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### Course Review: 中國古代歷史與人物:秦始皇 (Qin Shi Huang) #### Overview The Coursera course "中國古代歷史與人物:秦始皇" (Qin Shi Huang) provides an in-depth exploration of one of the most controversial figures in Chinese history: Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China. This course aims to engage learners with the essence of history, emphasizing its significance in cultivating leadership and critical thinking. By examining historical events and figures through various modern historiographical methods, students are encouraged to reflect on the utility and value of studying history. #### Objectives The primary goal of this course is to break the conventional notion that historical study leads to "standard answers." Instead, it fosters a profound understanding of history as a realm of critical thought and exploration. Throughout the modules, learners will be prompted to challenge established narratives and engage in reflective analysis. #### Course Structure The course consists of several comprehensive modules, each dedicated to different facets of Qin Shi Huang's life and legacy: 1. **Introduction:** - Setting the tone for critical thinking in historical study, emphasizing the subjective nature of interpretation. 2. **孔林與始皇陵 (The Cemetery of Confucius and Emperor Qin):** - An introduction to the legacies left by Confucius and Qin Shi Huang, encouraging a discussion on the themes of success and failure through their memorials. 3. **秦始皇的一生,歷史文獻中的秦始皇(一) (The Life of Qin Shi Huang, and Qin Shi Huang in Historical Texts Part I):** - A deep dive into "Records of the Grand Historian," which provides a comprehensive narrative of Qin Shi Huang's life, military successes, and the factors contributing to them. 4. **秦始皇的一生,歷史文獻中的秦始皇(二) (The Life of Qin Shi Huang, and Qin Shi Huang in Historical Texts Part II):** - Continuation into the latter part of his reign, exploring his governance and the reasons behind his ultimate downfall. 5. **始皇的子孫 (Emperor Qin's Descendants):** - Analysis of the challenges faced by Qin Shi Huang’s descendants and their political decisions post his reign. 6. **始皇的祖先-秦的興亡傳奇 (Emperor Qin's Ancestors: The Rise and Fall of the Qin Dynasty Parts I & II):** - A historical account of the rulers before Qin Shi Huang, discussing how their actions and characteristics shaped the destiny of the Qin state. 7. **始皇的臣子:李斯與秦的滅亡 (Emperor Qin's Assistant Minister Li Si and The Fall of Qin):** - Focused examination of Li Si, a key minister, and his role in both the policies and the collapse of the Qin dynasty. 8. **後人如何看始皇:漢代畫像石中的秦始皇 (Emperor Qin's Portraits in the Han-dynasty Art):** - Exploration of how later generations depicted and perceived Qin Shi Huang, influencing his historical image. #### Recommendations This course is highly recommended for anyone interested in Chinese history, leadership studies, or the methodology of historical analysis. Its structured approach not only provides a detailed understanding of Qin Shi Huang’s life and legacy but also encourages critical thinking skills that are essential for interpreting historical events. Whether you're a history enthusiast or a student seeking to enhance your analytical abilities, "Qin Shi Huang" on Coursera opens a door to the intrigues of ancient China, where discussions on legacy and moral values remain relevant today. It's a wonderful opportunity to engage with history in an interactive and thoughtful way. Enroll today to deepen your appreciation for one of history's most influential figures!
前言 Introduction
孔林與始皇陵 The Cemetery of Confucius and Emperor Qin在本模塊中,我們將介紹中國歷史上的兩個重要人物孔子和秦始皇留下的遺產——孔林與秦始皇陵。從孔林與秦始皇陵出發,圍繞這兩個人物探討什麼是成功,什麼是失敗這一主題。在本模塊結束之前,你將要完成一份有趣的同伴互評作業。
秦始皇的一生,歷史文獻中的秦始皇(一)The Life of Qin Shi Huang, and Qin Shi Huang in Historical Texts Part I《史記 秦始皇本紀》是目前我們所知古文獻裏面對秦始皇一生描寫最全面也是最詳細的一篇文章,也是所有秦始皇傳記的基礎。在本模塊中,我們將通過學習這一歷史文獻來了解秦始皇的一生,並進一步了解秦軍百戰百勝的歷史條件和秘密。
秦始皇的一生,歷史文獻中的秦始皇(二)The Life of Qin Shi Huang, and Qin Shi Huang in Historical Texts Part II本模塊將繼續學習秦始皇的後半生,在他一統天下後的幾年裏,他的施政方針以及自我評價。最後,我們將探尋秦始皇的失敗究竟從何而來,秦國終究走向了滅亡的原因。
始皇的子孫 Emperor Qin's Descendants在本模塊中,我們將學習秦始皇的子孫繼位後,如何處理當前局面與政務以及最後他們的悲慘結局。
始皇的祖先-秦的興亡傳奇(上)Emperor Qin's Ancestors: The Rise and Fall of the Qin Dynasty Part I在本模塊中,我們將了解秦始皇的祖先們,也就是秦國的歷代統治者,學習秦國這一段漫長而跌宕起伏的興亡故事。與此同時,我們還將進一步探索秦國人的本性,以及它是如何決定秦以及其他部族的命運的。
始皇的祖先-秦的興亡傳奇 (下)Emperor Qin's Ancestors: The Rise and Fall of the Qin Dynasty Part II在本模塊中,我們將繼續講述秦的興亡傳奇的下半部分。其中包括繆公過世之後秦國迎來第壹次巨大的衰落重挫,“三家分晉”事件,以及改變秦國甚至中國運勢的商鞅等重要的歷史時刻。這段故事將一一為妳呈現秦國如何抓住時機從壹個弱小的國家成為統壹六國的強國,然後在幾十年間滅亡的興亡過程。
始皇的臣子:李斯與秦的滅亡 Emperor Qin's Assistant Minister Li Si and The Fall of Qin在本模塊中我們將開始討論始皇的臣子中最重要的一個人——李斯。李斯在歷史上占有重要地位,並且與秦國的滅亡又密切關系。我們將從《史記》的《李斯列傳》著手,解讀李斯以及他的故事給我們後人留下的思考。
後人如何看始皇:漢代畫像石中的秦始皇 Emperor Qin's Portraits in the Han-dynasty Art歡迎來到本課程的最後一個模塊。本模塊將牽涉到漢代人是如何形塑秦始皇的歷史形象的。通過這一模塊的講解,你將對秦始皇有更形象的了解,更加接近歷史。
在近代以前,歷史學是培養各種領袖與人才的必備教育,因為它能夠使人對過去「稽其興壞成敗之理」(《史記‧太史公自序》)。「中國古代歷史與人物」這門課程希望回到歷史學的原點,藉由具體的事例,來探索「讀歷史到底有什麼用?」。 從東周到秦漢是中國歷史上承先啟後的鉅變時期,更是一個英雄輩出、波瀾壯闊的大時代。而秦始皇正是主導這個時代,且令後世爭議不絕的歷史關鍵人物之一。本課程將利用現代歷史學的各種取徑,以原典史料為中心,結合考古成果、古代文物等,對歷史人物進行多角度的剖析,探索秦始皇及其統治集團成功和失敗的祕密究竟何在,並希望使同學藉此明瞭歷史學的功用與價值。
It is a really good class. You will get some new idea after listening the lecture. I think anyone who want to understand china should choose the class firstly.
why are you need to learn history? what benefit can you get? Mr.lv is a good teacher teach you how to think by using those vivid example.
I like the teacher and his teaching style. Learn a lot and inspire me a lot.