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**Course Review: Developmental Psychology: Philosophical Bases and Methodology** **Overview** Coursera's course "發展心理學:哲學觀與方法論" (Developmental Psychology: Philosophical Bases and Methodology) is an insightful journey into the field of developmental psychology. It explores foundational questions about human nature, growth, and the ongoing philosophical debates regarding the influences of nature versus nurture. The course intricately examines whether human development is a gradual process akin to a growing tree or a profound transformation similar to a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. Offering a comprehensive look at both philosophical viewpoints and methodological approaches in developmental psychology, it is an invaluable resource for students and professionals alike. **Course Structure** The syllabus is thoughtfully structured into five main modules, each targeting different critical aspects of developmental psychology: 1. **What is Developmental Psychology?** This module lays the groundwork by defining the scope of developmental psychology, detailing its areas of research and the age groups it concerns. The poetic reference to human experiences illustrates the complexity of studying development, highlighting the importance of rules and patterns that developmental psychologists seek to understand. 2. **Philosophical Foundations and Debates in Developmental Psychology** This section delves into one of the most significant discussions in psychological research: whether human development is influenced more by genetics or environment. It discusses Western philosophical and religious perspectives alongside insights from ancient Chinese texts, providing a broad historical context. The module cleverly integrates examples of how dominant theories can reflect varying hypotheses regarding innate versus acquired traits. 3. **Methodological Issues in Developmental Psychology (Part 1)** Here, the course highlights the challenges researchers face due to the expressive limitations of infants and children. Various innovative methodologies designed to capture perceptual, cognitive, linguistic, and socio-emotional development are introduced, setting the stage for empirical validation of philosophical assumptions. 4. **Methodological Issues in Developmental Psychology (Part 2)** This module elaborates on how to address questions about continuity and individual differences in development. It discusses longitudinal, cross-sectional, and sequential designs, emphasizing the importance of carefully planning research to avoid generational and temporal biases. Additionally, methodologies to understand behavioral changes over time are introduced, along with ethical considerations when studying minors. 5. **Conclusion and Future Directions** While not explicitly listed in the syllabus, a concluding module often ties together the lessons learned, encouraging participants to consider future research directions in developmental psychology. **Recommendation** This course is an essential pick for anyone looking to deeply understand developmental psychology through the dual lenses of philosophical inquiry and empirical methodology. Whether you're an undergraduate student, a graduate researcher, or even a curious professional in the field of education or child development, this course offers a balanced and thorough exploration of its subjects. The theoretical grounding alongside practical research methods equips participants with the critical thinking skills necessary to navigate and contribute to ongoing debates in the field. Furthermore, the instructional materials presented are well-structured and engaging, making complex ideas accessible to learners. In conclusion, I highly recommend "Developmental Psychology: Philosophical Bases and Methodology" for its rich content, interdisciplinary approach, and focus on both theoretical and empirical aspects. Enrolling in this course might be your first step towards a nuanced understanding of the intricate processes that shape human growth and development. Don’t hesitate; sign up, and embark on this enlightening educational journey today!
發展心理學理論中的哲學基礎與立場爭論人類發展到底源自先天、還是後天?本模組的第一部份將從「個體發生的初始狀態」及「個體發展的動力由何而來」兩個議題介紹先天與後天的哲學爭論。除將介紹西方哲學與宗教的思潮對個體發展的不同看法之外,也介紹中國古代的訓蒙典籍中對先天與後天的看法。最後則舉例說明單一的發展心理學理論如何可在「初始狀態」、「發展動力」兩個議題上分別嵌入先天、後天的不同假說。 人類發展的一般趨勢中,到底是被動地、機械性地累積經驗;還是隨著人類基因藍圖所鋪序的成熟過程而主動整合並創造經驗?本模組的第二部份將介紹「視發展為逐步累積的量變」的連續觀、與「視發展為個體主動整合經驗而產生質變」的不連續觀。此外,個體發展難免有個別差異,有些差異會隨著發展而穩定存在、有些差異則隨發展而有所更動。本模組將介紹先天與後天因素如何可分別及共同影響個別差異的發展穩定性。並解釋關鍵期/敏感期與個別差異穩定性的關聯。
發展心理學方法論中的兩個議題(下)想要探討「發展的趨勢連續與否」、「發展的個別差異穩定與否」的議題,甚或只是想描繪「不同年齡的發展里程碑」,勢必都需要取得跨越不同年齡的資料。但要如何設計研究與招募不同年齡的參與者才不致使跨年齡的資料受到世代差異與測試時間差異的污染,就需要透過特殊的發展研究設計才能解決了。本模組將介紹「縱貫追蹤設計」、「橫斷設計」、「序列設計」三種方法,及其優點與缺點。 此外,本模組也將介紹為了捕捉特定行為或概念如何逐步改變的「短時序設計」。最後,本課程也將簡介對未成年族群進行研究的特殊倫理考量。