莊子─姿勢、意識與感情 (Zhuangzi─Posture, Awareness, and Sentiment)

National Taiwan University via Coursera

Go to Course: https://www.coursera.org/learn/zhuangzi


**Course Review: Zhuangzi─Posture, Awareness, and Sentiment** In the ever-expanding realm of online education, Coursera offers a wealth of courses that span various disciplines and interests. Among them, "Zhuangzi─Posture, Awareness, and Sentiment" stands out as a uniquely enriching course that delves into the profound philosophies of one of China's most revered thinkers. This course is designed for anyone interested in exploring the ideas of Zhuangzi, whether you’re a student of philosophy, history, or simply a seeker of personal growth. **Course Overview** At its heart, the course revolves around the teachings encapsulated in the book "Zhuangzi," which has shaped the intellectual lives of many great figures in Chinese literature, including Tao Yuanming, Li Bai, Bai Juyi, and Su Dongpo. It teaches valuable lessons about navigating life’s complexities through the lens of Zhuangzi’s wisdom. The text has been honored throughout history, even receiving accolades from emperors and renowned critics, attesting to its depth and lasting relevance. This course is particularly compelling for those passionate about the intersection of art, philosophy, and the pursuit of life’s purpose. Whether you are an artisan seeking to blend skill with philosophy or an individual navigating life's unpredictability, Zhuangzi offers a roadmap for a fulfilling existence. **Syllabus Highlights** The course is thoughtfully structured, addressing key philosophical concepts through various lessons rooted in Zhuangzi’s writings. Here’s a glimpse into the syllabus: 1. **Xiaoyao You (逍遙遊) Series**: - The initial lessons aim to establish what it means to live a truly carefree life, exploring life goals that lead to happiness. - Subsequent lessons navigate the importance of one's work and its impact on others. 2. **Qiwulun (齊物論) Series**: - This section introduces the personas within Zhuangzi's work and delves into understanding emotions and the nature of perception. - The lessons reveal methods for overcoming negativity and promote a deeper sense of self-awareness. 3. **Yangshengzhu (養生主) Series**: - Here, the focus shifts to the concept of life and self-care. Discussions range from the philosophical musings on the limits of life to practical advice on how to maintain a balanced and healthy existence. - The course highlights interactions between life’s physicality and emotional wellbeing, emphasizing the balance necessary for harmony. **Personal Insights** As a participant in this course, I found the content not only intellectually stimulating but also remarkably applicable to everyday life. Zhuangzi's philosophies resonate deeply in our modern context, as they challenge us to reconsider our values and priorities amid societal pressures. The emphasis on managing emotions and understanding one's purpose in life is profound and offers practical strategies for those looking to lead a more fulfilled life. The materials are rich with commentary and insights that encourage critical thinking, making the philosophical discussions accessible and engaging. The combination of readings, lectures, and reflective tasks allows learners of all backgrounds to connect with the material on a personal level. **Recommendation** I highly recommend "Zhuangzi─Posture, Awareness, and Sentiment" to anyone interested in philosophy, personal development, or even those who are simply curious about how ancient wisdom can inform modern living. The course not only facilitates an understanding of Zhuangzi’s teachings but also offers tools to apply those principles in your daily life. In a world clamoring for clarity and meaning, Zhuangzi's insights can guide us toward finding peace amidst chaos and wisdom in our choices. So, whether you are a lifelong learner or a casual explorer, take the plunge into the depths of Zhuangzi's philosophy and discover a transformative experience.



















  他這麼活過他的一生,留下一本書,《莊子》。這本書影響了陶淵明的一生,影響了李太白的一生,影響了白居易的一生,影響了蘇東坡的一生。唐玄宗下詔稱此書為《南華真經》,尊莊子為南華真人。清初名評論家金聖歎,評定這本書是「天下第一才子書」。   才子必讀,欲成才者必讀。如果你醉心於技進於道、技道合一的職人文化,追本溯源,請讀《莊子》。如果你不想成材、不想在優勝劣敗的競走中疲憊一生,也請讀《莊子》。如果想處於才與不才之間、想在人生的驚濤駭浪間存活、無傷,更錬就日益精進的乘御之力,就請打開《莊子》。  「福輕乎羽,莫之知載。禍重乎地,莫之知避。」(《莊子.人間世》)   莊子所處的戰國時代,平民百姓能擁有的福份比羽毛還要輕薄,飄忽不定不知道要怎樣才能承接、擁有;可是災難禍患卻比山河大地還要沈重,想要閃避卻不知道有什麼方法能全身而退。當時,一次戰爭裡被斬首、殺害的士卒多達數萬、數十萬人。   而莊子,就在這麼個布滿羅網、暗藏凶器的時代社會裏,擔任一個小小漆樹園的,小小吏。   必須承受、最能感受時代之傷的,莫過於金字塔底層。   是戰國中期的莊子,也是當代的你我。   蕭條異代都同樣湧動




我非常開心能選到這門課.對我身心安頓非常有幫助.感恩!蔡老師解析得非常好.很容易理解.\n\n想不到學習莊子 這麼開心.我會常常複習.


