القيادة المتناقضة كأسلوب تفكير

Alfaisal University | KLD via Coursera

Go to Course: https://www.coursera.org/learn/paradoxical-leadership-as-a-way-of-thinking


### Course Review: القيادة المتناقضة كأسلوب تفكير (Paradoxical Leadership as a Thinking Style) In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, leaders are often confronted with multifaceted challenges, contradictions, and dilemmas that require innovative solutions. The Coursera course titled "القيادة المتناقضة كأسلوب تفكير" (Paradoxical Leadership as a Thinking Style) delves into the concept of paradoxical leadership and offers valuable insights into how modern leaders can navigate the complexities of their roles. #### Overview This course provides an analytical perspective on the types of problems and contradictions that leaders face in organizations worldwide. It skillfully contrasts the traditional leadership style, which often adheres to an "either-or" methodology, with the paradigm of paradoxical leadership. In essence, it encourages leaders to explore all possible solutions rather than being limited to a single choice, fostering creative and innovative problem-solving strategies. #### Curriculum Highlights The syllabus is comprehensive and well-structured, covering key topics that are crucial to understanding and implementing paradoxical leadership: 1. **Assessing Paradoxical Leadership**: The course begins with an exploration of how to evaluate paradoxical leadership at both individual and organizational levels, laying the groundwork for deeper understanding. 2. **Dynamic Equilibrium**: Participants will gain insights into the concept of dynamic equilibrium, which is a vital operation mechanism for paradoxical leaders. This concept emphasizes the importance of balancing competing demands. 3. **Key Contradictions and Traits**: The course outlines the primary contradictions that leaders encounter and the essential traits they must possess to effectively confront these challenges. This section is particularly beneficial for aspiring leaders, as it highlights the skills needed in volatile environments. 4. **Characteristics of Paradoxical Leadership**: A detailed explanation of what constitutes paradoxical leadership offers clarity on how it differs from traditional leadership approaches. This knowledge is essential for those looking to adopt a more fluid and adaptive leadership style. 5. **Importance of Paradoxical Thinking**: The final segments articulate the significance of viewing leadership through a paradoxical lens and how embracing this mindset can enhance decision-making and inspire innovation. #### Learning Experience The course delivers intense theoretical knowledge complemented by practical applications, encouraging participants to reflect on their leadership styles. The practical case studies and scenarios presented throughout the course can help learners relate theory to real-world situations, making the content accessible and actionable. #### Conclusion and Recommendation Overall, the course "القيادة المتناقضة كأسلوب تفكير" is a must for current and aspiring leaders who wish to adapt their styles to meet the demands of contemporary business challenges. It equips participants with the necessary tools to transcend traditional methods and embrace a more holistic approach to problem-solving. I highly recommend this course to anyone eager to enhance their leadership capabilities, particularly in dynamic and uncertain environments. The insights gained will not only improve one’s understanding of leadership but also inspire a more innovative and resilient mindset. Whether you are a seasoned executive or a new manager, this course offers invaluable lessons that can significantly impact your professional journey. Enroll today and unlock a new perspective on leadership that could transform your approach to challenges and opportunities in the workplace!


القيادة المتناقضة كأسلوب تفكير

ستزودك هذه الدورة باطلاع واسع ودقيق على مجموعة من المحاور المتعلقة بهذا الموضوع، مثل: فهم كيفية تقييم مستوى القيادة المتناقضة على مستوى الفرد والمؤسسة، فهم المقصود بالتوازن الديناميكي كآلية عمل للقادة المتناقضين، شرح أهم المتناقضات التي تواجه القادة والسمات الرئيسة التي يتحلون بها كي يتمكنوا من مواجهتها، توضيح خصائص القيادة المتناقضة، شرح الفرق بين القيادة المتناقضة والقيادة التقليدية، فهم المقصود بمصطلح القيادة المتناقضة كأسلوب تفكير وأهميته.


تتعرض الشركات في جميع أنحاء العالم إلى أنواع عديدة من المشاكل والمتناقضات، ويسعى قادتها لإيجاد الحلول المتاحة للخروج من تلك الأزمات بأقل الخسائر الممكنة، لكنّ لكل مشكلة حلولاً عديدة، فأيهما أفضل: اختيار حل واحد فقط، أم استغلال جميع الحلول المتاحة للوصول إلى حل مبتكر؟ القائد التقليدي (Traditional Leader) الذي ينتمي إلى المدرسة القديمة في علم الإدارة يسعى دائماً لاستخدام منهجية "إما أو"- (Either-or)، بمعنى اختيار حل واحد فقط من مجموعة الحلول المتاحة، أما القائد المتناقض (Paradoxical Leader) فيستخد


القيادة المتناقضة القيادة التقليدية
