Evaluación de Proyectos de Inversión

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile via Coursera

Go to Course: https://www.coursera.org/learn/evaluacion-de-proyectos-de-inversion


**Course Review: Evaluación de Proyectos de Inversión on Coursera** **Overview** "Evaluación de Proyectos de Inversión" is a meticulously crafted course on Coursera designed for those interested in understanding and mastering the critical concepts of finance pertaining to investment project evaluation. This course addresses the complexities surrounding irreversible investment decisions while weaving in strategic considerations and risk analysis. It is ideal for finance professionals, project managers, and anyone looking to deepen their understanding of investment appraisal. **Course Syllabus Breakdown** The course is divided into four comprehensive modules, each focusing on essential elements of investment project evaluation. **Module 1: Etapas en la evaluación de proyectos de inversión** The first module introduces the foundational principles of project evaluation. Participants will explore the main stages involved in assessing investment projects and gain insights into strategic evaluation. This module sets a strong groundwork, helping learners understand how to approach investment decisions methodically. **Module 2: Indicadores de rentabilidad** This module delves into profitability indicators, providing participants with essential tools to analyze and measure the potential financial returns of various investment projects. By the end of this module, students will be equipped to evaluate projects effectively, ensuring they can identify the most lucrative opportunities. **Module 3: Flujos de caja libre** Here, the focus shifts to free cash flows, which are crucial for understanding a project's financial health. Through detailed analyses, students will learn how to project and manage cash flows efficiently, a skill vital for ensuring that investments yield the expected returns. **Module 4: Análisis de riesgo** The final module emphasizes risk analysis, an essential component of investment evaluation. Participants will learn how to identify, quantify, and manage risks associated with investment projects. This knowledge is invaluable, especially in today’s economic climate, where decision-making must consider various uncertainties. **Recommendation** "Evaluación de Proyectos de Inversión" is a highly recommended course for anyone aspiring to work in finance or project management. The structure of the course is logical and builds progressively on each module, ensuring learners can apply concepts effectively. The emphasis on strategic evaluation and risk management highlights the real-world applications of the theories discussed. With its comprehensive coverage of important financial concepts and practical approaches to analyzing investment projects, this course stands out as a valuable resource. Whether you are looking to upscale your skill set, or you are a beginner wanting to enter the field of investment evaluation, this course provides the essential tools and knowledge to navigate investment decisions with confidence. Enroll today on Coursera and transform your understanding of project evaluation in the world of finance!


Módulo 1: Etapas en la evaluación de proyectos de inversión

En este módulo te invitamos a conocer principios de la evaluación de proyectos, veremos las principales etapas involucradas, y realizaremos una descripción de la evaluación estratégica.

Módulo 2: Indicadores de rentabilidad

Módulo 3: Flujos de caja libre

Módulo 4: Análisis de riesgo


Este curso analiza los principales conceptos vigentes de finanzas para tasar proyectos que involucran decisiones irreversible de inversión, incorporando elementos estratégicos y de análisis de incertidumbre.



Excelente metodologia, el profesional asignado explica de manera facil y entendible los diferentes temas. Muchas gracias.

Un curso muy completo, con dinamica y ejemplos sencillos que contextualizan y ayudan a que se entienda de la mejor manera.

que curso tan bueno, muchas gracias por brindarnos estas excelentes herramientas para aprender

Hay algunos elementos contables que deben ser explicados con mayor detenimiento. Muy buen curso. Gracias

El curso muy general y práctico, es muy importante tener bases para entender este curso. Muy prácticos los ejemplos. Estuvo muy interesante y ágil.