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### Course Review: General Physics (1) - 电磁学、光学及近代物理 (Electromagnetism, Optics, and Modern Physics) If you're looking to deepen your understanding of physics while appreciating its real-world applications, consider enrolling in the course **General Physics (1)** offered on Coursera. This course presents a comprehensive overview of fundamental concepts in physics, focusing on electromagnetism, optics, and the breakthroughs of modern physics. It’s taught in Mandarin, which allows for a nuanced exploration of these topics from a cultural and historical perspective. #### Overview Physics is an essential field of science that describes how mass and energy interact with one another. This course aims to provide students with an understanding of modern physics and how it shapes our view of the world today. Spanning several weeks, the course progresses through various topics, from the foundational principles of electrostatics and current to the fascinating realms of optics, relativity, and quantum mechanics. #### Course Structure and Insights **Week 1: Electrostatics - Concepts of Charge and Electric Field** The course begins with an introduction to electrostatics. You will explore how historical events and everyday occurrences led to the establishment of concepts like electric fields and potential differences. The incorporation of relatable examples and historical anecdotes makes complex ideas more comprehensible and engaging. **Week 2: Moving Charges - Electric Current** This week ignites curiosity as it transitions from static charges to dynamic electric currents. The discussions around Ohm's Law, resistance, and even biological parallels—such as neural signals—reinforce the practical implications of these principles in everyday life. **Week 3: The Mysterious Magnetic Fields** The exploration of magnetic fields integrates history and observed phenomena, illustrating how scientists uncovered the connection between electricity and magnetism. Learning about Ampère’s and Faraday’s laws contextualizes theoretical knowledge with practical applications seen in daily technology. **Week 4: The Perfect Union of Electricity and Magnetism** Delving into electromagnetic waves, this lecture highlights the revolutionary work of Maxwell. Although it incorporates some mathematics, the elegance of symmetry and mathematical beauty allows for greater appreciation of the subject. You’ll discover how mathematics serves as the language of physics. **Week 5: Optics** A captivating exploration of light and its interactions with matter covers topics such as reflection, refraction, and diffraction. By examining these concepts through historical and practical lenses, the course makes optics not only educational but also intriguing, prompting genuine appreciation for the phenomenon of light in our environment. **Week 6: Relativity** Arguably one of the most significant milestones in physics, this week’s focus on relativity unravels the complex ideas introduced by Einstein. It contextualizes the challenges physicists faced at the end of the 19th century and how these led to a paradigm shift in understanding time and space. **Week 7: Quantum Mechanics** The culmination of this course is dedicated to quantum mechanics, a cornerstone of modern physics. The relationship between light and quantum theory is artfully presented, allowing for a deeper understanding of concepts like energy quantization and the wave-particle duality of matter. #### Recommendation **General Physics (1)** stands out because of its holistic approach to teaching physics. It combines rigorous scientific concepts with historical context, making learning engaging and relevant. Each week builds upon the last, ensuring that students not only memorize definitions but also connect theoretical physics to real-life applications. This course is particularly recommended for anyone aspiring to study the sciences, educators looking to refresh their knowledge, or any curious minds eager to explore the underlying principles that govern our universe. Whether you're a student or a professional, the insights and foundational knowledge gained from this course are invaluable. In conclusion, if you are passionate about discovering the wonders of physics, **General Physics (1)** will undoubtedly enrich your understanding and provide a solid grounding for further exploration in this fascinating field. Don't miss the opportunity to embark on this educational journey!
Week 1 靜電學:電荷與電場概念簡介
大家好,普通物理課程已經進入第一講,主題是「靜電學」。 在這門普通物理學課程中,除了介紹物理定律外,更希望強調的是生活上有哪些地方與這些物理概念有關,以及當初這些科學家是如何想到這樣的定律的。在這一講中,我們將從生活中以及歷史上的電現象開始,引入理論的思考,介紹電場和電位差的概念,以及庫侖定律與高斯定律等。希望讓大家看到科學家在想事情時,也多半是用非常直觀的類比想像。最後則談到電容這個儲電元件的原理,還有在生活中有哪些應用。 希望能激發大家的思考,以及對生活周圍更細緻的觀察。
Week 2 會動的電荷:電流歡迎進入普通物理課程第二週。第二講的主題是「電流」,上一講提到的是靜止的電荷,這一講中的電荷就開始活躍起來,會運動了。這一講中會介紹電流的發現過程,電阻的概念,以及相當坎坷的歐姆定律。有了電阻與電容,就可以開始做出很多有趣的電路,所以在這一講會介紹一些基本的電路分析概念。同時並用人體神經中的電信號傳導做範例,看看神經傳導如何用電路分析來思考。課程中引入相當多的示範實驗,儘量都用生活中的例子,希望能引起大家的興趣,並能對物理學如何與生活連結有更清楚的認識。
Week 3 神秘的磁場第三講的主題是「磁場」,主要針對靜磁場的概念探討。 如同介紹靜電學時,遇到一個新的物理特性,我們將先從歷史上以及生活周圍可以觀察到的現象開始。接下來則是和各位探討當初科學家是如何觀察磁場與力的關係,並進而發現電與磁原來是一體的兩面,而有了安培定律以及法拉第感應定律來描述這個電磁相通的現象。最後則是從感應定律引出一個生活中常用的電路元件稱為電感,並和大家簡單說明可以儲存磁能的電感對電路系統的影響。
Week 4 電與磁的完美結合第四講的主題是「電磁波」,這一講描述十九世紀下半葉,由馬克士威領軍,對人類理解世界的概念產生重大影響的過程,非常精彩。雖然會用稍微多一點數學,但是希望各位能夠從中間看出對稱性的美妙。以及能夠理解馬克士威如何透過對於數學形式的思考,發現電磁可以形成波動的概念。因此可以知道,數學真的是描述物理非常重要的語言。
Week 5 光學第五講的主題是「光學」,光在生活中可說無處不在。 我們在這一講中,同樣從歷史與生活的角度出發,帶大家認識光與物質交互作用的各個不同面向,包括反射、折射、散射、偏振、干涉、繞射等。邀請大家一起感受光學的神奇世界。
Week 6 相對論第六講的主題是「相對論」,這可以說是二十世紀物理學最重要的進展之一。承續著前一節的光學主題,我們從量光速的歷史進展出發,讓大家看到在十九世紀末,物理學所遭遇的困難(一朵烏雲)以及由此誕生的巨大概念轉折。 在這一講中,希望大家可以看到愛因斯坦在二十世紀初,是如何想到狹義相對論?為什麼說這幾乎是歷史的必然?相對論的內容,到底是什麼與什麼相對?為什麼說這是個違反直觀概念的理論?透過儘量深入淺出地描述,讓大家看到可說是世界上最出名的物理方程式 E = mc^2 到底和相對論有什麼關係?還有看起來這麼抽象的理論,和我們的生活真的有關係嗎?這些問題都希望各位可以在看完這一講後,獲得理解。
Week 7 量子的概念第七講的主題則是「量子力學」,和相對論一起,構成所謂近代物理學的基石。很巧的是,量子力學的誕生,也和光的量測有很大的關係,包括黑體輻射和光電效應。 我們會先從說明何謂黑體輻射開始,讓大家理解二十世紀初物理學天空中的另一朵烏雲,並讓大家看到再一次看到科學家是如何先猜出完全違反直覺的答案,再慢慢透過各種實驗證明猜想的正確。在量子力學的世界中,我們將會介紹三個主要的概念,一是能量不連續,二是物質同時具有波動與粒子特性,三是測不準原理。最後並稍微簡單介紹目前我們對原子結構的理解。