材料力學一 (Mechanics of Materials (1))

National Taiwan University via Coursera

Go to Course: https://www.coursera.org/learn/mechanics-of-materials-1


# Course Review: Mechanics of Materials (1) - 材料力學一 ### Overview The course **Mechanics of Materials (1)**, known as 材料力學一 in Chinese, offers a robust introduction to the fundamental principles governing the mechanics of materials, making it an essential stepping stone for anyone involved in construction, architecture, or civil engineering. The course is structured to deliver not just theoretical knowledge but practical insights that bridge the gap between academic concepts and real-world applications. At its core, the course tackles critical questions that structural engineers confront daily: What are the intrinsic differences between beams and columns? How do the shapes and materials of these structures affect their ability to support loads? It dives into the mechanics of materials through the lens of Hooke's Law and explores the critical relationships between force, deformation, and structural integrity. ### Course Structure The syllabus is rich and methodically arranged, covering various essential topics: 1. **Stress and Strain**: This section lays the groundwork by defining stress and strain, and emphasizes their significance in engineering applications. 2. **Axial Loads on Members**: Students learn about static and indeterminate systems, gaining skills to calculate the relationships between axial forces and deformations, along with understanding temperature effects. 3. **Torsion in Structural Members**: A thorough exploration of torsion systems is undertaken, focusing on calculations regarding the stress induced in thin-walled structures. 4. **Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams**: This crucial part teaches the importance and the methodology of constructing shear and bending moment diagrams, essential tools for any civil engineer. 5. **Internal Forces in Beams under Bending Moments**: The course covers how bending moments create internal stresses and strains in beams, along with design considerations for bending resistance. 6. **Internal Forces and Shear in Beams**: Here, students learn to analyze stress distributions in various beam cross-sections and engage in design practices for shear resistance. ### Target Audience The course is tailored primarily for students and professionals in civil and architectural engineering, providing them with the foundational knowledge required for advanced studies in reinforced concrete design, steel structure design, and timber construction. It also appeals to those interested in elasticity theory and its applications in engineering design. ### Learning Objectives The learning objectives are well-defined, evolving from understanding basic concepts to applying that knowledge in complex design scenarios. By the end of this course, participants will be able to confidently evaluate structural behavior under various loads and conditions, making informed design decisions based on sound engineering principles. ### Recommendations **Who Should Take This Course?** 1. **Students in Engineering Fields**: If you are pursuing a degree in civil or structural engineering, this course is a must for building a solid foundation in material mechanics. 2. **Practicing Engineers**: For professionals looking to refresh their knowledge or gain a deeper understanding of material mechanics, the insights provided in this course can enhance practical applications in ongoing projects. 3. **Architecture Students**: While the focus is technical, architecture students will also benefit by understanding the structural implications of their designs, aiding in creating safe and innovative structures. ### Conclusion In summary, **Mechanics of Materials (1)** is a comprehensive and informative course that provides valuable insights into the mechanics governing structural components. With its detailed syllabus, focused learning objectives, and practical applications, this course is highly recommended for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of material mechanics and its significance in engineering design and analysis. Whether you're a student or a professional, taking this course will undoubtedly equip you with the knowledge necessary to tackle real-world engineering challenges.



學習目標: 1. 了解應力與應變的定義、關係與工程意義。 2. 了解材料彈性與塑性行為之特性與區別。


學習目標:1. 了解什麼是靜定與靜不定系統。 2. 了解並能夠計算靜定與靜不定軸力系統受力與變形的關係。 3. 了解並能夠計算溫差與安裝誤差造成的桿件軸力。


學習目標:1. 了解並能夠計算靜定與靜不定扭力系統受力與變形的關係。 2. 了解並能夠計算薄管壁結構受扭所產生的應力。


學習目標:1. 了解剪力彎矩圖對土木工程的重要性。 2. 能正確做出靜定系統的彎矩剪力圖。


學習目標:1. 了解梁受彎矩作用形成的應力與應變。 2. 能進行梁的抗彎設計。


學習目標:1. 了解矩形、圓形、I形梁斷面受剪力作用形成的應力分布狀況。 2. 了解I形梁斷面的工程意義。 3. 了解剪力流的成因並能進行組合斷面抗剪的接合設計。


學習目標: 1. 了解矩形、圓形、I形梁斷面受剪力作用形成的應力分布狀況。 2. 了解I形梁斷面的工程意義。 3. 了解剪力流的成因並能進行組合斷面抗剪的接合設計。


課程介紹與教學目標 (About the course)   房屋為我們遮風避雨,讓我們安心工作、生活,而結構系統又是房屋的骨幹,讓房屋能站的又高、又直、又穩。你知道橫者為梁,直者為柱,但你知道在結構工程師的眼中,梁與柱有什麼其他的不同嗎?他們其中藏著什麼秘密,能支撐起整個結構?工程師要怎麼決定梁該有多深?柱該有多粗?該用矩形、圓形還是其他形狀?該用實心還是空心?在有地震的地方,設計上是否又有不一樣的考量?   材料力學是通往上述問題解答關鍵的一步。在材料力學(一)裡,我們會由大家熟知的虎克定律開始,以蓋房子的重要材料「結構鋼」為例,深入探討「力量」與「變形」這兩個令結構工程師愛恨交加的物理量之間的關係。然後依序探討結構桿件受軸力(拉/壓)、受扭、受彎、受剪四大外力作用下,會在桿件內部產生怎樣的相對應變形與受力,並探討建築結構設計概念與提供桿件設計演算範例。   本課程是希望精通「鋼筋混凝土設計」、「鋼結構設計」、「木構造設計」者必備的先修課程,也為對「彈性力學」有興趣者,提供許多基礎知識與這些知識如何實際應用於工程設計。 主要授課對象為土木、建築相關從業人員與在學學生,其他包括工學院

