coursera)

Modern applications that we build invariably have touch-points with its users through web-based and mobile platforms. Users interact with the software through these interfaces and the experiences those interfaces provide have a strong influence on the perceived quality of the software. The pace at which modern applications deploy new versions and features call for careful prioritization of testing effort and rapid execution through automation. Techniques and methods for testing of such appli

What does it mean to identify as Transgender or Gender Non-Conforming (TGNC)? (Coursera)

In the last decade transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) individuals have become increasingly visible in our families, culture, and public discourse. This course explores the concept of gender identity for people who are curious about the nature of gender, the process of gender affirmation, or changing social dynamics. Participants will learn the unique challenges faced by the TGNC population as well as develop the skills to build inclusive spaces in all spheres of their life. This course

التحضير لإدارة الموارد البشرية (Coursera)

يُدار جميع الموظفين بطريقة أو بأخرى. ولكن تختلف المناهج المٌتَّبعة لإدارة الموظفين من موظف لآخر، ومن وظيفة لأخرى، ومن مدير لآخر، ومن مؤسسة لأخرى، وحتى من بلد لبلد آخر. تقدم هذه الدورة التدريبية الأساس لتطوير منهجك في إدارة الموظفين بمهارة من خلال إيضاح الإستراتيجيات البديلة لإدارة الموارد البشرية، وطرح أهمية السياق القانوني، والتفكير فيما يحفز الموظفين. وهذا سيوضِّح لكم الأساس الواقعي والإدراكي لتطوير مهارات محددة ودقيقة في إدارة موارد بشرية في الدورات التدريبية التالية المتعلقة بتعيين الموظفين