Go to Course: https://www.coursera.org/learn/su-dongpo
### Course Review: 東坡詞 (Ci Poetry of Su Dong Po) #### Overview The Coursera course on the Ci Poetry of Su Dong Po (東坡詞) is a captivating journey into the world of one of China’s greatest poets, Su Dong Po (often referred to as Su Shi). Designed to delve deep into the artistic and emotional landscapes of his notable works, such as "水調歌頭" (Prelude to Water Melody), "江城子" (River City), "定風波" (Calm Wind), and "念奴嬌" (Song of the Maid), this course offers a rich exploration of Su’s poetry that is both engaging and enlightening. With a teaching approach embraced by Professor Liu Shao-Hsiung from National Taiwan University, the course aims to foster an appreciation for the emotional depth and literary intricacies present in Su Dong Po's poetry. The course positions Su's work as both distant and intimately relatable, inviting participants to engage in this literary art form in a joyous and open-hearted manner. #### Course Structure The syllabus is meticulously structured into eight lectures, each focusing on different aspects of Su Dong Po's poetry: 1. **Word Forms and Human Emotions**: This introductory lecture sets the stage by discussing the lyrical nature of Ci poetry, explored through Su’s unique inner motivations and the importance of blending poetry and song. 2. **Emotional Depth in Su's Works**: The second lecture shifts focus to the themes of love, longing, and nostalgia, analyzing works from Su's early period in Hangzhou, allowing participants to connect with his emotional self-portrayal. 3. **Expanding Poetic Realms**: By examining pieces aligned with Su's transitions from Hangzhou to Mizhou, this lecture unveils his development in themes, emotional coping, and stylistic flourishes. 4. **Temporal and Spatial Reflections**: This segment encapsulates Su's contemplation on time and his existential musings through works like "永遇樂" (Forever Meeting) and "洞仙歌" (Song of the Cave Fairy) that echo his philosophical insights. 5. **Stylistic Choices**: In the fifth lecture, participants explore Su's balancing acts between freedom and constraint in his poetry, primarily comparing "念奴嬌" and "赤壁賦" (Red Cliffs) - including insights on thematic representation through varying literary forms. 6. **Reflections from Journeying**: The narrative of Su's life journey continues here, encouraging participants to meditate on the significance of self-discovery amid life's challenges through selected compositions. 7. **Object Poetry and Emotion**: The seventh lecture discusses Su's ability to convey deep emotional resonance through object-oriented poetry, emphasizing the use of personification and scenery. 8. **Drifting and Returning**: The concluding lecture emphasizes the emotional arc of Su's works, unearthing wisdom about finding peace amidst life’s unpredictability while revealing how literature can serve as a source of comfort and understanding. #### Recommendation I highly recommend the course "Ci Poetry of Su Dong Po" for anyone interested in Chinese literature, poetry enthusiasts, or those seeking a deeper understanding of emotional expression within literary arts. The course’s design allows learners to appreciate the depths of Su Dong Po’s work, offering insightful discussions, multimedia teaching methods, and engaging assignments that enhance the learning experience. **Pros:** - Comprehensive and well-structured curriculum allowing for in-depth analysis of each poem. - Access to an experienced professor and a supportive learning community. - Engaging format that mixes video lectures, discussions, and assignments. **Cons:** - The course might require some familiarity with Chinese literary history for full appreciation. - Non-Chinese speakers may find the nuanced meanings in translations challenging without additional resources. #### Final Thoughts Overall, this course encapsulates the beauty and profound emotionality of Su Dong Po’s poetry while enriching participants' literary sensibilities. Whether you're a seasoned scholar or a casual poetry lover, "東坡詞" promises to awaken and deepen your appreciation for one of history's most remarkable poetic figures. Sign up today and embark on this transformative literary journey!
本課程由臺灣大學劉少雄教授講授,旨在帶領大家賞讀東坡詞,兼顧作家與文體、情感與形式等多重詮釋面向,讓我們更了解東坡為詞的文學與人生意義,進而深入體察東坡的情意世界及其詞的美感特質。課程以影片的教學為主, 並搭配每週問題討論以及課後作業。
第三講: 詞境的開拓─由〈江城子〉到〈水調歌頭〉以東坡由杭州到密州途中及密州時期的作品為主體,見其自我紓解的努力與詞境的開拓。透過〈沁園春·赴密州早行馬上寄子由〉、〈永遇樂·孫巨源以八月十五離海州⋯⋯〉,論述東坡清婉、雄豪詞風之形成;探析「十年生死兩茫茫」、「老夫聊發少年狂」兩首〈江城子〉,見其豪婉風格的確立;最後以〈水調歌頭〉為例,談東坡清曠詞風的出現。