Copyright for Educators & Librarians

Duke University via Coursera

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### Course Review and Recommendation: Copyright for Educators & Librarians on Coursera In the digital age, copyright law can often seem like a daunting and complex landscape for educators and librarians. Fear and uncertainty can inadvertently stifle creativity and innovation in teaching practices. However, the Coursera course **"Copyright for Educators & Librarians"** ingeniously addresses these concerns by providing a thorough yet accessible introduction to U.S. copyright law specifically tailored for professionals in education and librarianship. #### Course Overview This course is designed as a professional development opportunity, empowering educators and librarians across all educational settings. It aims to demystify copyright law and help participants recognize that these laws exist to support their educational missions rather than hinder them. The course structure is thoughtful and provides a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical applications, making it highly relevant for those in the field. #### Detailed Syllabus Breakdown 1. **Welcome to Copyright Law**: The course opens with a warm welcome, emphasizing its practical framework for tackling copyright issues faced by educators and librarians. Utilizing real-life examples that range from the straightforward to the amusing, participants are encouraged to engage deeply with the content. This introduction effectively sets a tone of exploration and enlightenment, brightening what is often perceived as a dry and complex field. 2. **A Framework for Thinking about Copyright**: Here, participants delve into the origins of copyright law stemming from constitutional authority. This module lays the groundwork by defining what copyright is and how it functions within both an educational and a legal context. This foundational knowledge is essential for anyone looking to navigate the intricacies of copyright in their work. 3. **Owning Rights**: This critical module discusses ownership rights, the public domain, and the distinction between the idea and expression. Such discussions are not just theoretical; they are applicable to various subjects and situations educators encounter daily. The insights from this module will empower participants to better understand and utilize copyright as they plan their lessons or library programs. 4. **Specific Exceptions for Teachers and Librarians**: Diving into Section 110(1) of the U.S. Copyright Law, this portion outlines specific exceptions applicable to educational instruction and library lending. Participants will learn about the nuances of online instruction and the importance of licenses like Creative Commons. It's a crucial segment that arms participants with the knowledge to take informed actions about using copyrighted materials. 5. **Understanding and Using Fair Use**: Fair Use is undoubtedly one of the most potent components of copyright law for those in education. This module breaks down the concept and helps participants understand its application in various contexts. It also touches on international copyright issues, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the global nature of copyright law. #### Recommendations **"Copyright for Educators & Librarians"** is an invaluable resource for educators and librarians seeking to deepen their understanding of copyright law and its implications in their fields. Whether you are new to the concepts of copyright or looking to update your knowledge in light of recent developments, this course offers practical insights that will enhance your teaching and library practices. I highly recommend this course not only for its well-structured content but also for its approachable and engaging teaching style. Participants will leave with not just knowledge but the confidence to utilize copyright law in fostering creative and effective educational environments. **Conclusion** Enroll in **"Copyright for Educators & Librarians"**, and equip yourself with the tools to navigate the complexities of copyright law. By understanding your rights, knowing when you can exercise fair use, and leveraging the exceptions available to educators and librarians, you will empower your teaching and enrich the learning experience for your students. Don't let fear of copyright hold you back—explore this course today!


Welcome to Copyright Law

Thank you for joining Copyright for Educators and Librarians! Our goal is to provide participants with a practical framework for analyzing copyright issues that they encounter in their professional work. We use a lot of real life examples—some of them quite complex and amusing—to help participants get used to the systematic analysis of copyright problems. This course is intentionally a first step toward bridging the gulf that is often perceived between desirable educational practice and legal permissible activities. We very much hope that this course will be a service to the library and education community, and that it provides a relatively fun and painless way to go deeper into copyright than the average presentation or short workshop allows. If you enjoy this course and would like to learn more about copyright in multimedia, that course will soon be available!

A Framework for Thinking about Copyright

In the U.S., copyright is first and foremost a federal law passed by Congress under authority given it by the Constitution, where it says that Congress is allowed to pass laws to (among other things) promote the progress of science and the useful arts by securing for limited time to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writing and discoveries. This authorization allows Congress to adopt both copyright laws which protect creative expression, and patent laws, which are very different and provide exclusive rights in inventions. In this unit we will examine what is copyright and how it happens.

Owning Rights

For this module, we will discuss copyright ownership and what it means in an educational context. We will also discuss the public domain, the first sale doctrine, and the idea/expression dichotomy. This last concept—that creative expression can be copyrighted, but that the ideas behind it cannot—is one of Anne’s favorite topics in copyright law. As you’ll see in the video, the concept is applicable to many subjects and situations.

Specific Exceptions for Teachers and Librarians

This module will cover specific exceptions in copyright law for libraries and educational instruction as outlined in Section 110(1) of the U.S. Copyright Law. The module will examine how this law applies to in-class and online instruction as well as library lending. Additionally, it will explore different licenses for those working in educational institutions and libraries, including the specifics of Creative Commons. Finally, we discuss identifying and requesting permissions for use of copyrighted material.

Understanding and Using Fair Use

Fair Use is one of the most powerful aspects of U.S. copyright law for educators and librarians. In this module, we help students define Fair Use and understand where and in what contexts the law applies. We also address international aspects of copyright.


Fear and uncertainty about copyright law often plagues educators and sometimes prevents creative teaching. This course is a professional development opportunity designed to provide a basic introduction to US copyright law and to empower teachers and librarians at all grade levels. Course participants will discover that the law is designed to help educators and librarians.



Excellent course and excellent delivery! It was engaging all along with interesting questions and assignments. I expected a bit boring course, but ended up enjoying it a lot. Thank you!

Absolutely great training for librarians and archivists! As a librarian I left the course feeling confident in making decisions and with plenty of tools to address practical problems in my work.

It's the most complete, didactic, updated and good that I have taked online, it has been onderful to take it because Ihave enriched my knowledge enough.

This was eye opening and a very informative course for things to mind in terms of copyrighted materials and teaching! I loved the course! Thanks so much to the facilitators! AWESOME Indeed!

I felt the material was presented very clearly and I found the supplemental information valuable. I feel much more confident in making decisions about copyright materials. Thanks!