Go to Course: https://www.coursera.org/learn/perspectivas-en-salud-publica-ampliando-la-vision-en-salud
**Course Review: “Perspectivas en Salud Pública: Ampliando la visión en salud” on Coursera** In an age where health issues transcend borders and affect populations globally, the need for a holistic perspective on public health has never been more pressing. Coursera’s course “Perspectivas en Salud Pública: Ampliando la visión en salud” highlights this imperative, exploring the intricate layers of public health through a comprehensive and analytical lens. **Overview** The course reflects on the transformative changes in public health prompted by globalization, emerging diseases, and critical events like the COVID-19 pandemic. Recognizing the pitfalls of an individualistic approach to healthcare, it emphasizes a collective understanding and management of health. As the course title suggests, participants will expand their vision of public health, shifting from a mere focus on individual care to a broader communal and systemic perspective. **Syllabus Breakdown** The course is structured into four insightful modules, each one progressively building on the last to provide a thorough grounding in public health principles. 1. **Module 1: The Foundations of Public Health** This introductory module invites students to explore the concept of health, its historical significance, and its evolving definitions. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the essential functions of public health and the characteristics of various health systems. This foundation is crucial for anyone looking to grasp the basic tenets of public health. 2. **Module 2: The Sociodemographic Background of Public Health** Here, the course delves into the social sciences underpinning public health. It examines the social determinants of health and how demographic shifts impact health patterns and issues. This module will help students appreciate the complexity of health determinants and the need for informed policy-making. 3. **Module 3: How Public Health Works** This module tackles pressing issues such as health inequity and inequality. Students will learn about strategies for health promotion and disease prevention, outlining both high-risk and population-based approaches. It provides a practical understanding of how public health initiatives can be implemented effectively. 4. **Module 4: Achievements and Challenges in Public Health** Finally, the course examines the international landscape of public health, addressing both opportunities and threats. Participants will learn from the impact of COVID-19 on health systems and explore emerging challenges in the public health domain. This reflective discussion prepares students for the realities of modern public health crises. **Recommendation** “Perspectivas en Salud Pública: Ampliando la visión en salud” comes highly recommended for anyone interested in the field of public health, whether they are newcomers or seasoned professionals. Its comprehensive curriculum and thoughtful structure not only provide critical knowledge about public health principles but also inspire a commitment to collective health improvement. If you are an aspiring healthcare professional, policy-maker, or simply someone who wants to better understand public health dynamics in our interconnected world, this course is an invaluable resource. The insights gained will not only enhance your knowledge but also empower you to contribute meaningfully to the evolving landscape of public health. Enroll in this course to broaden your understanding and develop the skills necessary to tackle current and future public health challenges effectively. Embrace the opportunity to view health not just as an individual responsibility, but as a societal imperative.
En este módulo te invitamos a conocer el concepto de salud, sus significados y su evolución histórica. Además, veremos las funciones esenciales de la Salud Pública y el origen, definición y características de los sistemas de salud.
MÓDULO 2: EL TELÓN DE FONDO DE LA SALUD PÚBLICA: LO SOCIODEMOGRÁFICOEn este módulo nos enfocaremos en la Salud Pública como ciencia social de base. Revisaremos cuáles son los determinantes sociales en salud, y veremos los cambios en la composición demográfica de las poblaciones y el patrón de evolución de las enfermedades.
MÓDULO 3: ¿CÓMO ACTÚA LA SALUD PÚBLICA?En este módulo veremos lo que sucede cuando no todos reciben lo que necesitan en salud (definiciones inequidad y desigualdad), revisaremos cómo se puede promover la salud y la prevención de la enfermedad, y te mostraremos estrategias de la Salud Pública para obtener beneficios (prevención de alto riesgo y poblacional.
MÓDULO 4: LOGROS Y DESAFÍOS DE LA SALUD PÚBLICAEn este módulo revisaremos el panorama de la salud internacional: las oportunidades y las amenazas. Conocerás cuál es el aporte de la Salud Pública al avance sanitario del mundo. Veremos cómo se ha dado la irrupción del COVID19 y cuáles son los nuevos desafíos para la Salud Pública.
Los cambios de los últimos años, fruto de la globalización y la irrupción de nuevas enfermedades, así como de la pandemia de Covid, han dejado en evidencia la importancia que tiene la promoción de la salud pública. Cuando los cuidados de salud descansan en una perspectiva de cuidado individual, la evidencia empírica muestra que los sistemas de salud tienden al colapso. Por lo mismo, es fundamental aprehender el concepto sanitario desde una perspectiva colectiva. El curso está dirigido a cualqu
Temas muy claros y necesarios para tener adecuadas bases en salud publica
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