كيف تفوز في المحادثات الصعبة| How to Win Tough Conversations

Alfaisal University | KLD via Coursera

Go to Course: https://www.coursera.org/learn/how-to-win-tough-conversation


### Course Review: How to Win Tough Conversations on Coursera In today's world, effective communication is more crucial than ever, whether in personal relationships, the workplace, or everyday interactions. If you've ever found yourself struggling to address a difficult topic or feeling overwhelmed during hard conversations, then the Coursera course "كيف تفوز في المحادثات الصعبة | How to Win Tough Conversations" is designed for you. #### Overview The course centers on a fundamental aspect of our daily lives: conversations. We engage in dialogue to share our viewpoints while also aiming to understand others' perspectives. While some conversations flow smoothly, marked by mutual understanding and respect, others can quickly devolve into conflict and misunderstanding. This course aims to equip participants with essential skills to navigate these challenging discussions successfully. #### Syllabus Highlights 1. **Understanding Tough Conversations**: The course begins by exploring what constitutes a "tough conversation" and why these discussions arise in our daily lives and workplaces. Recognizing the triggers that lead to difficult dialogues is the first step in mastering them. 2. **Core Success Factors**: Participants will learn about the critical factors that contribute to successful tough conversations. These principles will serve as the foundation for developing more effective communication strategies. 3. **The STATE Method**: A significant component of the course is the introduction of the (STATE) framework, a practical approach to managing difficult discussions. Each letter stands for a principle that helps in structuring your communication for clarity and effectiveness. 4. **Rules for Managing Tough Conversations**: The course will cover essential rules and strategies that can help steer conversations in a more positive direction. These rules are derived from real-life scenarios and research in the field of communication. 5. **Causes of Difficult Conversations**: Understanding why we encounter tough conversations is crucial. The curriculum delves into psychological and behavioral aspects that often lead to misunderstandings, providing insight into how to mitigate these issues. #### Learning Experience Designed with practicality in mind, the course utilizes a variety of learning materials, including video lectures, readings, and interactive assignments. The structure promotes not just theoretical understanding but also real-world application. Moreover, the instructor's engaging teaching style makes the content accessible and enjoyable. #### Recommendation I highly recommend "How to Win Tough Conversations" for anyone looking to enhance their communication skills. Whether you're a professional aiming to foster a better workplace environment, a student preparing for challenging discussions in academic settings, or an individual seeking to improve your personal relationships, this course offers invaluable insights and strategies. Moreover, the flexibility of the Coursera platform allows you to learn at your own pace, making it convenient for busy schedules. By the end of the course, you will feel more confident in facing tough conversations, equipped with practical tools to turn potentially conflict-laden discussions into constructive dialogues. In conclusion, take the step to improve your communication skills today by enrolling in "كيف تفوز في المحادثات الصعبة| How to Win Tough Conversations." It's an investment in your personal and professional growth that pays dividends in all facets of life.


كيف تفوز في المحادثات الصعبة

ستزودك هذه الدورة باطلاع واسع ودقيق على مجموعة من المحاور المتعلقة بهذا الموضوع، مثل: التعرف على عوامل النجاح الأساسية للفوز في المحادثات الصعبة، فهم استخدام منهج (STATE) في المحادثات الصعبة، شرح القواعد الأساسية لإدارة المحادثات الصعبة، شرح أهم أسباب حدوث المحادثات الصعبة في حياتنا اليومية وفي مجال العمل، فهم المقصود بالمحادثات الصعبة.


المحادثات هي عصب التواصل في حياتنا اليومية، فنحن نقضي معظم يومنا تقريباً في محادثاتٍ سواء في المنزل أو العمل أو في أي مكان آخر، وذلك من أجل توصيل وجهة نظرنا إلى الآخرين، بالإضافة إلى الرغبة ي سماع وجهة نظر الآخرين بهدف التعلم واكتساب الخبرات العلمية والحياتية. تكون تلك المحادثات مرنة وإيجابية أحياناً، حيث يكون فيها قدر عالٍ من التفاهم المتبادل بين أطراف الحديث، وكثيراً ما تفتقر تلك المحادثات إلى تلك المرونة وتأخذ شكلاً آخرَ من الحدّية والتعارض بين الأفكار المطروحة مما قد يؤثر سلباً على علاقتنا ب


الفوز في المحادثات الصعبة فن المحادثات مبادئ تنمية بشرية


برنامج مهم وله تأثير على المستوى الشخصي والمهني والاجتماعي

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