Go to Course: https://www.coursera.org/learn/yingyang-jiankang
### Course Review: 营养与健康 (Nutrition and Health) on Coursera As more people become aware of the pivotal role that nutrition plays in our overall health, the online course *营养与健康* (Nutrition and Health) offered on Coursera presents an invaluable opportunity for individuals seeking to enhance their understanding of nutritional science. This course is designed specifically for those with little to no background in nutrition, aiming to provide them with essential knowledge to improve their dietary habits and overall quality of life. #### Overview The course covers the foundational aspects of nutrition, delving into the seven essential nutrients the human body requires, including their chemical structures, physiological functions, food sources, and the recommended daily intake. Additionally, it explores the nutritional value of various food categories such as grains, tubers, legumes, nuts, vegetables, fruits, meats, seafood, eggs, and dairy products. One of its most engaging features is discussing the links between nutrition and chronic diseases—especially prevalent ones like diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, and certain cancers. #### Course Content The syllabus is thoughtfully structured, offering a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical insights: 1. **Introduction to Nutrition**: This module sets the stage for students, explaining the meaning of nutrition and its importance in health maintenance. The concepts are simplified for beginners while still offering a comprehensive overview. 2. **Fundamental Nutritional Knowledge**: This section highlights the alarming rates of obesity and related diseases caused by poor dietary choices. Students will learn how to assess health using simple metrics like height and weight and understand the body's caloric requirements. 3. **Energy Nutrients**: Focused on carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, this module discusses their structures, classifications, functions, and dietary sources. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balanced intake of these macronutrients. 4. **Non-Energy Nutrients**: Nutritional equilibrium is essential for health. In this module, students discover essential vitamins, minerals, water, and dietary fiber, their physiological roles, daily requirements, and natural food sources. 5. **Nutritional Value of Various Foods**: Here, the course evaluates nutritional value using established scientific methods while categorizing foods based on the Chinese Dietary Guidelines. This promotes awareness of how to create a balanced diet through a diverse food selection. 6. **Nutrition and Disease**: This critical module connects dietary choices with diseases like obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes. Students will learn preventive strategies through better nutrition to manage and alleviate the symptoms of these conditions. #### Recommendation *营养与健康* is highly recommended for anyone interested in improving their dietary habits and understanding the intricate relationship between nutrition and health. The content is accessible, engaging, and relevant, catering specifically to beginners. The real-world implications of what you learn are significant, offering practical advice that can lead to healthier lifestyle choices. Whether you are a student looking to enter the health and wellness field, a professional seeking to enhance your knowledge of nutrition, or simply someone interested in bettering your dietary habits, this course offers an excellent foundation in nutritional science. #### Conclusion In a global landscape facing dietary challenges and rising health issues, *营养与健康* serves as a vital stepping stone toward informed nutritional decisions. I encourage anyone who wants to take control of their health and understand the essentials of nutrition to enroll in this course. With its structured curriculum and user-friendly presentation, it promises to be both educational and transformative.
营养学基础全球每年约有100万人因饮食不当而加入肥胖者的行列,而肥胖人群患糖尿病、肝病变、脑卒中的死亡率分别是正常人的5倍、4倍和3倍。而苹果型肥胖比梨形肥胖患上述疾病的风险更大,那么什么是苹果型肥胖?什么是梨形肥胖? 这一模块介绍营养学的基础知识,即如何通过身高、体重等简单数据判断人体的健康?人体每天需要从食物中获得多少热量才能维持正常的生理活动和生长发育的需求?食物中有哪些人体所需的营养素等。
产能营养素“人是铁,饭是钢,一天不吃饿得慌。”人体需要从食物中获得能量来维持每天的正常生理活动和生长发育。 这一模块我们将分别介绍三种主要的产能营养素:碳水化合物、脂类化合物和蛋白质的结构特征、分类、主要生理作用、食物来源、营养价值等。最后介绍人体每天需要摄入的三种产能营养素的合理比例。
非产能营养素科学家曾经做过实验,给实验动物喂食由碳水化合物、脂肪、蛋白质混合而成的食物,给予充足的热能,但是实验动物仍然不能健康生长,但是添加少量牛奶等天然食物,实验动物就可以正常生长。原因是动物的正常生长除了需要热能意外,还需要其他一些非产能营养素。 这一模块我们将介绍这些非产能营养素,包括矿物质、维生素、水和膳食纤维的主要生理作用、人体每天的需要量、主要食物来源等。
各类食物的营养价值到底吃什么最有营养呢?是不是价格越高越有营养?其实不同的食物有不同的营养价值。日常膳食要注意营养均衡,合理搭配不同食物。 这一模块我们首先介绍食物营养价值的评价方法,然后按照中国居民膳食宝塔的食物分类方法,分成谷物类与薯类、蔬菜水果类、鱼禽肉蛋类、乳类和豆类等、分别介绍各类食物的主要营养价值。
营养与疾病生活条件好了,吃得好了,可是糖尿病、三高等慢性病、富贵病也多起来了,其实这些疾病的发生在很大程度上是“吃出来的”。 这一模块我们将介绍几种常见的、高发的营养相关性疾病,包括肥胖、高血压、高血脂、糖尿病、痛风、肿瘤等疾病的发生与膳食的关系、如何通过膳食预防疾病的发生、减轻疾病的症状等。
Good course, but some videos is missing and the incorrect answers in the exam.