Università di Napoli Federico II |
Autonomous Aerospace Systems (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/autonomous-aerospace-systems The course aims to provide the knowledge needed to design and develop efficient driving and navigation solutions for autonomous vehicles. Driving can be strategic or tactical while navigation is the function that provides information about the position, speed and orientation of the vehicle. It is made by integrating measurement from different sources, such as sensors and receivers. |
Autonomous Vehicle Engineering (CourseraSpecs) https://www.coursera.org/specializations/autonomous-vehicle-engineering Offered by Università di Napoli Federico II. Learn to operate in the autonomous vehicle sector!. Master skills for the design and management ... |
Data Science con Python e R (CourseraSpecs) https://www.coursera.org/specializations/data-science-con-python-e-r Offered by Università di Napoli Federico II. Diventa un esperto dei dati con Python e R. Crea le basi per la tua carriera da Data Scientist. ... |
Data Visualization: Analisi dei dati con Tableau (CourseraSpecs) https://www.coursera.org/specializations/data-visualization-con-tableau Offered by Università di Napoli Federico II. Diventa un esperto della Visualizzazione dei Dati. Impara a sfruttare tutte le potenzialità di ... |
English Lower Intermediate B1.1 (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/english-lower-intermediateb1 Welcome. This is the first of our 2 courses in English to take you to a B1 level of competence. English is the most important international language for the workplace and for study. The varied learning activities on this course will enable you to communicate effectively in a variety of situations and on a range of important topics like daily life, travel and food. This course will help you become an independent user of the English language, able to cope with practical situations while abroad, su |
https://www.coursera.org/learn/global-politics The course explains why international studies originating from the West are currently evolving towards a planetary approach to World politics, with a particular focus on global order and local disorders. Thinking globally helps explain new linkages between changes in the natural environment (demography, climate) and transformations of institutional designs. Will societies and peoples find a way to get along together in the long run despite intractable conflicts and divergence of social and nati |
Python: Istruzioni per l’uso (Coursera) https://www.coursera.org/learn/python-istruzioni-per-uso Il Corso fornisce i principi di programmazione, le tecniche e gli strumenti di Python, linguaggio interpretato orientato agli oggetti molto utilizzato in molteplici contesti scientifici ed aziendali. Python è un linguaggio di programmazione di alto livello, supporta diversi paradigmi di programmazione, come il paradigma object-oriented (con supporto all'ereditarietà multipla), imperativo e funzionale. Ha ottenuto un enorme successo nelle comunità dei programmatori grazie al connubio unico tra la |